Ryan Wesley Routh, the 58-year-old man arrested on Sunday for allegedly trying to kill former President Donald Trump, said in a book he published in February 2023 that he looked forward to World War III and hoped he could burn down the Kremlin.
“I do dream of the day that we cross over into Russia and march towards Moscow. That is the part of this third world war that I look forward to. I want to be the one that burns down the Kremlin and all the cruelty that it signifies,” Routh wrote in the book titled “Ukraine’s Unwinnable War.”
In another part of the book, Routh criticized Trump for pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal and said he must share the blame for voting for the former president.
“I must take part of the blame for the retarded child that we elected for our next president that ended up being brainless, but I am man enough to say that I misjudged and made a terrible mistake and Iran I apologize,” Routh wrote.
Routh went on to say that Iran could assassinate both Trump and himself. “You are free to assassinate Trump as well as me for that error in judgment,” he wrote.
In the book and in social media posts, Routh repeatedly expressed his wish to fight in Ukraine against the Russian military. In 2022, Routh traveled to Ukraine, but he said in an interview with Newsweek Romania that he was too old to fight.

Routh said his “plan B” was to help recruit people from around the world for Ukraine’s foreign legion. In an interview with Semafor in 2023, Routh complained that Ukraine didn’t want to take Afghan soldiers. “Most of the Ukrainian authorities do not want these soldiers,” he said. “I have had partners meeting with [Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense] every week and still have not been able to get them to agree to issue one single visa.”
In a follow-up article published on Sunday after the arrest, Semafor said that when they interviewed Routh, he was the head of a group he started called the International Volunteer Center. The article cited a Ukrainian involved in foreign recruitment and said that Routh was “even by the standards of that frantic moment, a bit over the top.”
But the Ukrainian also said that Routh was authentically involved in the efforts to bring in foreign troops. Since his arrest, Ukraine’s foreign legion has distanced itself from Ruth.
“We would like to clarify that Ryan Wesley Routh has never been part of, associated with, or linked to the International Legion in any capacity,” Ukraine’s International Legion told Euronews.
Routh briefly appeared in a propaganda video from May 2022 for the Azov Brigade, a notorious neo-Nazi unit in the Ukrainian National Guard. In response, the Azov Brigade said the event was a demonstration that anyone could attend. “We would like to officially state that Ryan Wesley Routh has no connection to Azov and has never had any connection to Azov,” the military unit said.
Viewing of CNNMSNBC "news" is bad for the mind and soul …
100%. You lose all your IQ points and then you go to Hell because you become a Demon.
DEVIL. Dammit, did nobody play D&D ever ???
Only if you include the 2nd edition.
2e all good. THAC0 was needlessly convoluted & the XP disparity between classes was hideous (and Druids getting screwjobbed at higher level) but still solid edition.
4e was garbage.
I never recognized anything past 2nd edition. 🙂
3.5e is good. Lot of “power creep” but makes solid improvements over 2e.
The same kind of blowback America faced from turning Afghanistan into a glorified beartrap in the seventies and eighties. This is only the tip of the spear.
The DC bipartisan establishment has one foreign policy which they perceive Kamala will loyally serve. But first, the threat of "End the Wars" Trump has to be eliminated, one way or another : https://x.com/ggreenwald/status/1835793211551547607?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet
The threat of “end the wars” Trump would almost certainly be ended by him winning the election. Just like last time.
Fool you once, shame on the con man. Fool you every day for a decade, shame on you.
Did you watch the video? The only hope we have for change is in Donald Trump.
That was said in 2016. The only thing that changed was a record set for the number of impeachments.
And Trump set a record for job losses, too ! Most since the Great Depression.
good luck Amerika
Trump will change nothing and will not end any war.
Yeah. POCKET CHANGE. What's left after Trump goes all-in for Corporate America.
Under P2025, it'll become illegal to protest corporate construction projects of any kind (like at Standing Rock) AND the military can be used on American soil to disperse protesters.
I would bet that Unions and minimum wage laws will be a target, allowing confederate Corporatists to return to pittance wage-slavery days.
Trump could’ve been an agent of change, instead he was an agent for change (coins).
John Mearsheimer: "Trump says he will defeat the Deep State. My bet is against him."
He hired Bolton and Pompeo. Sure.
The Deep State wants more of the status quo. Trump is saying he doesn't. As Sen. Chuck U. Schumer (D-NY) warned, if you mess with the Deep State they've got six ways to Sunday to "Get you". I'm with the guy who is going through hell for standing up.
Yes, Trump says he doesn’t want what he said he didn’t want last time. And that he doesn’t want what he delivered last time. And that he constantly offers, when not saying he doesn’t want it, this time.
The notion that Trump could defeat the deep state is risible. It would take somebody a lot tougher, smarter, and more knowledgeable than Trump to beat the deep state.
Then there is the issue of whether Trump actually wants to beat the deep state. Trump's actions are so muddled that it makes his intentions largely a matter of conjecture.
the amerikan deep state isn't real get your head out of the clouds
It's what we call in Ukrainian…
Oh wait that just means bureaucracy… my bad!
Trump wants to BE the deep state.
US liberalism was built up in the 50's & 60's by the CIA (deep state central) in order to provide a leftish alternative to communism. Abroad, democratic socialist parties were supported. Massive sums were spent
See The Cultural Cold War: the CIA in the World of Arts & Letters.
Front & center of that deep state was (is) the Rockefeller family network and other elite foundations & corporations.
The relative decline of the Rockefeller network allowed an opening for Trump's triumph over the GOP.
For all Trump likes to talk tough about suppressing street protest, Purge 2025 starts near the top layers of government, and works down.
I think that ultimately, the the top of deep state is a kind of mafia. Trump has a lot of experience making deals with other mafia. If elected he'll make a deal.
The complete fool, since money to a billionaire to pay for his legal fees. Who does that? Trump fools.
Trump's "end the wars" idea seems to be based on those who we consider enemies being deathly afraid of him. Why does he think that?
"But maybe our country would be better off if I actually had the nuclear codes because our enemies would be afraid, unlike they are now."
Now, doesn't that give you a warm fuzzy feeling about Trump's idea of keeping the peace?
"who we consider enemies being deathly afraid of him" Well we know that Iran is not afraid of him. How many missiles did they fire at US bases when he was President? How many troop went to the hospital in Germany for treatment? How many millions of dollar of damage was done? Answers: 20 plus missiles, 18 troops sent to hospital and over $6 million in damage.
They fired missiles because Trump had their general murdered. He knew there would be retaliation and Iran limited it to something they knew wouldn't trigger a massive response. The same reason Iran gave notice before firing missiles at Israel. Iran isn't stupid.
It's not called Trump Derangement Syndrome for nothing:
In another part of the book, Routh criticized Trump for pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal and said he must share the blame for voting for the former president.
Former Superman actor Brandon Routh's older brother Ryan is a nutbag. His political ideology is all over the map. Support racists in Ukraine but support the people of Gaza ? Maybe if his religious metric is (C >> M > J). Wants a nuclear war with the Russians but not with Iran ? Was Dem before GOP before Dem ?
"Just another American who saw too many movies as a child? Another orphan of a bankrupt culture who thinks he's John Wayne? Rambo? Marshal Dillon?"
The main source of trouble for Ukraine seems to be their poor choice of friends. I'm not necessarily talking about this terminally confused scrawny Rambo wannabe or the number of wifebeaters, swastika covered small time criminals looking for grandeur in their hitherto wasted existences, and other unfortunate misfits and mentally challenged fleeing from failure in the chaos of the wartorn country.
in russia domestic abuse is legal so long as it only happens once per year or doesn't cause serious injury
Women have a whole new problem on New Years'!
Domestic violence is a problem world wide. It is in Russia and it is in Ukraine. And indeed religion is nowhere, ever, really a mitigating factor either. Alcohol, poverty and pessimistic prospects and then you have people who just are really sick in the head. And those you don't want as friends.
Hah, wait until Trump takes office again and institutes Project 2025. Then at best women return to second-class citizen status; at worst, they become property as instructed by the bible.
do you realise the utter insanity of what you’re saying?
God forbid you believe in that
You don’t belong on this website.
(PS Thomas L. Knapp. I know he won’t get banned for his opinions. I’m just saying it for *effect*
It is insane – and it’s what the Christian Nationalists promoting Project 2025 intend to have happen. A “return to” the supremacy of cis Christian White men in all things, with women and “others” relegated to statuses defined in the bible.
Not my fault people are unaware of the contents of Christian Nationalism, P2025, and the bible (or do I repeat myself thrice) – and that it takes a charming lesbian atheist like me to point this s**t out and stand opposed to it.
and my godd i just found a logic fallacy:
your mr trump says he has “no relation” to project 2025
my God you just cooked yourself so badly
No, you didn’t.
140 co-authors of Project 2025, were former Trump appointees or staffers in his administration.
If he has “no relation” to it, he’s either lying, ignorant, AND stupid.
He’s all of those so it works out well
All anybody really has to do is compare or contrast what these former Trump associates say in their "Project" with the current Trump GOP Platform. I haven't because, frankly, I couldn't give a rat's tuckus. it's mostly window dressing anyway AFAIC.
oh darn
that was SARCASM
my godd oops
Not so much "sarcasm" as "extrapolating to a most-likely outcome under a Trump 2.0 administration".
Despite what you’ve heard, Trump isn’t that bright to come up with that project. Even his 2018 “Tax Cut” was written and approved by the “bipartisan” DC.
Trump didn’t write it (140 former staffers & major far Right names did) but it is his blueprint come Jan 2025.
"The main source of trouble for Ukraine seems to be their poor choice of friends." LOL. What a dumb idea.
Israel has that same problem. But then Israel has much larger problems. The main difference with Ukraine is that Israel is identical with the problem, Ukraine is not.
Poor choice of friends and unnecessary insistence on enemies.
Yes, I shouldn't have left that one out. Choosing your enemies is much more important than chosing your friends. Your friends might define who you are, your enemies define who you become.
Beautiful statement !!
Their country would be whole otherwise. But the US wants to weaken Russia. So yeah, they should think twice before choosing "friends".
Cultivation of zoological Russo-phobia in The West always was a necessary condition for successful MIC business. Maybe in future they'll replace it by anti-Chinese propaganda. Trump did some efforts in that direction. That is one of the reasons why he is hated so much by those who already lost their mental health under influence of Russo-phobic indoctrination.
and i see the russphilia bug has hit you
I ain't got no quarrel with them Russians. They never called me the n-word, told me I couldn't go to public places, let companies legally deny me the opportunity to apply for jobs (three of them), bar me from travel in my own country.
No, my OWN GOVERNMENT did all that.
misty morning, clouds in the sky –
without warning, a wizard walks by –
never talking, he just keeps walking –
doing his magic ….
Nicely done! A bit of verse, for everyone, is always welcome!
Enjoyed your post immensely!
Do you write much?…lI am truly intrigued.
I write a bit as well.
"Hickory dickory dock…"
Wait, no – this is A Family Website and verse by the Diceman is best not quoted.
Ah, what thell.
Jack and Jill went up a hill both with a buck and a quarter.
Jill came down with two fifty, that fucking whore!
Fun fact – Diceman’s signature “Ohhhh !” is sampled in EMF’s 1991 track “Unbelievable” & he’s paid royalties on the song to this day.
Evil power disappears
Demons worry when the wizard is near
He turns tears into joy
Everyone's happy when the wizard walks by
He is a criminal. He will pay the price.
Mutatis mutandis Routh could be Sen. McCain of Tom Cotton, … or Jens Stoltenberg.
"Trump supporters say Trump is anti-establishment, when in reality he’s done more to advance the interests of the establishment than any individual Democrat ever has. In addition to all the longstanding agendas of the US war machine he advanced while president, he also moves US politics in the exact direction the powerful want it to move.
Because of Trump, Democrats moved from despising Bush and Cheney for their warmongering to loving Bush and Cheney and warmongering.
Because of Trump, the Democratic Party has been able to move much further toward warmongering corporatism than it could have ever gotten away with before — while still framing itself as the “moderate” alternative.
Because of Trump, mainstream US politics has been shoved so far to the right that in it’s now effectively a contest between Donald Trump’s Republican Party and George W Bush’s Republican Party.
Because of Trump, both parties are now campaigning on who’s the most Reagany Ronald Reagan.
Because of Trump, Democrats went from trashing John McCain to worshipping him as a saint.
Because of Trump, Democrats went from opposing the Bush administration’s post-9/11 authoritarianism to cheering for the FBI and the CIA and the destruction of the First Amendment.
Because of Trump, everyone’s arguing about whether immigrants are eating cats and dogs instead of the active genocide in Gaza."
Democrats loved John McCain decades before life-long progressive Democrat Donald Trump started pretending to be a Republican.
Democrats were very fond of John Sidney McCain because he very graciously LOST to Barack Hussein Obama. Democrats HATE Donald Trump because he WON.
The NVA were quite fond of McCain for all the military intel he gave them in exchange for better POW treatment. As I recall, the stats showed a curious improvement in the North Vietnamese air defense strategies following his capture…
John McCain, Graham, Klobuchar, Biden and Murphy all joined hands to kumbaya with a bunch of wannabe Nazis in Ukraine. Where is the distinction in parties?
Superfries was palatable to the Left until he went hard-right military-interventionalist in the early-mid 00's.
So it's Trump's fault that our media is ignoring the ongoing genocide in Gaza? Good luck selling that.
The author didn't say that it was "Trump's fault that our media is ignoring ongoing genocide in GAZA".
That's true. But indulge Paine for a second on that thought. The Media attacked Trump on everything, whether he did or didn't do it, e.g., Covid. Biden doesn't suffer the same and I think the Media may criticize Trump when he continues to support Israel's genocide as a President. I'm just sayin…
I think the media will call Trump "Presidential" if he continues the genocide in Gaza. Just like they did when he did missile attacks on Syria.
Okay, you got me. That was stupid hope blinding me again. Scratch that.
I said I "think". You could also be right. The media definitely treats him differently than the other scum.
The msm would blame Trump directly for not nailing down negotiations, where now they blame Hamas for not sealing a deal, rather than Biden for not using leverage on Netanyahu.
Shitlib websites will finally find a conscience and become outraged by genocide.
And I say this as someone who never supported Trump, knowing what a shitty con he has been in NYC for decades, nor would I support him in the future. But I am able to hold a few thoughts: he is not the peace candidate, antiestablishment maverick, while the msm was entirely stacked against him and Democrats used intelligence agencies and all manners of ratfuckery against him.
Agreed, Dread!
"Because of Trump, everyone’s arguing about whether immigrants are eating cats and dogs instead of the active genocide in Gaza."
People talk about what the Media covers and our Propaganda media is clearly ignoring the Holocaust in Gaza. Caitlin can't blame Donald Trump for our corrupt Media.
Slawa Ukraini
Slawa Palestini!
Chwała Ukrajini!
Chwała Palestini!
(im pretty sure thats palestine in polack im not cheking(
Ukraine is like Israel, a racist terrorist state. The people of the Donbass, whom Kiev has carried out war against, are like the Palestinians. Happily for the people of Donbass, they have a powerful friend to help defend them against the terrorist racist Banderist Ukrainians.
lol! Donbass people are like Palestinians?
They were never oppressed/invaded!
We share story with Palestinians, foreign oppression
Cole slaw-a.
Not that bright green, sharp KFC stuff that rips apart my gums, tho.
I don’t like Coleslaw. Theres this one restaurant near my house…………… i hate it
Some’s good, sone not so much.
Oddly it can vary a lot, like stuffing. Raisins or not ? Seeds / nuts or not ?
I love stuffing
I had nuts and seeds in it once I still disliked it
Friends of ours do up 6-7 different stuffings at Thanksgiving dinner to satisfy as many different likes / dislikes as are found. Fruit / no fruit, nuts / no nuts, sopping wet or bone-dry, meat in or not, cooked inside bird or separate…
I think Caitlin is always good, but she has it backwards here, IMO. Since Bill Clinton, the Dems shifted right, so the GOP went further right to keep up the dance step and differentiate themselves, when they are really the same war party.
Without the betrayals of (hope and change) Obama, the confessed rigging against Sanders, and the pied piper elevation of Trump by the Clinton camp, Trump would’ve remained a reality star.
Trump is the Democratic Party’s monster.
Editing to add: I sometimes wonder if they are all actors in a shitty play, with each doing their assigned roles as oligarchs cheer.
Who will break the fourth wall and tell the audience?
Yes, they are all actors. Trump too.
I know they are all actors. I just wonder if it is all reading from the same script.
Ah, and this poses a question of definitions and philosophy : are clowns actors ?
I think she acknowledges most of that with this:
Because of Trump, the Democratic Party has been able to move much further toward warmongering corporatism than it could have ever gotten away with before — while still framing itself as the “moderate” alternative.
The Democrats moved toward warmongering and the wealthy which opened a window for Trump. I disagree with her there.
They did that long before Trump. As Caitlin said, "able to move much further".
The Democrats could have moved left. Their game plan has been to move right.
And Trump helped to enable that.
No, he didn’t. He was spewing Sanders-like populism. He was a fraud. But Democrats intentionally saddled him with “Russian agent” based on a fake dossier, so they could shift into war mode.
In my opinion, yes he did. And they saddled him with the "Russian agent" label because they wanted to win the election. That shit happens every election cycle. Obama was accused by the republicans of being soft on Russia in both 2008 and 2012.
Worse even, Obama was saddled with "not being born in America" and "fake birth certificate" nonsense.
If you want to say Trump is necessary fodder for Democrats to claim they are rescuing democracy, that’s one thing. Trump did not push Democrats to the right.
They were already to the right. And saying Trump enabled them to move further right isn't blaming him for them wanting to move to the right.
I’m sorry, wars, let’s agree to disagree. I’m not buying it.
They're all chosen by the power to be. And the people of the USA think they are the ones making the choice or the decision. The power to be always gets its man or woman in the end.
Yeah I came to that conclusion myself. But I wondered if they all knew ahead which one would take the dive.
Great post. Trump is part of the death circus, but most Americans don't see it.
Donald Trump's policies are also closed borders & 2nd Amendment rights. Ending the regime of the u.s. puppet dictator zelensky is relevant to the article.
I've said before – we should go back to swords. That way you want to do a mass-killing, you'll have to put in a sha-hit-ton of effort and get in close. By the 3rd target a "lone swordsman" would be all, "F**k, I am WINDED, this is way more work than it's worth to impress Jodie Foshter (sic)."
He never had any connection to Azov, but he wished he could have.
But -exactly the kind of American yahoo who should be over there doing it anyway and putting his money where his fat mouth is. Comrade Z needs fighters? Let him take all of these wingnuts off our hands.
Their own little Abraham brigade… Whatever.
Ukraine really is f#cked.
says who?
I presume you know a lot about our history of beating Russkie ass
My man I m not against Ukraine. I was even fooled by that clown zelensky until I knew about Istanbul. If Ukraine is able to win the multipolar world I m supporting will be dealt a blow but I will still be happy because I always m for sovereignty. The magnificent courage of ur people is an example to the whole world.
Thank you
Well… if he wants to march and invade Moscow… he should have named his book something else… to match his marching…!
titled "Wager Group 2"
Think for a moment about this guy: How many of us feel that much hate for Russia or Trump? What triggered his blinding hate? …Is it because we used words like, "Democracy, Freedom, Dictator?" …Just think how stupidly crazy that is?
So the latest in quantum physics states with certanity that all of us are creating this reality by our our minds, deeds, observations into reality. Please stop it!
Only idiots, disconnected people or power hungry politicians want to have a WWIII with the modern nuclear weapons countries have nowadays.
"Routh complained that Ukraine didn’t want to take Afghan soldiers. “Most of the Ukrainian authorities do not want these soldiers,” he said."
Of course not, idiot – authorities in Kiev don't consider Afghans "proper Aryans".
Oh, and when racist f**ktards like Azov don't want to be affiliated with something like you, Routh – you know you done f**ked up.
The key question is where did this "roofer" get enough money to travel to Ukraine and live there at least five months while promoting CIA causes?
Echoes of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Um…is "GoFundMe" an option ?
Or "go fund my struggle" ? What's "my struggle" in German, anyone know ?
mein kampf…. oh waitttttttttttttt
wow my german actually came into use
Routh was apparently lying in wait with a scoped rifle at the Trump golf course for 12 hours without being detected by any secret service "security". https://x.com/RepMTG/status/1835682415135588525?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet
Breaking: Ryan Wesley Routh is a "Crusader": https://x.com/JackPosobiec/status/1836059170325377139?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet
sounds like the people on this website
No. The people on this website are made fun of for suggesting WW3 is a possibility. By people like you. Not even close to being the same as "wanting".
I guess
But i still think that Putin, for all his lackings, wouldn’t fire nukes at us and the west because the Polacks didn’t let him take some land he has wet dreams about
You rock it for us All wars!!!
For the arguers below, get a clue. There IS NO "left" and "right". There is only naked state power. The differences are only in performative front issues which are precisely used to keep everyone divided and distracted from the real issues.
Chimpanzees. They have to make everything binary because their minds are too small to extrapolate from two concepts at once to the higher concept.
This is what Hope and Change looks like: https://x.com/EricTrump/status/1835979837325852999?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet
Yes, that’s what hope and change looks like … to someone who looks up if he’s told the word “gullible” is written on the ceiling.
Gullible is believing that a third party candidate can actually beat Kamala Harris in the upcoming election.
And who is it that you fantasize believes that?
So who do you actually WANT to WIN the election then? It's going to be either Madame Kamala or the Donald.
I don't want a convict felon in the white house.
What did Trump actually do? I mean besides win the Presidential election in a major upset. Even Law Prof. Alan Dershowitz is confused. Be specific please.
Thomas is one of libertarians who has no solutions to offer. He just enjoys adopting a smug holier-than-thou pose and declaring that all others are morally inferior. Makes him feel good.
Your mind-reading (and, for that matter, regular reading) skills don’t seem to be very sharp.
Comment is based on observation of your postings. I don’t read minds.
Apparently you don't read words either.
You should review what you write. I’m sure if you polled commenters here a good many would agree with me.
Who I WANT to WIN the election is irrelevant to who WILL win the election.
Between the empty pantsuit and the disgraced former president, I don’t really give much of a shit who WINS the election. Nor do I flatter myself that my vote has any real chance of deciding that (Florida may go to Trump by a slimmer margin than the last two times, but it’s unlikely to flip).
Anya Parampil ® @anyaparampil
Beginning last night, as his posts about Ryan Routh and Ukraine began to go viral, @MaxBlumenthal was prevented from logging into his X account. He is now blocked from logging in on all devices with this shady explanation.
Suspicious login prevented
We blocked an attempt to access your account because we weren't sure it was really you
This happens when we notice unusual login activity, like an attempt to log in too many times, or from a different location or device.
You'll need to wait before trying to log in again.
Some blocks are removed automatically.
Get help with login issues.
227 17 1,575 99 158 3,937
Anya Parampil ® @anyaparampil
Just to be clear, his account is still there but he can't log in and it's been wiped from his devices. Not sure if this starts with @elonmusk or if it's a mass log in attempt deployed by other actors in order to lock him out.
42 17 161 995 903
Somebody must have broke the jar, because the nuts a flying thick and fast.
P.S. Of course, he may not be a lone nut.
Oh really? The country responsible for multiple assassinations attempts on foreign grounds (successful or not) is proving incapable of getting rid of one man at home?
The apple did not fall far from the tree with this insane Ukrainian fan boy, Ryan Wesley Routh.
Many uneducated, insane, and downright low IQ Ukraine fascists want World War III between the US and Russia. Their hatred knows no bounds.
Thankfully the insane children of Ukraine gave up nuclear weapons that were stored in the area.
shut up
Watch your dang mouth, ya PUTZ!
Play nice or find a new playground, ya juvenile!
ok amerikan
How expensive is it to travel to Ukraine? Was this guy grifting with Nance for funds? Who paid for his lodging and food? NAFO?
Did Trump make it on to the notorious Myrotvorets list? /s
It's like an ant trap, Ukraine is. Easy for military-age men to get in. Near impossible for them to get out.
He’s a raggedy 58? Poor. Has lots of priors including WMD.
Awww MAN, and he was only seven years from retirement.
He’ll get all expense paid room and board now. Maybe it was a retirement plan.
i once trapped an ant with booze
i saw where the ants were coming in from and i sealed a full beer bottle to the wall
so the beer flooded the ant hole
that was a boring day otherwise
I'm told ants won't cross a barrier of baby powder (scented talcum), maybe try that next time…?
Warmongers are always inconsistent. Iran and Russia are allies but he hates one and praises the other. This is because he is a party ideologue. His party opposite would be someone who celebrated Trump assassinating General Soleimani but is ok with Russia.