Israeli strikes on Gaza have been relentless since it was announced on Wednesday that Israel and Hamas had reached a ceasefire deal, which is expected to take effect on Sunday.
Al Jazeera reported that as of Thursday night in Gaza, at least 87 Palestinians had been killed since the ceasefire was announced, including 21 children and 25 women. At least 40 of the dead were killed since dawn on Thursday.

Israeli attacks on Thursday included heavy bombing in northern Gaza. In Jabalia, at least 20 Palestinians were killed by Israeli strikes. Israeli strikes also pounded Gaza City, including an attack that hit a school-turned-shelter and killed at least two children.
The Israeli military said that it bombed 50 targets across Gaza in 24 hours. The IDF claimed it hit “terror targets” but offered no evidence. Haaretz recently revealed that Israeli soldiers frequently kill unarmed civilians and count them as “terrorists” and also bomb buildings where there was previously a Hamas presence, even if there no longer is one.
Gaza’s Health Ministry said in its Thursday update that the latest violence has brought its death toll to 46,788 martyrs and the number of wounded to 110,453. The Health Ministry typically only counts dead and wounded Palestinians brought to hospitals, meaning their numbers don’t account for the thousands who are missing and presumed dead under the rubble.
A new study published in The Lancet found the Health Ministry’s numbers were a significant undercount, likely by 41%. The study said that as of October 2024, the true death toll was likely over 70,000, which only accounts for violent deaths, not indirect deaths caused by the US-backed Israeli siege.
Is anyone really surprised? Israel is on a roll with Wash.'s blessing and this will just continue until the Israeli goal of ethnic cleansing is completed. Aren't you so proud to be an American who's wages and bank interest is being used to kill innocent people? As the Xtian Zionists continue to believe, if we give Israel everything they want, God will bless America. Well, tell that to the people who died and lost love ones on 911; as Bin Laden stated, the reason was because of supporting Israel and placing military bases on sacred ground.
The dancing Israelis on 9/11.
Oh, to be a chosenite. Murder and mayhem is hilarious.
Forty-six dead women and children did fall,
Forty-six dead women and children.
If another woman or child is Israeli killed,
it's forty-seven dead women and children that fell,
Forty-seven dead women and children.
There's only a few more million left to kill, only a few more million to go.
Tomorrow is another new day;
Forty-eight more dead women and children will fall,
Except when it’s Jewish Children dying!!!
They're vampires of 21st century…!
God does not bestow strength in order to persecute weak and defenseless people. This indiscriminate slaughter of innocent people is the furthest thing from a "War on terror".
Thank you for that. A reminder of the hope many of us had back then listening to that song and wearing out the record.
Sad – and we are still killing and the answer is still blowing in the wind.
The poor Zionists: genocide is hard work. Disgusting behaviour
Gaza has become a shooting range for Netanyahu's Zionists.
This is the first genocide of the 21st Century.
What will be the consequences for Israel and its enabler the USA?
Just keep those AIPAC checks coming and congress will be pacified. One wonders how much of that $22 BILLION in foreign aid approved for Israel this year will get channeled back to the whores in congress?
One wonders how much of that $22 BILLION in foreign aid approved for Israel this year will get c̶h̶a̶n̶n̶e̶l̶e̶d̶ laundered back to the whores in congress?
Blame Hamas for hiding behind civilians, after causing a massacre.
And blame Israel for wantonly killing them. For some reason you think Israel "lowering" themselves to terrorism is justified. If Hamas was doing to Israel what Israel is doing to Gaza, you'd be screaming HOLOCAUST.
Israel attacks northern Gaza in hope of wiping Hamas who are still present in tunnels in northern Gaza…But, They're like shadows Israel cannot follow…!
According to B'tselem, from the year 2000 until 7Oct, 2300 Palestinians children were murdered by the IDF.
Currently, there is competition between IDF battalions as to which can kill the most Palestinians per week, per month. It was described by IDF reservists in interviews by Haaretz reporters.
Crude, slimy work by the IDF. Really.
Why are civilians hanging around military targets? Answer: Hamas puts the targets in civilian area so that they can score propaganda points when civilians are hit. And it works. People fall for this tactic.
Yes, Mosques, hospitals, schools, tent cities, high rise apartments, evacuation sites and every other square inch of Gaza that Israel claims there are Hamas operatives present. So numbnuts, there isn't any place to "hang out" where Israel is unwilling to bomb. And if they can't kill them with bombs, they'll withhold aid until they either starve or freeze to death or die from some disease because medical supplies were also withheld. And yet once again you leave out Israel's willingness to completely ignore any possible way of protecting civilians as if that makes what they do justified and someone else's fault. You are one fucking disgusting human being.
Just can't avoid the "F" can you? But anyhow your lack understanding is amazing. The IDF targets the terrorists where they exists. Yes civilians die in the process. As for starving the Palestinians, picture after picture posted on this website shows that the Palestinians are not starving. Not a single person in the photo for articles look like they are starving.
The F-word is demonstrative and effective to solidify some of our points! If, nothing else it gets one’s attention…
And you just can't avoid being a fucking moron who doesn't know the difference between indiscriminate killing of civilians and "targeting" terrorists. You don't TARGET terrorists with 2000 lb bombs, idiot, or drop more than 80,000 tons of bombs on 2.3 million people packed into 140 square miles. That would be the definition of how to do indiscriminate killing. And even you can't be that fucking stupid to think there is no starvation in Gaza when there isn't nearly enough aid trucks allowed in to sustain the lives of over 2 million people. But since you can't see them, they mustn't be there. You're an embarrassment.
More lies from these monsters and their fellow travelers like the JERK Timmy Boy!
How many thousands of CHILDREN is the Jewish State entitled to kill trying to neutralize Hamas??? Hamas was created by Netanyahu to diminish the PLO & THE JEWISH STATE HAS BEEN GIVING THEM FINANCIAL SUPPORT VIA Katar ever since Netanyahu created it!! Do a little research. You may find out the cozy relation they had with Likud!!!!
He is not a human being, rather an evil being…!
That is an affront to disgusting human beings, right there.
Tim, Jake, as well as others who spew the same dribble, are in reality one person, with multiple identities.
How many people are you playing?
I don't know why you keep saying that, but I believe you are wrong.
According to the Geneva Conventions, the indiscriminate killing of civilians is a war crime. Clearly, then, Israel guilty. However, the rule of law is defined by the winners.
For example: The death of 500,000 Iraqi children was "a very hard choice, but the price-we think the price is worth it" – Madeleine Albright
If Israel wins this war, they have nothing to worry about.
Targeting terrorists is not indiscriminate killing of civilians. Destroying your enemies ability to make war is not an indiscriminate killing of civilians.
But it does not matter anyway because "The Conventions apply to a signatory nation even if the opposing nation is not a signatory, but only if the opposing nation "accepts and applies the provisions" of the Conventions." So Gaza is not nation and it certainly has not "accepts and applies the provisions".
Target terrorists is one thing — IDF snipers taking out toddlers is quite another.
According to Dr. Permutter, shot twice. Once in the torso, and once in the head.
As if targeting "terrorists" and indiscriminate killing of civilians are mutually exclusive. Even pudding brain Biden admitted that Israel was indiscriminately killing the civilians in Gaza. Pretty sad when you don't even measure up to a senile buffoon. Killing anything that is your way in the most inhumane way possible is not the definition of "destroying your enemies ability to wage war". It's called TERRORISM. If Hamas was doing the same the term "HOLCAUST" would be in all the headlines.
And it's telling that you think Israel can act like barbarians because "Gaza is not a nation".
No army, no navy, no air force, no tanks, Hamas fights (legally, as a occupied body) with whatever is at their disposal.
How would the Israeli citizens react if they were under an apartheid regime for 75 years, with their children being killed on a daily basis, pogroms conducted against them, raids nightly. Hmmm?
Does the Warsaw Ghetto uprising ring a bell???
And what is the guilt of Hamas?
“If Israel wins the war they will have nothing to worry about”. Wrong they will be dealing with their Genocide for just as long as Germans have been dealing with they have been dealing with their Nazi genocide of soon to be a hundred years. They have angered most of the people on the planet with any modicum of right & wrong. Killing women & children with bullets & bombs will never be popular or a best seller. The cruel monsters are posing as respectable, but these monsters will face WAY more ptoblems with people like me and really all people who oppose occupations, annexations & killing women & Children. Their lives will becum a well deserved risky living hell. Even the Nazis were not quite as smug as The Nutty Yahou about all the innocents they murdered!!!!!! These Zionists are unique!
Israel stood down its military on October 7, 2023, so that it could respond by killing BOTH hostage and hostage taker and blame Hamas for ALL the carnage. That is a fact! O7 was Israel's "Pearl Harbor-like event" alluded to in the "Project for a New American Century" written before 911. Israel's war crimes are enabled by a lying mainstream media that only "reports" Israel's "side" of the story. The world needs to take off its blinders!
That is nonsense.
It's a FACT Sherlock! From the Israelis themselves! Take off your despicable blinders.
The Project for a New American Century would eventually fail started with Afghanistan… They would tumble on Iran and they would be kicked out of Iraq, Syria and others in the West Asia…!
The end of the project would be the end of the empire…!
Right. Never mind Egypt's warning. Never mind Israel's very own IDF soldiers telling command that there was suspicious activity going on in Gaza. Never mind that the IDF failed to give the music festival organizers a heads up about a possible attack even with those prior warnings I mentioned above. And never mind that the ONLY way Israel could go on their genocidal rampage was to get a big enough number of dead. And they helped that along by killing "many" of their own. And this is from a country whose intelligence agency, Mossad, knew when two flys were fucking in Gaza but were caught flat footed when Hamas attacked. So, the only "nonsense" here is your denial of Israel's intent.
Speaking of Egypt, the Abraham Accords did not include the Palestinians, and, the Philadelphi Corridor was supposed to be controlled by Egypt.
Israeli forces are there. Israel says they will not leave.
Tim Burns reports no dead kids, no dead women. No ruins where families once lived. The Zionist lust for death of the Palestinians. The Zionist lust to destroy themselves. Genocide the Muslims and Christians will ensure the safety of Jews on their postage stamp enclave in the age of MEGA NUKES of HYPERSONIC STEALTH.
When the first reports of the Hamas breakout surfaced there were reports that the IDF WAS SHELVING A KABUTZ
OOOOOOOO…… THEY’RE GONNA PAY!!!! JUST LIKE THEIR NAZIS CLONES PAID!!!!!!!! IT’S COMING!!! THERE ARE NO GENOCIDE GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARDS!!!!!!! We got a sneak preview when Blinked got hammered: “How does it feel to have GENOCIDE as your legacy!“
Ouch?…. Painful? Not when Genocide is his OEUVRE! He is surely proud of every every Palestinian death!!!!
I have been trying to buy AMSOIL oil filters but unable to complete sale for 3 days I hate google so I won’t go there and can’t seem to be able to join no matter how many times I try. Why can’t I just buy a filter & not have to join. I am ready to go with Wic or Mobile one!!! WTF!
The day after the inauguration, the words on the "cease fire" document will be forgotten, just like after Cast Lead and Protective Edge.
Israel will continue the slaughter. I did notice that Ben-Gvir supposedly resigned. It will be reversed when the killing of Palestinian women and children resumes.
It is what he lives for.