In tandem with the overall surge in military presence throughout Asia-Pacific, the U.S. is refurbishing long-abandoned World War II bases scattered across the Pacific for potential use in the event of a major conflict with China.

“As part of the Air-Sea Battle concept,” reports, the U.S. is looking “to disperse its air forces stationed at its handful of major bases in the western Pacific in the event of a major conflict with China.”
The idea is to have enough U.S. bases peppered throughout the region so that China would be too surrounded to safely attack. “Doing so would make it more difficult for China to wipe out entire squadrons sitting on the ground with surprise attacks from its long range ballistic missiles.”
Last month, U.S. Marines rebuilt and restored the 8,000-foot runway at the abandoned North Field air base on the island of Tinian and subsequently engaged in a military exercise in coordination with nearby U.S. forces based in Guam.
Incidentally, the Tinian airbase is where the B-29s that dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki took off from in 1945.
The Obama administration’s so-called Asia pivot is an aggressive policy that involves surging American military presence throughout the region – in the Philippines, Japan, Australia, Guam, South Korea, Singapore, etc. – in an unprovoked scheme to contain rising Chinese economic and military influence.
This antagonistic posture has increased tensions between the U.S. and China as well as China and its weaker neighbors, like the Philippines. And U.S. preparations for a flare up with China are all the more troubling.
A recent report from the Center for Strategic International Studies predicted that next year “could see a shift in Chinese foreign policy based on the new leadership’s judgment that it must respond to a U.S. strategy that seeks to prevent China’s reemergence as a great power.”
“Signs of a potential harsh reaction are already detectable,” the report said. “The U.S. Asia pivot has triggered an outpouring of anti-American sentiment in China that will increase pressure on China’s incoming leadership to stand up to the United States. Nationalistic voices are calling for military countermeasures to the bolstering of America’s military posture in the region and the new U.S. defense strategic guidelines.”
"Despite Bloody Failures, US Doubling Down on Drug War " "US Refurbishing Bases in Pacific For Possible Conflict With China"
Gee, and all along I thought we're broke………. If we aren't broke NOW…… Messing around with China sure sounds like a winner of a way to me for America ending up TOTALLY bankrupt…….. and maybe WORSE…. Some one better tell the Neocons that China has a long memory….. and doesn't get fooled kindly……and They aren't stupid……. Plus…. China is really big …. Like BIG trouble……… Trouble with China will NOT be beneficial for America….. Quite the opposite!!!!! Don't a lot of their relatives live in LA…??? "China would consider using nuclear weapons in a Taiwan conflict. Mr. Freeman quoted Mr. Xiong as saying that Americans should worry more about Los Angeles than Taipei [ Or the S. China Sea]…………………..…
That was very well said MvGuy, very well indeed. China continues to build its internal market by bringing up the standard of living of all the Chinese people and its physical infrastructure as well. China builds up and improves its educational system and invests increasingly into R & D, where they are already the supreme leaders in the R & D and application of alternate energy, high speed trains and other areas. Everything is improving for the people of China, including freedoms, the trend is upward. China makes business deals and friends all over the world. It makes mistakes – it then corrects its mistakes. China has one seventh the per capita population in prison than that of America. China is rich, with a huge surplus of money and is one of America´s major bankers.
America by comparison is on a trend in the opposite direction to that of China. Which country would you bet on to be the future world leader?
Thank You Mr. Cole,,……… Sad the blindness of our imperial self elected masters….. Their big bucks perks and self lionizing propaganda have rendered their reasoning obtuse, moot…. brain dead…!!! I hate to name names but……….I am on the verge….
My month traveling alone in China in 2002 was an eye opener……… but….. I was far from able to penetrate the absolute essence of the place……. I did take away the strong impression that China was on the way up…. AND the Chinese are VERY happy by enlarge….. Being from the post industrial wasteland still called Detroit informs my observations…….. America has become the drunk in the casino betting the family savings in a game he doesn't understand….. AND the people here don't seem, very happy……………………..
In Nanjing when the traffic light changes, there is a screen next to it counting down the seconds until iut wuill change agaiun…. 30 29 278~~~~~~!!
"US Refurbishing Pacific Bases With Eye…"
That's unheard of. How can anyone refurbish anything with eye?
"with eye on China" he wrote !
That is OK; I guess; as non-native speaker.
You sure can't take a joke, can ya?
Does anyone think it's a good idea to be poking China with a stick? Bad enough we invade and occupy those third world powers (Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and the like, but now we agitate nuclear-armed Pakistan with drone strikes, Iran with cyber-war and infiltration, and China with military hardware at their doorstep? We are a country OBSESSED with war!
US defense industry is looking for the real big business like WWI WWII
Save your earnings for a slowly death in your nuclear shelter !!
Actually, they think they're going to be able to wage cold war on China. Apparently, someone forgot to tell the White House that in order to go ahead with their plans, they need to borrow the money from China.
"on China"
Gotta love the mindset behind the "Together with a surge of US military presence in Asia-Pacific, air bases are being reconstructed to surround China"
"surround China" [?????] China is BIG…!!!! Surrounding China is a big idea…….. and doing it will be big expensive……. and costly too… but, hey….. we can just add 1OOs of trillions of dollars in new zeros in old accounts………and our clever bankers will paint them gold at every turn……. Why should we worry…??? Don't they have a perfect record…???
America's innovation is growing……. New ways to kill people…. New ways to destroy and despoil… New ways to lie and deceive…… New ways to make enemies…………. and then bribe them…. New frontiers of hegemony……………… For…???
White House: Hullo, Beijing? This is the White House. We need to borrow a few more trillion of your bucks.
Beijing: And what do you want our bucks for?
White House: Huh…Uh…like…we want to build bases all around you so we can invade you. Can we have the money now?
And just how many idiots will support this lunatic or Romney? They're one and the same.
Why not spend some of the millions being wasted in racist anti -american South Korea in DETROIT?
"This antagonistic posture has increased tensions between the U.S. and China as well as China and its weaker neighbors, like the Philippines…"
Dang, silly me…and here I thought Obammie was the Peace President….didn't he win one of them Noble Peace Prizes….but ya know, I wonder if it is really wise to piss off one of your largest creditors????
I guess it makes no never mind when everything is driven by the War Party.
It seems like one way or another the Amerikan gummit is gonna get into another war…Iran, China…or another country….but it's coming….
The War Party is playing its favorite song…
In order to see what is going on with that, one only needs to take a look at a Filipino paper to see how they have already moved themselves back into Philippines and recoccupied the country. The most disturbing part is that the stupid people of the Philippines are jumping up and down with joy and demanding to be colonized again. Truly sad. They must be related to the ones in Wisconsin.