When a US drone strike tears through some vehicle, building, or picnic in Yemen, the Yemeni government is quick to label all of the victims “suspected al-Qaeda fighters,” and today was no different.
That claim was stretched beyond all credibility, however, when witnesses came forward saying today’s strike, on the outskirts of Qaifa, actually hit a wedding party.
The procession of vehicles was traveling together when missiles slammed into one of the middle cars, causing chaos and killing 10 civilians instantly, while wounding 12 others. Five of the wounded have since died, bringing the toll to 15.
The early indications are that this was yet another “signature” attack, where US drones target totally unidentified people doing something they thing seems terrorist-like. In this case, it was driving cars in a convoy, which is bad news for weddings and funeral processions.
The Hadi government has yet to issue an official statement, but is unlikely to be too critical of the US, having openly endorsed drone strikes repeatedly.
How is this not a war crime?
This is preemptively attacking people who might have otherwise had children who someday could have, maybe, became terrorists who hate us for our freedoms.
I call bullshit on killing people period… especially people who are celebrating something happy and warm like a wedding.
This is preemptively attacking people who might have otherwise had children who someday could have, maybe, became terrorists who hate us for our freedoms.
I call bullshit on killing people period… especially people who are celebrating something happy and warm like a wedding.
This is preemptively attacking people who might have otherwise had children who someday could have, maybe, became terrorists who hate us for our freedoms.
I call bullshit on killing people period… especially people who are celebrating something happy and warm like a wedding.
The government of Yemen should be held accountable for this wanton killings of their citizens…..This is so sick!
Terrorism from the skies.
The US will whip out some Holiday Cash for the survivors and their families. Killed people ? By golly, whip out some cash, bro ! 🙁
As pathetic compensation that would be it still won't happen, any compensation would be an admission of wrong doing.
God, we are disgusting.
American 'progressives' should shut up and do the same to these war criminals, black and white, and wipe off them and their family in the wedding party. Down with US imperialism and zionism.
Another Wedding Present.. from the SHEEPLE of Amerika. ENJOY ! ..OH, No card of thanks is necessary..
You know who drives in a procession of cars a lot? Obama. In his case, at least, the theory about terrorists driving in processions is accurate.
BTW, Instead of saying "US Drone Attacks Yemen Wedding Party" – which makes it sound a bit like the drone is some sentient being doing the attacking of its own volition – why not be totally direct:
"USA Attacks Yemeni Wedding Party, Kills 15 Civilians"
Good suggestion. The headline I'm queueing up for the political newsletter I do each morning is a little more pointed: "Yemen: US drone terrorists murder 13 wedding guests"
Excellent sir. Now when do 'WE' the People awaken to this monstrocity in our midst?
I'd drop 'drone' from the title & let the reader get that detail in a subtitle or body.
The whole bleep—-ing World has gone nuts. Mandela's passing; then Obama's hypocrisy
when he made that SLIMY SPEECH for everyone to witness, as he bombs innocents around the GLOBE. It's almost too FARCICAL to believe!! Obama admires Mandela for his principles and moral conviction. Really??? Well I'll be. Goodness. This is rich indeed.
In other words Ditz has absolutely no idea what happened only relying on vague "witnesses".
The US military hates weddings — unless they're "gay" ones. You don't make war on your own kind, I guess.
Coincidentally… Hadn't realized that the very guy Ziyad Yaghi (Power of Nightmares? represented by William Swor?) http://noliesradio.org/archives/73445 , the one for whom 'getting married' was supposed to have been code for some terrorist op… is one still in prison. In solitary.
S'pect the terrorists really do enjoy breaking up and bombing weddings –at least while there's still a zeitgeist tolerant of low standards of proof…the zeitgeist present when they sell you wars.
The retribution for these acts is going to be deserved. And if you are one of those who actually believe that by doing this "over there" there won't be something "here"…dream on. It took a long time after WW2 for the ordinary German people to shake off the patina of criminality left by the Nazis. How long will it take for the rest of the world to forget what the US is doing now? I'm betting it won't be within our children's children's lifetimes. Just guessin'…
What the analogy may miss is the amount of effort the German stigma took. There's nothing inevitable about the result. If it happens to the US at all, it'll be because of who wants it, their ruthless persistence, etc., not because of rich deserts. You could make a Devil-Incarnate out of putty, if you like. It happens that years ago now, I caught Medved saying ~'history will remember Bush quite well.' I fully expect that wrong to stick absent a strong, sustained contrary effort. And they will wait you out…
Fun read, probably still easy to find in hard copy: https://archive.org/details/historydeviland00caru… ~"nothing in history is more common then the god of one's enemy becoming one's own popular devil." Though, for some reason it didn't stick so well with, e.g., Roosevelt, Lincoln, Napolean, … or even Vlad the Impaler, really…
Selfie with the wedding mess Obama?