The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that Israel will likely attempt to bomb Iran in the coming months, a move that would risk a major war in the region involving the US.
The report, which cited US intelligence, said the idea would be to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities even though there’s no evidence Tehran has decided to build a nuclear weapon. President Trump even recently acknowledged that Iranian leadership doesn’t want a nuclear bomb.
The Post said that US intelligence produced a report during the final days of the Biden administration that warned about potential Israeli strikes, and another one was produced in the first days of the Trump administration.
The intelligence reports laid out two potential strike options for Israel that both involved US support in the form of aerial refueling, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. The Wall Street Journal published a similar report that said Israel is expected to push President Trump to provide support for the attack.
President Trump recently dismissed rumors that the US and Israel might bomb Iran together, saying they were “greatly exaggerated.” But both he and some of his officials have suggested a military option is on the table if the US doesn’t reach a deal with Iran, and Trump’s re-imposition of his so-called “maximum pressure” campaign on Tehran appears to have made diplomacy less likely.
White House National Security Council spokesman Brian Hughes told the Post that Trump has “made it clear: He will not permit Iran to get a nuclear weapon.”
“While he prefers negotiating a resolution to America’s long-standing issues with the Iranian regime peacefully, he will not wait indefinitely if Iran isn’t willing to deal, and soon,” Hughes said.
Trump said last week that he would prefer to make a deal with Iran rather than bombing the country. “I would like a deal done with Iran on non-nuclear. I would prefer that to bombing the hell out of it. They don’t want to die. Nobody wants to die,” he said. “If we made the deal, Israel wouldn’t bomb them.”
Iran is minding its own business, why not. /s
Oct. 7 was a bad idea. Hezbollah and others cheered it at the time. It’s like falling into a trap. Now, Assad is down, Hezbollah, Iraq is all that remains. Houthis sbout to be starved.
I really hope we don’t see a further escalation. Syria will be unstable, now. The whole thing is unstable, now. The locals won’t accept what happened.
Netanyahu thanked his god for it. It gave him the excuse he needed to wipe out all Palestinians.
I don’t appreciate stealing my catchphrase.
Only the Palestinians have not been "wiped out", not nearly so, nor should they be.
There was a deal…P3+1 didn't honour the terms…Trump tore it up. Why would Iran have the slightest interest in any new deal proposed by Trump? Particularly when there's no proposal, only threats.
Suicidal wishes is what they have. Iran can and will wipe out Israel off the map, along with US military bases from Iraq to the UAE. They have already delayed "True Promise 3" in favor of the Gaza peace deal for many months but it is Iran which clearly has both the initiative and the capability.
Iranian generals are demanding the Supreme Leader to reverse the fatwa against nuclear weapons (they almost certainly did test a nuclear warhead already months ago but the fatwa stands in the way of making the nuclear arsenal public and thus a more credible threat). The range of current Iranian nuclear-capable missiles is definitely all the way to Europe (at least all Italy probably all the way to Britain). Regardless, they don't need nukes to wipe out all of Israeli energy and industrial capacity overnight, along with much of its military, Iranian missile arsenal is absolutely massive and they could even invade Iraq, Syria and Jordan by land quite easily with some (already available) insider support, while simultaneously blocking the global oil trade at Hormuz and sending the global economy into chaos.
Iran's work on missiles is well documented. It's been demonstrated recently that they are perfectly capable of breaching Israel's Iron Dome. They have also been working on asymmetrical warfare to counter US military superiority. And they are certainly capable of blocking the Strait of Hormuz at least for a while.
But I'm not so sure they quite possess the fantastic capabilities Maju listed. I too would like to see the sources, especially for that nuclear warhead test.
It's not "fantastic" it's all from Wikipedia:,000_km)
Consider especially the Sejjil (whose 1 version already reached 2500 km and whose 3 version is alleged to reach 4000 km):
The distance from Tehran to London is 4300 km and from the Iranian border to almost anywhere in the UK is less than 4000 km. Of course that also affects key US bases in Spain, Italy, Germany, etc.
"at least for a while" How long they block the straights will depend on how trump reacts. Who knows what he will do? If he orders the US to open up the straights it will not be long.
"At least for a while" will apply to how long they can keep them open also. Plus, even when open, I would imagine the traffic will be slowed to a snail's pace. ("Iranian supreme leader urged to revoke fatwa on nuclear weapons – Telegraph"),000_km) (long range Iranian ballistic missiles)
The land invasion part is to some extent my own analysis but definitely Iranian military sources last year strongly suggested it was on the charts, along with the mass bombing of US military bases in the Gulf (repeated threat associated to USA interfering with their air-missile war vs Israel), while the cutting of Hormuz Strait by sinking one or several vessels in its shallowest waters (which are very very shallow) is a well known (and very doable) plan in the Iranian arsenal since many many years ago to deter the USA (or effectively counter them in case of war).
I love the idea of an arms race with Iran
Wanna take bets on who wins?
I can see your skepticism but:
1. All that "pamphlet" says nothing about hypersonic missiles.
2. Interception of even slower missiles seems extremely unlikely (and the West Asian conflict has produced some examples of that, as has the Ukraine War).
3. I wouldn't bet with the extinction of Humanity. I'm a Humanist after all: I want our species to survive and reach a better stage of civilization (as returning to "primitive communism" is definitely impossible).
The SM 3 It has already knocked down an ICBM in a test in 2020……
If Iran engages in an arms race against the US there is only one possible result
The Patriot missiles were also supposed to be very good but they do fail. The Iron Dome (plus) was also supposed to be infallible but it proved to not be almost useful at all. A test is not the real deal and anyhow it was for sure not any hypersonic missile… because the USA has not even developed them, while even tiny rag-tag Yemen has.
The US fielded its first hypersonic missile in the 1940s (the WAC Corporal) and its second in the 1970s (the ASALM).
Choosing not to continue with them is not the same thing as not having developed them.
The Patriot is a pretty good system and is much more effective now than it was 30 years ago
Israel's air defense was 72% effective according to Milenium 7 (who has a good repuation)
Those are all cartoons produced by military contractors who reap in billions of dollars a year from NMD fraud. For example, the SM-3 hasn't even half the range to hit an ICBM overhead.
Popular Mechanics has a good reputation.
Israel's missile defense also acheived a 72% success rate according to Milenium 7 who likewise has a good reputation. Furthermore NMD is getting better all the time. There quite are quite a few who oppose US missile defense because they want the US to have less leverage I am not one of them.
The US can weaponize demographics and strangle the CCP. ** One Child Policy** After that is accomplished the US can move on to Russia.
The US has already demonstrated it can beat Russia in an arms race. I bet Iran will be much easier to arms race than Russia .
Critics of US missile defense have also been shown to be wrong…
Cut off oil via the Hormuz Strait
I am sure the CCP will love that
(The US has its own oil with Canada to the North )
Please Iran stop all oil exports . It will crash the world economy . That will hurt the CCP as they rely on exports. But not the US . Hmm.
May the Iran do the lord's work and cut off all oil exports by the straits of Hormuz
87% of the US economy is domestic
7% is trade with Canada and Mexico
3% is energy (The US has its own energy)
The US has FTAs with:
Canada (in case the US ever needs oil)
Mexico (good demographics)
and soon the UK (good actors and actresses)
Heh! China won't like it, I'm sure, but there's a point where Iran has to look for their own interest first. In any case the threat should also make China do something to prevent the worst. They are often quite selfish, national-imperialist in their goals and dubious in their methods, often catering to US allies to the detriment of more independent countries.
Anyway, the cut of oil flow is not so much about the energy but about the economic shock and the stability of the US dollar, whose value doesn't depend so much on US economy as such but on its usage as international currency, especially in niches like the Arab oil, which Nixon secured some 50 years ago for the exclusive access with USD and no other currency. That's the real reason behind the "oil wars": not so much the oil but the US dollar.
If there is am economic shock (because of oil) it will hurt the CCP much more than the US
If Europe goes under then it will hurt the CCP much more than the US . The US doesn’t depend on exports to Europe . The CCP does. The CCP which is facing demographic collapse is needs exports more than ever. The CCP is losing domestic consumers. That is what happens when you have demographic collapse due to the one child policy.
As of course as I mentioned before unlike the US the CCP needs middile eastern oil . The US has its own oil and Canada to the North .
If Iran wants to help the US destroy the CCP then who are we to get in the way?
2029 is 50 years since the one child policy
China doesn’t have enough
young people
but China has too many apartments
China won’t be getting any free pass on trade anymore
China has bad demographics
So does The EU Brazil and Russia
Not going to watch all those videos, sry.
Anyway more the reason for China to guarantee Iran before the worst happens, as they did in the past. Why do you think that the USA did not retaliate after Iran bombed one of their military bases in Iraq after the murder of General Soleimani?
The USA cannot protect Israel.
The US did not relatiate after Iran bombed US miltiary bases was that Iran shot down an aircraft with their own citizens and the US did not want to distract from what Iran did to their own.
That’s a conspiracy theory totally new to me. The dates match somewhat but, if you’re right, why did it totally go under the radar, while the retaliatory bombing of a US military base was news around the world (and then Trump chickened).
Iran shot down a jet filled with their own citizens because they were worried about getting bombed
***The plane was hit by two missiles fired by a Revolutionary Guards air defence unit after it took off from Tehran.
Three days later, Iran admitted mistakenly shooting down the plane.
The Revolutionary Guards' Aerospace Force said an air defence unit had mistaken the Boeing 737-800 for a US missile.****
Amerikkka exports most of its oil.
The US does not need to if they don't want to and there is always Canada to the North
Yeahhh… with TARIFFS 😂
Taffis against Canada will end with Trump
Not a long term issue
You’re not very fucking well-informed, are you? Trump PROPOSED THE TARIFFS! 😂
Trump won't be president forever he is 78
As I said not a long term issue
If Iran attempts any of that, the US would immediately intervene on the side of Israel… which is exactly what Netanyahu has been trying to engineer for more than a dozen years now: a direct war between Iran and the US while Israel sits back and waits to reap the profits.
Or not. China and very especially Russia have already backed Iran against US threats before and in the last months Russia and Iran have been talking mutual defense agreement (unsure how advanced the deal is but it's clearly something they discussed before the Lebanon truce and the Syrian coup). All out nuclear war is a no-no for everybody and that's why the USA can't really protect Israel unconditionally, just the same as with Ukraine, it must play a balancing act instead. The USA has limits, growingly so.
In fact the USA has no defense treaty whatsoever with Israel, it's a unilateral US decision to back (or not) Israel at any point. For all what matters Adelson can be ditched (Trump is already in power) and even AIPAC can easily be banned as "foreign agent" (which it is, of course). Not saying that Trump will go that far but the influence of the Zio-lobby is more limited than most people think. Israel serves a purpose (help forge the US colony of the Middle East) and won't be allowed to destroy that purpose.
Foreign agents aren’t banned in the US. They’re just required to register and identify themselves as such.
Foreign agents are required to register unless they are Israeli.
There will be no profits,only losses.
What, exactly, is it that Israel wants, in the region?….
Ask Huckabee our Israel ambassador. He does not acknowledge the West Bank, nor Gaza, nor the Golden Heights. He uses biblical names, and all of it plus some more up to Iraq all belongs to "Greater Israel".
To live in peace free from terrorists attacks.
Bullshit, Tim. If Israel wanted peace, they could have worked toward the Palestinians having a state of their own. Not a state without control of its own borders, or a state with an Israeli military presence. An actual sovereign state that controls its one destiny. That would never be tolerated, despite all the lip service they used to pay to it.
Only Arafat told his people that in negotiating, they would take what they could get then ,and take the rest later. So they got nothing.
Only most Palestinians want everything and all the land ,and want all Israeli Jews gone.
Something their neighbors know a thing or two about since Israel's rules of engagement are terrorism on steroids.
Are you familiar with this lil ol thang called the Fourth Geneva Convention?
You know, the one that states that the OCCUPIED have the right to fight back against the OCCUPIERS?
Sheesh. Grow a fuckin’ brain before you make ignorant statements.
Hamas isn't fighting for their lives or a state they are fighting for over and above what was offered by Bill Clinton and turned down by Yasser Arafat
And YOU are gonna believe CLINTON? That says it all about you, Stern Gang!
I will believe him over Arafat
Arafat stole billions of dollars
I will believe him over Arafat
Arafat stole billions of dollars
A greater Israel. They want Gaza, the West Bank, the Golan Heights, a good chunk of Syria, and a good chunk of Lebanon.. at the very least. Apparently God himself gave them the right.
To a large extent, they want to keep those entities that want to hurt them ,far away. Very reasonable. Lebanon has to man up and control Hez, or face forever war. Israel will not expect to keep a part of Syria
Apparently, self-destruction, Donna.
Which I dearly hope they achieve.
Negotiate! Don’t Escalate!
Who in the US will support a war against Iran, Russia, China,Korea, Yemen and friends?
Who will loan the US gas money to get to all those far distant enemies of Trump and Netanyahu?
Death wish for Israel…!
Heh, Netman. Clearly SOMEBODY in the IsraHelli administration forgot that on 17 January, Iran and Russia signed a mutual defense agreement 😁
Because Russia has shown they have great ability to project power recently (sarcasm)
Really. The Russians just fought an Amerikkkan-financed war and WON. 😂
Russia lost 70 000 soldiers
The CCPs Iron brother Russia is dying…………………
Russia leads the world in antibiotic resistant TB…
Russia’s young people are generally uneducated and addicted to alcohol or heroin. Most of Russia’s great engineers and scientists are in their late 50s when they retire there is no one to replace them
Why on earth would Iran trust Trump- or anyone in Washington- to keep a deal after the JCPOA fiasco? Donny Two-Scoops can make the grandest deal in the world with all the flowery and binding language he can stuff into it and sign it with the biggest pen ever made, but at the end of the day if he decides he doesn't like abiding by what he's crafted what's to keep him from walking away from it as well? Does anyone really think Washington is going impose sanctions on itself for breaking a deal? "Oh, no, we included those to apply to anyone in the deal who broke the conditions, but as you can see we're not even a part of the deal any longer."
"Why on earth would Iran trust Trump" I would not, if I was a leader of Iran.
Someone just change a few words in the JCPOA and tell Trump it's his plan. Tell him what a borderline genius he is, and he'll ok it in a New York minute.
Don't worry, some of his base does it daily. They have elevated him into a god.
A single strike by Israel will not stop Iran from building nuclear weapons. Only an sustained attack by the USA led coalition can do that. Trump is incapable of doing that. Threats don't build relationships which is trump's main and perhaps only negotiation ability.
Thus if Iran wants to get a nuclear weapon this the time for them to move.
What allies? US has no allies other than Israel, in the whole Middle East area. A strategy inlvolving sustained attack by US — would have to take into account an attack on Israel. It will be a poor consolation to bomb Iran while Israel loses its military and economic ability to function.
iran may be the least of Israel’s problems. Turkey has luned up a coalition of neighbors to replace Kurd SDF, and take over minitoring ISIS. Kurds, a cording to Turkey, has not acted against any ISIS periodic activitiies. It is exarcebating the situation by keeping ISIS jail, where many innocents are held — Syrians resisting Kurdish rule. Many were babies when ISIS departed, and famikues were stuck in place. This causes more attack on Kurds, and Kurds conveniently write it off as ISIS.
Turkey is talking to Iraq, Jordan and Syria’s interrim government to take over the Kurdish mission. And have US stop funding Kurds. Music to Trump’s ears. But there are planty of neo-neo-cons — to extol the virtue of location, being ready to help Israel.
Nonetheless — there is a coalescing of minds in the Middle East that is leaning towards a mire focused defense posture vs Israel. The view has been setting in that Israel is being weaponized to restructire the borders in the region and set up satrap rulers. Without an action — each is in 5-10 years’ time looking at destabilisation and an end of praceful life and development. Remains to be seen what and when we see in the near future.
Crazed American neocons always advocate for war. The United States government has wanted to topple the government of Iran since its 1979 revolution that ousted its pro-American puppet dictator called the Shah. Ongoing efforts to create an internal color revolution repeatedly fail. American warmongers say war with Iran is inevitable since it refuses to bow down to the American empire.
A military attack on Iran will cause an immediate halt to shipping through the Strait of Hormuz resulting in major economic problems worldwide. If Iran unleashes a strong military response, American bases in the region will be blasted and thousands of Americans will be killed or captured. Revolts may occur in Arab states as American backed dictators are ousted and American bases overrun. The world economy will crash and a Chinese peacekeeping fleet may arrive to resolve the problem. War on Iran is foolish as it would cause a worldwide economic depression and massive diplomatic blowback for the United States.
Carlton… y’know, I’d actually love to see that happen!
Iran: how ya like me now?
You can’t promote fight night for years and not actually fight. Or is this just another hype?
Iran won't be bullied by any US president… Let alone Trump…!
Given the record of the Yankee Empire in general, and Israel in particular, with regard to adhering to deals, it is difficult to say anything definitive in that regard.