Updated on January 2 at 3:15 pm Eastern Time
The FBI said Wednesday that the man who drove a truck into a crowd in New Orleans to kill as many people as he could was a Texas-born US Army veteran who was carrying an ISIS flag.
The early morning New Year’s Day attack in the French Quarter killed at least 15 people and injured more than 30. The attacker, identified as Shamsud-Din Jabbar, was killed in a firefight with police after the crash.
The FBI said in a statement that weapons, including potential Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), and an ISIS flag were found inside the vehicle. The FBI initially said Jabbar may have had help, but on Thursday, the agency said it believed he acted alone in an “act of terrorism.”
Also on Wednesday, a Tesla Cybertruck exploded at a Trump hotel in Las Vegas, killing the driver and injuring seven people nearby. Officials said the truck contained “fireworks-style mortars,” and the incident is being investigated as a potential terrorist attack. According to reports, both the Cybertruck and the Ford truck used in the attack in New Orleans were rented using the app Turo.
In regards to the New Orleans attack, the FBI said it was working to determine Jabbar’s “potential associations and affiliations with terrorist organizations.” Sources told CNN that investigators have found “writings that the FBI believes support investigators’ view that the attack was inspired by ISIS.”
In comments on the attack, President Biden said, “The FBI also reported to me that mere hours before the attack, he posted videos on social media indicating that he’s inspired by ISIS, expressing a desire to kill.”
A spokesman for the US Army said Jabbar was in the Army from 2007 to 2020. From 2007 to 2015, he served as a human resources specialist and information technology specialist on active duty and deployed to Afghanistan once during that time. From 2015 to 2020, Jabbar was in the reserves.
While the motive remains unclear, the attack comes after more than a year of the US backing Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza, and support for Israel has historically been a motive for terrorist attacks against the US. A US official told ABC News that authorities believe Jabbar was radicalized in recent years, and the “Israel-Hamas war” may have exacerbated his radicalization.
The US has also significantly stepped up its bombing campaign against ISIS in Syria in recent months. On the other hand, the US helped Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), an offshoot of al-Qaeda that has a similar ideology to ISIS, take over Syria.
“While the exact motive remains unclear, the attack comes after more than a year of the US backing Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza“
Why do you people always have to relate everything to US/West is bad.
But I don’t. America is as much a victim of Zionism as anyone save for the Palestinians.
Remember the Liberty! 🇺🇸
No one relates mass casulties seen Russia theater attack, knife attacks in Serbia , shooting of Japanese politician, attack on Slovenian leader , or BJP's attacks on muslim citizen to US.
Because thats their thought process
1. something bad happens
2. scour your mind for us involvement in that country, whether good or bad
3. take that involvement and say it is just a part of long standing US hegemony and the bad thing is americas fault
4. america bad!
Ever heard of blowback? If we were good actors and we get attacked, we defend ourselves. We wouldn't have to fearmonger and blame others for our criminal actions.
That's absurd: ISIS never ever attacked Israel in any way, nor did Al Qaeda nor any other of the sockpuppet Islamo-fascist terror organizations directed by the CIA. You don't get the moral high ground against terrorism (genocide) by doing more terrorism against civilians. None of the actual Resistance against Israel is attacking civilians, they attack military, political and infrastructure targets only.
It isn’t ISIS..
You ignore and falsify the bombings, attacks by jihadist, fascistic organizations on civilians in the Middle East or elsewhere, for example:
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9539394/ Suicide bombers in Israel
https://henryjacksonsociety.org/publications/questionable-counting/ Questionable Counting: Analysing the Death Toll from the Hamas-Run Ministry of Health in Gaza https://embassies.gov.il/MFA/FOREIGNPOLICY/Terrorism/Palestinian/Pages/Suicide%20and%20Other%20Bombing%20Attacks%20in%20Israel%20Since.aspx https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Islamist_terrorist_attacks
http://apps.start.umd.edu/gtd/ The Global Terrorism Database™ (GTD)
It is time the FBI asked the question was the Texan……in Syria training the Al Nusra Groups and their spin offs any time in the last 12 years!
You have a good point but I read he was in the IT branch and not a military trainer or advisor.
The attack is suspicious, like all the others. The attack produces more anger against the Muslims. We'll never get a clear explanation of the event from our FBI. In the past, we have seen the FBI actually aware of and sometimes participating in the planning of these events.
everytjing is suspicious if you want it to be
Some really smart guy said "They attack us here, because we attacked them there. If we weren't intervening in their countries there, they wouldn't be here."
Go back and reconnect the dots starting from USS Miami explosion. Talk to Hearst .
An undercover FBI agent befriended the teenager online. When he turned 18, he was arrested for supporting ISIS.
The only “terrorist” he is accused of ever being in contact with was an undercover FBI agent who befriended him online as a 16-year-old.
The only problem with the case and how it has been described, however, is that according to the government’s own criminal complaint, Ventura had never actually funded any terrorist group. The only “terrorist” he is accused of ever being in contact with was an undercover FBI agent who befriended him online as a 16-year-old, solicited small cash donations in the form of gift cards, and directed him not to tell anyone else about their intimate online relationship, including his family.
Mrs Rowley argues that not only did FBI headquarters fail to assist a crucial Minneapolis investigation, a supervisory agent in Washington actually intervened to suppress it. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/may/28/september11.usa
October 28, 1993
Law-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb that was eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting harmless powder for the explosives, an informer said after the blast.
The informer was to have helped the plotters build the bomb and supply the fake powder, but the plan was called off by an F.B.I. supervisor who had other ideas about how the informer, Emad Salem, should be used, the informer said.
The account, which is given in the transcript of hundreds of hours of tape recordings that Mr. Salem secretly made of his talks with law-enforcement agents, portrays the authorities as being in a far better position than previously known to foil the February 26th bombing of New York City's tallest towers.
The explosion left six people dead, more than a thousand people injured, and damages in excess of half-a-billion dollars. Four men are now on trial in Manhattan Federal Court [on charges of involvement] in that attack.
Mr. Salem, a 43-year-old former Egyptian Army officer, was used by the Government [of the United States] to penetrate a circle of Muslim extremists who are now charged in two bombing cases: the World Trade Center attack, and a foiled plot to destroy the United Nations, the Hudson River tunnels, and other New York City landmarks. He is the crucial witness in the second bombing case, but his work for the Government was erratic, and for months before the World Trade Center blast, he was feuding with th F.B.I.
The transcript quotes Mr. Salem as saying that he wanted to complain to F.B.I. Headquarters in Washington about the Bureau's failure to stop the bombing, but was dissuaded by an agent identified as John Anticev.
Mr. Salem said Mr. Anticev had told him, "He said, I don't think that the New York people would like the things out of the New York Office to go to Washington, D.C."
Copyright 1993 The New York Times Company
Israelis – Not Muslims – Cheered in Jersey
City on 9/11
Glen Ford, BAR Executive Editor
NEW YORK — For nearly two decades, one of the most overlooked and little known arrests made in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks was that of the so-called “High Fivers,” or the “Dancing Israelis.” However, new information released by the FBI on May 7 has brought fresh scrutiny to the possibility that the “Dancing Israelis,” at least two of whom were known Mossad operatives, had prior knowledge of the attacks on the World Trade Center.
How The FBI Tried To Destroy MLK With Wiretaps, Blackmail
The FBI campaign against King began with wiretaps, but quickly ballooned. When wiretaps revealed that King was having extramarital affairs, the FBI shifted their focus to uncover all evidence of his infidelity by bugging and taping him in his hotel rooms and by paying informants to spy on him. Eventually, the FBI penned and sent King an anonymous letter, along with some of their tapes, suggesting that he should kill himself.
How the FBI is creating terrorists
A damning new report suggests the bureau facilitates and sometimes even invents its targets' willingness to act
In the case of the "Newburgh Four," for example, a judge said the government "came up with the crime, provided the means, and removed all relevant obstacles," and had, in the process, made a terrorist out of a man "whose buffoonery is positively Shakespearean in scope."' — from the Summary, "Illusion of Justice: Human Rights Abuses in US Terrorism Prosecutions"
The report, "Illusion of Justice: Human Rights Abuses in US Terrorism Prosecutions," points out that, while "[m]any prosecutions have properly targeted individuals engaged in planning or financing terror attacks… many others have targeted individuals who do not appear to have been involved in terrorist plotting or financing at the time the government began to investigate them.
"Indeed, in some cases the Federal Bureau of Investigation may have created terrorists out of law-abiding individuals by conducting sting operations that facilitated or invented the target's willingness to act."
In addition, there is a good chance that, without the government's active participation, many of those ensnared by the government did not have the mental or intellectual capacity to plan, finance and/or carry out a terrorist event.
How the FBI Lost, Found, and Rewarded the Alleged Russian Spy Pivotal to Surveilling Trump
Auten knew Danchenko helped Christopher Steele compile the dossier while living in the area. But instead of contacting the Baltimore agents, Auten secretly groomed him as an informant, arranging payments of $220,000 to target Donald Trump and his former aide Page.
One result: Danchenko, the suspected Russian spy, falsely accused Page, a former U.S. Navy officer who had previously helped the FBI, of being a Russian spy in the dossier.…Auten confessed to Durham that Danchenko “was not able to provide any corroborative evidence related to any substantive allegation contained in the Steele Reports ‒ and critically ‒ was unable to corroborate any of the FBI’s assertions contained in the Carter Page FISA applications,” according to the Durham report (emphasis in the original). Danchenko was kept on the FBI payroll for more than three years.
Everything you said is true. I've participated in the defense against these entrapment cases for years. If the whole world is manipulated for domestic partisan politics, one doesn't think that a "Muslim" and a tesla on New Year's eve in the heart of America just weeks before a new administration is coming in is not suspicious? I've seen exactly how these things work. If its some hapless fool entrapped by an FBI informant, they egg him on give him money, buy dud weapons, arrest him before he carries out the dud mission and then justifies their bloated budget against "Islamic terror." If its some nut job that was manipulated by Mossad or some lone wolf who got under the radar they immediately fearmonger against Muslims. Watch how the zionists and right-wingers will whip up hate against Muslims. And you're absolutely right their is a crisis of trust. Even if everything the FBI says is true no one believes these liars anymore.@adriaandeleeuw:disqus@disqus_gxEQqZQOt2:disqus
Like it or not, this attack does not help Muslims' image. And blaming Mossad is simply dumb.
LOL! Some won't learn until its too late.
Who cares about Muslims' image, its been at rock bottom here in the west. It has nowhere to go but up. Israel was up, and now its falling headlong at a rapid rate. To keep Israel on top, Mossad had to whip up hatred of Americans against Islam. Its a part of the multi million dollar Islamophobia industry. Now, all that capital, blood, sweat and tears is fuel for the flames engulfing the Zionist project.
LOL, if you think my little tip of the iceberg accusation is misplaced, wait until more and more Americans discover what Israel and the Mossad have been doing all these years.
Candace Owens said it best. After Oct. 7th, she was told by her Zionist Daily Wire handlers to read and look into the reason Israel has to kill so many civilians. She didn't like what she saw. And she is opening up the eyes of millions on this issue. She was on Piers Morgan joking around on how she won the award for the biggest anti semite of 2024. And she was proud of it. (She obviously is not anti semitic)
What's dumb is to be blind to the reality unfolding in front of everyone's eyes. Don't worry about the reputation of Muslims. Actually, after Americans discover they have been royally screwed by this "special" relationship with Israel, they will come to a new realization: the forces killing the Palestinians, are the same forces keeping Americans down and impoverished. That realization won't be a pretty sight.
Just stick an ISIS flag anywhere in the vicinity, and voila. It appears that this army vet struggling with making ends meet — could have been easily manipulated. And while to his victims hardly mattters what his true motivation was — we as a society iwe it to them to have this tragedy thoroughly investigated.
Don't forget the passport: somehow terrorists always carry their passport with them, surviving even the worst deflagrations mysteriously.
Didn't he know that the USA just helped ISIS take over Syria?
But I agree, why target a bunch of innocent partygoers. Why not target a federal installation or military base?
Because that's the essence of true terrorism: targeting civilians, just like Israel does in Gaza or Ukraine used to do in Donetsk. It's easy to do and triggers lots of hatred and fear, what fascism feeds on.
It's characteristic of NATOist terror (Gladio Network, extended CIA): from the Bologna station bombing (Logia P2 = core Gladio) to the many terrorist attacks attributed to the sockpuppet Islamist fascist groups (Al Qaeda, Daesh, etc.), some of which are maybe "real", many others being very clearly false flag self-attacks (9-11, Charlie Hebdo, Bataclan, Barcelona, etc.) It's "interesting" that now the trend is to re-start suicidal truck attacks against crowds, which are the attacks that appear more "real" (and yet one wonders why not shootings or explosives, which such terrorist organizations should have no problem getting their hands on).
Manufacturing consent for war, stripping of constitutional rights, is easier when civilians are scared, if a false flag.
And if it was a legitimate terror attack, it makes people pay much more attention because it has punctured their lives of normalcy.
Editing to add: maybe justification to keep the FBI terrorism bureau intact and add to the budget? Don’t forget, Patel talked about disbanding it.
"Why not target a federal installation or military base?" ISIS knows better than to bite the hand that arms them
"The attack produces more anger against Muslims". And without a breath it already started this morning.
Two websites I visited this morning have given free reign to Muslim hatred by posters. Anything form we should learn from Israel how they do things (meaning genocide) to getting rid of all Muslims in the USA.
I am in America to have see the Peach Bowl in Atlanta
Besides the subpar public transportation and the…… must… it was fun
A shame to see Islamic terror target events where people just want to have fun
I would reserve the judgment until all circumstances are clear — if we are ever to learn the truth. 13 years in the military? Posted in Afghanistan? Texas born? Or is it a case of Stockholm syndrome — identifying, defending or even empathizing with the enemy. And after years in military, has ended up like most vets — in searching of a viable job to keep the body and soul together.
Was he metally unstable — enough to be used by somone with anarchist tendencies?
I'm sure he was mentally unstable. There is a lot of it in this world.
It’s a shame to see any kind of terror target anything.
I never implied the opposite
And by the way, should I know anything as a tourist in the South/
Well, I recommend ordering the biscuits and gravy when you stop for breakfast. Grits seem to be a more acquired taste. I haven't spent much time in Atlanta (the locale I believe you mentioned), but I recall the King Center being interesting.
@disqus_Ua0lwP5eay:disqus Why does Islamic terror not get flagged but "Jewish terror" does?
Good point.
Although zionist is the differentiation, I think.
"Zionist" is to "Jewish" as "Islamist" is to "Islamic" and "Dominionist" is to "Christian."
You’re just being contrarian for no purpose other than being contrarian.
And you can release my response.
Well, yes, I can (and did) release your response, just like I released my own after both were automatically held for moderation.
With respect to the holding, neither you nor I are special. With respect to the releasing, that's my job for comments which were held for possible guidelines violations but didn't violate the guidelines.
How do you figure that?
One is political and the other religious.
Not all Zionists are Jews and not all Jews are Zionists.
The first term in all three cases is political, the second term in all three cases is the religious background used to justify.
The only difference with Zionism is that while it traffics on Judaism, it also has an ethnic element that CAN be, and often has been, independent of the religious element.
You mean like very white Irish Joe Biden?
I wasn't unclear with either the original statement or the explanation, and you're clearly capable of reading, so figure that out for yourself.
I've written about why Islamist is a derogatory term developed by the West. Jews who believe in their rights in Palestine term themselves Zionist. "Islamists" don't call themselves Islamists. In Arabic Islamists (Islamiyoon) was used in the 11th and 12th centuries as a term to differentiate themselves from other religions and the philosophers who questioned the origins of Islam. Islamists meant the "The Muslims"
The problem simply put is there is no division of religion and state in Islamic civilization as in the Western sense. The West hates Muslims who try to reconstitute the muslim civilization. So in disguising this intent they try to differentiate Islamists from the rest of the muslims. In the West its seen as "blasphemous" for religious people to govern a state or nation. The other key point is that non academics have a hard time differentiating the differences between "Islamists." To them ISIS and annahda of Tunisia are "Islamist," This is way off base. Anyway, the commenter didn't even say "Islamist terror" but "Islamic terror" which is no different than saying "Christian terror" or "Jewish terror."
“there is no division of religion and state in Islamic civilization as in the Western sense”
I suppose that could be true, if you exclude the fully 40% of Muslim-majority states that are at least formally secular from “Islamic civilization,” and ignore the fact that Islam pre-dates the state as we know it by a thousand years or so.
1. Even by your reckoning that's still a majority, and translates into over a billion people.
2. That ratio is tipping into the "Islamic civilization" as Euro-American hegemony in the ME weakens and Muslims gain more agency and autonomy over their destiny.
3. In western civ we look toward Ancient Egypt for the concept of the "state" or a governing body over a territory. Even before the Greek City states.
It should not matter to us here in the west who rules a nation or state as long as they adhere to accepted moral codes of conduct inherent of state systems. (e.g., non aggression, resolve differences through diplomacy)
So the next time a practicing Christian commits mass murder, can we call it Christian terrorism?
Why would I call Dominionist terror "Christian terror?" That would be as inaccurate as calling Islamist terror "Islamic terror."
Why do you feel the need to say Islamic terror?
We both know why you won't answer the question. Thus, I humbly suggest that you keep your mouth shut. @disqus_2I7BlFg7RQ:disqus@disqus_Ua0lwP5eay:disqus@adriaandeleeuw:disqus
Yeah, just like tuesday kill list, evaporating wedding ceremony and marriage gatherings, targeting funeral gatherigns, targeting homes at night, raping children in front of parents then burning the entire house with those Iraqis inside!
Sorry ,its worst . Follow up drone attack was guranteed when rescuers showed up.
Get it ? More oxygen is needed for thin Alpine air breathing creatures.
What does that have to do with ISIS? ISIS have never been enemies of Israel. In Syria they shelled Palestinian neighborhoods in Damascus, as the Palestinians were pro-Syria. They fought Israel's enemies Hezbollah. ISIS members in Palestine attacked Hamas.
They hate Israel's enemies Iran most of all as they are Shias, and they hate the Alawites in Syria, Israel's targets. When ISIS accidentally shelled Israel's side of the border, they apologized.
Israel also acted as al-Qaeda's air force in southern Syria, and gave them medical aid and shelter on the Israeli side of the border. When al-Qaeda lost, Israel arranged for their transport by helicopter to Jordan.
Heyy its Swede!
Hur är det med dig, Jan?
ISIS has become a play thing boogie man for anyone to manipulate for their own interests.
And guess what? This morning on two sites, writers and posters were already mouthing off that we should be more like Israel adn kill them all who are here in the USA. I guess sending weapons and money to Israel to commit genocide is not enough. We should just start this practice here for "peace" and some go as far as saying that Trump will bring peace all over the world.
They also apparently funded them https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2017-06-19/ty-article/israel-reportedly-providing-direct-aid-to-syrian-rebels/0000017f-f06c-d223-a97f-fdfdfef50000
One group gets differential treatment, while other groups are allowed to be attacked. It's ok to say Islamic terror but you can't replace Islamic with another religion. I say both shouldn't be used but the moderators don't agree and just single out Islam for hate speech.
The gist is simply this: these sick, corrupt, debauched, Euro-American elites are so helpless to rein in their hatred, racism and bigotry for that one people they claim they are protecting. They're like that stupid shark Bruce in Finding Nemo who was enrolled in that group "Fish Are Friends, Not Food."
Unlike these nihilists in the west, we are confident in who we are.
"It's ok to say Islamic terror but you can't replace Islamic with another religion."
LOL! Thomas why do you keep doing this to me? I wrote this after I saw my previous post deleted, then I saw it was back up again. I don't post hate speech nor do I wish ill to others. I hate injustice and those who commit it. I may have jumped the gun a bit, though. In Arabic this is merely 3 words but very wise. "human beings are ever hasty" Q 17:11
Just block him. I did some time ago and haven't repented.
LOL! I haven't blocked the real bad guys, you think I'll block @knappster:disqus? But seriously, although we disagree a lot on Islam and the West, you guys are cool.
What was that about three people filmed planting bombs and then discarded as a matter of investigation? Were the bombs real? Why has that evidence been dismissed? I smell fish.
False flags for all, Happy New Year!
Is this a common thought among americans or only anti america hatte mongers?
You're hilarious!
I'm serious
it's still hilarious
O.K. I am not a hate monger. I do however hate the killing of innocent people that happened to be born somewhere. I hate our (US) government that finances and supports the genocide happening in Palestine. It’s an abomination the entire world is watching as innocent lives are taken every day.
If you want to be a good American, you should be a free thinker. You should not be afraid to condemn what's wrong even if it's against yourself or country. Vilifying those who question their leaders is a characteristic of an autocracy not a democracy.
Well i’m a pole, but i’ll take your advice
Yeah! Why do people hate these groups why they have nothing positive to say about the followings — — –.? Fill in the gaps.
Max Blumenthal ® @MaxBlumenthal
Question more
Max Blumenthal ® @MaxBlumenthal 27 Mar 2017
How the FBI helped encourage and coordinate the first ISIS attack on American soil
How the FBI Played a Central Role in the First ISIS Attack on U.S. Soil
AlterNetandBen NortonMarch 28, 2017
AlterNetandBen NortonMarch 28, 2017
The first attack on U.S. soil for which ISIS claimed responsibility — a 2015 shooting in Garland, Texas — was instigated by the FBI, according to an investigation by CBS' "60 Minutes" and government documents obtained by an attorney involved in the case.
In a macabre twist, an undercover FBI agent who encouraged one of the shooters to "tear up Texas" was also physically present at the scene of the crime, mere feet away from the shooters.
Prior to that, a separate informant was paid $132,000 by the FBI to pretend for three years to be friends with the future shooter. When the man found out his supposed friend had taped more than 1,500 hours of their conversations on behalf of the intelligence agency, he withdrew from his religious community and eventually fell into online religious extremism.
….An FBI trainer suggested in an interview with "60 Minutes" that, had the attack been bigger, the agency's numerous ties to the shooter would have led to a congressional investigation.
As lurid as this sounds, it fits with the findings of human rights organizations, which have noted the FBI has a long history of pushing Muslim Americans into alleged terror plots they might not have otherwise been engaged in or connected to.
If only he had attacked non-Westerners in the ME. Then US and Israel could have welcomed him as a "rebel" and an esteemed member of the new freedom loving Syrian government.
Unsubstantiated as of yet:
BREAKING: ABC reports that Las Vegas explosion suspect
served at the same military base as the terrorist responsible for the attack in New Orleans
Amit Misra @amit6060
Replying to @spectatorindex
Several social media users posted photos of what they claimed to be Livelsberger's alleged Linkedin profile
He was an Operations Director and former Special
Forces Intelligence Manager. https://x.com/amit6060/status/1874723641818239300
"potential affiliation with terrorist organizations"
Jabbar, staff sergeant, 82nd Airborne
The 82nd Airborne Division has been deployed to Syria in support of Operation Inherent Resolve and has conducted a variety of activities there (Google search)
Jabbar, a Texas native who served more than a decade in the Army, reportedly recorded a series of videos in which he said he wanted to kill his family and join Isis in the hours before he sped onto busy Bourbon Street with a rented pickup truck.
Add the news on the Amazura (Queens, NYC) shooting hours ago, which seems, on first sight, identical to the Bataclan massacre in Paris years ago (which was clearly a controlled false flag self-attack, with troops deployed in the area even before anything happened at all) or to the more recent Moscow venue massacre, claimed by "ISIS" but actually executed by two mercenaries (not even committed fanatics, just amoral mercenaries in need for cash) under Ukrainian facilitation. What are the details emerging in the few hours after the massacre? Those are typically the most important clues.
Was the [flag] still in the wrapper?
Trained by the US military to kill innocents for their reasons who is now employing that same attitude and training for his personal reasons.
I sometimes wonder which came first, the chicken or the egg?
In the context of domestic US crimes in the range of “terrorism,” “mass shooting,” etc., members or former members of the armed forces seem quite over-represented versus people without that particular experience.
Did the military turn them into that, or were they already that and used the military to 1) develop the related skills, and/or 2) have a place where practicing those skills was considered normal, and/or 3) try to exorcise whatever demons might have been involved?
I’m guessing that some of them were “made” by the military motivation-wise, while others fit into the latter group.
The question of whether such people were already inclined in the direction of such behavior before they joined the organization that has been the main tool for the implementation of such actions and purposely accentuates and intentionally facilitates it is indeed an interesting philosophical point with regard to its origins. Are they merely utilized by it or essentially created by it? What is without doubt however, is the nature of the consequence in either case.
By the way, on another point of general interest with a more definitive answer:
It is now generally acknowledged that birds are a variant that evolved from the main dinosaur line. As it has also been demonstrated by paleontological fossil evidence that dinosaurs were laying eggs for millions of years before this derivation of the bird lineage it thus seems conclusive that the egg preceded the chicken.
Jabbar, a Texas native who served more than a decade in the Army, reportedly recorded a series of videos in which he said he wanted to kill his family and join Isis in the hours before he sped onto busy Bourbon Street with a rented pickup truck.
Now we're supposed to trust the fake news media?
Speaking of which whoever got that cool 10 million bounty they had on the new spitshine improved bad guy now good guy in a 3-piece suit julani the good???
Here it is;
"The U.S. is set to remove the $10 million bounty it had placed on de facto Syrian leader, Ahmed Al-Sharaa, formerly known by his nom de guerre, Abu Mohammad al-Jolani. Sharaa is the head of rebel group Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS), which led the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad earlier this month. "
Add to that an active duty Green Beret who rented Tesla truck and rigged it up to explode at Trump hotel. Another ISIS loving Anerican soldier?
Interesting how these ISIS related terror attacks flurished under Trump before and now again that he is coming to power. Coincidence? Or a way to create a new mood in the country that DEMANDS US gets involved in West Asia. Trump is being set up.
All his appointees are virtue signaling to the rulling elite that they will be tough on x y z. Elite does not believe it. When Trump comes to power — will be different.
Vet with an isis flag? Was he based in Syria or Iraq then he was more than likely support them in the field
Oh geez; the U.S. creates all kinds of carnage in the Middle-East for the last how many years, and then they wonder why somebody goes on a rampage Stateside?
I just feel for all them innocents caught by the beligerence in Gaza, the rest of Palestine, the Middle-East, and also New Orleans.
And that flag was found upside down. Why?
FBI says …………………………………….. Was it a chorus or a choir?
I'm more surprise the article didn't put the blame on Ukraine.
Well, maybe in the next one.
This is the direct result of US government bad treatment of US veterans on or off duty…!