Edward Snowden’s sacrifice was not in vain – because many thousands in the United States are rising to take up the battle he started. And they mean to win.
At the head of the libertarian army that’s storming the gates of the Leviathan: Rep. Justin Amash (R-Michigan), a Ron Paul Republican – and he has the statist Establishment of both parties scrambling to block his amendment to the 2014 defense appropriations bill, the LIBERT-E Act, (H.R. 2399, the Limiting Internet and Blanket Electronic Review of Telecommunications and Email Act) which would outlaw the National Security Agency’s data dragnet, amending the Patriot Act to limit data collection to specific US citizens under active investigation. The bill also requires that secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court opinions be made available to Congress and declassified summaries of the opinions be made available to the public. With Democrat John Conyers signed on as a co-sponsor, and 32 members of Congress from both parties on board, Rep. Amash has thrown a real monkey wrench into the campaign to minimize and whitewash the vast and unaccountable surveillance system secretly set up by the NSA.
Nothing less than the future of the republic is at stake in this fight. Which is why a broad coalition of libertarians, liberals, and conservatives is mobilizing to pass the LIBERT-E Act. The vote is very likely coming up on Wednesday – that’s tomorrow. So please – call your congressional representative.
Don’t know what number to call? Find out here.
When you call, specific that you are urging a vote for H.R. 2399, an amendment to the defense appropriations bill, that would scale back the powers of the NSA. Be nice, and be brief.
Done and done. Thanks for this call to action. For lack of being able to vote on issues like this, I hope it has an effect.
If Rep. Amash is so vehemently against what the NSA is doing, then he should thank Edward Snowden for exposing the program. Otherwise, Mr. Amash would have remained in the dark. He should place his butt in front of the Faux News microphones and cameras and state clearly that if it wasn't for the whistleblower Snowden, the American public and a large portion of the Congress would not know (or be forced to acknowledge) anything about what the NSA and the FISA courts are doing to the Constitution. Just a thought…
But the NSA will KNOW!
Done! Called, and my Rep. knows me, if I do say so, from other calls and contacts!
Knowing is one thing – publishing the proof is another.
This ostrich congress never knows much of anything and never looks for proof of anything either.
They don't even seem to know that citizens sometimes reach the boiling point.