Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that US troops must be included in a Western peacekeeping force that he wants deployed to Ukraine as part of a potential peace deal with Russia.
Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Zelensky called for 200,000 European troops to be sent to Ukraine to uphold a peace deal, an idea that’s a non-starter for talks with Moscow.
“We need contingents with a very strong number of soldiers,” Zelensky said. “From all the Europeans? Two hundred thousand. It’s a minimum. Otherwise, it’s nothing.”

In an interview with Bloomberg following the remarks, Zelensky said US troops needed to be involved, or the Europeans wouldn’t want to be involved. “It can’t be without the United States. Even if some European friends think it can be, no, it can’t be. Nobody will risk without the United States,” he said.
The Wall Street Journal reported in December that President Trump wanted European troops to deploy to Ukraine to enforce a ceasefire, but the idea was quickly dismissed by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who said Moscow was “certainly not satisfied” with the proposal.
One of Russia’s primary motivations for launching its invasion of Ukraine was the country’s alignment with NATO, and Ukrainian neutrality is a key Russian demand for peace, meaning Moscow won’t settle for an agreement that involves a major Western troops presence in Ukraine.
The Trump administration has said its official policy is to end the war in Ukraine, and Trump has tasked his envoy to the conflict, Keith Kellog, to achieve that goal within 100 days. But it remains unclear what sort of deal the US may offer Russia.
Zelensky wants to bring all of NATO into the war his neocon puppetmasters started in 2014. He has already had thousands of fascistic and outright Nazi sympathizers from all over the west fighting for his cause. Maybe he can goad all of the fascists from the west into signing up to get blown up by the Russians.
I expect little Gladios will be left to terrorize in the near future.
Turned out splendid for Italy…
US govt security state philosophy: do the same shit over and over again.
Muh Ukie Fashists!
Muh Ethnic Klensing in the Donbass!
Tu Quoque in full force from this clown.
please speak english or polish
s'il te plait parlez Anglais gold Polonais
Muh Ukie Fashists!
Muh Ethnic Klensing in the Donbass!
Crediting Zelensky with the minimal sense of reality needed to realize how far off the fantasy espoused here has wandered from it, I can understand, sort of, the desperate attempts to draw the US into the war. It will after all be entirely his war if the US walks away from their proxy. I credit Zelensky with this minimal sense, because he does seem to still realize that his 'European friends' are about as much use to him as a flat tire on an overloaded wheelbarrow.
"I can understand…the desperate attempts to draw the US into the war."
Along w/'joining NATO,' direct US involvement is one of Z's 'ur-themes' – remember the demands for US fighters to square off against Russian fighters over Ukraine to 'close the skies'?
Z. will do as ordered. Else the Gladio Nazis will slap him harder and he will appear in X not just high on cocaine but with broken ribs and a purple eye at the very least.
I think I hear President Trump laughing.
President Drumpf is a fool
It’s going to be a rough four years ahead for you. Hang in there.
Soldiers mean nothing without tanks, artillery and an air force, and a huge organization to constantly supply and repair them. Because we don't live in the Middle Ages. NATO is incapable of bringing all this to Ukraine. Their weapons shipments to Ukraine have been smaller and smaller. The supplies are running low.
But Zelensky's hope is that NATO soldiers will be hit so he can turn this into WWIII, with nuclear weapons being used. And through that somehow he hopes that his side will win and he will survive politically.
Because if he loses the war, he is out of office. If he makes peace with Russia now, he is out of office – the pressure against this in the political class he helped build is enormous. And once out of office he is just one step from prison. For his actions in the war and for bribes that he has no doubt taken. Otherwise he wouldn't have betrayed his voters and sold off Ukraine's public land to foreigners in the summer 2021. (To BlackRock, to China which got 10% of all farmland, etc.)
That caused his popularity to plummet to the low 30s, and he'd lose the next election. Which is why he ramped up the shelling of Donbass and amassed an invasion army, causing the current war. If the war ends, he's back to the beginning again, but it's much worse this time.
I believe Z will be eliminated soon enough, whether the war is ended or not. As far as I'm concerned it's simply a matter of time before A) Russia gets him, B) the Ukrainian people and/or military get him for screwing the country over, or C) the US gets him as part of a deal with Russia. With A and B, it's just business. With C, it's a matter of using Z as a pawn until he's no longer useful and then eliminating him because he knows too much about US/NATO dirty dealings in the Ukraine. Does anyone want him spilling the beans about weapons being shunted to the black market, or payoffs, or bio-labs, or any number of 'conspiracy theories' that will no doubt be revealed as true?
NATO troops in Ukraine being hit (which happens every other day, because there are NATO troops in Ukraine already, at least as "trainers" and as "volunteers") won't cause WW3 (art. 5 does not cover that). However Russia's nuclear doctrine now allows them to attack countries that are providing aid to Russia's enemies, so it can start nuclear war… but only if the Kremlin decides so.
A possible (very unlikely but just for consideration) case would be if Russia decided to nuke something near Poland, for example that nazi nest that is Lvov, when the wind is heading west for days, maybe weeks, bringing all the radioactive dust right on Poland and Germany (winter conditions are best for that, bc it's when Siberian winds are much more likely to occur, meteorological note). That would be an obvious, yet technically not "real" attack on NATO, pushing the boundaries of article 5 but not really forcing its automatic activation.
Said that, I don't think Russia would do that, much more likely that they directly bomb France or Britain or even the USA if they feel their red lines have been crossed too heavily. Something non-nuclear like Iran's bombings of Israel (but with much more powerful weapons even such as the feared Oreshniks).
Yee, the scombage would rather risk all living things on the planet than be ousted…..!!!!!!
"Zelensky's hope is that NATO soldiers will be hit so he can turn this into WWIII, with nuclear weapons being used."
Exactly why I commented (before reading yours) that NATO troops cannot be a part of peacekeeping operations.
I suggest African Union soldiers, just to annoy the s**t outta Ukraine's not-insignificant neo-Nazi population.
Stop bitching about the "Ukrainian Nio-Nahtzeeeees"
When Russia, your favourite country, is a Nahtzee country
Christian Lox, you’ve only gotten dumber since abandoning your studies in Ukraine for the safety of Poland
I’m sure you’ve already tried bleach, peroxide, white wine, and Pink Solution™ to scrub out the permanent stain modern neo-Naziism has left on your former country, but have you consulted the history books ? The Russians had an excellent solution to the red, black, and REALLY White grease tainting all of Europe in the 1940s. Let them keep at it today, unless Aryan supremacy in Ukraine is among your goals.
"THe permanent stain of neo nazism"
RUssia is actually neo-nazi yet you can offer up no meaningful criticism to them
Your Tu Quoque fallacy undoes any legitimacy your argument might hold.
Neo-Nazis are not the most capable elements of the Russian Federation military. They ARE the most capable in what’s left of the UKRAINIAN military.
Foreign fighters motivates by neo-Nazi ideology are not making a pilgrimage to the Russian Federation to realise Aryan visions there. They are volunteering for UKRAINE to ensure a proud Aryan future THERE.
The Russian Federation did not and does not have a neo-Nazi regiment / battalion as part of its official national military force. UKRAINE did and DOES.
Neo-Nazis in the Russian Federation stand negligible chance of influencing their government and society. Neo-Nazis in UKRAINE are the only significant,unified nationalist movement that country has.
Life would be so much easier if you could recognize facts and the reality of the situation, and either openly admit you’re fine with neo-Nazi Aryanification of your homeland OR start working to end their influence before it’s too late. F**k or walk, Christian Lox.
google "rusich"
A dictator wants US soldiers in Ukraine. I want an election in Ukraine. Let us see how this narcissist entertainer Zelensky would fare after he destroyed his nation.
Except, with US of I expertise, they'd rig it.
The US made him the dictator of the Ukraine and paid him heftily for it all.
Z. is "correct" in that there can't be elections while the war continues: many Ukrainians are bogged at the frontlines, or in hiding trying to avoid conscription, or exiled in EUrope, etc. He could be easily removed by military/nazi/NATO coup, but that would only erode whatever "legitimacy" the Maidan/NATO Regime has left. Another thing is if (big "if") Russia could sponsor a friendly coup or "revolution" in residual Ukraine, I don't think they can (NATO deep state grip is brutal, Russia is bad at regime change games), that would solve everything. Maybe Trump can secretly help Putin pull that? I doubt it but we'll see.
You only want an election in Ukraine to bring it into the
Russkie Mir
LOL pro-kremlin twink and dink
Yes, we want Zelinski to get the same kind of electoral mandate that Trump received from his people. Hold an election now.
So, 49.7 to 48.2? That mandate?
The Mandate that delivered to Trump the White House, the Senate, the House and the Supreme Court. THAT MANDATE.
Sure, it was a mandate if words don’t mean things.
If words DO mean things, it was a fairly close election that turned on a number of issues rather than any one big unifying issue, thus producing a “mandate” for none of those issues.
The supreme court? I didn't know we voted for them. And Biden/Harris delivered the house and senate, not Trump. Winning an election by 1.5% isn't a mandate by any stretch of the imagination.
Why does he need US/Western peacekeeping and a British 100 year pact?
As of Dec. 2024, Zelensky reported 43,000 casualties, Russia 10x that figure, and, the North Koreans have been wiped out. By those numbers, they have plenty of fighting to do.
The WEF has NOTHING to do with USA policy. Z can give speeches all he wants.
Z always wants more war. He is a WW3 advocate. Remove him.
You need a barking dog to try to scare the enemy. This was always the US imperial nazi coup and subsequent war. "Biden" (Blinken) showed that you squeeze more from EUrope with the Ukraine war active and related imperial protectionism (sanctions) than just by demanding they rise their military budget (to buy US-made hyper-expensive and highly inefficient war toys). Now EUrope (and Britain and in general US vassals) can only buy from the USA or US-approved "friendshoring" nations, what is destroying EUropean economy and turning EUrope into a deindustrialized veritable US colony. The USA profits from all that: Trump may have Zelensky removed only because of personal dislike (we'll see) but, if he wants to keep the sanctions and the advanced NATO presence east of Poland, a few hundred miles from Moscow, then he needs someone like him, and it's hard to see how a neo-Zelensky can emerge with any "democratic" legitimacy in Ukraine without first ending the war for good. And that Putin is not interested in, because he's massively winning now and already fell into a diplomatic trap in 2015 (Minsk).
There will be more war for at least a year or two because the USA is not willing to concede to Russian demands: (1) recognition of annexations, (2) denazifcation (de-NATO-ization) of Ukraine, (3) permanent neutrality and demilitarization of residual Ukraine (guaranteed by credible powers like China and India possibly, European powers have lost all credibility, the USA too) and (4, if the USA is involved in the peace treaty directly) lifting of all sanctions.
"The Prisoner" moniker is obvious.
You are imprisoned by your own stupendous ignorance.
Well have a hissy fit, Comrade Z. There no logical reasons for America to send its kids to settle the fight to the death you two -haha "Christian" – neighbors are having over your fence.
Meanwhile, why don't you just suck it up and admit you have been a puppet all along? Your 'democracy" is a joke- no wonder you have trouble getting your kids to fight for it. Your people have nothing to defend except an idea apparently half of them disagreed with.
So reap the whirlwind, and grow up while you are at it.
A lot of us are sick of all of you sociopathic & adoloescent "world leaders."
Except, it was always a Washington war, Ukraine only the enlisted grunt.
It's still their fence they want us protecting.
The only “fence” is the creative UkraNazi fiction.
If you don't know Eastern European history, please dont comment on it and become part of the Kremlin Twink and Dink Squad
I clearly know more than you.
Most trees know more than Christian Lox. And trees know when's a good time to leaf, too.
Ha! Dad joke.
"There no logical reasons for America to send its kids to settle the fight "
Not that I disagree with you, but "logic", above the tactical level, is rarely employed when engaging/starting war
UN Peace keepers perhaps!…
Thadt be nice
Mistake: never use the word "MUST" in a sentence directed at President Trump.
Unless you're MUSK, right?
How is this guy still alive? One would think that his own countrymen would've turned on him even if they were anti Russian. If its a choice of being protected by a far away bully or a near bully doesn't it make sense to choose the one that is geographically, economically and culturally closer? Ok America rattled its saber, pumped money and weapons, and after 500+ Ukrainians are dead will walk away as if nothing happened.
First thing that happened in Ukraine in 2014 was nazi terror all around (the most notorious case was the Odessa massacre but it was definitely not the only case). Not just Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk wanted to secede as result, but also at least Kharkov, while in Zaporozhie there was for a short time an Anarchist guerrilla even, trying to revive the Makhnovist dream of a century ago and sometime later the Transcarpathian oblast (which is largely Hungarian and Slovak) also tried to secede. Kharkov's and Transcarpathia attempts to secede were quelled in blood, Gladio (the European neo-fascist branch of the CIA) works hard.
In 2015, when the Minsk accords were signed, the Ukrainian Army was so battered and demoralized by repeated Donbass militia victories (possibly aided by the then quite secretive Wagner group, which was not yet fully formed anyhow) that I was feeling like they could even try to march on Kiev, or at the very least quite easily consolidate their control of Eastern Ukraine (not just Donbass but defintely also Kharkov). It was also quite plausible then that the Ukrainian Army could have turned against the Gladio/Maidan Regime, which was not yet consolidated and had zero legitimacy (they had deposed elected and popular President and Parliament just months earlier, people were aware and not yet brainwashed, the Internet was not censored in those days yet, so information flowed quite well for those interested, unlike now). And that's why the Minsk accords were so horrible, maybe not so much for Russia (whose agenda is irredentist and often cryptic) but for the peoples of Ukraine and the prospects of return to democracy and peace.
It seems that warmongers Netanyahu and Zelensky control the White House, no matter who is the occupant.
Because they're not the chief warmongers, those are in Wall Street and the Beltway.
That is partially true when it comes to Zelensky. He is the perfect Washington puppy. I don't think that Netanyahu is a puppet. He is more of a brother to the Beltway CIA empire war mongers.
I’ll grant you that Netanyahu is influential but he’s not chief warmonger at all.
He is being paid by the same MAFIA bosses? You could be right, if he is not one of them.
Is he part of the 1% or even of the 0.1%? How mega-rich is Netanyahu? I ask because I haven’t researched that myself but my impression is that his capital is mostly political and not so much mega-wealth (although he’s not poor either, obviously). He’s the leader of a very pampered but also very small colony, a colony that it’s very invested (to the point of collective mental illness) into genocidal belligerance, surely well beyond their own means and totally dependent on US imperial backing, as we have seen in the last year.
You may be right, we don’t know, big money is global. Revisionist history may tell more, but we may not live long enough to find out. Historians still work on WW I. And Trump just released the top secret documents of the JFK, RFK, and MLK investigations. Maybe 9/11 will follow too. Can’t wait to see what comes out of that.
I very strongly doubt 9-11 will be declassified: too “recent” and too outrageous (self-attack in order to create “war on terror” pretext, both for the imperialist wars and for the domestic crackdown on liberties), it would basically mean to make every single high rank politician (and many others) guilty of high treason, incl. Trump himself, because he was no doubt aware as former POTUS and he did nothing about it. The Kennedy/King murders are old enough that nobody that matters will suffer consequences and is part of the political price to be paid to RFK Jr. for his support, and also part of a strategy to reign on the deep state, which Trump clearly needs to consolidate his power.
What will probably be declassified is the “Russiagate” hysteria and maybe infos pertaining to the covid19 hysteria as well, which are recent psy-ops but directly attacked Trumpism.
But 9/11 I don’t think so. It’s too big: the biggest lie ever told!
I think you’re right that we won’t see much 9/11 declassification. Then again …
At this point, Trump is trying to turn his presidency into a “new era,” and one way of defining that is sweeping old controversies off the board. The point of the JFK/RFK/MLK declassifications isn’t so much to solve mysteries as to make those mysteries no longer mysteries and therefore less interesting.
The problem with 9/11 is that many of the principals are still alive and at large, and have friends who still hold a certain amount of power. Declassifying that stuff would be a fight. The question is whether or not Trump is willing to have that fight. It would certainly be a bigger “era change” item than the older stuff.
You said it, politics as usual. No matter how old, the truth hurts.
You sound like one of those far-right idiots blubbering about the "zionist occupation government"
"Muh Zajuhnist Okkupashun Gubbermint"
I really don't think you know Right from Left. Politically, or even in terms of your own hands.
i think i do
Not if you think Carol Jean is far right.
Zelensky is in charge of entertainment, that was and still is his job, nothing else is needed.
"24 hours"?!
WW1 was extended for six months every six months, Ukraine war seems to be extended for four years every four years…
Maybe Zelenskiyy needs this war to continue "until the hospitals are ready" or "until we Flatten The Curve™" ? Seems like both of those excuses could renew a bad idea for another 6-8 weeks.
I think Zelensky is cornered, he may have no way to get out, even if he has his tickets and more than one mansion to live in.
He had plenty of opportunities and offers to leave when the war started and decided to stay to defend his nation like a real leader should do. You have been singing that song for 3 years. Zelensky has been in the frontlines many times.
Has Putin?
You must have been in a coma. Zelensky had to do as told for his money, and he did, he had no permission to take the opportunities President Putin offered the Ukrainian people, Biden decided for him what he could do. Zelenky sold the Ukrainian people and the nation for cannonfodder and he still does. You make up your own story, it means nothing to me.
Zelensky will be just a wealthy exile when the war is over. But it’s not up to him. Russian media are echoing (with apparent skepticism) everything Trump, Zelensky, etc. are saying these days in relation to the war and Trump has said that Zelensky is ready for peace negotiations. However the devil is in the details: Trump’s well known offer to Russia is something that Russia can’t accept, it’s very far from their goals of effectively turning Ukraine into a neutral or vassal country. What Trump is “offering” is basically: we accept the annexations and we will deploy NATO troops in Ukraine (European ones apparently) to “guarantee peace”. Russia won’t accept anything like that, the very central issue of reversing Maidan (Nazi putsch) is not even being considered, revoking sanctions is not being offered and deploying NATO in Ukraine is precise what Russia is fighting against more than anything else.
Have you ever seen Neocon Warmongers like Keith Kellog end wars!? I hate to say it guys, there is no way we're getting out of this WWIII alive.
Oh pucker up
Is there a more oblivious person on the planet than Zelensky?
The people on this website
But don't beat yourself up over it. Maybe it's a Ukrainian thing.
Yknow words can end up hurting people
…says the railbird casually tossing racial slurs against gays, Canadians, and Americans.
lol anything i dont agree with is a racial slur
Rock~hard place.
He is soon going to be abandoned by the US, who I believe really did promise the carrot of NATO. But he was too coked up or getting a sugar high from attention and $$, not to see through the empire of lies.
A large portion of Ukrainians want the war to end. But the Azov types will not be happy they sacrificed blood to be abandoned. Way back when, one leader threatened his life if he ceased the conflict.
Will he escape before the collapse?
He spoke and enjoyed every moment on cloud nine in Davos with the richest and most powerful people on the planet.
It may be his last chance.
No. Any peacekeeping forces deployed to Ukraine must be UN approved AND must NOT include soldiers from any NATO nation. WW3 tripwires are the last thing anyone needs
And it's more than a day after Inauguration – didn't Trump promise to have this war ended by 11:59 Tuesday night ?
It seems like the Kremlin Twink and Dink squad has extended to new Canadian recruits who are very suggestible and have questionable morals
Amazing how all those words, per se, have a meaning in English – yet lumped together as you did, they just sound clinically f**king retarded.
Do you just really REALLY not want Asian or African Peacekeepers in your "ideally pure Aryan" former homeland, Lox Vila ?
I dont care
I'm a Jewish person i'm not aryan despite my stunning good looks.
I'm just saying that if it were up to you they'd be Russian peacekeepers
Great guess. Totally agree.
This guy breaths Putin day in day out.
Actually that would be you. I'm thinking you have Vlad's photo of him riding shirtless on a horse on your bedroom ceiling. You seemed that obsessed with him.
Funny, Chistian Villa was also Jewish. you really are bad at this.
I wonder if Russia is on board wirh U.S. troops there in Ukraine…????? Better to get some peacekeepers from the UN or some other place not involved in the hostilities…!!!!!! Less chance of WWIII…..
You'd suggest some chinese/n.korean peacekeepers
Think like "leader" Poodles!!!!!!!
Once there is no NATO and the continent is cleaned of the Americans and sovereign no military of any kind is needed. In the end the US will be a very isolated nation. Without the US and UK meddling in continental affairs there would not have been 2 WW. The colonial UK empire was dying and the US WANTED TO REPLACE IT, WHICH THEY DID and which is just about ending. Their megalomania brings it on to themselves. Happens all the time.
Good to see you include the UK – compared to some of the filthiness of that country's rulers, the US regime sometimes has something of a good-natured fool.
A nice thought, but I think the UK/USA are Siamese twins, it worked for a long time, now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Ukraine won't need peacemakers, unless her neighbors decide to grab some territory.
"leader" Poodles of Russia is just salty his 3-day special needs work trip to Kyiv failed and is now blackmailing the west like he's the victim
Pootie Pie ought to just give up LOL
Hey mates I forgot my password again so this is the new me
This time I just made the password to this something I can actually remember and not something cryptic.
Just disregard the old me
Also I wanted to talk to Maju since he was the only person who blocked me
4th go-around, hey C. "Bob" Vila ?
Be aware – unlike Reddit, the Moderation here is EXTREMELY smart and observant. You'll start getting instaBanned if you keep ducking & dodging to get your dumbs**t opinions on here.
None of my previous accounts were banned LOL
I’m here with my youthful 21 year old energy to enlighten a bunch of older people
Were you not here before with different names? Hmm.
Pretending that forgetting your password is a thing is soooooo 1993.
These days, you click the “forgot password” link and check your email.
yeah funny thing…..
Trump has already shown the world he bought the war mongers narrative about a Russia on the ropes. This will end in disaster, should he decide to cock fight with Putin.
Who cares what Zelensky has to say? He is not stupid, he knows no one cares, so he is enjoying his time in a beautiful Davos winter paradise, most likely the last one for him and his spouse. And it costs him nothing.
I think he is stupid. As the saying goes stupid is as stupid does.
Considering that he may not live long enough to enjoy all his loot. I read his wife drives a Bugatti, he took care of her at least.
Bugatti was bought by US taxpayer money Biden sent him…!
So true, you said it.
He played the lottery not chess, you said it, he is stupid, and has no character I might add.
Joining NATO is far reached but lets switch it to bring peace NATO troops which sounds better…!
The US and UK are Europe's troublemaker, the sooner NATO collapses and the US is gone the better.
The one issue I agree with Trump. Germany has been occupied for 80 years one wonders if the US will dismantle all the nuclear weapons on German soil as well as the big AFB in Ramstein and go home peacefully.
When Russia and Germany co-operate together there will be peace on the continent.
I am always in amazement when Zelensky makes his bold and audacious demands to international forums. Better yet, pictures/video of him reviewing military tech, field positions, etc., and his facade of 'yes, I actually know what this means, etc.'
He has absolutely no clue.
What's even worse, are the hoards of fools that embrace this groomed and installed cretin.
Of course, it's not him; He just accepted the role as instructed and got very wealthy, along with a vast amount of corrupted officials
He did because the pay was more than good and playing the leader and boss on the world state is more satisfying than playing that role in a dinky theater with small crowds.
What a tinhorn dictator making demands every day.
It is turning into a madhouse!
(In the bad sense of the word – I once watched an impressive french antiwar movie, set in WW1, in which the inhabitants of a madhouse were the sane people).
If those EU and US troops would consist of a battalion of politicians, war propagandists and war profiteers at the front line, I would welcome that idea.
You folks know Rutte by now.
In march 2022 another politician, Van Haga, blamed Rutte for supporting escalation and sending young people into their deaths in Ukraine.
This occurred:
Rutte twisted himself out of it with a standard politician’s recipe: by not replying, in this case openly –
MP Van Haga: “Citizens do not want war. Politicians want that. (…) So in my contribution I asked the Prime Minister whether he is prepared to die for Ukraine. (…) is the Prime Minister prepared to die for Ukraine?”
PM Rutte: “I honestly think the question is out of order. I really leave that to Mr Van Haga. I will not go into that.”
Zelensky is exactly right. Russians cheat massively. They certainly cheated after the Minsk accords. If the front lines are frozen, it will take many thousands of both European and American soldiers to keep the Russians honest. Only the front lines shouldn't be frozen. Russia should be forced to retreat to its own country and make reparations.
F^^K you Vlad. You stole our money. You are not getting our children.