Sheikh Naim Kassem, the deputy leader of Hezbollah, said Sunday that the Lebanese group is in a “new phase” of its fight with Israel following a series of Israeli escalations in Lebanon.
Kassem described the new phase as an “open-ended battle of reckoning” and said Hezbollah attacks on Israel wouldn’t stop until there was a ceasefire in Gaza. “The Israeli settlers will not return to the North before the Israeli enemy accepts a ceasefire in Gaza,” he said.
Kassem made the comments at a funeral for Ibrahim Aqil, a senior Hezbollah commander who was killed in an Israeli airstrike on a southern suburb of Beirut. Lebanon’s Health Ministry said Sunday that the death toll in the Friday strike rose to 45, which includes three children and seven women.

Hezbollah confirmed 16 of its members were killed in the attack, including Aqil and another senior commander. The Beirut bombing came a few days after Israel blew up pagers and beepers belonging to Hezbollah members, killing dozens, including at least two children, and wounding thousands.
Hezbollah fired dozens of rockets into northern Israel on Saturday and Sunday in response to the Israeli airstrike in Beirut and said it targets several military sites, including the Ramat David Airbase, an Israeli Air Force base near Haifa. According to Israeli media, three people were wounded by Hezbollah rocket fire on Sunday.
Israeli airstrikes continued to pound Lebanon on Saturday and Sunday. According to CNN, an Israeli military spokesman said Israel launched 300 strikes against Hezbollah targets in southern and eastern Lebanon. At least two people were reported killed by the Israeli strikes on Sunday.
Herzi Halevi, the chief of staff of the Israeli Defense Forces, said Sunday that the strikes would continue. “The price that Hezbollah is paying has increased, our attacks will increase,” he said. “We will safely return the residents to their homes, and if Hezbollah has not understood this yet, it will get another blow and another blow – until the organization understands.”
Axios reported on Saturday that US officials support Israel’s strategy of escalation. Israeli officials claim the purpose of the escalation is to de-escalate the situation and not provoke a full-blown war, but there’s no sign Hezbollah will back down.
The Axios report reads: “US officials told Axios they recognize Israel’s rational and agree with it, but stress this is an ‘extremely difficult calibration’ that could easily go out of control and lead to an all-out war.”
The US has also continued to ship weapons to Israel to support the genocidal slaughter in Gaza, which also supports escalations throughout the Middle East. Israel has been emboldened by the US vows to intervene if the situation turns into a major regional war.
Hezbollah and Lebanon seem to have a death wish. If Hezbollah keeps their attacks up, Israel will flatten south Beirut and convert Southern Lebanon into the next Golan Heights. And of course the UN will blame Israel as usual. Instead of complaining the UN should stop Hezbollah.
Hi Tim:
Who will stop Israel, the “Chosen People”?….
chosen people don't exist…!
I was, in fact, being facetious.
Yes-the people of Israel will no longer accept being chosen as victims.
A victim with atom bombs. A victim with the latest jet fighters. A victim that has oppressed a population for 75 years. A victim with the support of the mother of occupiers, the U.S. of A.
Yes, vip. Israel is being a victim of rockets fired from Lebanon.
And many more!
Exactly what does that comment mean,for us unenlightened?
They are not victims. They are violent racist colonizers.
Death to Israel!
So are you pro or anti war? Hezbollah calls for the destruction of Israel, and preaches hated of Jews living everywhere.
Israel will stop their attack on Lebanon when Lebanon quits firing rockets at Israel.
And Lebanon will stop their attacks when Israel stops the genocide in Gaza.
Israel must be destroyed as a nation.
You seem to forget that the International Community formally agreed in a binding resolution last week that Israel is liable to pay for all damages it causing.
Blowing stuff up simply makes the bill all that larger.
Norman Finkelstein: "But if you don't believe in the law,” as I said to Benny Morris, "Professor Morris, then don't complain about what happened on October 7th."
A better quote. "But if you don't believe in the law,”. "than don't complain about what happens after Oct 7".
Don't laws apply after Oct 7th?
Completely shitty quote, you evil Zionist terrorist supporter.
Another bad day for you Joe. Your Hezbollah friends are being pounded today. Can't wait for your next insult or your next "Death to Israel" chant.
My days going fine shit4brains.
It’d be a gift to humanity if you and all those like you croaked.
So if Israel destroys rockets and missiles in Lebanon, Israel is expected to pay for them? LOL.
Israel will pay, in so many ways.
Death to Israel!
And there is your famous chant. Well there is 10 millions Israelis armed with 150 nuclear warheads and 270 jet fighter bombers that will prevent your famous chant from happening.
Nope, Israel is in a death spiral.
The end is near and can’t happen soon enough.
Israel is the enemy of humanity.
Israel stole the uranium for its first nukes from the US.
With friends like Israel who needs enemies.
End Israel!
It’s payment for damages from 1947….likely trillions with interest
Yes-the 6 Arab nations that invaded their neighbor in 1948 must pay for the damages.
Sigh – the massacres and attacks started months before the Arab Militias intervened to try and stop the ethnic cleansing. ( as you well k now)
Give it up Jake, you are losing what little credibility you had.
BTW you guys might consider selling your property on the West Bank PDQ. Better to get something than nothing.
Let Egypt and Iraq pay for the homes they took from their native Jewish populations.Let Hamas pay for Oct 7.
Your beef is with the IDF who massacred hundreds of Israelis civilians that day.
The IDF did not kill hundreds that day. There was some friendly fires deaths, but not many. Those deaths are on Hamas, because they attacked.
They did. This has been widely reported in the Israeli press. I suggest you learn Hebrew then you can read all about it.
It was in English too. They even used the word many. Their press says things our press doesn't. At least some of it does.
Send me the links showing that hundreds died as a result of friendly fire.
I said "many". Don't put words in my mouth.
Israeli army investigation suggests many 7 October casualties caused by friendly fire,100%20people%20were%20killed%20in%20the%207%20Octo
Hannibal Directive:
28 helicopter gunships empitied their entire ammo into the Rave party crowds, these gunships also sprayed and prayed at anything that moved that day.
IDF MBTs fired into Israeli homes that day too.
The IDF killed those civilians. Your beef is with the IDF
Fuck you and your immoral attempts to divert blame from Israel for its massive war crimes.
You are filth.
Hannibal Directive = "Friendly Fire"???
With "friends" like that, the Israelis don't NEED any enemies.
Haven't the barbarous Israelis already destroyed Beirut several times over the years?
Beirut is still standing,for now.
Beirut used to be the Paris of the Middle East.
It was until the terrorists tock over.
Your ignorance of recent history is telling
Bombed yes, destroyed no, Your lack understanding the difference between destroying a city and bombing one is telling.
Lying motherfqer.
The war won't end until the genocide in Gaza ends. You can twist yourself into a pretzel trying to make this about anything else but it won't make the genocide go away. And Israel taking any more land will only mean that they can expect to be attacked constantly. It is Israel that seems to have the death wish whether they survive or not.
How many terrorists organization do you support? Israel's enemies never seem to learn. Jordon lost the West Bank in 1967 because they chose to join Egypt in the 1967 war between Egypt and Israel. Syria lost the Golan Heights in the same war as they chose to enter the war 4 days after the start believing the Egypt army was about to enter Tel Aviv! Now Lebanon is putting its land at risk by entering a war between Gaza and Israel, a war which Gaza started. History just may repeat itself.
How in the fuck did you come up with that garbage as a response to what I said? And I don't support any terrorist organization, including the king of terrorists, Israel.
The UN should stop Israel, asshole.
The UN should be turned over to house US citizens,of whatever ethnicity,that are homeless.
Eat shit & die Jake.
Peace in the region, is our collective goal. We folks here are Pro-Peace!
No to ALL WAR! Peace on Earth and Good Will To All of Humanity!
The new phase is the same as the old phase. Lots of blah blah. This group is defensive and any retaliation has already been anticipated.
Simply a restatement is the way I took it.
Hezbollah anticipated their pagers exploding? That is interesting.
Can lick the sweat off a dead man’s balls!
I say that with true conviction!
Time for Israel to find Christ!
Crudely put, but true…. 😉
ISRAEL ENTERS A NEW PHASE ALSO: Israeli Army Raids, Shuts Down Al Jazeera's West Bank News Room.
Which indicates the great possibility of accelerating genocide in the West Bank. Can't have anybody reporting the atrocities to come. Article below has video of shutdown.
Deniability. No reporting. No pictures. Then it didn't happen.
Wash, rinse, repeat: Israel Escalates, US "Hopes" for Ceasefire, Israel Escalates …
That Uncle Sammy's a nasty one.
Into torture sex & mass murder, and multiple combinations threof.
He always kinda scared me as a kid.
He's sayin', " I want you!"
but I was outta there.
First rule, if dudes in funny uniforms are comin' for you, Run!
The 70,000 settlers should move permanently to southern Israel…! And no, the Israel conflict with Hezbollah won't draw world attention from Gaza to southern Lebanon…!
What about the 630,000 settlers that remain in the West Bank?
The international community decided all settlers must evacuate and pay reparations. Here’s the binding resolution passed last week with a 2/3s majority:
Does Hezbollah want Gaza conditions in southern Lebanon ?
Hezbollah like Hamas don't care. They more interested in killing Israelis than welfare of their own people.
Bullshit Tim.
Timmy Dickface, self-righteous supporter of genocide, attempt to lecture people about morality.
You're a sicko. Tim.
You need mental help.
LOL. You’re the psychopathic genocide supporter here Timmy and probably beyond help.
The Zionist Colony has no idea what it is in for. The decline of Israel began decades ago since Zionism unto itself is unsustainable, and is a settler ideology only. Jews in the diaspora are turning on Israel because they know it cares nothing about Judaism, or humanity. All of the proof is the premeditated genocide in Gaza…You have been fooled sadly…
They don't care-poisoned with hate.
Israeli society isn't. A must read book by Miko Peled: The General's Son: The Journey of an Israeli in Palestine. Israeli children learn to hate from an early age.
While 47% of Israelis supported the IDF torturers who stuck electrified steel rods up other human being's asses.
Prove that this happened.
Those rioting Israelis supporting rape and torture of prisoners sure believed it happened.
Majority of Israeli Jews believe prison rape suspects shouldn't face criminal charges
The world would be a much better place without people like you Jake.
Another bad day, Joe. You clearly have a lot of hate and anger. You should gets some help.
LOL. eat shit & die Timmy.
Zionists are poisoned with hate.
Zionists are terrorists, thieves and mass murderers.
Death to Zionism!
If Ukraine fails to pay back their loans Russia's assets will be seized, and if Israel fails to deescalate the US will destroy Hezbollah's missiles. In related news if I drunkenly crash a neighbor's borrowed car I'll be handed $1 million.
"Israeli officials claim the purpose of the escalation is to de-escalate the situation…" Just try making that up. Pythonesque?
Pretty much.
Sue, Sue me. I didn't mean to copy your comment. I was 9 hours late to the party.
It's worth copying. And you drew attention to yours by using the features here. Well done. It needs to be SCREAMED!
LOL. I was screaming like a teenager girl at a Rolling Stones concert back in the 60s.
Zionists believe this is the time to do what is needed to fulfill the agenda of a greater Israel. Israel is on a roll that won't stop until that agenda is fulfilled. It has a metaphysical basis in the Rabbinical Writings. The believe the god of Israel is behind all this, which includes using others to be cannon fodder for their aims. The Jewish god: "Jehovah-Jireh" is one of the many different names of God found in the Old Testament. "Jehovah-Jireh" is the KJV's translation of YHWH-Yireh and means "The LORD Will Provide" (Genesis 22:14). It is the name memorialized by Abraham when God provided the ram to be sacrificed in place of Isaac.
Israel is still a secular country-hate to disappoint.
That uses religious imagery to justify what it does.
Yeah, right. LOL
… And in kind, Haifa and Tel Aviv get blow after blow by new powerful missiles from Hezbollah…!
And then what happens to Beirut?
If becomes a flatten city and the Hezbollah supporters cry "genocide".
If becomes a *flatten* city and the Hezbollah supporters cry "genocide".
If Israel does to Beirut what they are doing to the Palestinians in GAZA, killing anything that moves using unimaginable savagery, then yes, people will be "crying" genocide. But once again you're trying to deflect from the ongoing genocide in Gaza and ignoring why Hezbollah is doing what they are doing. If the Israeli terrorists would stop the ongoing genocide in Gaza then you Israeli firsters won't have to keep ignoring that the other regional violence is directly related to it.
Hezbollah chose attack Israel the next day after Oct 7. So your narrative that Hezbollah join the war because Israel counter attack was too violent is simply wrong. If you want the war to stop in Gaza, the Hamas terrorists can release the hostages and surrender. The war ends. This not a game. Many people will die.
The war ends when the Likud finally accepts the will of the international community, namely:
1) end Apartheid
2) evacuate all occupied territories since pre-1949
3) pay for damages
That now binding international law, my friend. Likud is destroying Israel.
Here is the full text of the document you should familiarize yourself with; because it’s the law now.
Item two makes no sense.Item 5-let Hamas pay for damamges
Shame you followed the Likud into this dead end.
Read it closely;
Likud would say to that: "YOU don't tell US what to do. We tell YOU!"
And your writing skills make reading that a chore. But to put it simply, you're full of shit.
Kassem described the new phase as an “open-ended battle of reckoning” and said Hezbollah attacks on Israel wouldn’t stop until there was a ceasefire in Gaza. “The Israeli settlers will not return to the North before the Israeli enemy accepts a ceasefire in Gaza,” he said.
Oct 7 kept Netty in power,and gave Hamas a political victory.Hamas arms suppliers and puppet masters play their little games.Arabs and Jews in Israel, and now Lebanon pay the price.
You don't even bother changing names with your standard replies. No wonder you're an unpaid troll.
You keep forgetting the primary rule of the "Rules Based Order". "Fighting back is NOT allowed." In fact, fighting back is considered an act of "aggression".
Fq off war pig!
You're a psychotic terrorist supporter.
You love the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
Get cancer, pig!
And here comes the insults again. Write some worth reading.
Clearly you actually do love the mass murder of Palestinians, you evil motherfqer.
It's easy. Israel halts their attacks on civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, and Hezbollah ceases shelling northern israel.
It makes sense, which is why netanyah00 would reject it.
Personally, I would recommend Netanyah00 wed Zelensky. It would be a marriage made in …… Hades.
"Axios reported on Saturday that US officials support Israel’s strategy of escalation. Israeli officials claim the purpose of the escalation is to de-escalate the situation and not provoke a full-blown war…"
They have that backwards, as usual…they want a full blown war.
Mercy, Have Mercy. You beat me to it. See my comment below. I was two hours late.
While this is a very bad situation for the man in the street in Israel,Palestine/Lebanon-Hezbollah charter calls for destruction of Israel,and hate to all Jews.They have assembled a dangerous army,and after years of worry and forebearasnce,peaceful Israel is being forced to act.
Weapons manufacturers and arms dealers never want peace.
Quds News Network @QudsNen
According to Israeli media reports, Israeli occupation soldiers mistakenly identified an Israeli soldier as a Palestinian militant, firing over 400 shots at him as he approached a military camp in response to a call-up
Did they miss?
Good question – the IDF conscripts and weekend warriors are infamously poorly trained.
"The Axios report reads: “US officials told Axios they recognize Israel’s rational …"
That's rationale, buttheads.
"The Israeli settlers will not return to the North before the Israeli enemy accepts a ceasefire in Gaza,” he said." Hezbollah thinks the war they started with Israel will end when a ceasefire agreement is reach in Gaza. Hezbollah thinks that they can just turn on and off their war when feel like it. How foolish.
The war started in 1948 with the Nakba.
It will not end until Palestine is free!
The Nakba may have never happen if the Arab armies did not attack Israel. We will never know. What we do know is that Israel won the war. Israel made the decision to not allow the Palestinians to return as it was military just too risky. And as events in last 76 years prove, it was the right call.
Timmy spouts all the tired Zionist lies.
Israel began massacring Palestinians and destroying their villages prior to the invasion by the Arab armies.
The ethnic cleansing of Palestine was part of Plan Dalet, conceived prior to the invasion of the Arab armies.
The plan’s tactics involved laying siege to Palestinian Arab villages, bombing neighbourhoods of cities, forced expulsion of their inhabitants, and setting fields and houses on fire and detonating TNT in the rubble to prevent any return. Zionist military units possessed detailed lists of neighborhoods and villages to be destroyed and their Arab inhabitants expelled.
You are a blood-soaked bullshitter Timmy. But that tired Zionist bullshit won’t flush shit4brains.
Did you actually read the plan? Anyway, yes 76 years ago, Israel kicked out Palestinians who were hostile to the survival of Israel. It was not a one way battle. For example, the Palestinians attempted and failed to starve the Israelis living in Jerusalem. It was a war of survival for Israel. The Palestinians had no interests in living in a state of Israel and they would have tried to destroy it from within.
BTW, thanks to the Arab nations deciding to invade Israel and failing the size of Israel got bigger than was allocated by the UN. And the same time, with Jordan taking the West Bank from the Palestinians, the Palestinians were left only with Gaza.
And Israelis haters, like you, still feel the sting of small nations of 700,000 people defeating the armies of Arab nations totally 30,000,000 people. But keep up your hate for Israel if is makes you feel better
Oh, you can be sure I’ll keep hating Israel until it ends its genocide in Gaza, its apartheid system and its illegal occupation of the West Bank.
Israel is an immoral colonialist state based in racism and apartheid and founded on the ejection of 750,000 Palestinians in 1948. It’s illegitimate and has no right to exist
You’re an evil liar. A complete waste of oxygen.
“the size of Israel got bigger than was allocated by the UN”
No, Israel remains exactly the same size as its UN-set borders. France and Poland didn’t magically become Germany just because the Germans occupied them.
Thing is Timmy, as I've told you before, I grew up in a pro-Israel household.
It was only later, as I learned more about Palestine – and the world – that I became a critic, and opposed US aid to Israel.
Israel's massive war crimes since 10/7, have led me to oppose the existence of the apartheid ethnostate of Israel.
But I'd settle for just ending all US aid to Israel. There's a lot of horrible crimes against humanity being committed in the world today, but none are getting tens of billions over five years to commit those crimes, except Israel.
I agree with Hezbollah's assessment. It's time to stop the "tit-for-tat" and start seriously turning up the heat in the "boil the frog" process.
In other words, the Axis of Resistance is getting close to going all in. But there is still an advantage in letting Israel do some more provocations so it's clear to the world who is to blame for starting the major war.
It's also valuable to continue attriting Israel and US munitions stockpiles before the main war starts.
As for the Axios BS about the US agreeing with Israel about "escalation to de-escalate" — that is just that: BS. Both the US and Israel on one side, and the Axis on the other, have decided that this is the final conflict which is intended to resolve once and for all the presence of Israel and the US in the Middle East. But for PR purposes to avoid blame, both sides are trying to figure out how to start it without 1) being blamed, and 2) losing an advantage early on.
This is the typical starting path for wars throughout history.
Uncle Sammy is a blood soaked war criminal!
Axios: "…the purpose of the escalation is to de-escalate the situation…. but stress this is an ‘extremely difficult calibration’ that could…. lead to an all-out war.” FU@KING PRICELESS. I feel compelled to say something sarcastic and cynical about it but in reality, there is absolutely no need to do it. Those sentences SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES!
Axios is an idiot.
Israel: bringing ethnic cleansing and a Novo-holocaust to all of planet Earth!