Israeli troops continued to enforce a demand that civilians don’t attempt to return home to places being occupied militarily by Israel on Monday, after the 60-day ceasefire that was in place expired and Israel decided to remain anyhow. Two more civilians were reported killed by Israeli gunfire on Monday.
The initial ceasefire is past its 60-day deadline, but Israel and the US have extended it until February 18, giving Israel another 22 days to occupy southern Lebanon before the deadline hits. Lebanon’s new government says they accept that extension. Hezbollah officials have complained about the “unlimited” US support for Israeli military action, but so far have shown no signs of attacking Israeli troops occupying the south.
Israel’s own position is nebulous in that they keep insisting they need to stay, keep blaming Iran, and provide no indication of when, or even if, they intend to withdraw. Former Israeli DM and military chief Benny Gantz is calling for further escalation of that ceasefire-occupation.

Gantz says Israel should stop talking about withdrawal from Lebanon, and simply expand both ground and air operations in the country. He says this would be done to “enforce” the ceasefire on Lebanon, but would presumably involve a lot more Israeli firing.
Israel has reiterated its demands that civilians not return home to those southern villages, and has killed 24 Lebanese in the last two days to ensure they don’t get home. UNIFIL officials have also cautioned Lebanese against trying to return to their homes, noting it isn’t safe.
Israel has committed hundreds if not over a thousand violations of the Lebanon ceasefire since it initially went into effect in late November. This has included shooting at displaced civilians, shooting at the media, and burning and demolishing homes and infrastructure in occupied villages and towns. The handful of villages Israel has withdrawn from only saw troops leave after they were effectively destroyed.
The international community is broadly not reacting to the news of the continued occupation, with the White House suggesting the continued Israeli presence was needed to stop Hezbollah. French President Emmanuel Macron called on Israel to withdraw its troops so Lebanon’s state authority could be restored.
What Comes Next on the Greater Israel Agenda? Dr. Philip Giraldi
The “ceasefire” will be violated and war with Iran promoted
By Philip Giraldi
"Iran, which is the ultimate target of Israel and possibly of the United States as well judging from “discussions” that have apparently taken place, is very much aware of what is going on and is making preparations for war by concealing and going deep underground with its vital military and energy related sites. Interestingly, however, the principal claim being made by both Israel and US government hawks like Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina that Tehran might develop a nuclear weapon within a week if it chooses to do so has been denied by the outgoing CIA Director William Burns, who claims that the Iranians have no nukes and have no capability to quickly produce them, nor do they have any desire to acquire a nuclear weapon." Read entire article here:
War criminal says what?
Complete Title:
Former Israeli DM Says More Troops Should Be Sent to Lebanon to ‘Enforce’ The Ceasefire that Israel Violates Daily…!
As a political party and military wing Hezbollah has to abide with the Lebanon new government… The 22-day extension would pass by fairly quickly…! The Lebanon government would not agree to the second Israeli extension and that's when Hezbollah military would come to play…!
Airdrop the POS into the middle of it.