NSA surveillance is becoming a watchword across the world, and Latin America is the latest to feel the impact, with Brazil’s O Globo newspaper revealing broad NSA spying operations across the region, targeting not just military affairs, but also commercial interests region-wide.
Some of the surveillance like efforts to collect data on Venezuela’s military purchases, wouldn’t be all that surprising for the US to be doing, but the sheer scope of the surveillance and its tendency to span both rivals and allies in the region is fueling concerns.
Brazil is said to be the “main target” of the surveillance, and President Dilma Rousseff warned that if the reports prove true, and so far every indication is that they will, they represent “violations of sovereignty and human rights.”
Brazil’s parliament is up in arms about the matter as well, with some urging the government to cancel defense contracts with US firms in retaliation and others suggesting that Brazil be the next nation to step up and give asylum to Edward Snowden, the US whistleblower who uncovered the actions.
Look: there are to many phone companies of the same compeating with one or the other, Verizon, AT&T, and few others are the American companies, then all the others T Mobil from Germany and other European companies operating in America, few of these companies are on the edge of bankruptcy, T Mobil is one of them, and others are not doing so good economicaly, hence they all cooperating for one thing and one thing only, the compition and the economic situation has created a opportunity for the Bush and Obama government to come in and make a business deal as, you give us what we need and we pay you for services, gladly everyone have accepted and doing what they getting paid for and that goes for the Internet provider, surche engines as google, computer software companies as Macro Soft and ETC. that shows the immorality of these companies, that shows that these companies have no respect for the mankind and they will kill people for profits.., well the government is not to blame here fir that syping is their job and is has been for years, they are the source of corruption and manipulation and thus far doing a very good job, but this is not the end of their corrupt system, this the nature of vulture capitalism.
Look: USA and EU are about to control the mankind from all direction, food, job, what to wear, were to sleep, how to sleep and etc. all that starts with spying on people and having a company as Monsanto to produce and "feed the world" which in reality they are about to create a new mankind with new genes and less IQ for a less problem making mankind.