The Israeli Knesset on Monday passed a bill banning the UN’s Palestinian relief agency, UNWRA, from operating inside Israel and another that will severely limit its ability to operate in Gaza and the West Bank. The legislation is expected to take effect in 90 days.
The first bill banning UNWRA in Israel passed in a vote of 92-10. The second bill aimed at ending UNWRA’s operations in the Israeli-occupied territories passed in a vote of 97-9.
The second bill prohibits Israeli authorities from having any contact with UNRWA, making it impossible for the relief agency to coordinate with the Israeli military on aid deliveries. The legislation does not outline any plan to replace UNRWA’s relief efforts in Gaza, which millions of Palestinian civilians rely on to survive.
Israel has waged war against UNWRA over the past year, killing over 200 of its staff members in Gaza. Israel has claimed a significant number of UNWRA’s staff are members of Hamas but has offered no evidence for the allegations, which have been strongly rejected by the UN agency.

The US took Israel’s claims at face value and cut off funding to UNWRA at the beginning of the year. Now, the US is warning Israel against implementing the bills banning UNRWA since it would starve Palestinian civilians.
“If UNRWA goes away, you will see civilians — including children, including babies — not be able to get access to food and water and medicine that they need to live. We find that unacceptable,” State Department spokesman Matt Miller said ahead of the Knesset vote.
“We continue to urge the government of Israel to pause the implementation of this legislation. We urge them not to pass it at all, and we will consider next steps based on what happens in the days ahead,” Miller added.
UNWRA was formed in 1949 to provide aid to about 750,000 Palestinians who were displaced when the state of Israel was founded in 1948, an ethnic cleansing known to the Palestinians as the “Nakba.” Today, Israeli ministers are calling for a new Nakba in Gaza to pave the way for Jewish settlements, and the Israeli military is currently imposing a starvation siege on northern Gaza to forcibly displace hundreds of thousands of civilians.
The goal is so obviously to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians from Gaza. What better way to do that then to starve the people out?
Israel left Gaza in 2006 – despite a Jewish history in Gaza that went back to Roman times – so, it was the other way around; Arabs in Gaza destroyed all Jewish historic sites, and even destroyed any Hebrew lettering found on ancient buildings or columns.
After Israel left, Hamas illegally occupied Gaza. Hamas had the resources to create a prosperous territory, but they chose to spend their billions on tunnels, rockets, guns, IEDs, RPGs, military computers, etc. – with the aim to destroying Israel.
Now, the goal is remove Hamas. Hamas could surrender tomorrow, give up their weapons, release all hostages, and make a peace deal with Israel, as the PLO and Arafat did.
This would end the war tomorrow and result in peace in the Middle East. This is their choice and they won't do it.
Israel has shown that they don't bother people who don't try to kill them. They have peace treaties with Jordan and Egypt. Jordan has a large Palestinian population, and there is no war there. Palestinians in Israel (Israeli Arabs) do quite well – they have the longest life expectancy in the Arab world and more freedoms. They even do better than minorities in your country (USA). The life expectancy of Israeli Arabs is 78 years, compared with 77 years for African Americans.
So…maybe you should look at yourself and your society before making sweeping, inaccurate statements about other societies? No, that is too complicated.
Hamas was elected.
False. Hamas won a majority in the 2006 election, but after they conducted a coup in Gaza, they were excluded from the government. "After Hamas took over the Gaza Strip on 14 June 2007, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas dismissed the Hamas-led coalition government, and on 15 June appointed Salam Fayyad as Prime Minister to form a new government."
Hamas has had no elections since 2006 and rules by force, not the consent of the people. They have no legitimacy.
Perhaps you should read your references before you cite them.
And the comment he's replying to before calling it false, then recounting how it's actually true.
I have. I also quoted from it.
"If they would just give up, accept their subjugation, we might let them live." The problem @disqus_dw0PWv6cnf:disqus Israel is on the receiving end right now and it doesn't look good for the them.
Huh? First of all, those comments are vague to the point of being meaningless.
The facts are that Israel left Gaza in 2006. All Hamas had to do was live peacefully, like other non-terror groups; that isn't "subjugation". It's civilization. But Hamas is not a real government; they were never elected as the Kings of Gaza. They grabbed Gaza in a violent coup from the Palestinian Authority, the legal government. The only people who are "subjugated" are the people held prisoner by the illegal occupation of Gaza by Hamas. Hamas tortures and executes at will anyone they want.
As for Israel being on "the receiving end," yes, there is a war going on. But, as you may have noticed, things aren't going very well for Hamas or Hezbollah. Just ask Yahya Sinwar and Hassan Nasrallah. Oh wait, you can't ask them, because they are both rather deceased. As for Iran, their proxy strategy is in tatters. They too should make the civilized choice and live peacefully, but I doubt they will. That means a large scale war after the US election. Sad, but so it goes.
Sure, sure.
The reality is Hamas won elections. Bless their hearts fir using the resources to break out of their prison. Lve in peace? Why should they. Those areas they were shooting rockets at are their former homes. They want to go back. As for Hamas and Hamas losing. Just not true. Israel is suffering a defeat by a 1000 cuts.
Hamas won an election in 2006.
And has made damn sure no elections have been held since.
The most likely explanation for the October 7 operation is that after months of violently suppressing street protests in Gaza against its misrule, with the “let’s execute a few dissidents as ‘Israeli spies'” tactic failing to bring those protests to an end, Hamas decided that “bad cop” was going to result in its overthrow and brought in Israel as “worse cop” in a desperate Hail Maryam play to cling to power.
Other Islamic parties and Hamas have debated whether to participate in elections that everyone knows are not fair. In 2006 they decided to participate in national elections for the first time with the encouragement of the Bush administration. Hamas won even to its own surprise. Not having subsequent elections lies at the feet of Israel, PA and the US. They all fear another electoral defeat for the corrupt PA.
As for ruling Gaza, things have to be placed in context. Hamas made many mistakes (they learned governance the hard way) but reliable polling among Palestinians recognizes them for their commitment to armed resistance and anti corruption. Every possible measure was implemented to insure they fail ruling the concentration camp that is Gaza. Of course they're unpopular with people who want to live. However, all Gazans know who to blame for their misery. Israel.
The bell weather of their popularity can be verified by the dozens of university and professional syndicate elections that take place throughout the occupied territories. Hamas has been beating Fatah at every turn.
As for killing collaborators it's a messy situation no doubt. However, that's how Israel gathers intelligence and has used it to slaughter thousands upon thousands of innocents. They use rape, blackmail and promises of medical treatment for the families of informants. Some ignorant people hate Sinwar for cleaning it up.
As for Oct. 7th its well known that Hamas carried it out to change the dynamics of the Palestinian crisis that was almost buried by the designs of Netanyahu, Saudi normalization and world silence.
So far Hamas' gamble has been a success to position the conflict on a new trajectory. Israel is at its lowest point and Hamas is arguably at its most popular.
To be clear:
I don’t despise Hamas any more than I despise Fatah, the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, Likud, Yesh Atid, United Russia, the Communist Party of China, the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan, the UK Conservatives, UK Labour, et al.
The ideal discussion leads to better understanding, fairness and ultimately to cooperation on principles of human decency. I've studied Hamas for decades. Their reality is far different than any portrayal of their enemies or western observers unless they're academics.
Helena cobban and ramy khouri put out a new book, understanding Hamas why it's important.
And if anyone wants to be fair to hamas read for gunning, Tamimi, bacon and hroub.
Miller will consider next steps. Holding my breath.
If the Israelis aren’t careful, Miller might start INSISTING that Israel cease this one of many war crimes (understanding, of course, that this administration will never do anything to jeopardize the constant flow of high tech weaponry to be used in the continued slaughter of civilians, as, after all, Israel shares our “Judeo-Christian values”)
Zionist colonizers' policy towards Palestinians is not any different from British, French and Holland colonizers' policy towards the local population of North America, Africa, India and South-East Asia in 18-19 centuries. In 20th century, with the rise of socialism and global demand for the justice, the geopolitical situation changed but the western elites didn't changed much; ideologically and morally they are much closer to Zionism than to ideas of equality and justice.
As you said, the western elites did not change, they are intellectually and morally bankrupt, but skilled in manipulating the public mind.
"skilled in manipulating the public mind" – yes they are. They are taking great care to prevent the rise of socialist parties and bright politicians with socialist (Christian) ideas. UK Labour Party became a pro-oligarchy organization. Their current leader is pathetic. Corbyn was a decent person and a great politicians. They chased him out the party exactly because of that. He told something about bad situation in Palestine and immediately was accused of "antisemitism". In U.S. the situation with promotion of socialist ideas is absolutely hopeless. That's why the ruling elite is doing whatever they wish and persecute anyone who dares expose their crimes.
There is no room for decent people, people with common sense and decency are missing in western democracies. The ruling elites are corrupt to the bone, power and money are their only values.
Completely false. First of all, the "local populations" in Israel included Jews for two thousand years. Second, it was the actual colonizers (various Arab empires, the Ottoman) who specifically blocked Jewish emigration to the area for centuries, allowing Arab and Muslims but not Jews to buy land.
The "rise of socialism" and the demand for justice? You mean the justice in Stalinist Russia, Cuba, Communist China, and North Korea? Can you say that with a straight face? I can't.
As for Zionism, that is a philosophy that promotes a homeland for the world's displaced Jews. There are many types of Zionism and many types of Zionists.
I think what you are referring to is the Israeli government. The Israeli government does what every national government does, including yours. It defends itself from those who aim to destroy them. Whether it's Israel, China, North Korea, or the United States, each country will defend itself, its people, and its territory. Countries that don't defend themselves die out. Israel does not attack anyone who makes peace, such as Jordan and Egypt. They even left Hamas alone for years, when it appeared to be non-belligerent. However, if you attack Israel and murder 1,200 men, women, children, and babies, you will get some blowback. If Mexico attacked the Southwest USA and murdered 44,000 people, I imagine the response would be significant. You would probably call the US a colonizer and say we should give back California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado to the Mexican people. Or something like that.
The UN General Assembly needs to expel Israel and form a peace keeping force to occupy Palestine..
The only part of Palestine that was occupied was Gaza, which was illegally occupied by Hamas (not a legitimate government) after Israel left in 2006.
Israel (with the support of most countries in the area) is clearing out this illegal occupation. Give it time.
Egypt supports this. Hamas is part of the Muslim Brotherhood, an enemy of Egypt. That is why Egypt has sealed its border with Gaza since Hamas took the territory from the legal government, the Palestinian Authority, in a violent coup.
As for the rest of Israel…it is a UN recognized member, so the UN does not send troops in to remove legal governments. If they did, they might remove yours from much of California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado, and give it back to Mexico; Also, Alaska back to Russia and Florida back to Spain.
The West Bank and Jerusalem are also occupied.
Here's a map of Palestine. The areas in green are Israel. The areas not in green are not Israel.
True in November 1947, not true today. Three wars in 1948, 1967 and 1973 changed the map forever.
By that logic Germany's War of 1939 should have allowed them to wipe Poland off the map.
Yes, all national borders are artificial and based on wars and treaties. The same as when the US took California, New Mexico, and the Midwest from Mexico; and when Mexico took this land from the Spanish empire; and when Spain took the land from the Native Americans. Before that, the Navajo took land from the Hopi Indians.
And the Americans, British, and Russians forced Germany to give up some lands by the same use of force, or change their government. That's history.
And if the Arabs had won the war in 1948, they would have created an Arab state, and decided who lived there.
Long before Ancient Rome’s occupation the Arabs roamed the Holy Land.
Long after Israel’s occupation, like deep rooted olive trees they shall stand.
So it's silly for those who claim God gave them the land 4000 years ago when Arabs have inhabited it non stop for millennia. And when they take it back, one will have to uphold the same standard of measure and say tough luck to the loser.
And the UN partition plan was nonsense, why would the indigenous population of that land accept to give up their land to racist, supremecist, interracial European Zionist gangs?
It was not even true in 1947; the map shows a UN proposal. The proposal was rejected by all parties (except one).
Yes, except one.
That one was the state of Israel, which accepted the UNR 181 borders as a condition of UN membership.
At no point since has that agreement been renegotiated. The borders of Israel are the borderse set in UNR 181. Period. Everything else is occupied territory.
And the only reason the Zionists accepted 181, besides UN membership, is because they knew the Palestinians would reject it. The Zionists wanted to appear as the party that was reasonable and conciliatory, even though many of their early leaders demanded all of Palestine for their new nation. They were reassured that 181 was just the starting point for their nation and that the rest would come in time. It is the classic Zionist art of managing perceptions,” something they’ve done so well for decades but is finally, thankfully, unraveling before their eyes.
"Forever"? That's an ambitious statement in light of the declining power of DC and Tel Aviv
We may safely assume you'll be content with the Apartheid State of Israel annexing all of Gaza and adding it to the "official 2025 map". I guess a map is just "where the strongest say their territory ends".
Hey, how about for a moment, you step away from your script, amaze all of us, and condemn the Knesset decision in question, which actively bans UN relief aid to humans desperately in need of it ?
The issue is complicated, and one map does not settle the issue, especially as UN 181 was a plan that was never implemented.
Also, this is not a map of "Palestine" (a country). It is a map of the partition plan proposed – but never implemented – for British Mandatory Palestine (a territory) in 1947.
More details here:
But least you admit that Gaza is also occupied. That's progress. Most people claim that Hamas was elected and is a legitimate government.
We will not go down in Palestine!!!
Actually, we are. You know I love you, Donna. But like, do you think the 2.2 million Palestinians can live for more than a year without food or water in the desert?
Long past time to revoke Israel’s membership in the UN. Chas Freeman, former US ambassador, said Israel’s policies will in the longer term lead to “self-delegitimization”. Hope Palestinians will still exist by the time Israel’s arrogance, overt racism and extremism causes its self-destruction.
The self-destruction is in progress already. They made the whole world their enemy. Mad dogs are mad, there is no rational thought possible, what will they gain other than rubble and ruins and a meanspirited, hateful Israeli mentally deranged population unable to function normally with what is left of a deranged nation. The older generation of Israelis is destroying their youth, their future by turning them in hateful war criminals, their own children.
The truth may be painful, yet it is true…
Meanwhile…Israelis live longer and have lower crime than your tattered nation (USA). Israeli cities thrive while US cities decay and deteriorate.
It's funny how people with failing nations always focus on others.
As for the "whole world" being the enemy – besides Iran, what do you refer to? Notice how Egypt supports Israel – they know that Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood seek their (Egypt's) destruction. The Arab world is not sending in armies to protect Hamas, which illegally occupies Gaza. Russia and China are staying out of it; Europeans are clutching their pearls because of bad press but they don't want Hamas or Hezbollah or Iran to win this war. And in the US, Israel is – by law – a "major non-NATO ally," and the US protects its allies.
So, whatever your professor told you at Harvard or Columbia – this is how the real world works. Israelis know better than most that "world opinion" is useless; it is guns, tanks and jets that matter, and Israeli has some of the best in the world. Hamas has been flattened and Hezbollah shown to be fairly useless against a real army. Even Iran has been exposed as weak, as their proxy strategy has failed, and they can't even protect themselves.
The sensible thing would be for Iran to simply stop trying to destroy Israel, but that doesn't seem likely, so they will have to be spanked again, after the election.
I don't see them thriving these days:
1. Economy in freefall
2. Shipping lanes blocked
3. Settlers fleeing from certain areas
4. Condemed by almost everyone outside our western bubble
Yes, Israel is a country at war. They suffered a brutal attack on Oct. 7 (equal to 44,000 dead in the US).
However, you dodge the question of how bad things are in your country, especially for minorities. So, sure, it's easier to keep focusing on other countries, especially those at war; however, the US is in a virtually civil war; it's economy is an illusion, based on $35 trillion of debt (the interest along is $700 billion). The country has terrible health and a low life expectancy – lower than all European countries (and Israel).
There were 22,000 murders last year, and maternal mortality is at third-world levels. There are some cities where the affluent people live to be 90, while the poor die at 60. All this goes on, but you think Israel is the one with problems, and you do nothing about your own country (except change the subject).
Yes, the US is in debt so they should stop giving Israel money, since Israel is a terroristic nation that has violated human rights and have murdered countless numbers of civilians. Now they're deliberately starving civilians.
The US is in a terrible state because their ruling class runs an empire that cares little for its own subjects. Zionist Israel is an arm of that empire – its lobby group, AIPAC, has a large slush fund to bribe politicians into adopting policies that do not further the interests of common Americans. DC funds Israel's wars and even provides for their health care while ordinary Americans struggle.
Anyone with their eyes open knows that Israel provoked the October 2023 attack. Also a number of the deaths were the direct result of the IDF employing the Hannibal directive. Since Oct. 7, the IDF has killed perhaps 200,000 (Lancet paper) in response – a highly disproportionate response. My country of Canada (a DC vassal) does not need a parasite like the Israeli state. If not for Washington, the regime in Tel Aviv would fold in a month.
1. Everyone country is run by a ruling class that cares only for itself, although the US position in the world has provided a middle class lifestyle for most Americans.
2. Yes, Israel is a pro-Zionism country. Is that news?
3. Yes, Israel is a US ally. In fact, it is by law a "major non-NATO ally". This is because allies make countries stronger. While Russia relies on Iran and China relies on North Korea, the US has a nuclear-armed, high-tech Israel on its side. This helps the US in terms of military and computer technology, as well as intelligence. Would you prefer that Israel's high-tech weapons go to Russia or China?
4. AIPAC is just one of many foreign lobbyists in DC, and not the largest. What evidence do you have that they bribe politicians (which is illegal)? Also, supporting an ally that provides nuclear and technology support is in the interest of the US. That seems pretty obvious.
5. The US does not pay for Israel's health care, and the poor showing of US healthcare has nothing to do with Israel. Israel doesn't make 40% of Americans obese, or prevent a national health care system. That is Congress that does that.
6. Victim blaming: Clearly Israel did not "provoke" the Oct. 7 attack. Israel left Gaza in 2006, and it was illegally occupied in a coup by Hamas, which is not a legitimate government. Hamas was free to spend billions of dollars developing Gaza, but instead chose to spend money on tunnels, bombs, rockets, guns, ammunition, RPGs, military computers, etc. It is grotesque to say that Israel somehow brought the slaughter of their men, women, children, and babies on themselves. That's just sick.
7. Without the US, Israel would find another large benefactor, probably China or Russia. With Russia, they would take over the Middle East and dominate the world oil market; with China, they would dominate the computer and transportation field, and might be better off.
"a nuclear- armed, high tech Israel.."
Nuclear armed, huh? Yet Israel never admits it and does not have to sign any nuclear treaties or have IAEA safeguards like others. They are special. Theyre allowed to even get away with genocide…
Look further into the election of Hamas. They were properly elected, which should be no suprise given that the PA sold out their own people. Gaza was under siege since 2006 – this is well documented
Nothing you said is even vaguely true.
1. Hamas claimed victory in PA elections, but these results were disputed, which led to Hamas staging a violent coup in Gaza and killing PA members. A coup is not being "properly elected" and no country recognizes the Hamas coup.
2. Your opinion of the PA does not address the legal question, which is that Hamas is not a recognized government and has no legal status.
3. Israel has fought back when Hamas attacks them. Otherwise, they leave them alone. Israel has allowed billions of dollars of aid to reach Gaza. Instead of spending this money on helping the people of Gaza, the unelected Hamas takes their money, tortures and kills anyone who disagrees with them, and spends the money on themselves and war.
Gaza could have been a beautiful, prosperous area, if Hamas simply didn't try to kill Israelis. Instead, they chose war. When you attack a powerful neighbor, the results can be predicted. Yet, nowhere in your post do you criticize Hamas for:
1. The illegal occupation of Gaza
2. Attacking Israel
3. The torture and murder of people in Gaza
4. Failing to protect civilians.
The war could be over tomorrow. Hamas can surrender and release hostages. They prefer violence, war, and bloodshed. Apparently, so do you. Suit yourself.
The western bubble is big and strong. It will last for a while. The parasites need not to worry.
Israel "thrives" on account of US taxpayer and private donors. It thrives as a parasite.
Not only Israel.
U.S. oligarchy is also thriving.
Is that you, Mel Gibson?
Actually, Israel has a $500 billion high-tech economy. The $3 billion it gets from the US isn't all that important, and it provides benefits to the US as an ally, in terms of military, medical, computer, and software technology, plus intelligence. But if you prefer, they can provide those to China or Russia; they would be glad to have them. Russia could take over the Middle East and the energy market, and China could take over the military technology field.
If that $3 billion is so unimportant, why all the election meddling by unregistered foreign agents to make sure the welfare checks never, ever, ever stop?
I would personally be fine with Israel becoming China’s or Russia’s problem instead of the US’s.
A bucket full of BS.
Considering that the UN included members of Hamas that murdered Israelis…the UN has lost all legitimacy.
The UN is a meaningless, corrupt organization.
As for Palestinians existing – Palestinians that are peaceful are doing well. The Israeli Arabs have more freedom than any other Arabs, and they have the longest life expectancy in the Arab world. The same with Palestinians in Jordan.
Considering the Israeli government has members of it which call to forcibly displace and/or eradicate Palestinians, as they’ve done for decades, I’d say it’s lost all legitimacy and needs to be destroyed.
Israel is a "major non-NATO ally" of the United States, which has a pretty decent military; plus Israel has 100-400 nuclear bombs, so I don't think Israel is going to be destroyed any time soon. But what do I know? You can ask Yahya Sinwar about this – he's part of the Axis of Resistance! Oh wait – he's a bit hard to reach right now.
Legitimacy? Yes, professors at Columbia and Harvard are very upset with Israel. I suspect a letter – a sternly written letter – will soon be sent to the NY Times about this! Watch out, Israel!
@disqus_dw0PWv6cnf:disqus@disqus_E05j4B3lQf:disqus I sincerely believe that Alexander does the Palestinian and world cause a great service by his posts. Short of actually educating the masses I can't think of a better strategy than providing disinformation that only results in blowback and regret.
Alexander please keep it up.
BTW, I think everyone responded to your diversions but I would add that Hamas has always been legitimate. And of course the governments as you said look out for their own interests but the Arab world, Muslim world, indeed the entire world is against what Israel is doing.
I see…my posts are inaccurate because – you say so. In other words, you can't refute a single fact I present and have zero sources to back your claims.
But you facts are clearly wrong. Hamas is not a legitimate government and is not recognized by the Palestinian Authority, the UN or any nation.
Also, the "entire world" (outside of Columbia University) is not against Israel; you notice that no Arab nations have come to the aid of Hamas or Hezbollah. Egypt closed their border with Gaza after Hamas staged a violent coup and is not supporting Hamas. Hamas is part of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is an enemy of the Egyptian government. The last thing Egypt wants is Hamas to be successful. Sad that the facts don't fit with your inaccurate narrative, but so it goes.
@disqus_dw0PWv6cnf:disqus@disqus_E05j4B3lQf:disqus Sure, Sure!
The reality is Hamas is legitimising itself to Israel one by one of each soldier it kills or maimes for over a year now, through the worsening economy, the legal accusations at the ICJ, etc. And Israel disagrees with you. It accuses the UN, South Africa, UNWRA, Erdogan, Ireland and anyone who disagrees with it as KKhamas supporters. The Prime Minister of Malaysia sent his condolences to Hamas on the killing of Haniyeh and Sinwar and said he was a hero. Oh, and not to mentions the millions of people around the world who are doing the exact same things students at Columbia University are doing.
Sure, sure. Hamas is legitimising itself one by one of each israeli soldier it kills and maimesvfor over a year now. And Israel disagrees with you because it accuses the UN, South Africa, Erdogan, UNWRA, Ireland, self hating Jews, and anyone who disagrees with its slaughter
You just cannot make yourself even more despicable even when you try. …What's that? …I was just talking to my "Mad Dog of the Middle East." Take that Dis@us.
Israel should be expelled from the UN, and UN Resolution 181 creating it should be revoked.
Look what the Israelis are doing to themselves and their own children, dehumanized parents are dehumanizing their children. The total insanity of a nation is what we are watching
I fully concur good Lysistrata.
I know it is off topic, but I and others want to know what is going on.
Anything from Consortium News. com? Last issue was
"Volume 29, Number 305— Friday, October 25, 2024"
They were "hacked." No idea who did it, yet.
They are back up. New article posted today
Are the people who suffered a Holocaust, preparing to inflict one upon the Palestinians?…
Banning relief to people who are suffering.
Smack my head!
They do not know the one true Lord: Jesus Christ!
Very few of the people who suffered the Holocaust remain alive — and those who do are in no physical condition to inflict one.
Also, for all you know, many of them may be believing/practicing Christians. You should really cut back on assuming that ethnicity is the sole indicator of religion.
When an organization includes people who murder your people, maybe they don't belong in your country.
Whether through laziness, incompetence, or support, clearly UNWRA has been compromised.
You make a great case for deporting all members of Likud.
There are/were approximately 13,000 UNRWA members in Gaza of which approximately 6 were reportedly part of the events of October 7. Are you literally proposing shuttering the entire agency because of that? As Thomas aluded to, nearly the entire Israeli government AND general population should be deported for their support of a genocide.
1. Yes. A UN agency that commits atrocities and supports terrorism should be disbanded, especially as there is a separate group that handles refugees at the UN. There is no need for a Palestinian-specific entity.
2. The entire Israeli population should be deported? What an absurd statement (unless you are trying to impress your professor at Columbia or Harvard).
First of all, 20% of Israelis are Arabs/Muslims. Second, should the "general population" of your country (presumably the US) be deported for the following:
1. Genocide against Native Americans.
2. Enslavement and murder of millions of Africans.
3. Mass murder of civilians in WWII in Germany and Japan, including the use of atomic bombs in Japan on civilians.
4. The wars in Korea and Vietnam that killed hundreds of thousands of civilians.
4. The "War on Terror" that killed 4 million people.,died%20directly%20from%20war%20violence.
Let me know if you plan on self-deporting.
UNWRA can still do their welfare job in Gaza and West Bank by staging in Egypt and Jordan. Israel has the right to kick them out of Israel.
Yes Timmy, let's call it a "welfare job". Those lazy bastards are just lying around waiting for a handout. I bet you're jealous of them being able to just glide through life counting on others to put food on their table. Oh, that's right, they don't have a fucking table. Tables are for people with homes. But when you've been bombed into the stone age and 90% of you have been displaced, you probably don't have a fucking home either. But yeah, let them stage their "welfare job" someplace else. That's the important thing to you, right Timmy?
LOL, that was a good one. @warsrus:disqus without @disqus_lbkuZ0DrY6:disqus we wouldn't have this much needed comic relief in such dire circumstances.
It’s good stuff and I agree. But I noticed you’ve been talking to your toilet again instead of flushing it.
Swedish diplomat Dag Hammarskjold stated: the United Nations's goal was not to "take mankind to heaven, but to save humanity from hell." 193 countries are obliged to follow the fundamental principles and provisions that extend from that charter.
"The UN building should be closed and wiped off from the face of the earth." Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan told Israeli daily Maariv in an interview published on Tuesday, according to the Anadolu news agency.
USA tax dollars at work.
When a state decides to go rogue, it's no time for half measures. I'm sure Mr. Hochstein will come up with a solution (eyeroll)
I'm assuming the nine or ten dissenting votes in the Knesset are the votes of the representatives of the 20% of Israel that are Palestinian.
“If UNRWA goes away, you will see civilians — including children, including babies — not be able to get access to food and water and medicine that they need to live. We find that unacceptable,” State Department spokesman Matt Miller said ahead of the Knesset vote.
“We continue to urge the government of Israel to pause the implementation of this legislation. We urge them not to pass it at all, and we will consider next steps based on what happens in the days ahead,” Miller added.
And those "next steps" means we're going to use the words "frustrated" and "livid" again. But not to worry Israel, the munitions and checks will still flow uninterrupted.
Wait – the Knesset has yet to vote on the logical subsequent bill, "The Palestinians Are Not Human Act". Also likely to pass 194-9 (with those 97 Knesset members voting TWICE to underscore their support)
With TPANH Act entered into law, no need of UN relief – there's officially no humans in need of it !
UNWRA has always been a target of Israel because it keeps the right of Palestinians to return to their homes alive. What really keeps it alive is the will of the palestinian people as a whole to reject their displacement. Palestinians don't need UNWRA, they need the free will of the world to reject a state that legislates loyalty laws, favors J___ over everyone else and just shows utter contempt for human decency, morality and the laws of war.
Attempting to avoid moderation with little tricks like “J___” instead of of “Jews” will get you banned here. Knock that off if you prefer to stay.
I am my own self censor. Did I say something wrong? Are "Muslims", "Arabs" and "Palestinians" flagged in the same way? Or is that just reserved for one group? I wasn't trying to avoid the moderation for a nefarious purpose. My posts speak for themselves.
Again: Trying to game our filters will get you banned. Your reasons/purposes don’t magically make the site’s rules inapplicable to you.
Our moderation word filters change based on circumstances. “Muslim,” “Islam,” etc. have occasionally been among them, when we’ve had problems with e.g. Pamela Geller cultists show up to flood our comment section with anti-Muslim slurs.
OK got it @knappster:disqus . I was trying to make your job easier. Only time will tell. I'm learning.
I appreciate you wanting to make my job easier, but it wouldn’t.
I have to read each and every comment that’s posted to the site. Trying to get around our filters just means I have to read them all more carefully/closely instead of knowing that that potentially guidelines-violating comments will show up in the moderation screen (where, if they don’t violate the site’s guidelines, they’ll get published as soon as I see them).
Got it. I do understand the hard work you do and appreciate your efforts.
Attempting to avoid moderation with little tricks like “J___” instead of of “Jews” will get you banned here. Knock that off if you prefer to stay.
Attempting to avoid moderation with little tricks like “J___” instead of of “Jews” will get you banned here. Knock that off if you prefer to stay.
Other than that did I violate the rules?
When there are wars, there are often refugees – populations that shifts due to wars with winners and losers. However, refugees refers to people fleeing a combat area – as at the end of WWII, and India/Pakistan, India/Bangladesh, Sudan, Syrian Civil War, Lebanon Civil War, etc.
In no other case does refugee status apply to the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, etc. of people who fled a conflict zone.
So, what makes refugees from the Arab-Israeli war of 1947-48 unique, as opposed to other refugees? It's because the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (the full name for UNRWA) was created specifically for the Palestinian refugee crisis, while other refugees are typically served by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
There is nothing special or unique about Palestinian refugees that would explain why they should be treated differently than any other refugee group. Therefore, it's time to pull the plug on UNRWA.