Just days after NATO announced that its missile defense shield in Europe is provisionally operational, the Russian military has successfully tested a new ICBM that it says is designed to penetrate the system.
The test took place in Kamchatka, on the Pacific Coast, and the Russian Defense Ministry says that it will add to Russia’s offensive arsenal, an attempt to balance the its capabilities after the system’s installation, which is almost exclusively along the NATO-Russia frontier.
NATO has insisted that the shield is aimed at Iran, not Russia, despite having installed the system along Russia’s border and mostly out of range of even Iran’s best missiles. The installation has been a regular topic of discussion between the US and Russia, and despite Russian objections NATO has installed it anyhow.
The missile defense system isn’t likely to work very well at any rate, according to most reports, and Russia’s massive number of missiles basically makes it a non-factor. The system isn’t expected to be fully operational until 2018 at the earliest.
It’s a well-known fact that the missile shield is intended for Russia and not for Iran. Therefore, when the intention is to attack Russia we should not be surprised if Russia produces a counter measure. What is surprising here is the stupidity of the European politicians allowing their countries to be the first line of defense, and possibly annihilated, to protect the U.S. Duh!
What happens is that politicians being what they are only care about their skins and are willing to sell anything: friends, family and country to further their interests.
I think it is mainly to allow a few to suck off the government's teat for a long time. Whether or not it works is immaterial (see the F-22 flying gas chambers).
There was an uproar in Poland on Sept 17, 2009 when the missile shield was canceled, accusing the US of insensitivity for canceling the missile shield on the 70th anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland that came after the German invasion on Sept. 1st.
When jumping a sinking boat by switching to the new government, Polish foreign minister and former AEI fellow Sikorski admitted that Iran posed no threat to Poland.
From http://www.aei.org/outlook/28815
"Not infrequently, Sikorski remarked, "We feel no threat from Iran.""
And WHY would Iran be a threat to…. POLAND?!?!!?
Aggression of US and Israels regimes has really no limit….With opposition to wars, foreigh policy and economic problems at home, US quickly recognised that dealing with protesters and opposers "Israeli way" of arrogance and brutality, US can continue its imperialist goal of controling almost whole world. US becoming truth "Partner in crime" and "Duo" – US and Israel openly declare to the whole world who really has been "Axis of Evil"and their plans .
Carefully and pationately executed plan of World control leads to disaster for all and late awaikening for many, that it was always Internacional Zionism as the most amoral and brutal ideolology…..ignorant or and brainwashed people should learn quickly the facts about Israels regime, their succesful occupation of Palestine and mainly White House and immagine that this truly Evil ideology may one day make them all living like palestine people – but in "World Zionist occupaid territories". Prospect of this Orwell World will mean endless wars of agrression, total lost of freedom, abolishment of basic religious values….total slavery. peter czech
The US Missile Shield is to take out the Russian second strike force, i.e. the missiles not destroyed by Minuteman-3 and Trident-2. That was the reason GPS was developed. Missile engineer Bob Aldridge -www.plrc.org-resigned because a first-strike capability is suicidal. Of course, the Russians will deploy Launch On Warning and we´ll die by mistake because of the bloody fools in the Pentagon. You don´t need an accuracy of less than 30 meters to hit a city !
The assertion by the US that the "missle shield" along Russia's border with eastern Europe is to protect against Iranian missles is so laughable that I am surprised that US officials are still making the absurd claim. Do they think people are just stupid?
Look at a world globe for cry sakes!
They don't think people are stupid, they know it!
What nerve! We not-so-quietly create imminent siege conditions against a nation and then we're shocked- SHOCKED, I TELL YOU- that they dare to prepare to defend themselves in kind to the best of their ability? What on earth did you expect Iran- I mean, Russia- to do in its own best interests?
Woo hoo! Let's have a show down!
PS: Russia, make sure you equip Iran with the same technology.
Russian shoulb be doing the same, place missiles in cuba and let USA know that their toys are to deffend america from the Iranian and N Korean hostility!