In comments that seem tailor-made to fuel more criticism about their double-standards with respect to human rights worldwide, the Untied States today threatened sanctions against Ukraine over the use of riot police against demonstrators in Kiev, an action which injured several dozen people.
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel also warned of unspecified retaliation if the Ukraine government used its military in ending the protests, though President Yanukovych has already said that’s not going to happen.
The Ukraine protesters are calling for closer ties with the European Union, and support the pro-West opposition. The current government, by contrast, leans toward stronger ties with Russia, it’s largest trading partner.
The US has been repeatedly criticized for their piecemeal stance toward crackdowns, cheerfully looking the other way during bloody military crackdowns in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, and shrugging off a military coup and several subsequent massacres of protesters in Egypt with less fuss than they are now making of a Ukraine crackdown that, so far, has seemed tame by comparison.
The difference is, of course, the nature of the protesters, as when they’re calling for reforms or replacement of pro-US regimes, the administration cheers anything done to silence them, while the Ukrainian government is pro-Russian, so the US views the stance of the pro-West protesters more favorably.
Russia asked the United States to stop giving them aid . The United States likes to give aid to protestor in Russia . such as the Pussy rioters that made a practice of rioting and causing a ruckus in the Churches . These girls finally got prison sentences after several warnings . They maybe should have been taken to the nut house . Of course the United States claims the girls should be free to their complaints . I wonder if the United States has been paying these protesters in the Ukraine . We spend a lot of money in poor countries helping out with their electons I wonder what our churches would do if 4 o5 girls started stripping and taking over a different church every sunday because abortions are to costly or protection isn't provided free of charge for homosexuals .
We know what would happen in a similar situation in the US. Here, a pastor was sentenced to a year in jail for singing and dancing in a bank, in protest of the bank's policies.
It's an analogous situation. Banks are Washington's version of churches.
warned of unspecified retaliation if… lol.
Well, so I'll warn you -yes, you- right now: if you raid my cookie jar, I'll pants you.
Go ahead. Take that next flight. Eat my cookies. See what happens.
See how powerful "if" is? Watch me feel my own biceps.
The most likely reason for US interference is that it has been irrelevant to the whole process, which has so far been entirely a debate entirely between Europeans. I doubt if the US will impose sanctions. That would just annoy the EU. Thus, I wouldn't set too much store by the supposedly "pro-Russian" government and the supposedly "pro-Western (sic!)" opposition. That's just a feature of the American political cloudcuckooland. The talk about sanctions is probably just an attempt by the American supremacists to repair some of the damage caused by the government shutdown.
the useless spoiled brat stomps his feet and holds his breath, again
This report perfectly illustrates the pure hypocrisy: how US policy is dictated by profit and power interests, not human rights or law, domestic or international.
This is illustrated just by things that are going on TODAY.
If we start to look back at yesterday and yesteryear, the US is revealed as just flat out wicked, over and over and over again.
Examples: When the USA was flexing its supremacy towards Yugoslavia in 1999, making up stories about genocide, etc., later debunked by the ICC, the USA was at the same time FUNDING Indonesian General Suharto's ongoing genocide against the East Timorese, Turkey's horrific mass killings of its own people, and of course Israel's ongoing slaughter and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians and aggression against other neighbors.
It's not subtle at all. This is what the USA stands for. Leaders in Washington talking about human rights is as gross as Ted Bundy opening a shelter for women and children.
Here is a list of some of Obama's heinous human rights violations:…
At some point the 'INSTIGATING' BIG NOSE OF AMERIKA WILL BE CUT OFF…THE CITIZENS OF PLANET EARTH ARE GROWING VERY VERY WEARY of the shananigans of warmonger Amerika AND it's zionist HANDLERS. ret us army