Israeli soldiers shot and killed at least 20 Palestinian protesters today, and wounded several hundred others, during Nakba rallies around the region. Nakba commemorates the expulsion of Palestinians from Israeli territory during the founding of the Israeli state, and is officially illegal to commemorate inside Israel.
Of the 20 killed, 10 protesters were slain inside southern Lebanon when Israeli troops opened fire on demonstrators they decided had drawn too near a border fence. The other 10 were killed along the Syrian border, as Palestinians rallied to the border with the Occupied Golan Heights.
In addition to the killings along the northern border, Israeli forces shelled protests in the Gaza Strip, wounded scores of Palestinians there. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned that he believes the protests are “just the beginning” of a series of rallies against the occupation of the Palestinian territories and the Golan Heights.
At the same time, Barak praised the military for its “restraint” in killing only 20 Palestinians, saying they could have very easily had a “ruinous bloodbath.” He insisted the killings were a defense of Israel’s sovereignty, but experts warn that killing civilian protesters who are “near” a disputed border might well violate international law.
Generally shooting into another country is considered an act of war. Even Israel holds that view.
But it all depends on who's shooting, and into whose country.
Generally invading another country or permitting one's citizens to do the same is similarly considered an act of war. But it all depends on who is transgressing whose borders?
It's apparent there was no "invasion". Where is your evidence that any of the protesters even intended to cross the border? Nobody "transgressed" Israel's borders. But none of that makes any difference to you, does it? Israel uber alles, right?
What Reuven means is that anyone who looks cross-eyed at Israel should be annihilated. A considerable percentage of Israeli Jews, whose outlook Reuven clearly shares, have convinced themselves that slaughtering the goyim is no more morally questionable than slaughtering cattle. As for "transgressing borders," the Israelis have the big, fat gold medal in that category.
The US has to spend as much as the rest of the world on there military because there country is so hated.And to keep letting the rich get richer well the poor suffer and the middel class disapears.They have the biggest gap of all industrilized nations between rich and poor.I pray Ron Paul becomes president and change American policys.But we no how they shaft him because he is not a sellout like every president since Jhon Kennedy.Americans are eather dumb or almost all would vote for there constitution that Ron will follow.There corrupt will try to have him killed like Kennedy.Ron needs more protection than any president in US history to prevent his murder and he nows it brave man.Most of the US government sends soldiedrs to war when they would not ever send there kids.Anyone that would send there own children to war would not go to war unless nessasary.Iraq was lies so is Lybya and 9/11 was an inside job Americans need to educate themselfs about the evil things done by there government and the lies they get told to agree with the unjust wars witch all are illegal.
"and 9/11 was an inside job"
You were doing great up until here.
I don't know about "inside job" but I've yet to see any credible evidence that Osama Bin Laden had anything to do with it.
Nor have I seen any credible evidence that he was murdered by U.S forces in Pakistan, for that matter….
How do you explain the existence of nanothermite in the unexploded remains of 911?
Can you explain how two airplanes took down three building?
Also, as Stevieb has posted I have yet to see any credible evidence that OBL had anything to do with 911 or that he was killed by US forces in Pakistan. I was very skepitical of the claims of the 911 truthers until I actually reviewed the evidence surrounding 911. Just saying "911 truther* proves nothing.
Ah yes, "nanothermite"….so says Steven Jones, the guy who is now claiming that the earthquakes in Haiti and Japan were caused by a US government earthquake machine.
And I'll bet you think thermite can cut vertical steel beams, right?
yet another racially motivated war crime by the worlds most vile and despicable country. Of course no major coverage in media. If iran had killed even 1 person we would have been saturated with news about how evil and murderous Iranians are. Just take a look at how the BBC presents this crime. No direct mention that Israel has killed innocent protesters. Only a vague mention of "violence" and that people had "died". much too soft and vague language.
baz + nazi = bazi
I don't agree with these attacks and oppose most of Israel's policies.
But is Israel "the worlds most vile and despicable country?" Only if you're an idiot.
that's mr. idiot to you jan.
sorry to all for the miscommique of sarcasm on my part…i'm a 9-11 truther all the way. anyone who is stupid enough to believe a bunch of arabs in a cave overwhelmed 16 different intelligence agencies with untrained pilots and orchestrated insanely complex aerial manuevers is about as big of a stupid dupe that you could possibly be. moreover why is it "conspiracy" when anyone demands proofs of gov't assertions…obl..he's dead but we offer no proof, just believe it! really? that's good enough..c'mon people, start using your critical thinking skills. Proove OBL did 9-11..and no, saying it 1 million times isn't proof.
Only a truther would think that crashing a plane is an insanely complex aerial maneuver.
Actually, most polls seem to suggest exactly that. Israel regularly polls just below(or just above) Iran and North Korea .
So whose the idiot?
That should be "who's", btw…
also, neither Iran nor N Korea were founded on the basis of divine racial superiority nor are they racist apartheid states with a militaristic ethnic cleansing agenda.
Sure, stevieb…the scale of human rights abuses to determined by polls.
Good lord.
Dear Jan Burton,
If your suggesting that I am an idiot then it does not bode well for where you would place in the totem pole,
DOnt forget that in the US, the king of the idiots normally becomes president,
It seems that the racists here are bigots like you who uniquely begrudge the Jewish people the right to a state possessed by almost every other nationality. It is amusing to watch the cries of pious outrage at what was after all a mass violation of a nation's borders. The Syrians kill more protestors against their foul regime on a daily basis, but that does not bother this racist poster- who would defend the most regressive regimes of the world against the Middle East's only democracy.
democracy? more like an apartheid prison state. syria and israel are fruits from the same tree.
Israel is the biggest hypocrisy in the ME and in no way a democracy. Second, if Syria wrongly kills civilians that doesn't give Israel the right to do the same. Palestinian, especially unarmed civilians are seem to be free sport for the brave IDF. Just like the passengers of the aid ships. Once again shame on you Israel. But to be ashamed one must have a moral compass and Israel seems to have long lost it's bearings.
Define the word democracy for the world to understand what you mean by the “only democracy” in Middle East.., you where given that democracy by your British masters.., later it become you where your self-righteous declared that U are a “democrat” not yet obeying the principals nor the rules in democracy or for that matter the international laws …, go ahead.., define the word…, do U understand the principals in democracy.., do U understand the killing of non violence demonstration is a crime.., do U. Do U understand that the demonstrators are part of what U call the “only democracy” and were deported from their homes because of your English Masters told your "selected democrats" to do so. U were stealing and still stealing Palestinians homes demolishing it and then calling it settlements’ for people emigrating to Israel.
Israel is not a country. Israel is a war. US warmongers naturally love Israel because it's the perfect political entity, a war disguised as a country.
Are Arabs and Israelis different races? that is news to me? Different religions yes, but more like quarreling cousins.
In regard to Israel peace negotiations and Palestinians state.., it needs to be said that EU governments and US should have understood by now that only language that Israel ever will understand is a total economic and political boycotting Israel from now to when the time is right or when Israel will accept that they need to obey the international laws. US and EU cannot just go around like a mad bulldog bombing killing and boycotting Arab nations for keeping Israel safe as if Israel is the heavenly angel saving EU and US interests. Israel like US and EU government have carried out atrocities toward Arab Nations.., if EU and US want peace then EU and US need to look for the source of problems in Middle East in that case look for its creation the state of Israel.., you want democracy.., then you need to cooperate with democracy in middle east not the Tyrants regimes as Saudis or Arab Emirates and their leftovers as Muslims brotherhood and their affiliation with terrorism.., not with a apartheid regime as Israel paying for it to remains as it is.., feeding them to serve the EU and US falsified democracy or for that matter the falsified Israel democracy while Israelis stealing Palestinians land. President Obama and EU governments.., You want peace.., recognize Palestinians land without any delay and boycott Israel by all the means.., show Israel and the world that you are the man of peace and mean it this time.
The Israelis are not much different from other criminal regimes using life amunition and killing demonstrators in the street. The west is applying as usual double standards.
Ditz states that the Palestinians were expelled from "Israeli territory." This is not accurate. In 1948, the Israelis militarily forced the Palestinians to flee their homes in the cities and towns designated as Palestinian territory in the United Nations Partition Plan. Although Israel had secured its own territory designated by the U.N. for a Jewish state, in April 1948 Israel through acts of terrorism expanded its control into areas designated Palestinian. Israel forced approximately 750,000 Palestinians to flee. This was the beginning of the 7 million Palestinian refugees who have never been allowed to return to their homes. Can anyone correctly answer: "What exactly does Israel or Zionists claim as its state borders?"
A very important fact that needs repeating. Often.
Well done j…
Are you nuts? Or just another Arab apologist? Your "facts" are lies and major, major exaggerations to the point of disgust.
There is nothing submitted that needs to be approved by the "site admins" in order to appear publicly. Antiwar does use censorship when one writes an accurate description of history and still needs approval for writing facts!
So, what's so different to the behavior of the US?
Both countries are like walking around Western pistol swinging gunmen killing anybody in any country who is some kind of what they think a danger of ther politics. And if that person is even only thinking loud.
International law ?!?! 66 ignored UN resolutions and numerous war crimes show Israel's concern with it.
I noticed how few of the news reported that Israel was shooting across borders. The IDF troops were behind fences so they were not being hit by rocks. I know of now situation were someone not in harms way is allowed to shot someone. I did notice how much tears were shed by the talking head especially wolf and friends when Libya or Syria fired on the crowds. The double standard is amazing. I believe that much of what is going on is the Israel plan called "clean break" which calls for regime change in all the arab nations. Maybe the Israel likud will get it wish and find out it is the old story of be careful what you wish for. Can you imagine a united muslim movement to take on the zionist? Many of the major zionist organizations like the imf can just become meaningless very quickly. Lets hope with regime change will come the concept that it was the banks who created the fiscal mess let them go bankrupt.
Killing civilian protesters near a disputed border might violate international law, but everyone knows about the Israel exception to international law. Anything the Israeli government does that it claims is in self defense is automatically legal, moral, and in compliance with international law. To question this fact is proof that you are another Hitler who wants to throw all the Jews in concentration camps and kill them.
You know, I doubt you'd be putting 'Holocaust' in quotes like that.
I certainly do not support Israel and think that they should be held accountable for their actions, but in general this website is very bias. This is that echo chamber just like fox news on the other side. When Syria kills hundreds and hundreds of its own people the story is hidden in the small print, but if the U.S. or Israel do something it is the top story. It even promotes clear lies that support its agenda- particularly a story last week about how the U.S. is funding the Pakistani Taliban to destabilize Pakistan. Anyone with a brain can see this as 100 percent propaganda from Pakistan, but it was covered as a real news story- you should be ashamed of this.
An example or two might help your case.
Having said that, cleaning up your own backyard – before criticizing your messy neighbor's – seems to make the most sense . To me, anyway.
An example of bias or a Syria kills hundreds? I provided both I believe- there are certainly many more. I like different opinions but if that is all you have then it is a little one sided. I guess that is the "demographic" for a site called everything will be against aggression so there is a natural bias. Yet, if you see a report about Syria or Iran killing its own people there is less vehemence and promotion than if Israel or the U.S. is involved. I think you would be lying to yourself if you do not see that or you are not someone who follows this site often. It provide the opposite to the main stream media, because they are promoting Israel and the U.S. and bringing stories that don't support others. Yet if this is your only source of news you are going to be sorely misinformed- just like if you only read Fox news.
The protests in Arab countries, including Syria, have recieved extensive coverage here. That coverage has not been hidden in the small print. You either do not visit and read this web site on a regular basis or you are making stuff up help prove a point.
Don't get me wrong, but i like this site it provides a great perspective and I have very glad that it is here, but it is a perspective that is one-sided. If you read only this site you would not have the entire picture- it is supplement to reading other stories and sources. If you do not provide the same treatment for one view as another it is one-sided. I read this site as an additional source to provide another perspective to what i am reading elsewhere. I think that this is the best way to use the information here, if it is your only information source you are not properly informed.
Because Obama and Hillary Clinton are involved doing the dirty job for Israeli.., because they want to change a legitimate government to one that would obey the US and EU government…, because what is called opposition in Syria and Libya are partially terrorists groups been feed by Saudis Tyrants.., because US and EU governments are slaves to Israeli PNAC…., because US and EU wants to dominate the entire Middle East and north African regions slaving these nations.., Israel and Saudis – Arab Emirates tyrants are the only government helping the US and EU for last 50 years.., while Israeli been stealing the Palestinians land killing them for last 50 years.
Israel on a murderous rampage of civillians once again.
I guess the only thing that can be posted here are comments that support your position….pathetic. Systems admin you should be ashamed of yourself.
Don't understand…your idiotic post was obviously allowed. What's the problem?
Thanks- I just wanted to make sure that the website would allow differing opinions. It is funny how things are idiotic when they are different from your own opinion that is how intolerance is spread. I was just trying to make that point that Syria is killing hundreds of its own people and should be given that same kind critical comments as when Israel or U.S. does something. Or do you think that is fine when countries or religious groups kill their own people?
Israel is shooting and killing crowds of protesters ? Oh, but wait, wasn't there a Holocaust about 7 decades ago ? Well I guess that explains it, no need to worry, that makes it kosher.
I wrote an an article last night and it never showed up so I will try again.Americans that care for the rule of law along with the rest of the world need to educate themselfes.I see lots of people that don't belive 9/11 was an inside job eather they never tryed to learn the truth or don't care.But for the people that care you don't have to spend weeks to see the truth.An easy fast start would be to watch Loose Change and also to show you it's not just the US but Britan watch 7/7 Ripple Effect also to show you this is not new and how evil the US government is also watych Beyond Treason. eyes were opened to the truth.I have at least 30 movies about how corrupt the US Israel and others are.Please at least spend the 4 hours to watch the movies I mentioned.The news tells you what they want you to hear and what makes them sound good.The people that own most of the news you watch are the ones involved with these crimes.I hope this gets through if it does spred the word to others to educate themselfes.
"" Israeli troops opened fire on demonstrators they decided had drawn too near a border fence. ""
"" < American > troops opened fire on < Mexican / Canadian > demonstrators they had decided had drawn too near a border fence. ""
If America acted as Israel has in this matter, the world would be howling for our heads on a plate by sundown for blatantly criminal acts and violations of international sovereignty. Firing across a border is generally considered to be an act of war, no matter how you slice it.
Criminal Israelis are criminals. Period.
Hey Guy we no Syria and many other countrys do very evil things but don't hide it and pretend they are heaven sent like Israel and the US and friends.They are also internal fights most almost all wars since I've been alive the agressor doing illegal war's have been the US.Since WW2 the US has been in constant war killing people including civilians and think it's ok by calling it collateral; damage well it's not.The US could be the driving force for peace instead they keep kiiling people in war's without approval from congress witch is against there constitution that many years ago made the country great.So Guy just keep watching Fox or CNN and let your brain get washed.
Before writing such an article, you should ask yourself the following question : why the Palestinian refugees came from all over Syria and Lebanon by the Israeli border…
You should know, that in Syria, the Secret Police made a huge propaganda among the Palestinian population to make them cross the Israeli border, secretly hoping that Tsahal would make as many kills as possible to cover their internal political issues. Syrian Army killed already over 1000 civilians who were protesting against the Al Assad's government. Such a political incident, as the death of dozens of Arabs due to the "evil" Israeli army would probably cover the Syrian protests against their government. So basically, what happened, is that tens of governmental touristic busses, full of Palestinian refugees were brought to the Israeli border, which is a restricted area and forbidden for civilians, which isit's a HUGE sign that some highly placed person was behind this intervention.
While in Lebanon, the friendly and peaceful terrorist organisation Hezbollah, sponsored by Syria and Iran made also a huge media propaganda weeks before Nakba among the Palestinians. The only difference, is that in Lebanon there is also an independent governmental army that doesn't support Hezbollah. So according to the UN soldiers, when this bunch of hooligans made offensive moves toward the Israeli border, the Lebanese army shot on the protesters. Now, for me, there can't be two opinions in this case: either you care and support the peaceful and reasonable Arabs and so you are at the Israeli side, either you support the Islamic dictatorship and terrorism and so you are against Israel. There can't be half measures in this particular case, especially, at the moment when the Arab revolution is in the movement!
I'm certain that it was obvious for each and every one of them that the Israeli government wouldn't have let them cross the border and these Palestinian activist's real intention was to die as martyrs and produce an international scandal. So I believe that these people doesn't deserve any regards no matter how hurt they got! It might sound hard, but we just can't tolerate such a behaviour, which is way too frequent in Arab countries.