Israel is planning more significant escalations in the West Bank, and the Israeli military now considers the occupied territory the second most critical front, immediately after Gaza, Israel Hayom reported on Tuesday.
Israeli security officials told the outlet that while the directive for the West Bank is in its initial stages and that changes on the ground will take time, a new series of operations across the territory are imminent.
Last week, Israel launched its largest attack on the West Bank since 2002, with raids focused on Jenin and Tulkarm in the north. “The Jenin operation is just the beginning,” a security official told Israel Hayom.
The Israeli assault on Jenin continued for the seventh day on Tuesday as the city remains under siege. According to the Jenin municipality, the Israeli military has destroyed 70% of the roads and infrastructure in the city, and about 80% of the water has been cut off to residents.

According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, at least 30 Palestinians have been killed and 130 others were injured in the West Bank since Israel launched the assault last week. The total deaths include six children and two elderly people. Since October 7, 680 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces and settlers in the West Bank.
The Israel Hayom report said that the Israeli military aims to have a calmer West Bank by October, but the escalations will likely lead to more armed resistance from Palestinians.
As Israel began the assault last week, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said the West Bank should be dealt with the same as Gaza and called for the evacuation of Palestinians. Some Palestinians have been forced out of their homes in the territory, similar to the forced displacements in Gaza.
Many members of Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition government have been outspoken about their desire to annex the West Bank and take over more land. When the coalition was formed in 2022, it agreed to prioritize the expansion of West Bank settlements with the ultimate goal of annexing the territory.
History continues to repeat itself and that sadly means that Israel’s government really does not know what else to do….You cannot TAKE what is NOT YOURS! Try giving Peace a Chance!!! The world will celebrate with you all!
"History continues to repeat itself." It's not history's fault. This is Israel repeating itself.
The Israeli Zionists learned well what we have done, and are applying it. The United States of Atrocities is a very good teacher of evil.
You can take whatever you have the power to take. This is human history since we dropped out of the trees – in fact, before then. What part of "monkey-ass primate" don't you get?
Donna is down with OPP.
"Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said the West Bank should be dealt with the same as Gaza…" The Foreign Minister? Why? Is everybody else in the Israeli government that busy genociding the Palestinians to talk about genociding more Palestinians?
"Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said…" I had to read that sentence a couple of times looking for typos. But calling for more genocide of Palestinians makes sense for an Israeli, whose name is Israel.
Is anyone surprised? The goal is ethnic cleansing and/or genocide. Who here was dumb enough to think that didn't include the West Bank and Jerusalem?
Screw Israel. They need to stop their genocide and Crimes Against Humanity
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And it would help if Palestinians gave up being terrorists as a way of trying to get what they want.
Who is the terrorist? Since the year 2000 up to and including 7Oct, the IDF had killed 2300 Palestinian children. Who has been occupied since 1948? Who has been under a brutal blockade since 2007? Who has had thousands "detained", including Palestinian children? Who has been raiding Palestinians homes, taking young males as "detainees"? Who has dropped 50,000 tons of bombs on Palestinian homes, rendering 82 million tons of wreckage? For a good read for you,, I recommend The General's Son: The Journey of an Israeli in Palestine by Miko Peled. Also read about his father.
What Hamas has sought is for Palestinians to be free in their own land. To not be occupied. To not have any more Palestinians to be born in a concentration camp (so called by former Israeli premier, Ehud Barak).
October 7th was just an excuse
How can you be Pro Ukraine AND pro Israel? They are polar opposites
Despite October 7th, Israel is now clearly the aggressor. Just like Russia against us
But what have the Russians done to us?
Lets say what you really mean, you are telling the Palestinians to give up their HUMAN RIGHTS and stop fighting.
They have no right to fight for their basic human rights, only the Israelis have rights.
It would help if the Israelis and Americans respect international laws and the human rights of the Palestinians ARE the international law and it is criminal to deny that.
Walter Rothschild and the Balfour Declaration:
On November 2, 1917, the British Government expressed its sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations and announced that it would use its "best endeavours" to facilitate "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people". The announcement came in a letter from Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lionel Walter, 2nd Lord Rothschild (1868-1937), the unofficial leader of the British Jewish community. The Balfour agreement became the diplomatic foundation stone of the state of Israel. That's how Anglo-Saxons started the process of creation of Frankenstein monster.
Yes, we are outrageously betrayed by our moneyed elite. Brainwashed by our 6th grade civics that ours is a society of laws; whereas Money owns everything, including Education and Laws. This we are presently witnessing to our horror is the honest face of Capitalism. NeoconNazism in Ukraine, and ZioNazism in Palestine are the honest grotesque progeny of Capitalism, an abomination in daylight technicolor. It needs to be abolished, if we are to survive.
Still appropriate:
… and get you hooked on kewpie-doll consumerism.
I’m not familiar with this phrase.
flashy infantile junk
The donor class + the MIC + the Bankers. They stand together to abolish US. What is not considered by those evil ones is that the war with Russia has the prospect of ending all, including their hegemony. Also, the Israeli Zionists could spark the final move by using several of their tactical nukes on just about any country in order to satisfy their lust for making Biblical prophecy come to life.
But they don’t see it that way. Their faith in Kapital is unshakable, …THatcher’s TINA, … they’ll just club up with the latest top-dog, and go right along.
What is the better alternative? It’s not so easy.
You can start with disbanding the central banks. Banning fractional reserve banking might also be wise.
Socialists, Communists and Unions, helped to humanize capitalism, but the corrupt ruling class told the people how bad they are and they would harm them, the steady drip, drip demonization destroyed them. The big money bags always win. Capitalism v. Socialism are fighting the endless epic war, and the profits go up while the people go down, so said Rosa.
People do not know they have would not have SS, Medical care, Vacations, unemployment insurance, better wages and working conditions, labor laws as little as we have in neoliberal economies, without the Socialists, Communists, and Unions we would still have child labor like in the early industrializing 19th century.
What is it they do teach in schools anyway?
Those ideologies were believed in by the masses, a mere trick. We’d be better off without some of the reforms you mentioned. Unfortunately, most every society must be identical. So, the same bad policies are copied everywhere.
And we’re told the dichotomy must be between socialism and liberalism, as if no other options exist, which is false.
But the elites write the books, and the masses unfortunately believe in the new faith.
Liberalism is a pretty broad range, and its opposite is illiberalism. The former is better than the latter.
They are two economic systems fighting and I must say, Capitalism is as brutal and bloody as Communism. How bloody was the conquest of the American continent, the genocide of the Indian tribes, the colonial rulers and slavery? And all the bloody wars the capitalists (nobility) fight to control resources and get cheap labor. We are Hippocrates pretending to be better and more humane, we are not. Money and power against people and labor.
It’s just the dichotomy we’re given. But focusing on labour: I’d prefer higher pay than social security and Medicare. That’s why I like UBI.
As I’ve said before: It’s very different to have small businesses and cooperatives, though. Empowering workers is an alternative to massive employers.
It’s interesting when you meet a segment in the US, like Midwest corn farmers, who are independent and under siege by the “left” which wants big finance to eat all.
Social Security and government-administered health care came from Otto, Prince of Bismarck, Count of Bismarck-Schönhausen, Duke of Lauenburg, not from socialists.
There was a big Social Democratic party movement and Otto von Bismarck was a statesman with common sense. He knew a good thing when he saw it. Germany was the first nation proving health care for the people, the system survived two lost WWs. Now the private industry is trying to undermine it they want to make more profit.
Christian Communism would be the next civilizational maturation. Reformism has proven proven a sisyphean exercise for almost 200 yrs. now.
Capitalism is good at motivating people to work but it isn't good for fair distribution of the created wealth. That's why some kind of supervisor is needed if we wish to have a stable and prosperous state. It could be a Church or a socialist party or maybe some other organization which is able to resist corruption.
As long as money is involved there will always be corruption. Religious people are no exception.
People are imperfect. That's why we need an organization based upon morality.
Our ruling elite is intellectually and morally corrupt, how can we change that when they control Free Speech, a free press, which is the basics of real democracy?
I agree that the situation in U.S. is very difficult. If someone controls frees speech, it is not any more free. Still we have internet with some honest and clever bloggers like, for example, Redacted (Natali and Clayton Morris) with 2.5 million subscribers, Tucker Carlson, Jeffrey Sachs. There are many of them and they influence public opinion. Also there are some sites where people may talk more or less free about everything. As the economic situation deteriorates, people will be more politicized and pay more attention to those bloggers. It is not so hopeless.
But Capitalism -appropriating another man’s labor- IS corruption, .
Nothing wrong if a man sells his labor to other man, even if other man is capitalist. The corruption starts when a capitalist employs politicians who are making laws in favor of those who are rich.
This, a free market in labor, is the spurious construction at he heart of Capitalism. A degrading objectification, species of slavery or prosititution, of human creativity. Labor is not a commodity, neither is the market free.
Capitalism and socialism are equally opposed to free markets.
The only way in which they differ is in whether the people running the un-free markets are called CEOs or commissars.
With capitalism, it’s dog eat dog. With socialism, it’s exactly the reverse.
Marx’s beautiful intuitively Xtian reply is “To each according to his need, from each according to his ability.”
I’m positing socio-cultural maturation (the “new socialist man”). Yours is a static anthropology, unchanged since you “dropped from the trees”.
This utopian idea doesn't belong to Marx. The author is Etienne-Gabriel Morelli 18 century. This idea about happy future was exploited by Bolshevik ideologues for cheating people. It worked fine together with terrorist methods.
Ok, I’m a Xtian Marxist Communist; and you, a naturalist cynic.
Nothing cynical about mentioning historical facts.
It’s the construction you place on them, … dog eat dog exploitation … and ultimately climate collapse & Hiroshima.
The problem with your "maturation" idea is that someone judges need and ability — and those someones are a ruling class who inevitably serve their own self-perceived interests at everyone else's expense.
I decline the variations of socialism (of which capitalism is one) both because I trust other people to see to their own needs and abilities, and don't trust them to see to mine.
Parents don’t. And by extension neighbors, … nso on.
As I have written before, there should be an organization based on morality and defended from corruption, and which has authority to make the laws.
If you deprive people of the right to sell their labor, and other people to buy it, your economy can't be efficient and you may forget about prosperity.
China is good example how this problem can be solved.
Prosperity, in the Western consumerist sense, is, obviously, a vicious cycle economism … and one, also obviously, whose culminating genius is weaponry, the most efficient means of killing.
Prosperity is not necessarily should be connected to militarism. Actually, the militarism is unprofitable for majority, even in case the war doesn't touch your own continent.
U.S. taxpayers paid more than $2 trillions for the last war in Afghanistan. Where is the profit from this war? MIC fat cats became richer at expense of the ordinary American taxpayers, and that is all.
What you say here in manifestly true; but your argument didn’t hinge on “the many”, but rather “profitability” and the “free market in labor”. At present US infrastructure is being sacrificed to kill Russians and Palestinians. You’ve made my thesis, the vicious cycle economism of Kapital.
Capitalism should be harnessed. Otherwise it can destroy everything. I think Chinese example is good. Russian one isn't so good because in Russia it depends upon one man Putin. No one know how it'll work when Putin leaves.
Ok, but my insterest is the West, the place I know best, and where the danger (and potential) lies.
When people realize that in other countries the life is much better, they start to think if it is possible to improve the situation by introducing some practices from abroad. At the moment, U.S. is far from that, but eventually the time may come when Americans start to compare and think.
Some 40 years ago in USSR people had such experience. As the economic situation deteriorated, the idea to do the same as in The West became popular. It didn't work but Yeltsin honestly believed that it is possible. He came to power with those ideas and people supported him. Now it looks surreal but if the western elites will follow the road of self-destruction far enough, it would be possible.
Since World War Two ended, Americans have been living on a sugar high. Or maybe the better metaphor is building a house of cards in which increasing debt and a high degree of dominance over much of the world has let its populace put two cars in the driveways of nicely heated and air conditioned homes with color TVs and delivered pizza.
The dominance has been receding for some time, and the US regime has been covering that up with even more debt, magically creating “jobs” in non-productive areas of the economy like military and military-industrial complex, law enforcement, ever-poorer education, etc.
But at some point the house of card collapses, and when it does the Great Depression may well look like the “good old days.”
I’m only 57 years old, so I expect there’s a VERY good chance I’ll live to see that. And I’d really rather not.
U.S. elites invested too much in project Full Spectrum Dominance over the world. It was a gamble and they lost. Then some of them went crazy. If they would start to think how to improve the situation, they could do it, but they can't because too frustrated and carrying on gambling in futile hope to win.
Depends in the first instance on how you mean “better life”?? From the Oliver Stone interview Putin tells the story how he once asked Jacques Chirac “What’s wrong with the Americans?” and got the reply, “They’ve got no Culture.” … but a superfluity of Kewpie-dolls.
Anglo Saxons… You mean the Anglo Saxon state. The two aren’t the same.
According to traditional mythology, both Angles and Saxes were German tribes which many centuries ago moved from Germany to England. Then, after they were mixed with local Celts, English nation was created. Then England colonized North America and a lot of other Europeans migrated from Europe to America too. Majority of U.S. citizens descended from Germany. So, by Anglo-Saxon they mean English and North American of English-German descent.
Celts were looked down on a bit also I suppose. The top of the hierarchy is probably Denmark and a small part of Germany. I don’t really know.
In reality, most likely, England got independence from German Empire at the end of 17 century.
Well, mostly, but I just meant the state isn’t the nation. The people aren’t to blame for the government. I don’t blame Jews for Israel. However, Jews are also a religion and so differently treated.
“German” includes a great many people. It’s not so simple as you think. Hitler’s Nordicism came from the US. It saw many Germans as borderline Nordic at best. Russians, some, might have been more “Nordic” by some eyes. I’m not really an expert on it, but some people were really exclusive. It doesn’t really matter though. Any nation that grows powerful can view itself as best.
But in the US, we viewed race a bit differently from how you’re thinking. But, again, it doesn’t really matter.
Why you decided that I think it is simple? It is not simple.
German Nazi mythology about Aryan race is fake because in reality, at the origin of Indo-European languages (Aryan race according to German Nazi mythology) are the tribes R1a; most people of science agree on this. Germany has 16% of R1a, Russia has 46% of R1a. If we look at R1b, Germany has 45%, Basque country 85%. R1b in Europe highest in people of Celtic origin. R1b is high also in Bashkirs 48% (they have a republic in Russian Federation). Real "Nordic" y-haplogroups in Europe are I1 – in Germany 16%, in Denmark 34%, in Sweden 37%. But here again is a problem: I was split in I1 and I2. I2a is highest in Bosnia-Herzegovina – 51%. I2b has low %. In Germany 4.5%, in Denmark 5.5%. Other "Nordic" y-haplogroup is N. In Finland 62%. In Germany 1%. So, by blood, one can't trace anything which could be both Nordic and German.
Here's a terrific talk by Ilan Pappe at the Socialism 2024 conference this weekend.
Anger is normal, in such times, as these but being Proactive is the way to Peace….
Donna, normal anger is one thing, but what we are witnessing is not normal. It must be the kind of contagious madness rabid dogs spread.
Rabid dogs is what they and our own ruling elite are. Normal animals don't behave like that.
Do you call yourself a plant and not a human animal?
Did you ever see a cat play with a terrified squealing mouse before chewing it into hamburger?
Just when you think
just at the tip
where it cant get worse
it does
then we all fall
down down
tumbling down
this nakba
rabbit hole of genocide
ethnic cleansing
mowing the grass
i call it evil
evil as evil can be
thank you…
Anger is a natural response to oppression…..
But the Israelis are not the oppressed they are the brutal oppressors. The IDF thugs are undisciplined brutal terrorists, they are not normal people, they massacre people, unarmed women and children included. The ruling class is not normal, that is true for most western democracies, we even have a demented president. They are mad people.
The German government is treasonous, Sep. 1, the voters slapped their faces in two state elections, also a slap in the face for the neocons around the Biden Bully, and support for Orban, the voters broke the back of the old parties who sold the nation like Zelensky sold the Ukraine.
My reference was not at all defending Israel, though, I do feel sad for them sometimes….
I took it as a general statement and I meant my response in general.
A little misunderstanding.
Many Israelis don't think that is true for the Palestinian people.
It is clear what Israel is doing, full on Nakba/ethnic cleansing done by mass murder and terror.
It is equally clear that Biden and Harris are completely, entirely complicit in that. They are as guilty as Netanyahu, because it could not happen without their active help.
According to the Jenin municipality, the Israeli military has destroyed 70% of the roads and infrastructure in the city, and about 80% of the water has been cut off to residents.
What the fuck, might as well. No one stopped the Gaza genocide.
Probably a waste of time, but personally, I would be just as content to see the media cease all coverage of Israel, as long as the idiots from every other nation in the world have nothing more constructive to do beyond wringing their hands in despair and moaning about how awful everything is.
What Israel needs is complete and total isolation and beyond that, dissolution, so that we don't have to abide their adoption of mass murder disguised as policy which they daily flaunt before all to see and hear.
I'm sick of Netanyahu and everything to do with the Israelis who have the awareness and moral compass of rats.
Israel's imperialist, Zionist expansion is progressing and Israel's war cabinet is eliminating democracy. Adalah’s Analysis of the New Israeli Government’s Guiding Principles and Coalition Agreements and their Implications on Palestinians’ Rights – 10 January 2023 Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel Yesh Din – Volunteers for Human Rights – Annexation Legislation Database The United States Institute of Peace Israel: Cracks in the Facade