Three Israeli reserve soldiers have told Haaretz that they believe an ethnic cleansing plan is already underway in northern Gaza, where the Israeli military is trying to forcibly displace hundreds of thousands of civilians.
Known as the “general’s plan” because it’s being pushed by a retired Israeli general, Giora Eiland, the plan calls for the evacuation of all Palestinian civilians north of the Netzarim Corridor, a strip of land controlled by the Israeli military. Anyone who stays behind will be exterminated, either by military action or starvation.
“The commanders say openly that the Eiland plan is being promoted by the IDF,” an Israeli soldier in the IDF’s 162nd Division told Haaretz.
Another soldier who is stationed at the Netzarim Corridor said, “The goal is to give the residents who live north of the Netzarim area a deadline to move to the south of the Strip. After this date, whoever will remain in the north will be considered an enemy and will be killed.”

The soldier added, “It doesn’t conform to any standard of international law. People sat and wrote a systematic order with charts and an operational concept, at the end of which you shoot whoever isn’t willing to leave. The very existence of this idea is unfathomable.”
The Israeli assault on north Gaza is currently focused on the Jabalia refugee camp, which has been under complete siege for about 12 days. Israel has ordered an estimated 300,000 to 400,000 Palestinians to head south, but few have left since nowhere is safe in Gaza, and the tent camps in the south are extremely overcrowded.
Israel did not let any aid into northern Gaza for about two weeks. The Israeli military claimed it allowed 50 aid trucks to enter the north on Wednesday, but according to Dropsite News, the aid did not reach the besieged areas of Jabalia, Beit Hanoon, and Beit Lahiya. Dropsite also reported that after 12 days of an ongoing siege, hospitals in northern Gaza have received 350 bodies.
Haaretz previously reported that the Israeli government had no intention to restart ceasefire talks and is now focused on annexing parts of Gaza. If the general’s plan is completed in the north, it could pave the way for Jewish settlements, and then the ethnic cleansing campaign could be carried out in other parts of the Strip.
Hamas fired rockets from north Gaza to Israel yesterday…! Ethnic Cleansing cannot be performed to Hamas and their Rockets…!
Did they hit anything?
Not known yet…! But that isn't more important than still being able to fire rockets from the ruins of north Gaza…!
Not if they are pummeled 100 times more back.
All that's going to do is ethnically cleanse the civilians while Hamas continues blowing up IDF troops from the tunnels. The IDF doesn't have the guts to go into the tunnels and finish off Hamas.
They cannot finish them even if they go inside the tunnels…!
I know. I personally don’t want to see more burning civilians.
It's not the rockets that matter. It's the IDF troops being sniped and blown up from the tunnels. The IDF can cleanse northern Gaza of civilians eventually – but unless they go into the tunnels Hamas will remain. So you're right – Hamas remaining is more important.
IDF troops do not want to go head to head with the "army of G-d" in Lebanon.
The cowardly "moral army" of Israel chooses to bomb innocents.
The day is nye when Israel feels the same fears from above that the Palestinians have and now the Lebanese do.
they are a year late on the announcement
Christian is here to fly his Nazi flag while telling everyone that there are no Nazis in Ukraine. The perpetrators of the Holocaust flew this Bandera flag, and now Right Sector.
"The OUN was mostly active preceding, during, and immediately after the Second World War. Its ideology has been described as having been influenced by the writings of Dmytro Dontsov, from 1929 by Italian fascism, and from 1930 by German Nazism. The OUN pursued a strategy of violence, terrorism, and assassinations with the goal of creating an ethnically homogenous and totalitarian Ukrainian state."
"the local OUN-B's preparations for the anticipated German invasion included May 1941 instructions for ethnic cleansing to its planned militia units: “At a time of chaos and confusion it is permissible to liquidate undesirable Polish, Russian, and Jewish activists, especially supporters". "Russians, Poles, Jews" were hostile to the Ukrainian nation and were to be "destroyed in battle".
i know what they did'
i support the fight for ukrainian independence, Nazism or fascism disgusts me.
I do not support Banderas ideology.
There are people who support Bandera's ideology, but I am not one of them!!
Then why didn't you choose a blue/yellow flag profile pic like every trendy North American on Facebook and Instagram who ALSO takes a narrow & self-serving view of the conflict ?
thats boring
and EVEryone on this website has a narrow and self serving view of this conflict.
Sure. Most of us are “the war must end” because “I personally don’t want more people to die.”
the war must end because its not in the norman human thought processes to invade a free country because you didn’t have enough copium about them drifting from your thumb
and im not north american im in ukraine
I’m referencing all the soccer moms and trendy dipwads in North America who slap a flag on their Buick Lacrosse to support a temporarily trendy cause – knowing nothing of the situation but what they saw last night on CBS (“where all you C is BS”)
thats really cool Chrissy.
He needs to believe there aren't neo-Nazis in places of significant power and authority in his home government and military. He needs his Ukraine to be the Good Guys™.
Otherwise his cognitive dissonance will collapse. At present he can simultaneously hold that there are none in Ukraine (or worse, by fallacy of Whataboutism he'll claim 'there's more in Russia than Ukraine') AND that the ones in Ukraine "aren't REALLY neo-Nazi" (No True Scotsman Fallacy) and that they'll just give up their ultranationalist Aryan-supremacy identity and ethos after the war exactly the way the Afghan Mujahadeen didn't.
Will this bring about a separate "you better stop that in 30 days or else" letter from Blinken and Austin?
Kafka wouldn't have been able to come up with characters like these. They would have been written out of the most far fetched dystopian fantasies for being too caricaturally ludicrous.
The monsters in D.C., enjoying their lives, lying to their constituents, prostrating themselves before the Israeli lobby, need to be rid of like the pests they are.
Only an Israeli, like Giora Eiland, would take personal credit for a genocidal plan.
Gloria, I think we got your num-bah (Gloria) !
No worry. The IDF plan on getting the job done in thirty days [sic].
Recent Pew poll asked Americans age 18 to 29 to prioritize 22 foreign policy issues. Top ranked issue: address climate change. Bottom ranked issue: support Israel. Hard to fathom.
" address climate change." Well these young people better get out a vote. One candidate thinks climate change is just a joke and has no intention of doing anything about it.
"One candidate thinks climate change is just a joke"
It's definitely not a "joke", it's a complete and total fraud. Are you aware that atmospheric CO2 was many times what it is now when dinosaurs roamed the earth? According to climate change hysterics, any increase in CO2 now is sure to be a catastrophe, which is pure idiotic fantasy, if not outright deliberate fraud.
What university presented you with your PhD in all things important to world? Surely we can go to a library and find your books.
In the Children's Fantasy section.
once we got a carbon T A X to solve globull
warming it was easy to see the fraud, just like
convid people to dumbed down to S E E
“Children live what they learn…”
Those who lived or rather survived a holocaust, can commit one as well…
That is truly a tragedy…
This is not a consequence of the Holocaust from which neither the Jewish Zionists, nor the Germans, nor the entire Western world, that started both World Wars, and are about to unleash a third, have learned anything.
Holocaust survivors were despised in early Israel, their respectability was only reinstated after they have been found useful politically. This was the same in Western Europe, shortly after the war, Jewish victims of the Holocaust were of no concern to anyone. They would have been charged by train companies after the war for unpaid tickets to Auschwitz. That's not even an exaggeration.
In Israel the inferiority of Arabs and Palestinians in particular is a matter of indoctrination. In every aspect of society and culture it is a racist society. It is a deliberate policy, it is simply what Zionism is. It is a racist ideology, not redeemable, not fixable, not appeasable.
And that supremacist conviction, whether explicitly celebrated or insidiously suppressed, often maybe not even conscious, is also ingrained in the West. Despite all the sanctimonious talk about our sordid colonial past the attitudes are still alive & well in our societies, especially in the elites and the press that represents them. Borrell with his garden and jungle, or senior Western leaders telling the ICC that they're only there to prosecute Africans, and whatever filth they feel comfortable telling eachother in private, nothing has changed.
You only have to imagine how incomparably different the attitudes would have been, how radically different the newspapers, radio and tv news would have looked like if the situation were reversed.
A fine interview. My sleep apnea affects my focus, Pepe.
The 'General's Plan' sounds suspiciously like the 'Final Solution'. The only things missing are ze schnappy uniformz und ze armbantz.
I am beginning to believe the only way for peace in the world is for the world to stop us. We, the indispensable nation, has caused so much death and destruction, and now is full on for the extermination of Palestinians in Palestine.
D.C. monsters need to feel the pain that has been inflicted on others.
Israel (I'm sure with Genocide Joe's full support) attacking United Nations peacekeeping forces is way out of hand. Nations of the world need to realize both Israel and the U.S.A have gone rogue. There is no need to wait for a UN resolution on this. Nations of the world can sanction the U.S. and Israel unilaterally especially those nations part of the UN peacekeeping mission who had their people attacked. Sure it would hurt, but any blowback from the rogues would be nothing compared to what the Palestinians are currently suffering in defending themselves against the rogue monsters that will eventually consume all of us if they are not stopped.
The soldiers who said this would probably be dead on their action…!
"Three Israeli reserve soldiers have told Haaretz that they believe an ethnic cleansing plan is already underway in northern Gaza.."
That is an interesting claim, and while it dovetails with observable actions, statements, and events, their claims do not constitute evidence.
We need to see the "systematic order with charts and an operational concept, at the end of which you shoot whoever isn’t willing to leave" documents, verified as legitimate.
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe
definitive one book on the [subject].
Ilan Pappé is an Israeli historian, political scientist, and former politician. He is a professor with the College of Social Sciences and International Studies at the University of Exeter
What the mainstream media doesn't ever mention is the Israelis' revulsion of their nation's leadership! Ditto for the USA!
Easier for the MSM to treat populations as monolithic. Does away with pesky trivialities like "nuance" and "complex sociopolitical dynamics" that refuse to play to emotions.
This won't end until Israeli civilians are forced to walk through and witness the Holocaust they are committing, just as were Germans in 1945. They will never pay enough to make up for this, never atone. It is the end of the Israel Project.
1967 United Nations 2334: "all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem", including expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land and displacement of Palestinian civilians.
If Israel can't live by United Nations resolutions, then Israel should be kicked out the United Nations.