On Wednesday night, President Biden falsely claimed in an address to the nation that the US was not at war.
“I’m the first president in this century to report to the American people that the United States is not at war anywhere in the world,” the president said.
About a half hour before Biden delivered his address, US Central Command announced that it launched new strikes targeting the Houthis in Yemen. Since January, the US has carried out hundreds of strikes in Yemen as part of a new war that has not been authorized by Congress.
US naval commanders have described the fight against the Houthis in the Red Sea as the largest naval battle the US has been engaged in since World War II. Back in April, US military officials said the munitions used in the Red Sea and other bombings Biden ordered in Iraq and Syria since October 7 had cost the US about $1 billion.

The US has also been involved in combat operations against ISIS remnants in Iraq and Syria. Earlier this month, CENTCOM said it had been involved in 196 partnered operations in both countries in the first half of 2024. US troops deployed in Syria are not welcomed by the government, making it an illegal military occupation.
At the end of 2023 and the beginning of this year, the US was fighting Shia militias based in Iraq that began targeting US bases in response to the US support for the Israeli onslaught in Gaza. In January, three US troops were killed in a drone attack on Tower 22, a secretive base in Jordan near the Syrian border.
The US launched multiple rounds of airstrikes against the Shia militias, which are part of Iraq’s security forces. The bombings enraged the Iraqi government, which asked the US to withdraw, and now the two sides are negotiating the future of the US presence.
The US has also bombed Somalia multiple times this year to support the Mogadishu-based government against al-Shabaab. The US also launched an airstrike that it said targeted ISIS in Somalia back in May.
Besides the direct combat, the US is also providing vast amounts of military aid and intelligence support for Ukraine’s war with Russia and Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza. President Biden has brought the US and Russia closer to a direct war than at any time in history and has continued to enable a mass slaughter of Palestinians.
When you’re the global policeman, it’s always an internal matter, not war.
We're at war with ourselves!
…Carter claimed that the US was not at war during his entire administration –minus the botched hostage rescue attempt in Iran
I think Carter's vow was that no US servicepeople would be killed abroad. But that ended with the rescue attempt.
No one thought about the filters to the copters would clog due to blowing sand. Except for mechanics that worked on copters. Classic higher ups not seeking help from the lower.
About a half hour before Biden delivered his address, US Central Command announced that it launched new strikes targeting the Houthis in Yemen. Since January, the US has carried out hundreds of strikes in Yemen as part of a new war that has not been authorized by Congress.
US naval commanders have described the fight against the Houthis in the Red Sea as the largest naval battle the US has been engaged in since World War II. Back in April, US military officials said the munitions used in the Red Sea and other bombings Biden ordered in Iraq and Syria since October 7 had cost the US about $1 billion.
The US has also been involved in combat operations against ISIS remnants in Iraq and Syria. Earlier this month, CENTCOM said it had been involved in 196 partnered operations in both countries in the first half of 2024. US troops deployed in Syria are not welcomed by the government, making it an illegal military occupation.
At the end of 2023 and the beginning of this year, the US was fighting Shia militias based in Iraq that began targeting US bases in response to the US support for the Israeli onslaught in Gaza. In January, three US troops were killed in a drone attack on Tower 22, a secretive base in Jordan near the Syrian border.
The US launched multiple rounds of airstrikes against the Shia militias, which are part of Iraq’s security forces. The bombings enraged the Iraqi government, which asked the US to withdraw, and now the two sides are negotiating the future of the US presence.
The US has also bombed Somalia multiple times this year to support the Mogadishu-based government against al-Shabaab. The US also launched an airstrike that it said targeted ISIS in Somalia back in May.
Besides the direct combat, the US is also providing vast amounts of military aid and intelligence support for Ukraine’s war with Russia and Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza. President Biden has brought the US and Russia closer to a direct war than at any time in history and has continued to enable a mass slaughter of Palestinians.
C'mon Dave, don't be such a nitpicker. 😉 /s
The U.S. has really been shown for what they are, not that they haven't always been about war, but this is different, when all is said and done, the U.S, and its relations to the rest of the world will have changed for the worse. As far as the U.S. goes, I've been saying for probably 20 years that one day the land that the U.S. currently occupies will consist of several nations as the division in the country's peoples is beyond repair.
Jimmy Carter 2.0 but less intelligent and charming.
No way. Carter wasn't good and the times were different, but no fucking way was he anywhere near a warmonger like Biden.
You can blame him for Afghanistan, aid to the mujahideen and removal of Shah of Iran and oil embargo.
The Iranians removed the Shah, when he came to US for cancer treatment they refused to let him return. Our part in his "removal" was not forcing them to take the bastard back.
If by Iranians you mean the M.I team then yes. And for your information U.S. refused Shah entry thats why he went to Egypt and died there. Class dismissed.
The US and the UK installed the Shah in the 1950's, the Iranian Revolution in 1979 led to the Shah going into exile, Iran held the US Embassy hostage when he was ill and wanted him sent back to Iran to execute him.
Yes, Shah was installed until he started raising his oil prices and complaing about BP and Chevron having control over his oil. He started making statements to Mike Wallace about Israel that was unacceptable. Thus his strings were cut.
And, what would be your point? I said he wasn’t good. None of that makes him close to what Biden is or has been. And you could blame him for Afghanistan but that would be a stretch.
My original comment was on point. I simply stated he was another Carter but less intelligent and charming.
Your original comment was wrong.
My statement is a perception and can’t be wrong or right. Much like your statement is a perception.
That doesn't change anything.
You said Biden is worse than Carter and I said Biden is just another Carter. I stated his Afghan arming, and supporting the ousting of Shah of Iran. I didn’t even mention adding Department of Education, his support of the Iran-Iraq war on his watch, and his famous Carter Doctrine.
Here is something to read: about Afghanistan , if you think it’s a stretch.
Biden is multiple times worse than Carter. You must be out of your god damned mind. The enabling and supporting of the ongoing genocide alone puts anything Carter did to shame. And I didn't say Carter was good. By the way the Iraq war was from 1980-1988. Whatever Carter had to do with it was dwarfed by Raegan.
It appears this carnage in Gaza has made you extra sensitive to online discourse. So to make this easier, let’s have you rank the worst presidents starting with the Carter administration. And yes, I have a feeling, he won’t be in your top three.
Like I said earlier, times are different. Carter was a lousy president. If he would have been in Biden's shoes, he more than likely would have done the same thing. I'm not defending him. But Biden did what he did and for that I have him rated as the worst president of my lifetime. To me, nothing compares to what he has allowed to happen in Gaza. NOTHING. The rest are tied for second. Some were bigger assholes (Trump) but policy wise they all sucked. I start with Nixon since that's when I was old enough to half ass understand what was going on.
They have been the same thing about Iraq, Afghanistan, Somali, Syria, and many other countries.
The USA is at war in Gaza and Ukraine in addition to Yemen, and Iraq against what trickle of the Daeshi'i still persists (ooooh and Lower East Syria).
Does Biden expect the hallmark of "at war" to be News Flash reels before films ? Black & white footage, an energetic man's narration : "Dateline, Yemen ! America"s air force has the (racial slur against Houthenese) on the run !"
The U.S. is batsh*t crazy. War, war, war, not listening to citizens. Representatives in congress applauding a war criminal. Supporting genocide in Gaza. Supporting land theft with genocide in the West Bank. War, war, war. Selling war materials to murderous SA. One crazy motherfu*cking country. Extremely dangerous.
You nailed it!
"When all else fails, they take you to war". Gerald Celente. With the U.S. empire seemingly on its last legs, it looks as if the tired old empire formerly known as the 'United' States of America has decided that war is the best option to hang on to its deluded notion of being the 'Indispensable Nation'. The ironic thing is that the U.S., as predicted many years ago, is being destroyed from within and not by a foreign enemy.
He just demonstrated once again why he's not fit to continue acting as President.
Anyone surprised? And yet, at least half the country will believe this nutjob. Just as the other half will believe the other nutjob, Trump.
What does that say about the US electorate? That they're a bunch of illiterate, ignorant, moronic nutjobs.
Considering that neither party will field a candidate who will come out and say, "Genocide is wrong and we won't have any part of it" a lot of people in the world are re-thinking their opinion of the American public. If most Americans are willing and in fact enthusiastic to vote for a person who embraces genocide, and doesn't elect a Congress who will stop them, what does that say about us as a culture? What other horrors would we be willing to unleash on the Global South if genocide is just another arrow in our much-too-large quiver?
Biden is a complete moron… And he thinks the US citizens are the same…!
Most R…!!!!!!
If Kamala runs on locking people up and a two state or unitary Palestinian state in Israel, she’ll win.
Peace is a winning policy.
How many presidents have lied their ass off to get elected?
All of them. It’s why democracy is such a wonderful system that we force it upon the rest of the world at gunpoint.
Regardless, it’s in my interest that Trump stops declaring his support for Israel. He is glaringly correct that Israel needs to “finish it” quickly and needs to improve its image. If Palestinians are to be expelled, do it. Not a single one of them should be harmed in any way. It is the worst conflict I’ve ever seen before. I’m sure there have been worse in Rwanda and elsewhere; but I’m watching what’s going on now, and I can’t stop gawking at it. I haven’t seen anything like this ever.
"I haven’t seen anything like this ever" You need to read more history books. As conflicts goes, the lives being lost in this one is small. For example 100,000 Japanese civilians died in Tokyo on the night of March 9. 1945. That 100,000 dead in just one night!
I guess the US owes them reparations. The two situations, however, are very different. Japan had a military and a great deal of territory. The US wanted unconditional surrender, later wanted test subjects for nuclear bombs to frighten the Soviets.
Israel has no real motive to harm the Palestinians other than hatred.
It’s in Israel’s interests to expel the Palestinians, and Israel is making life pure Hell for them. Israel is demonstrating how it can get away with absolutely anything, that neither they nor anyone else care what’s done to the Palestinians. Israel is striving to break them and to make them desperate to exit.
It’s horrible. All they really need to do is deport the ones who can reproduce. The only weapon the Palestinians have really is their ability to reproduce.
The dominant ideologies of our time see reproduction as a natural right. US elites then strive to reduce global births indirectly. However, the Palestinians are so pitiful. They’re still allowed to have as many children as they desire, and if they were to have more, they’d likely win their lands back. Demographics are destiny.
Nope. Just the opposite. If she makes the Gaza an imp0rtant issue in the election she will lose.
I tell you, no one wants association with genocide. People at this site get confused over events and often seem to take the side of the Palestinians or Chinese or Russians, etc. However, this isn’t about sides.
Tell me lies, sweet little lies. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VIYthyp2lto
Again and again until all my friends believe every one of those lies, which makes me furiously insane! Why can't I?
I love antiwar.com and all the wonderful people here!!! You ALL, always: Make My Day! (To quote a famous phrase, lol!)
It’s the only place that isn’t surreal and you can find a degree of sanity.
It sits on the Top of the Truth Telling websites in US…!
Under Biden-Harris we're spending HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS $$$ on our proxy war in Ukraine and directly financing the mass murder of 40,000 Palestinian civilians in Gaza. If Coup-mala Harris wins in November you're promised more of the same.
“If Coup-Mala Harris or Donald Trump wins in November you’re promised more of the same.”
Fixed, no charge.
Both parties are contributing to this country being batsh*t crazy.
We had 4 years of Trump and we didn’t have any of this. We had Trump negotiating an agreement to get us OUT of Afghanistan and wanting to get US troops out of Syria. Palestinians were not being openly genocided. Ukraine was not partitioned into Eastern and Western Ukraine. Our border was secure. Gas was cheap. Inflation was still low…… I could go on.
He escalated in Afghanistan for three years before negotiating an agreement that he could have implemented but chose not to, leaving it to Biden to actually get done.
He SAID he wanted to get US troops out of Syria. While putting more troops in Syria, running an offensive that used more artillery ammo than the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, before settling for just seizing some oil fields and leaving a permanent occupation force there to guard them.
The war in Ukraine started two years before he was elected — but he escalated military aid to Ukraine to keep it going (after seeking a political bribe in return and getting caught).
Your border has never been “secure,” is not “secure” now, and never will be “secure.” Thankfully, he did far less than Obama or Biden to “secure” it in terms of abducting migrants. He contented himself with illegally misappropriating funds to build a janky Berlin Wall replica.
Yes, gas prices are up. Partly due to the massive inflation he engaged in trying to buy votes with “COVID stimulus” checks.
Let's please not forget that he also hired John Bolton and cancelled the INF treaty. A move that threatens to destroy every person on Earth in minutes.
Well said, well said, my friend! Touché Ole!
Let's not forget that Trump also FIRED John Bolton.
After HIRING John Bolton.
Bolton was hired to do his (Trump’s) bidding. When he didn’t do that, he was kicked out.
After all Trump said about the folly of the Iraq War and the criminality of its supporters (Bolton a prime example) in the 2016 Primary he actually hires one of the worst of them? Only shows what a bs ing blowhard he is.
Bolton was hired to be Trump’s underling. Bolton certainly wasn’t making any foreign policy decisions for the Trump administration. That explains why Bolton is a Never Trumper today.
Bolton is a self serving neocon who isn’t even trusted by neocons. A nutcase. There’s good reason his nickname for years has been “Bonkers”.
Thomas Massie
Trump said he will appoint a libertarian to his cabinet.
Whom would you choose, for which position?
9:19 AM · Jul 26, 2024
I wish Massie would challenge Trump in the Republican Primary although he'd have no way of winning and AIPAC would not endorse him, he is against aid to Israel.
Thomas Massie cast his Republican delegate vote for Donald Trump last week.
It wasn’t “his” delegate vote. Delegate votes are bound by primary results on the first ballot.
So Massie was FORCED to attend the GOP convention? Was it the Russians again?
Tell me you don’t understand how political party conventions work without telling me you don’t understand how political party conventions work.
Tell me you don't want to answer the question posed by Congressman Massie in the above tweet.
I'd be happy to answer the question proposed in the tweet, but I have not idea what the hell that has to do with the question of whether Massie had any choice concerning who to cast his delegate vote for.
Vis a vis the question, I'd probably pick Eric Garris for Secretary of Defense. But I can think of other libertarians for other cabinet positions.
While putting more troops in Syria, running an offensive that used more artillery ammo than the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, before settling for just seizing some oil fields and leaving a permanent occupation force there to guard them.
And let's not forget about the two missile strikes and the sanctions. One of those missile strikes he had to be talked into giving Russia a heads up. And he had to be talked into it by "Mad dog" Mattis.
I wonder if any other countries call their top general the label of “Mad Dog?” Is anybody else as stupidly, childishly arrogant?
So you're giving Rump credit for COVID 19 temporarily reducing the number of migrants? That the east/west civil war raging in Ukraine for 8 years didn't actually happen because it wasn't in the NYT? That gas was cheap because people weren't driving because they were working from home during the lockdowns?
That's a, umm, 'unique' perspective.
And Iran fired rockets at US troops while Trump was President.
Thanks for 100% confirming my math, Thomas. My math is not that bad after all.
It makes no difference who is selected and elected in November.
The Lancet estimates that the official count of deaths is a minimum of four times too low, and possibly twice that, since it only counts people who died at one of the few remaining medical facilities functioning. The vast majority die elsewhere and are never brought to a hospital to be counted.
Thank God this MORON is no longer President!!!!
LOL. Yeah man. …Wait!? I thought he was still "is"?
No we are not at war. We just love to shoot off these missles, for kicks.
Interesting. So, Trump is not the only lying president. Lying seems to come with that job. On making war: especially since Bush 1: Iraq. Bush 2: Iraq. Clinton: Serbia. Obama: Libya. Trump: Iraq/Syria.
Agreed, except Obama's lies on Syria deserve an honorable mention. Clinton lies on Palestine also resonate loudly today. …Sorry. I should have just ended with "Agreed."
You should have also mentioned Panama when talking about the first Bush.
Are you going to believe me? Or your lying eyes, lying ears, or lying brain? …Okay. Fair enough. But I didn't need a brain to read this drivel.
Everyone needs a good bib to catch the drivel, 😉
Tell that to the Ukrainians.
Shut. Up. And. Go. Away.
“Read the teleprompter Joe, it’s exactly what you are to say. And nothing else.”
Note again the dilated eyes, minimal blinking. The guy was juiced up just to get through a five minute read.
We are only at war if Biden THINKS we are at war. And since Biden cannot think, of course we are not at war.
Senile lame duck is still in office with control of the Nuclear Football.
We need the 25th amendment invoked ASAP for the good of all life on earth!
So you want Harris to be the President for the next six months?
The United States is the leader of international trade; the Houthis (with Iran and Russian support) want to hurt international trade.
That's a problem to people in the US, unless the prefer to pay much more everything, including gas and things from China. Suit yourself.