A Trump-appointed member of the US Holocaust Memorial Council has called for the collective punishment of all Palestinians in Gaza, saying they’re “collectively guilty” and not deserving of any mercy.
Writing in The Jerusalem Post, Martin Oliner praised President Trump’s suggestion to “clean out” the Palestinians in Gaza and send them to Egypt and Jordan, which would amount to ethnic cleansing.
Oliner said Trump’s comments should be welcomed by those who “purport to care about Gazans” since Gaza has been totally destroyed. “And those like myself who do not believe Gazans are worthy of any mercy should welcome it as well,” he said.
It’s estimated roughly half of Gaza’s population is made up of children, but Oliner said that all Palestinians in the enclave are responsible for Hamas’s October 7 attack on southern Israel. “LET’S NOT mince words here. The people of Gaza are collectively guilty for invading Israel,” he said.
Oliner said the people of Gaza are “fundamentally evil, and they must pay a price for their actions.”
He called for countries around the world to take in Palestinians from Gaza. “Besides Egypt and Jordan, other Muslim countries like Indonesia and Saudi Arabia should take them in. Canada, Australia, Mexico, and every country in South America and Europe can take their share,” he said.
Oliner, the son of Holocaust survivors, was appointed to the US Holocaust Memorial Council by President Trump back in 2020. He is also a co-president of the Religious Zionists of America and a vice president of the American Zionist Movement.
Well, Heil Oliner…
No genuine descendent of Holocaust survivors would be this cruel. To sanction another Holocaust, this time on Palestinians, shows this individual to either be a fraud, psychopathic or a moron who hasn't learned anything from his own family’s history. A moral monster.
Please include descendants of the "Righteous Among the Nations".
Many Holocaust survivors have spoken out against the genocidal terror of the Zionist regime. They don't even think Zionism has any place in Israel.
Oliner, a real down and dirty POS, racist MOFU. Trump, chump, you better remove this Turd and see the error of your ways.
"Olestra" might be a feature, not a bug, of Trump's quiet Zionist policies.
Senator Cotton beats his chest loudly and proclaims that he is a "100% Christian Zionist" and proud of it, from his Senate seat!! Another POS, Turd Israel First MOFUer!!!!!!
It’s such an odd position to hold, “Christian Zionist”
To me it’s sort of like if a “Hindu Free-Tibet” movement existed, where Hindus worked tirelessly to see that Tibet was freed of DPRC influence such that the region was exclusively Buddhist in all regards.
As with “Christian Zionism”, in my analogy I would ALSO see two distinctly different religions and HAVE to wonder out loud, “What exactly is ‘in it’ for Hinduism here ?”
Whereas with “Christian Zionism” I am highly confident I know what Christians would get out of Zionism writ maximal…spoiler, it turns out really bad for Judaism.
On point! The AIPAC bought congress and senate need to be voted out, and AIPAC registered as a foreign belligerent. Until they are removed the US will continue to decline and fail.
The geneva conventions against the collective punishment of civilians dont apply.
I fully expect Trump to withdraw the USA from the Geneva Conventions that he'll claim have "held America back from winning" since the beginning.
That would not surprise me. Who would have expected him to attack Canada via a trade war. Now he wants to make Canada the 51st state!!!
If trade wars were easy to fight, everyone would wage them.
We have no interest in joining the USA; and if faced with invasion, we do have NATO Article V to invoke in a most ironic fashion.
Our federal politics are at a turning point this year. Our PM has resigned and a certain election will almost certainly see our Right-wing (equivalent to US Democrats) Conservative Party of Canada form the next gov’t.
While the CPC has waged guerilla war in social media (and bumper stickers)(not even kidding) on an anti-Trudeau and pro-nationalist platform, they are still conservative Right and will bow to corporate and self-interests before realizing any defense of Canadian sovereignty or the best interests of average citizens.
Well Oliver since you are living in America now you are equally guilty of slavery and the 'trail of tears' massacre of indigenous people. so therefore it is only right and proper to remove you and some of the countries you mentioned should take you in.
As far as Trump is concerned he is a manipulator and a double dealer. but he won because the Dems messed up even greater adn when they forced Kamala on everyone all the Left's billionaires, Big Tech , big Pharma Wall street moved over to Trump. "You get us the votes and we make sure you will be king"
Jeez, when the Panickdemic Democrats can lose Big Pharma (far & away the only beneficiaries of COVID, and ridiculously so under Biden's admin), the Dems gotta know they done f**ked up.
Covid took out exactly the portion of Americans with the most prescriptions.
Indeed. The people already in frail & failing health. Like what the seasonal flu hits every year.
What Big pHarma (sic) lost in prescription sales, they made up 100-fold in selling serums of dubious efficacy, and mRNA research & testing insured against liability by the federal government & insanely fast-tracked by a compliant FDA and a CDC with a serious guilt-complex…
I thought Trump was talking about removing rubble and good paying Palestinian construction jobs?
Only in Red states where he polled 15+ points better'n Harris.
Trump clearly said he wants to remove the Palestinians from Gaza.
Oliner should be careful what spews out of his mounth…! This is US not middle east and more than half of people own guns…!
And we MUST keep it that way! 🙂
"Olestra" Oliner, a minor leaguer suddenly at the forefront of early voting for 2025 Scumbag Of The Year.
They are not "Collectively Guilty". They are victims of war. Very few people in any war are guilty of a crime. Cities get destroyed in a war and civilians die. It is worst in an urban setting when one of the combatants hide under civilian buildings and blend in with the civilian population.
It is worst in an urban setting when one of the combatants hide under civilian buildings and blend in with the civilian population.
And the other "combatant" willingly and wantonly kills those civilians in the most sadistic way possible. But nice try.
The IDF and Israeli people take great pride in sponsoring and enabling the most heinous war crimes in the world. No mercy should be shown to these despicable fiends. In time the Zionist toilet will be flushed into history.
"Besides Egypt and Jordan, other Muslim countries like Indonesia and Saudi Arabia should take them in. Canada, Australia, Mexico, and every country in South America and Europe can take their share,” Notice how he "forgot" to mention the USA. A crazy as it sounds, Trump wants to ethnically clean Gaza. He will try to do such.
Maybe he misunderstood what being on the Holocaust Council meant, like if the American Cancer Society gave out radioactive cigarettes.
It has always fascinated me that a people so completely dependent on the victimhood narrative can be so thoroughly hypocritical. What’s even more interesting is that they behave as if the world doesn’t notice it, or is powerless to do something about it.
… moreover, he's an ethical moron supremely confident in the unimpeachable power of his billionaire tribe.
Oliner, the son of Holocaust survivors
I don't understand why this is seemingly always used to generate empathy for whomever is being talked about. They survived.
That's a, uh, really excellent point.
I'm reminded of a story (and it's a freezing snowy Monday and it's not abundantly clear why I'm at work, so I'll riff) about American bombers in WW2.
They were getting chewed up by German AA so the Army Air Force engineers looked at where the planes returning to base had been hit, and added armor to those spots (with minimising additional weight a limiting factor in up-armoring).
This didn't fix the problem. Losses were the same as before.
Until one engineer figured it out.
He suggested they armor up the sections of bombers that HADN'T been hit. The planes that returned to base and were examined, had SURVIVED because the hits they took hadn't been fatal ones.
They did that, and bomber losses dropped significantly.
So yes, sometimes surviving isn't as impressive as it might first seem…
Do you remember what year this happen? As you may know that the US army destroyed the German air force by early summer of 1944 and most heavy bombers losses from then on were to flak.
I can’t recall my source – was either a TED Talk on abstract thinking, or possibly a VSauce video or another YT creator who speaks on topics of counter-intuitive problem-solving.
Uh oh, someone's applying logic. It's supposed to be a Get Out of Jail Free card for all descendants' behaviors, forever. I have an Armenian-American friend whose social media sometimes passes along Armenian stuff, and incredibly one post about 3 years back was about recruiting people for a study on FOURTH GENERATION inherited trauma (whether nurture or nature was unclear) from the Turkish WWI era.
I suggested perhaps widening the gene pool some in the comments, to which none of the many born-and-raised-in-the-US Armenian-Americans replied. If your family has been in the US a century and you're shooting for generation #5, and the trauma is that… traumatic… I dunno, settle down with one of the 99+% of Americans who ain't Armenian? You'd think at this point that'd be wise for the genetic health of your poor kids to begin with.
Oye vey!!!
If you are a Zionist like this infidel you have no biblical rights to Palestinian land. Zioniism is the construct of atheists who detest Judaism and all people not buying Zionist terror.
Terminate all US aid to Israel.