On Monday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he spoke with his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, and discussed the idea of a possible deployment of French troops to Ukraine as part of a potential future security guarantee.
Zelensky said he and Macron discussed “achieving peace and developing effective security guarantees.”
The Ukrainian president wrote on X: “As one such guarantee, we discussed the French initiative to deploy military contingents in Ukraine. We addressed practical steps for its implementation, potential expansion, and the involvement of other nations in this effort.”

Russia would never agree to a NATO deployment in Ukraine as part of a potential future peace plan since one of its main demands for a deal is Ukrainian neutrality.
The Wall Street Journal recently reported that President-elect Donald Trump had suggested European troops should be sent to Ukraine to monitor a future ceasefire. But Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has already rejected the idea, saying Moscow wasn’t “satisfied” with the proposal.
Last year, Macron was calling for a NATO troops deployment to Ukraine to train Ukrainian soldiers and said at one point that he was “finalizing” a plan. But he appeared to back down after warnings from Russia that any French troops would be considered legitimate targets.
The Discord leaks revealed that as of March 2023, there were a small number of NATO special operations forces inside Ukraine, including 15 French troops. But what Macron had been calling for was a larger, public deployment to Ukraine.
I represent the Wojska Lądowe z Siły Zbrojne Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej when I say, I would be proud to deploy to Ukraine to help our allies
You are an obvious propagandist.
Give a coherent response instead of a nazi-conservative buzzword
OBLIVIOUS propagandist.
Anyone I don't like is a propogandist!
Who is not spreading anything in the Antiwar forum?
Too many unemployed in France? Now as AI is implemented shot-gun style — mass layoffs are coming.
How come nobody is reporting problems customers exoerience with AI? Wait till something out of ordinary happens, and the stupidity of the whole mess is laid bare. Nightmare starts.
Endless chats that lead nowhere, helo that is no help, and no human being to resolve the problem. Just try changing an e-mail or face accounts getting shut down if you cannot remember a magic question.
One may actually find it far less painful to sign up for Ukraine. No more chats!
This way to solve the problem of unemployment is more expensive than any other, both politically and financially.
Kiev regime can't last long without massive deployment of NATO troops in Ukraine. Hypothetically, Ukraine has enough of men for recruitment, however the total mobilization could happen to be the last straw which brings Kiev regime down.
Yes, but in the switch to a drone & missile battlefield (no battle line troops needed) he mentions only the Russian force…??
Of course the battle line troops needed in this war. That's why it is so bloody.
Their recruitment is less than 2/3 what they want, and far below replacement level. The recruiting corps (aka 'press gangs') is coming under increasing attacks from Ukrainian citizens, including violent attacks, especially in places like Odessa which have a large ethnic Russian population. Desertions are quadruple or more what they were a year ago, an "elite brigade" was sent to France for training and 1700 of 5600 members never returned to Ukraine. Over two thirds of the population wants to sue for peace immediately. Recruits are arriving at the front line with so little training that some of them have never fired a weapon, and brigade commanders are getting so desperate that they're sometimes moving artillerymen, support staff and drone pilots into the trenches.
Sure, they can keep shipping conscripts to the front for a while, but they've long passed the point of diminishing returns. People with far more knowledge than I are estimating the regime's lifespan of the regime is 18 months or less.
I don't think they can last 18 months without massive deployment of NATO troops to help them. The situation is changing quick and not in favor of Kiev regime.
IMO, a lot of it is going to depend on what Rump does. If he dumps the rest of NATO’s reserve weapons/ammunition into the country, as he said he will, then Russia is likely to continue to slow-walk their advance to chew it all up. If he abandons the country, as he said he will, then you’re probably right.
We live in interesting times.
Macron is competing with the UK and Poland for the country on the top of the list? That's fine. I don't care at this point. It's not like we would be around to keep track of who actually would win that competition.
Aye, there is the rub!…
French soldiers in a postwar Ukraine to secure the safety of French corporations there to rebuild & profit. UN or NATO forces would have a far less specific agenda to specifically French financial interests.
Let them put all their blood and money into it alone. Leave us out.
I do not support the deaths of Ukrainians and Russians for devious empire agendas.
More Americans Favor Quick End to Russia-Ukraine War
Half of Ukrainians Want Quick, Negotiated End to War
I don’t know about anyone else, but if you bold every word in a comment, I find that renders it unreadable, and you are repelling attention, not garnering it.
Yeah, it's a bit much. All caps is worse, but only a little.
"Russian officials continue to deny the existence of a Ukrainian identity and state that is independent of Russia as part of ongoing Russian efforts to justify the destruction of the Ukrainian state. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov referred in a press conference on January 14 to "the country that is now called Ukraine" — a clear effort to discredit Ukraine's existence as a sovereign and independent state. Patrushev also emphasized the "fraternal" connection between Russia and Ukraine and rejected any suggestion that Russia and Ukraine have distinct cultural and historical identities."
The "liberators" make their positions clear
Storyteller, Russia voluntarily made Ukraine independent.
Were you trying to make a point??? That is hilarious.
their asses collapsed
I don't think coherent points are Kristoff Lox's strong suit.
Ukraine never existed as an independent entity until the Soviets created the Ukrainian Soviet Republic. The "Ukrainian language" is a dialect of Russian, Ukrainians and Russians each speaking their native language can understand each other as well as a Arkansas redneck and a New Yorker can. The Ukrainian Orthodox church is a schism of the Russian Orthodox church. Ukrainians are only slightly more removed from Russians as the Confederate States were from the rest of the Union.
Most of the 'Ukrainian nationalism' movement originated with the Nazi-allied Banderites, whos atrocities are suppressed by the current regime.
You are mad
Ukrainian is a distinct language. Ukrainian is closer to Belarusian and native Polish to Russian, but nobody is calling for unification of Polska, Ukraine, and Belarus
The “Ukraine never existed as an independent entity until the Soviets created the Ukrainian Soviet Republic. The “Ukrainian language” is a dialect of Russian” is Russian state propoganda that is like turd forced down your mouth
I fear it is too late for you….
“Ukraine never existed as an independent entity until the Soviets created the Ukrainian Soviet Republic.”
Rurik I would like a word.
“The ‘Ukrainian language’ is a dialect of Russian”
The Russian language is a break-off dialect of Old East Slavic, aka Ukrainian.
When Kiev was founded was it called Ukraine by the people who lived there? Did they identify themselves as Ukrainians? If this region at the time of Kiev's founding was Ukraine why was/is it called Kievan Rus'?
Rurik? He was a Rus, first of all, he and his descendants dominated a bunch of disunited tribes for a century and change. Because of migrations and wars of the last 900 years almost none of the descendants of those peoples live in the region.
Revisionist linguistics? Really?
"understand each other as well as a Arkansas redneck and a New Yorker can."
Yikes, that badly, huh ?
Ukrainian is older than Russian
Hungarian is completely unique; from what I've read, it and Finnish do not trace back to the Proto-Indo-European roots of all other European languages. This represents a remarkably early historical deviation given P-I-E's late Neolithic / early Bronze Age origins.
They are Ugric
Your point?
Good deflection
Oh I'm sorry, I thought we were trading interesting irrelevancies.
I mean, I made a crack about Southerners and Eastern cityfolk having a cultural divide…Lox contributes an anecdote about relative ages of languages…I reply with an interesting fact about a language in the region…then he accuses me of deflecting ? WITAS ??
HE was yapping about Ukrainian being a “”””””””dialect”””””””””””” of russian
Mine was relevant
My statement replied to his comment. Nothing to do with you.
It was tagged as to me
I’ve had to interpret for a British woman talking to a guy from Brooklynn and another from New Orleans. The guy from Brooklynn understood the guy from New Orleans fairly well. I’m from the Midwest, so can handle English as spoken almost anywhere, except Liverpool. Utter gibberish.
Political suicide for Macron…!
Hope so. I can't seem to find any information on what public reaction in France is, but I don't speak French so can't check their press.
It looks like France still supports, but not questioned about troops
Support for Ukraine ‘until it wins’ falls sharply in western Europe, poll finds
YouGov survey finds negotiated end to war with Russia is preferred option in four out of seven countries
For example:
https://cf2r.org/reflexion/avec-la-victoire-de-la-russie-en-ukraine-un-nouvel-horizon-geopolitique-souvrira-pour-la-france/ Please use the switch of the languages (French (Français)) to any other translation on the top right.
Yeesh, that first link is ridiculous.
I’m wondering about the public’s reaction, not the pundrity.
Macron may send French troops to Ukraine, to participate in the failure there, while the foreign invaders, who certainly will not be in the military, completely take over the nation.
French soldiers should just walk through the streets of Paris shouting "Go Ahead Make My Day Macron".
Zelensky, Macron Discuss? What about the French people? Do they have a say?
No talk of peace or disarmament negotiations.
https://www.gov.uk/government/news/joint-statement-by-group-of-five-defence-ministers-13-january-2025 https://www.bmvg.de/resource/blob/5878290/10739dd046cbd8c2e0f29f8ec6eed1de/dl-joint-statement-e5-data.pdf NATO UNCLASSIFIED The Joint Statement of Group of Five Defence Ministers Helenów, Poland, 13 January 2025
https://www-bmvg-de.translate.goog/de/aktuelles/group-of-five-pistorius-trifft-amtskollegen-warschau-5876082?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de “Group of Five” demonstrates willingness to shape European security policy
https://www-bmvg-de.translate.goog/de/aktuelles/pistorius-uebergibt-erste-radhaubitze-rch-155-an-ukraine-5876068?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp Defense Minister hands over first RCH 155 wheeled howitzer to Ukraine
We do not accept reading assignments. How about joining the discussion?
Thank you ! A bibliography is not an argument, FFS.
We know it's hard for people right-of-center to… comprehend readable data…. but TRY
I'm not going to get involved in the lowbrow, inflammatory, crude pub gossip.
The Kremlin remains committed to achieving the original goals of its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in any future peace negotiations — namely the destruction of the Ukrainian state, dissolution of the current Ukrainian government, demilitarization of Ukraine, and a permanent ban on Ukraine's future membership in NATO. Russian Presidential Aide and former Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev rejected the suggestion that Russia could be willing to cede any occupied territory to Ukraine in future negotiations during an interview with Russian outlet Komsomolskaya Pravda published on January 14 and stated that this idea is "not even up for discussion." Patrushev falsely claimed that sham referendums in occupied Ukraine in September 2022 legitimized Russia's claim to occupied Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhia, and Kherson oblasts and insinuated that international recognition of Russia's illegal occupation and annexation of the four oblasts and occupied Crimea is a non-negotiable condition for a future peace agreement.
blah blah blah blah blah blah
Passting in stuff is not discussion.
Will you give a coherent response or will you just mock me?
Typical conservidiot response
True. I almost miss when (C*******n V**a With Lox)(censoring mine; don't want to accuse when only at 95% certainty) there, actually engaged with the rest of us in frank and open discussion.
After his account ban for a racist flag and a failed return with an unconvincing fake account, this time he seems more cutty-pastey than intellectually honest.
Please use a browser extension to translate! For example:
https://support.apple.com/en-am/guide/safari/ibrw646b2ca2/mac Translate a webpage in Safari on Mac
https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/173424?hl=en&sjid=8044405634282114296-EU Translate pages and change Chrome languages
https://www.kp.ru/daily/27651/5036217/ Nikolai Patrushev: “It is possible that Ukraine will cease to exist in the coming year”
Overall, we rate Komsomolskaya Pravda (K.P.) as Right-center biased and questionable based on promoting state propaganda. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the promotion of one-sided reporting, sensational reporting, poor sourcing, and failed fact checks.
(media bias)
Patrushev Makes Similar Prediction About Moldova
Elsewhere in the interview, Patrushev criticized the leaders of Moldova in Chișinău for what he called their "anti-Russian policy" and said Moldova too might no longer be a country.
( newsweek.com )
Patrushev stated that Russia's goals in Ukraine remain unchanged and that Russia remains committed to achieving all of the goals that Russian President Vladimir Putin used to justify the full-scale invasion. Putin identified the "demilitarization" and "denazification" of Ukraine as the key goals of the full-scale invasion during a speech on February 23, 2022 — and these goals amount to the destruction of Ukraine's ability to defend itself and replacement of the legitimate Ukrainian government with a pro-Russian puppet government.
Macron is and has been desperately trying to appear relevant in Europe. A great deal of noise with little to back it up.
A pathetic sight.