Tensions continue to soar between Hezbollah and Israel after the assassination on Tuesday of a senior Hezbollah military commander, Fuad Shakr, in an attack on Beirut. The attack also killed two women and two children.
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah vowed that there would be a “definite” response to the Israeli attack, saying the group is looking at a “studied response.” There is no apparent timetable for the retaliation in the message.

Tit-for-tat retaliation has been going on at the Israel-Lebanon border since October, as both sides carry out strikes and responses to strikes nearly every day, bringing both sides to the brink of a major war.
Israel continued its attacks on the southern Lebanon village of Shamaa, just about five kilometers over the Israeli border. An airstrike was carried out Thursday, badly damaging two buildings and killing at least four farm workers from the same family.
Five other civilians were also reported wounded in the Shamaa attack. The four workers slain were identified as Syrians. Officials also said that DNA testing is being carried out and that the death toll could ultimately rise.
As is often the case, Israel’s military made no statement regarding the attack, and gave no indication why they were attacking the farming community in the first place.
It should be obvious why Israel attacked a farming community. Israel kills civilians in order to terrorize its enemies and simply because they enjoy killing Arabs. The Israelis are going to "die very badly", to quote a movie line from Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson explains why Israel should be wiped off the map:
No no no, your Farsi is worse than your grandfather Oscar's red, white, and blue "Freedom Frank" hot dogs.
What Johnson MEANS is "this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time."
But according to our media, today's Stock market Crash has nothing at all to do with an impending War in the Middle East. Nope. We're assured it's about a weak jobs report.
A weak job report by itself alone cannot possibly bring down Dow 610.71 points…!
Sure it can. Are you new to the stock market?
The Dow was down by almost 1000 points at one point on Friday.
For 76 years, there are those who want to wipe Israel off the map. It has not happen. And if some tries the cost will be high even if they succeed.
Israel is itching to use its Samson Option. When all else fails, pull the plug on most of humanity and see what happens. Their god of vengeance and wrath told them that everything they do is a-okay. 50 million US Christian Zionists are all for it as well. What could go wrong?
The amusing footnote in the scenario is that the US Evangelicals view Israel as "useful idiots". Both Evangelical Christianity and Judaism welcome the End Times and the Messiah (returning, for Christians; showing up for the 1st time, for the Jewish)…
…but what Judaism fails to note is that a tenet of Evangelical end-timery is that, in between the start of the End and the return (of the mack) Jesus, "…all Jews convert to Christianity, and then…"
Evangelicals view Judaism as a mistaken Abrahamic spur-line "soon" to be rolled (back) into True ™ Christianity. After Israel sacrifices itself for Christian ends.
Not entirely inaccurate … if you put the word “some” before “US evangelicals” and don’t pretend that Judaism is a unitary faith (there are a bazillion sects).
Without those changes, they’re arguably a guidelines-violating “slur … based on … religion.”
From a moderation standpoint, I usually try to just point out the flaws rather than deleting the comments (for example ,when someone who knows nothing about Islam caricatures taqiyya as a general dispensation allowing Muslims to lie). Since religion is about faith versus evidence, it seems kind of silly to hold your evidenceless claims about other people’s religions as less protected than those other people’s claims about their own religions.
Happy to accede to the "some" charge.
And you're right; Judaism isn't monolithic. Christianity is worse; estimates range up to 45,000 different Christian sects worldwide (Catholicism has on the order of ~150 just itself) with an estimated 9,000 Christian denominations within the USA itself.
My claims aren't "evidenceless". I just didn't provide a source. Which, if pressed on any of my points, I could take the time and locate and provide. But my claims aren't extraordinary, so by Sagan's reasoning, I need not provide extraordinary evidence.
If someone chooses not to believe the information I pass along, fine.
Also I am not "slurring" people. I am attacking the religious beliefs alone, the tenets and dogma and doctrines.
To quote brilliant comedian Patton Oswalt :
"People say, 'You've gotta respect everyone's beliefs.' NO, YOU DON'T. That's what gets us in trouble. Look, you have to acknowledge everyone's beliefs, and then you have to reserve the right to go: 'That is f**king stupid. Are you kidding me?' I acknowledge that you believe that, that's great, but I'm not going to respect it."
And taquitos are delicious; dunno why anyone would misrepresent them or lie about them.
“Also I am not ‘slurring’ people. I am attacking the religious beliefs alone, the tenets and dogma and doctrines.”
Well, that’s where it gets into the moderation part. You’re inaccurately ascribing a negative attribute (in this case a specific belief) to a large, broad, collective whose members do not all possess that attribute.
That’s not really any different than claiming that, for example, “black people” are lazy, oriented toward criminal activity, and love watermelon.
But religions being irrational (though not necessarily untrue) belief systems that tend to be based on their own similar claims, the clashes between them present moderation situations which seems to me to require more forebearance.
Evangelicals want to serve the original descendants, but some of those converted to other religions. So, they shouldn’t focus on the identity group.
They’ve created a scene from the Bible and seen it as fulfilling prophecy, but it’s ridiculous. It’s a delusion.
Some being destroyed in the MidEast are themselves those descendants, as well as the descendants of others.
“Some evangelicals”
Israel is too much of a coward to use the Samson option. If they believed in it, they too would have suicide bombers.
Problem is, they have a collective hard-on for Armageddon just like US Christian Zionists have. Don't expect that WWIII will make sense.
"…Vows Retaliation After Israel Kills…" "US Vows Military Support for Israel." Am I the only one suffering from frequent Déjà vu?
I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before.
I forgot 🤯 me too. 😆
Joe Biden, is that you?
Well, the world's eyes are on Hezbollah and Iran now.
I don’t have faith in mankind. (Yes, mankind not people kind. Doesn’t feel great saying that?) Anyway, I’ll believe them when I see it.
Hope folks are keeping an eye on Iran’s Press TV. Looks like things are being put into motion and they are doing the news in English, per our request.
Keeps me a bit hopeful….I hope…
Just remember who let October 7 happen. If you let bank robbers into a bank, professing to NOT knowing they are bank robbers (when you do!), you are just as guilty for what happens as the bank robbers. Israel let O7 happen so they could be "justified" in doing just what they've done since then- unbridled savagery and total violation towards Palestinians! Just like those police and other Deep State operatives who framed Trump supporters on J6, October 7 has major elements of ENTRAPMENT in it!
Great comment until the last sentence.
The last sentence neutralized the comment…!
""Nasrallah Vows Retaliation After Israel Kills Hezbollah Commander""
maybe stop killing some dudes commanders.
isn't it enough that you already target school children and ambulance drivers?
for God's sake get on the right side for once.
OMG get on the right side you stupid bastards.
everybody that Israel kills is a muslim terrorist commander.
including the school children and the ambulance drivers.
good shot Israel, good shot.
assholes. what.