President Trump is planning to withdraw thousands of US troops from Syria, Turkey’s Anadolu Agency reported on Tuesday, citing the Israeli broadcaster Kan.
The Kan report said that “senior White House officials conveyed a message to their Israeli counterparts indicating that President Trump intends to pull thousands of US troops from Syria.”
The report added that a US troop withdrawal from Syria would “raise significant concerns in Tel Aviv.”
Before Trump was inaugurated, the Pentagon under the Biden administration admitted that it had been lying about the number of troops it had in Syria. For years, the Pentagon said there were 900 US troops occupying eastern Syria, but it revealed in December that 2,000 troops are stationed there.
During his first term in office, Trump said he would withdraw from Syria but ended up reversing his decision after coming under immense pressure from Congress and elements of his administration.

In 2019, Trump agreed to keep only several hundred US troops in Syria to “secure” oil fields, but his envoy for Syria at the time, James Jeffrey, later admitted he was lying about the real number of US troops in the country.
“We were always playing shell games to not make clear to our leadership how many troops we had there,” Jeffrey told Defense One when he was on his way out of the Trump administration in 2020. He said the real number of US troops in Syria was “a lot more than” the roughly 200 troops Trump agreed to leave in 2019.
Jeffrey also discussed how he worked to convince Trump not to withdraw from Syria. “When the situation in northeast Syria had been fairly stable after we defeated ISIS, [Trump] was inclined to pull out. In each case, we then decided to come up with five better arguments for why we needed to stay. And we succeeded both times. That’s the story,” he said.
In a sign that a withdrawal could happen under the second Trump administration, the president appointed a critic of the US presence in Syria and Iraq as the Pentagon’s Middle East policy chief. Mike Dimino, a former CIA analyst, has called for US troops to be pulled out of the two countries, citing their vulnerability to attacks.
While Trump’s main justification for staying in Syria in 2019 was to “keep the oil,” he also said Israel and Jordan didn’t want to see a US withdrawal. “The other region where we’ve been asked by Israel and Jordan to leave a small number of troops is a totally different section of Syria, near Jordan, and close to Israel,” Trump said in October 2019. “So we have a small group there, and we secured the oil. Other than that, there’s no reason for it, in our opinion.”
They can't even trust each other, who would have thought?
Not if the Never Trumpers in the Uniparty have anything to say about it.
Who is in charge?
That depends on time frame.
When Trump pretends he’s going to do something the Trump-deranged (positive variant) like, he’s 100%, completely, totally in charge and owning teh libz.
When it turns out that yes, he was just pretending, he’s just a helpless victim with no agency whatsoever, completely at the mercy of teh libz.
Rinse, repeat.
Win win.
“The key to success is sincerity. If you can fake that you've got it made.”
George Burns
Typical Trump to campaign saying one thing& flip flop once in office. How anyone still buys his BS is a testament to the power of Advertising & low Public School standards.
The War party always wins..too many people get rich off the nonstop Gravy train
That's Trump's strategy. Not only does he reverse from campaigning and officiating but he does so while in office or just after the inauguration. It keeps everyone off balance.
While the left is trying to figure out how to reverse or sue Trump is already on something else or has reversed himself.
for instance no one really knows what he is going to do with Israel.
When it was Biden it was simply referred to as Dementia
It never was Biden, suggesting pull outs and demilitarization Try to pay attention.
Your strategy is leftist disinformation, all you are capable of.
You were unable to cite any reversal, you made it up. You made the claim, you were unable to support it. No sale.
OK you want to know about reversals. Against Bitcoin, for bitcoin. Against TicTock for TicTock. Against H1B visas, for H1b visas. for billionaires adn millionaires more so than MAGA – want more?
One of the big ones:
2015: Israel should find a way to make peace with the Palestinians
early 2016: Sheldon Adelson waves $125 million check under his nose
mid-2016: “Most pro-Israel presidential candidate in history”
He didn't do a full reverse on EV's ?? 😂🤣😂🤣
Why the shot at Public Schools? Do you prefer rich white only schools where any student with a problem is kicked out and sent to Public School?
Statistically speaking, it’s a likely culprit
Is that supposed to be contributing to s discussion?
Are your triggered knee jerk replies supposed to?
Statistically speaking, it’s a likely culprit 🤷🤷🤷
We have people..who believe a Republican is going to lower Retail prices, yeah the dig is warranted
Leftists like cannot address the actual subject here, but you also are ignorant economically. Energy prices will be coming down lots.
Oohh.. ‘lots’ 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
Can you explain one way that the Pr
Can you say how
Price controls or the merger of state& industry?
Planning on invading Iraq again to get their oil? Or maybe Venezuela? Good luck with that, the Joint Chiefs learned their lesson.
Personally, I went with (secular) homeschooling rather than with tax-funded daycare centers / day prisons / indoctrination centers.
We did some home schooling as well…
I did lots of contract work in Dallas for private schools, it's a little known fact there are private schools for black, Arab, and Asian students of low to middle income that are characterized by strict discipline and high standards. I went to public school, got a terrible education but greatly enjoyed all the girls and parties.
I went to Catholic schools for 10 years. They were also characterized by strict discipline and high standards, but the curriculum was the same bullshit indoctrination you receive in public schools. With the additional god nonsense.
My experience in Catholic school is the exact opposite of yours. I'll go with mine. I got a superior education to the public school students.
Based on your comments? Pretty funny.
The curriculum is no different. Especially when it comes to history.
Tim Burns playing another glaring Race Card. How unsurprising.
At least this time it's not denying that Public Schools exist.
We prefer reasonable comments, not nonsense from communists.
The public schools enslave the poor blacks.
Is that the royal "We"?
The only BS. I see is your junk post. You were, of course, unable to cite and BS from Trump. Trump campaigned on getting troops home, you are unable to focus, propagandist.
And he made absolutely zero progress, in four years.
Is there any bit of Propaganda you don’t buy?
And Bitcoin
China..oh wait..chiNAAA
And TikTok
Ooohh one of my favorites: the D.N.C.
literally a Lifelong Democrat & personal friend of the Clintons
Pretty much the only possible, positive thing that could come in the next few years would be if he flip flopped in the right direction on something important.
Banking on Mental decline is a poor substitute for Leadership
As feared: Trump will throw the NSF under the bus in favor of Turkish imperialism.
To be an enemy of the USA is dangerous but to be our friend is deadly (Kissinger).
Food for thought Maju….!
Better the Turks than US.. It’s their sandbox.
No! Imperialism and genocide can’t be tolerated no matter who is the actor. In some (rare) cases the USA is not the worst option: Kosovo and NE Syria are very clear examples.
Anyway, Turkey is a vassal of the USA and best friend of Israel. The difference is at best extremely subtle.
It’s not “their sandbox” just as Latin America is not the “sandbox” of the USA or Palestine is not the “sandbox” of Israel: they belong to their peoples!
Ok then you go an un-tolerate it all by yourself.
Genocide? Are you referring to Kurds? They make up almost a fifth of Turkey's population, no one is genociding Kurds in Turkey and they're not going to allow it in neighboring countries.
What happened in Afrin? Not just the Kurds were expelled and replaced with Turks and foreigner mercenaries but also all the other Syrians, refugees from Daesh terror, who were as many as the locals, so generous the Kurds are, were also expelled.
What happèned in Artsakh with the Armenians? Where is Kurdish self-rule? Where is their right to use their own language or have their own political forces?
Maybe they are not yet murdering all the Kurds within the borders of Turkey (they can’t, as you say they’re too many) but they systematically terrorize them just as Israel terrorizes the Palestinians every single day. Turkey is a fascist terrorist regime under Erdogan, who is worse than Mussolini and has indeed declared his love of Hitler on occasion.
Kosovo?.. Syria??
Two excellent examples of why we shouldn’t be intervening in places with no immediate US interests at stake. And roving the world is search of monsters to destroy is something the Founding Fathers admonished us NOT to do.
Israel has no friends, only patsies and the US leads the league on that score. Turkey, far from being Israels BFF, is been one of tge few NATO members to dare criticize and on occasion stand up the the Zionist hoard.
What goes on adjacent to the Turk’s border is indeed a legitimate interest of Turkey just like South America is ours.
It would be well if allowed them to tend their region as we do the same for ours.
Turkey has been collaborating with Israel in all accounts since 2011 or so:
1. by attacking Syria, a bastion of anti-Zionism, via proxies such as Daesh, Al Nusra, Al Qaeda, SNA and HTS
2. by providing Israel with oil from Iraqi Kurdistan (Barzani mafia) and Azerbaijan
3. by jointly backing Morocco against West Sahara and Algeria
4. by jointly backing Azerbaijan against Artsakh/Armenia in 2023
5. by doing absolutely nothing to help their suppossed friends of Hamas (demagogic chatter does not count)
There’s nothing you listed that Turkey wouldn’t be doing for it’s own interests. That they shared anything with the Zionists was pure coincidence.
There’s not much anyone could have done for Hamas one way or the other, they being hermetically sealed in Gaza.
We do not belong there.
You largely caused the problem: who armed Daesh and now HTS? Who has a military base in Amed, the largest Kurdish city, known to Turks as Diyarbakir? Who subsidizes Israel? Who destroyed Iraq?
I read that as National Science Foundation, and the reference to Turkey confused me . . .
North Syria Federation. As of late they went also by DAANES (Democratic Autonomous Areas of NE Syria?) but I feel that the former name was better known.
Oh hey, side note – anyone who claimed Trump had nothing to do with Project 2025 or that he had any knowledge of it or that any of it would influence his Presidency, should take note he's about to ban transgender military members EXACTLY in line with Project 2025's recommendation to do so.
Eliminating DEI funding also accords with Project 2025 dictates.
Additionally :
"Project 2025 goes so far as to propose banning words and phrases like “diversity,” “gender,” “reproductive health,” and “sexual orientation” from government documents; would turn long-standing government-funded global media—Voice of America among them— into propaganda outlets or shut them down; would defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which provides support to National Public Radio and the Public Broadcasting System, among other things; and advocates for a national ban of TikTok, a platform now used by one-third of all Americans."
Hmmm, "long-standing government-funded global media—Voice of America among them—" ARE propaganda outlets already. What you mean is that the propaganda will be directed differently? I imagine that's right.
Yes. VoA et. al., instead of broadcasting pro-Western propaganda to a foreign audience, would redirect to broadcast Trump political propaganda to a domestic audience.
It's just that going from a govt of millionaires and billionaires to a govt of just billionaires doesn't seem like much of a change to me …
In other words, you do not follow matters, and are unable to analyze.
Your junk post seems like the same old communist propaganda.
Go back to your comic books.
Trump loves free speech, you do not.
PUTZ See You!
"Stop the protests now!!!" Trump said in an all-caps post.
Yes, he just loves free speech. /s
You just lied.
You foolishly made a positive assertive claim about a position I know I do not hold, as if it were true. Making you guilty of uttering a falsehood.
While I cannot demonstrate to anyone else how much I value personal freedoms (including speech and bodily autonomy), I know my own mind and therefore have absolute proof, to myself at least, that you are a liar.
I agree with you that those are propaganda outlets. I just don't think that is why Trump wants to defund them. It might actually be a good part of project 2025, but that's just accidental.
Oh, absolutely … much of any "good" coming the next 4 years is going to be "stopped clock being right twice a day" type stuff …
That side note was a nonsensical note.
Are you being combative TP?…
I think that's his default setting.
I’m sorry, will it help if I use smaller words for you ?
He doesn't need to do that. He can hire James Franklin Jeffrey back to "play shell games."
Such move only favors turkey and $audi.
Hey, aren’t we all allies?
Yes … and? It's their part of the world. They will be there when we inevitably leave. So why should they not have the say?
Here’s your hat! What’s your hurry?!…
When voting someone down, let us know the reasoning… Certainly we can discern it ourselves but, it is a good way to keep the conversation going….
Dude, please don't yell.
Excellent but get them all out.
Well, he's got no "beginner" excuses any more … he knows the Deep State now and he's passing policy and governance changes left and right showing he's learned his lessons.
So just tell Hegseth to order the damn generals to get out of Syria and Iraq and fire them if they don't hop to it with alacrity. Out in six months or heads will roll (figuratively) …
Trump is famous for firing people, but one of the great failings of Trump's first term was when he failed to fire people when he should have.
I remember 8 years ago saying this is great news. I hope it doesn't end the same way as it did 8 years ago.
Is removing thousands of troops akin to removing all US and NATO troops from Syria?
Which governments would intervene to fight over and seize Syria's oil-producing eastern territory? The new Syrian government, Turkey, or Iraq?
It appears Ankara has the leverage, regardless of a UN or US policy. Will a pipeline be constructed across northern and eastern Syria? Israel is receiving oil from Turkey via Azerbaijan while the New Syria continues withering on the vine.
Will Trump pull thousands of US troops from Syria and Iraq? It seems doubtful as does his foreign policy track record.
The US has pretty much driven the stake through the heart of the UN now. It's too bad, without the Security Council it could have been a force for good.
According to the misinformed Trump, "we" defeated ISIS, just like "we" defeated Nazi Germany in WW2. The Russians may have something to say about both incidents.
I like when O.G. Donna smiles at New Donna.
And Iran regarding ISIS.
ISIS went away in Syria, only after Trup became president.
You are highly irritable TP…
Operation Tripwire is aborted.
Hard to believe as Trump likened stealing Syrian Oil and Food…!
Is that supposed to be coherent or make any sense?
Does this mean Amerika's recent transfer of one-ton bombs to Israel won't be used by the Pentagon and Israel against the Syrian people and the terrorists controlling Damascus?
Are you being rhetorical?!…
That question and its answer are beyond my pay grade and geopolitical influence.
Biden wouldn't stop Israel and few expect Trump to exert control over Israel's military operations.
Step 1 : Admit how many US troops were actually occupying east Syria.
Step 2 : Express surprise that nobody trusts the Pentagon or Secretary of Defense's media statements.
Touché ole!
I consider myself a leftist…
Hopefully James Jeffrey is now unemployed and will never work in or for or as a parasite on government, ever again. A little worm of a "man" who deserves imprisonment in Guantanamo (no charges necessary, so don't ask me "for what"; it doesn't matter; most Gitmo internees never get charged with anything, I just want his lying ass locked up for the rest of his life) until someone finally gets around to charging him, or letting him go, in 20 or so years. Just like we did with the "foreign terrorists", this SOB is a domestic terrorist.
If it comes to fruition it would be a transfer to Iraq not withdraw home…!
Oh thanks for the policy news directly from you. No sale.
"after we defeated ISIS" my ass. After we made them our allies would be closer to the truth.