The Pentagon will begin flying surveillance drones off the coastlines of Japan, China and Taiwan, an agreement reached after talks between Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Japanese Defense Minister Satoshi Morimoto at the Pentagon on Sunday.

The unmanned aerial missions will focus on a Pacific island chain called the Diaoyutai Islands, which have become the focal point of a simmering territorial dispute between China and Japan. Even Sen. John McCain, one of the biggest hawks in Congress, called the deployment “unnecessarily provocative.”
In keeping with the Obama administration’s antagonistic military postures towards China, the US has backed various neighboring countries from Japan to the Philippines. And it’s no surprise drones have taken a larger role in what the Pentagon plans to make a new military theater of Air-Sea Battle.
New war strategies called “Air-Sea Battle” reveal Washington’s broader goals in the region and illustrate how a war with China – which the US apparently yearns for – would play out.
“Stealthy American bombers and submarines would knock out China’s long-range surveillance radar and precision missile systems located deep inside the country,” reports theWashington Post. ”The initial ‘blinding campaign’ would be followed by a larger air and naval assault.”
The Obama administration has been ramping up the pressure on China with an increasingly antagonistic foreign policy. The so-called ‘Asia pivot’ is an aggressive policy that involves surging American military presence throughout the region – in the Philippines, Japan, Australia, Guam, South Korea, Singapore, etc. – in an unprovoked scheme to contain rising Chinese economic and military influence.
Chinese officials have not appreciated this unprovoked bellicosity. In May the Chinese Defense Ministry accused the Pentagon of hyping a Chinese military threat out of thin air. Others have said these Pentagon moves could start an arms race.
“If the U.S. military develops Air-Sea Battle to deal with the [People’s Liberation Army], the PLA will be forced to develop anti-Air-Sea Battle,” one officer, Col. Gaoyue Fan, said last year in a debate sponsored by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a defense think tank.
A recent report from the Center for Strategic International Studies predicted that next year “could see a shift in Chinese foreign policy based on the new leadership’s judgment that it must respond to a US strategy that seeks to prevent China’s reemergence as a great power.”
“Signs of a potential harsh reaction are already detectable,” the report said. “The US Asia pivot has triggered an outpouring of anti-American sentiment in China that will increase pressure on China’s incoming leadership to stand up to the United States. Nationalistic voices are calling for military countermeasures to the bolstering of America’s military posture in the region and the new US defense strategic guidelines.”
China will crush the US military in their sphere of influence. The Chinese have already caught up with US from a technology angle, furthermore US aircraft carriers would be sunk first and foremost. The bottom line is that the US does not win war's, nor does it have the savy to do so. The Chinese are one step ahead, because they see the US as the biggest insitigator of terror/ chaos, and already have plans to counter.
I can not judge if China is a step ahead – on what information base can you?
Some evidence anywhere on the web? At least it is the US who has the most experience in making wars.
And actually they have new tactics applied since 1999 in the war against Yugoslavia. In any following war they had prepared huge civil wars first, before they came with NATO for the final hit. A civil war in China would bring damage and mass murder in a much greater and cheaper extent as when USA would attack directly. With Afghanistan USA is already at a small piece of border to China. The already have the plan to get norther Pakistan, so that this border line is big enough to smuggle weapons to muslim Chinese "fighters for independence" and the war hardened islamist troops of the US which had best killing training in Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraqi Shia fighters, their Afghan war lords, the Libyan, Syrian Al CIAda and Turkish.
The ship killer
Id have to say the chinese are still playing catch up, and will be for some time, though with the tech they've been able to procure from Russian and US sources theyve certainly accelerated their programs. The juiciest tech secrets are still secrets, so who really knows who has what? As for winning wars, i think theirs is a game of long term goals and objectives, but even a drawn out unpopular war greatly benefits the interests that profit from such things.
But China is not Lebanon, I hope Chinese air defence will shoot them all out of sky….Would not US do to same if Chinese drones operated near US coast? peter czech
USA defense industry does knows very well how the ensure an ongoing chain of US wars.
No words for Chinese provocations in the area? No mention of ASEAN? China's neighbors are BEGGING the US to come back. Not everything is a CIA plot to destroy all the good guys.
China 's claims in the South Sea ( s. maps) are not realistic.
Go ahead silly super stupid shit evil power USA. When it is time to use force, the Chinese will nuke the super evil power USA. The time is after the general unification eclection of China and Taiwan in 2030. China has no problem to do that.