Israeli operations expanded in the West Bank on Thursday during the second day of Israel’s largest attack on the occupied territory since the Second Intifada.
According to the Palestinian news agency WAFA, at least 18 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank since Israel launched the assault early Wednesday.
The attack is focused on the northern areas of the West Bank. WAFA reported that Israeli forces withdrew from Tublus but expanded the assault in Jenin and Tulkarm, and raids were also reported in southern parts of the territory, including Hebron and near Bethlehem.
Palestinian Islamic Jihad confirmed some of their fighters were killed in Tulkarm’s Nur Shams refugee camp, saying they died “after a heroic battle against the soldiers of the occupation.”

WAFA reported that Israeli forces expanded their assault on Tulkarm to include the Tulkarm Camp. Israel sent reinforcements to Jenin, and the city and its refugee camp remain under siege.
Jenin Governor Kamal Abu al-Rub told WAFA that Israeli soldiers forced a number of citizens to evacuate their homes and turned them into military barracks. They were told they couldn’t return to their homes for four days.
On Wednesday, after Israel launched the attack, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said the West Bank must be dealt with the same way as Gaza and called for the evacuation of Palestinians.

“We must deal with the threat just as we deal with the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza, including the temporary evacuation of Palestinian residents and whatever steps are required,” Katz wrote on X. “This is a war for all terms and purposes and we must win it.”
Israeli military and settler attacks against Palestinians have surged amid Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza. The latest violence brings the total number of Palestinians killed in the territory since October 7 to 668.
Anyone surprised? Anyone not get it? This ends when Israel is physically destroyed and all Zionists are driven out or killed. Period. End of story.
That would seem to be the most likely outcome. Not one I would wish to happen; it would just flip the role of Israelis and Palestinians and in 50 years we'd have another group confined, starved, bombed, infected and dying under a vengeful and self-justified formerly-oppressed people.
Well said Uncle S. Well said.
People can still learn to make a true and lasting Peace!
Donna, the people want peace, it is our elite which is opposed to peace. Wars are always about power, wealth, profits and hegemony. They are the megalomaniacs who will kill to get it.
They are the people who never pay the price.
Like Rosa Luxemburg said:
"In war profits go up and people go down."
Just think, the biggest warmongers had five college draft deferments, none of them served on the front lines, people like Graham and Hunter Biden had desk jobs.
Your sunflower with butterfly is lovely.
The same reasons prevent the Israelis from ever eliminating Hamas or other resistance fighters, they will always be there fighting oppression. The pain and hate the Mad Dogs in Tel Aviv create will take a long, long time and generations yet to be born to be forgotten.
What about the Hamas mad dogs that sent sappy kids into Israel to burn,murder and rape?
Where is your evidence? The Israelis and Americans are liars, they have zero credibility. They tell incredible lies.
Number one, Hamas are legal resistance Freedom Fighters fighting for the human rights for the Palestinian people. They are NOT terrorists.
Just because the Israelis and Americans say so does not make it so.
Number two, on Oct, 07 most of the victims were killed by IDF soldiers, they had the armor to do it and the Hannibal order.
Number three, The criminal accusations against Hamas have been debunked, no victims could be found and no credible witnesses or forensic evidence.
That is public knowledge by now, but I do expect you to deny it.
The mad dogs are the ruling Zionists in Tel Aviv and Washington DC.
German envoy admits he spread lie about 7 October mass rapes
The current German government is a bunch of corrupt people, traitors of their nation. The previous governments did all they could to regain international respect again, and Scholz and his despicable coalition destroyed all they had accomplished. Germany is not a sovereign nation, but people like Adenauer, Schmitt, Brant, Kohl, Schroeder, and other ministers and the members of the Bundestag served the nation with honor, that is not the case now. Merkel, the Atlanticist served American interests first, that is why she is well liked on the other side of the Atlantic. What a disgrace for the German people.
Baerbock, the trampoline girl as foreign secretary, she is as incompetent and stupid as Blinken.
They have hollowed out the German economy and are imposing austerity to increase arms.
The Americans deindustrialized their own economy, Biden did it to Germany, the sabotage of the pipeline killed the German and EU economy. Even the idiot Scholz is not that stupid.
Smart neocons thought they could destroy NATO because they underestimated Russia in their blessed ignorance. They were to ignorant to judge China any better.
The totally corrupt and stupid governments are not there by accident. Scholz is the German Zelensky. I believe the demented Biden had told him what was going to happen and he did nothing. They are like rabid dogs on the lose like in Tel Aviv, DC, London and Paris and others like the Canadians, the Aussies and others.
The power structures of capitalists: wealth, oligopolies, stock market, financial instruments, new institutional economics, etc, cause and manipulate the past energy price inflation in 2022 to the detriment of consumers and in favor of energy companies, which report high profits in their balance sheets and business reports. Brokers, investors, shareholders, asset managers (banks, insurance companies), speculators, etc generate the current price increases on a commodity or energy exchange through the "invisible hand" = the economic power of financial instruments such as derivatives, certificates, futures, options, leveraged products, funds, ETFs, CFD-trading, hedging, etc. chart 5 years
You packed a load of professional knowledge in your response. Thank you. As much as I think I do understand I agree with you. The “invisible hand” = a negative for the average consumer, mostly the working middle class. Inflation is an individual depression as I see it. I see my personal income and savings shrinking not just stagnating and I expect it to continue and if anything will get worse.
"Number one, Hamas are legal resistance Freedom Fighters fighting for the human rights for the Palestinian people. They are NOT terrorists" "Legal resistance" does not permit the killing of civilians. When one blows up a bus or kills people dancing they are terrorists. Not resistance fighters.
Your number two is so ridicules. Only a few Israelis were killed by friendly fire.
Number 3, LOL. No victims found? I guess all those kidnapped victims released were just actors.
WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE? ALL THE RELEASED kidnapped victims reported Hamas treated them well, no torture has been reported, compare that with the documented reports of brutal torture including outrageously brutal rapes including sodomy committed by IDF scum in Israeli prisons. But you know none of that is true. Don’t you?
"WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE? ALL THE RELEASED kidnapped victims reported Hamas treated them well" That is not true.
How do you know that?
How would you know? The Israelis killed most of the Israeli hostages, that is documented. It is so idiotic and absurd, but they are crazy dogs in Tel Aviv and the IDF.
Have you no shame, don't you ask questions. Why can't the two nuclear power win the war in spite of the bombing massacres, the denial of food, medical care, sanitation, drinking water and more? But you would not know it is happening, as far as you are concerned the Palestinians liv in paradise, their children are happy living in rubble, they even like to get berried there.
The horror is more than we can put in words.
Anyone can say that is not true, it means nothing when it comes from known liars.
"Legal resistance does not permit the killings of civilian, but illegal self-defense of the oppressor is permitted? The Israeli massacre of civilians almost 2/3rd women and children is morally and legally justified ?
BTW, only the Israelis had the number of helicopters and weapons to kill so many people, Hamas did not. Then there is the HANNIBAL order the IDF order to kill Israelis to prevent possible hostages.
That explains why the ISRAELIS REFUSE TO PROVIDE NUMBERS AND A REAL INVESTIGATION. The Israelis are always the victims.
"only the Israelis had the number of helicopters and weapons to kill so many people" You got to kidding? Hamas attacked with nearly 3000 fighters. More that enough to inflict that much damage.
Where did you get that information, I would like to know.
Why not 6000, that sounds more true and heroic than just 3000?
"Legal resistance" does not permit the killing of civilians. When one blows up a bus or kills people dancingthey are terrorists.
Change "legal resistance" to "self defense" and then think about what Israel has done in the name of self defense. Does it compare with "blows up people on a bus or kills people dancing"? Of course not. It is thousands of times WORSE. So, thank you for pointing out who the real terrorists are.
Israel kills terrorists. Hamas terrorists embed with civilians. Thus civilians die. But of course you expect Israel to some how magically kill only Hamas fighters. And you believe every Anti Israel propaganda put out by Hamas. BTW when a Hamas fighter puts his gun down in your world he becomes a civilian. The real world does not work that way.
IDF terrorists embed with civilians, too. And they don’t stop being IDF terrorists whenever they put their guns down. And yet you seem to consider it a crime to kill them, and a virtue to kill their Hamas counterparts.
From 972 magazine a few weeks ago:
Similarly, Lt. Col. A., commander of the 200th Squadron which operates the Israeli Air Force's fleet of drones, gave an interview to Ynet earlier this month, in which he claimed his unit had killed
"6,000 terrorists" during the war. When asked, in the context of the rescue operation to free four Israeli hostages in June, which resulted in the killing of over 270 Palestinians, "How do you identify who is a terrorist?" he answered: "We attacked on the side of the street to drive civilians
away, and whoever did not flee, even if he was unarmed, as far as we were concerned, was a terrorist. Everyone we killed should have been killed“
That commander represents the rabid dogs the Israelis are. They are Rabid dogs on the lose. Only sick dogs do what they do.
sorry, this is the only way to put in words to say what they do and are.
I would expect Israel to take every precaution available to avoid killing civilians. Dropping 14,000 2,000 lb. bombs on a densely populated area of 140 square miles doesn't qualify. Displacing 90% of the population and bombing refugee camps that people were told to evacuate to doesn't qualify. Destroying hospitals and the entire medical system doesn't qualify. Withholding aid on a population that the majority were already food insecure BEFORE the invasion doesn't qualify. Making Gaza an uninhabitable shithole doesn't qualify. Do you need more, because I could go on and on. Now compare that to what Hamas has done and tell me which side are the terrorists. It isn't difficult for anyone who has half a brain. But that's probably why you condone the genocide.
You are such a liar, you can't even admit the honest definition of IDF Terrorists and the definition of desperate fighters of resistance which Hamas fighters are, they are fighting for their lives and human rights, the ISRAELIS and the USA are war criminals if there ever was such a thing, they are it.
Israel’s Haaretz daily newspaper reveals army uses Palestinians to enter buildings and tunnels that could be booby-trapped
Is Harretz part of Hamas' propaganda wing? The real terrorists, Israel, again shows why they have no peers.
I have seen videos of mad IDF dogs using young Palestinian men, stripped down to underwear and hands tied behind there backs as human shields to search for possible explosives in the ruins of empty buildings.
unlawfully using violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims:
"a terrorist organization" · "terrorist attacks"
Resistance fighters :
someone who fights (for freedom, etc) against an invader in an occupied country, or against their government, etc, often secretly or illegally
Be honest with yourself, it starts with the use of your language.
What a load of BS.
The Israelis and the USA, two nuclear powers, are waging a war against unarmed civilians, Hamas is the only way they have to fight back against two nuclear powers running amok against them.
But the poor Israeli and American war criminals are the victims BY YOUR MORAL STANDARDS, shame on you.
The ruling ELITE in Tel Aviv and Washington are 2 herds of RABID DOGS on the lose. They shame all of HUMANKIND.
1. area bombardments with unguided Qassam missiles by the fascistoid Qassam brigands outlaw international humanitarian law. Area Bombardment
2. Hamas Charter 1988:
Article One: "The Islamic Resistance Movement: Islam is its way. It is from Islam that it derives its ideas, concepts, and perceptions concerning the universe, life, and man, and it refers to Islam's judgment in all its actions. It is from Islam that it seeks direction so as to guide its steps."
Article Eleven: "This is the legal status of the land of Palestine according to Islamic law. In this respect, it is like any other land that the Muslims have conquered by force, because the Muslims consecrated it at the time of the conquest as religious endowment for all generations of Muslims until the Day of Resurrection."
Article Twelve: "Nationalism [9], as seen by the Islamic Resistance Movement, is part of the [Islamic] religious creed."
Article Thirteen: "The initiatives, the so-called peace solutions, and the international conferences for resolving the Palestinian problem stand in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement, for to neglect any part of Palestine is to neglect part of the Islamic faith. The nationalism of the Islamic Resistance Movement is part of its [Islamic] faith." February 14, 2006 – The Covenant Of The Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas
3. Hamas Charter 2017:
"18. The following are considered null and void: the Balfour Declaration, the British Mandate Document, the UN Palestine Partition Resolution, and whatever resolutions and measures that derive from them or are similar to them."
"21. Hamas affirms that the Oslo Accords and their addenda contravene the governing rules of international law in that they generate commitments that violate the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people. Therefore, the Movement rejects these agreements and all that flows from them, such as the obligations that are detrimental to the interests of our people, especially security coordination (collaboration)."
"25. Resisting the occupation with all means and methods is a legitimate right guaranteed by divine laws and by international norms and laws. At the heart of these lies armed resistance, which is regarded as the strategic choice for protecting the principles and the rights of the Palestinian people."
4. Detailed findings on attacks carried out on and after 7 October 2023 in Israel
Detailed findings on attacks carried out on and after 7
October 2023 in Israel*
Human Rights Council
In the introduction they stated that Israelis did not cooperate and respond to requests from the commission while Hamas did respond.
Laws look great on paper but the reality and simple morality on the ground is different.
The fact is that two nuclear powers Israel and USA are waging a war against civilians, mostly women and children.
Palestinians don't have an army, only young civilian men are fighting for the rights of their people, they have a right of self-defense against decades of brutally oppressive illegal occupation ,based on INTERNATIONAL law.
The Kibbutz along the Gaza wall are military outposts with IDF personnel among Israeli civilians, they are using their own civilians as body shields, that is one reason why so many Israelis were killed by Israelis and not Hamas, the other reason is the firepower the IDF has compared to Hamas.
Without a reply to the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel shows an arrogant, non-peaceful, non-accommodating, distrustful, contemptuous behaviour on the part of Israel and serves a propagandistic purpose.
That is how I see it but I reach a different conclusion. In many ways there are similarities to the British Bryce Committee Report of 1915 which was for propaganda only. The Human Rights Council made it a point to inform the reader the Israelis did not respond. (did not cooperate). That does not serve a propagandistic purpose at all, it is a fact, they did not make it up. It is what you WANT to believe.
You know military history well:
Not really well, but better than average, I think.
There is a book out, paperback by A. B. Abrams, Atrocity Fabrication and its Consequences, great reading.
They were made to look like peace loving hippies in comparison to the genocidal response by the rabid dogs of Israel. Even if what you say was an irrefutable fact, which it isn't, it still doesn't justify Israel's response. No matter how many times, or different ways you say it, Israel has no peers when it comes to terrorism. None. Nada. Zilch. FUCKING ZERO.
Repeating thevpropagandist regime lies do not Make them true.
Hi Richard:
I truly understand your anger but that way is not the way to Peace, not for anyone….
People must learn to live together, like we all do, here in the US.
Everyone deserves a home and a homeland, one they can share through peace and true understanding.
That is the way of peace…
They are not reasonable people, maybe some will wake up, there are many who did leave the Z people when they got to know them, some will agree with you, but the real vile people like Netanyahu are a lost cause.
Rational, humane people who know right from wrong would have ended the massacre of the defenseless people a long time ago, in fact they would not have started it in the first place. Where there is a will there is a way.
What are the Z people?
Short for Zionists.
He knew that.
thanks, at least now he can’t accuse me not to know. I know what kind of people they are.
You are one.
Pretending not to know is not a virtue.
Hi Jake:
A brief but concise reference to the Zionist regime in Israel.
I'll cheer to what you said and expecting it like Christmas
And, what if they (i.e., The United States of Israel) win? … as history shows they always do.
I don't care what the Harris-Biden regime or congress believes: Palestinian Lives Matter.
ALL LIVES MATTER! To be more specific.
… for better or worse. For my part I would wish their mothers, like themselves, had been partisans for 'reproductive freedom'.
Maximum "Peace To The World?" Brilliant! Include the Neocons too? That would be a great video game? The Mothers of All Genociders–Fighting for their 'Reproductive Freedom!'
That's not a PC attitude. That post will go on your 'permanent record' as dossiers are being compiled by the state as I type.
If God has some retribution set aside for Israel, I hope I get to witness some of it.
Did you get enjoyment out of Oct 7?
Israel, can’t you see?…. How badly this going, for everyone?…Many of us, are truly worried for you and what you are doing because the price you will have to pay, is unthinkable. I am as worried for you as I am for the blessed Palestinians.
Peace is the most soothing balm, to ease all the pointless suffering…
It would help us all to understand you better.
This is why, I truly believe Christ could help you all and I do not seek to convert you, not at all.
The path to peace is specific and often different for folks…
Let your faith guide you to it!…
God, the father, is a father to all of his children. Seek his heavenly help and remember, many of us are very concerned for you, as well as the Palestinians!
I may be angry with you but it does not mean that I don’t love you!
Love yourselves and your neighbors. That is the path to a true and lasting Peace…
And do please remember that there are many souls involved here, please?…….
How would your Heavenly Father want for you to behave?…………
Donna, the Z people have weaponized Judaism just as the Christians have weaponized Jesus Christ. They are fanatics.
The pope should have excommunicated Biden a long time ago.
The Pope? Heck, it took him over a week to denounce the blasphemies in the Olympic ceremonies. All institutions are becoming more and more evil and crumbling as a result. Protect yourself and your interests; the time has come, today!
I used to have a low opinion of these people and their obscene cult disguised as a religion. Now I despise them.
The war of the West Bank is likely to crash Biden's already rickety security structure in that region, weirdly named "Abraham Accords". Abraham was a murderous thug. Candidate Harris has not yet told the nation what she might do to end the killing there other than the "Two State Solution" which is still a chimera. Most likely because she has no coherent plan other than allowing Israel to continue to kill and steal with her blessing.
It is also fair to remember that this impasse and warring has come about because the democracies of the early 20th century, including ours, failed miserably to protect the Jews under NAZI rulings and then tried to wash themselves of their shame by supporting the formation of the state of Israel after the war.
I am therefore torn on this issue but "no killing" is always up front and that was violated last year by Hamas and then by Israel. That had been preceded by murdering in the West Bank and human bombs.
What did Candidate Trump say about how he will end the killing in the region. Why do expect Harris do something but not Trump?
Israel got a warning from Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia regarding Al-Aqsa Mosque intrusion by IDF and nonsense rants from its politicians…!
And Israel of course will listen to those clowns.
…And Of course they will not and they would pay the price…!
Open your eyes a bit wider, please…..
No one here hates anyone, we just get angry sometimes, due to our frustration because, most folks here believe in the hope for all of humanity, including blessed yet terribly lost Israel…
"Israel" listens to its own clowns.
How does the author of the article prove the subjective intention – beyond the objective conditions – of the Israeli military to commit genocide, even if individual members of the government or officers speak out in favour of genocide? Art. II "with intent to destroy" Page 6 – 6.3.1 Specific Intent
I do not rule out other war crimes.
Good research BB!,,,,,
I, along with others, become very angry and highly agitated with regard to these situations arising in the region… How long do these holy lands have to suffer?………………………………………………………….…………………….
Alastair Crooke
"South Vietnam" was the "two state solution" at the Paris talks.
And there was also the same solution for Germany and Korea and China and Taiwan.
I hope historians look into the so called "expulsion" of Jews from Arab countries from 1948 which is a rewrite of history. Most left of their own accord to support Israel and once Israel's terrorism was recognized more left as it was obvious there would be a reaction.
This emigration is going to be used as an excuse to force Palestinians out of Gaza and West Bank. Well researched rebuttals are going to be needed against this.