On Sunday, Houthi leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said Yemenis were “pleased to be in a direct confrontation” with Israel and vowed to hit back hard at the Israeli bombing of Yemen’s Red Sea port of Hodeidah.
“Yemeni people are pleased to be in direct confrontation with the Israeli enemy, and they are steadfast and brave people,” al-Houthi said, according to Iran’s Press TV.
Israel bombed fuel depots in Hodeidah on Saturday following the Houthi drone attack on Tel Aviv that killed one person. Yemeni health authorities said the Israeli strikes killed at least six people and wounded 83, many with severe burns, as the attack caused a massive fire.
Al-Houthi said that Israel’s attack “was aimed at Yemen’s economy” since the port of Hodeidah is a vital entry point for fuel and humanitarian aid. Since 2015, Yemen has been under a US-backed Saudi blockade, which has been eased but not fully lifted.

Al-Houthi noted that the US and British bombing campaign in Yemen had done nothing to deter Houthi attacks on Israel-linked and other commercial shipping in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and beyond. The Houthis, officially known as Ansar Allah, have made clear they would only end their attacks if Israel’s genocidal siege on Gaza came to an end.
Also on Sunday, the Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea said Yemen’s “response to the Israeli aggression against our country is inevitably coming and will be huge.”
Israeli officials said a missile fired from Yemen toward the Israeli port of Eilat had been intercepted. Over the past nine months, the Houthis have fired hundreds of drones and missiles toward Israel, but most were intercepted by US warships in the Red Sea.
The attack on Tel Aviv was notable since it was a longer range than other attacks. Israeli officials said it traveled through Egypt and targeted Tel Aviv from the Mediterranean Sea.
The Israeli airstrikes on Yemen were also a first. Initial reports said the attack was supported by the US and the UK, but the Israeli military insisted it carried out the strike on its own.
Israeli media has portrayed the attack as a major victory for Israel since it struck targets that were further away than the Iranian capital of Tehran. But the Houthis are expected to be emboldened by the strikes, as they were by the US-UK bombing campaign, and will likely escalate attacks on Israel.
The US-backed Saudi/UAE war against the Houthis from 2015-2022 involved heavy airstrikes and a blockade, and the Houthis only became a more capable fighting force during that time.
The war killed at least 377,000 people, with more than half dying of starvation and disease caused by the siege. A ceasefire between the Houthis and Saudis has held relatively well since April 2022, but new US sanctions are now blocking the implementation of a lasting peace deal.
Nemesis is coming … it will not be pretty.
But it will only work if co-ordinated with Hamas, Hezbollah, & Iran. Otherwise, the USI can pick them off piecemeal.
Star Trek : Nemesis certainly wasn't very good.
The Likud would be wise to immediately accept the very generous offer of a lasting peace based on pre-1967 lines. The Likud’s all or nothing strategy is a high risk, low reward strategy. Israelis deserve better.
"Israelis deserve better" – no, the people who are supporting the genocide deserve worse, much worse.
Sometimes I feel inclined to your position, Mikhailovich, yet, I will not give up on hope and indeed, all efforts, for peaceful outcomes.
I hope we agree that the peace should be based upon justice.
Collective Punishment is a no-no. Many may certainly be The Likud’s Willing Executioners. However, each individual should be judged on their own individual acts.
The genocide of Palestinians is supported by majority of Israelis. Everyone who is supporting the genocide is guilty and deserve punishment.
Majority is the key word here. Not 100%
Thanks for clarifying
"Pleased to be in a direct confrontation…" They would welcome martyrdom. The Likudniks are f**king around, now they will find out. As the saying goes…
Houthis are more Christian than the Judeo-Christians who are dominating The West. They are on the right side of the history. Good news are that they are not alone. Iran is supporting them, and now Russia is doing the same.
Zionism, Nazism, and all other branches of Satanism must be defeated.
1. According to what I call 'TLK Doctrine', the Houthinese can simultaneously be Muslim AND Christian, so we're in agreement there.
2. I don't believe Satan exists. Can you demonstrate that it does ?
3. The Satanic Temple DOES exist, I am a member, and I think you'd find the TST is as antiwar and pro-peace as the best of any of us on here.
“According to what I call ‘TLK Doctrine’, the Houthinese can simultaneously be Muslim AND Christian, so we’re in agreement there.”
Incorrect. Islam and Christianity are religions. Jewishness is an ethnicity that was historically associated with Judaism but hasn’t been universally associated with Judaism for more at least 2,100 years (since the Seleucid era) and probably quite some time longer (Solomon and subsequent kings also seem to have worshiped Ishtar per 2 Chronicles).
1. Ain' precent a b*tch, ha ha ?
2. Splitting hairs just gets you two thinner hairs.
3. A good friend with a degree in History points out that, until comparatively recently (up to mid 19th century or so), during Inquisitions and such, a person who was Jewish could convert to Christianity and be spared torture and death (aside; he tends to agree with your Jewish / Judaism separation, in MODERN context). Explain how THAT worked. Baptism altered DNA until it didn't, magically ?
You’re free to pretend that words mean whatever you want them to mean instead of what they actually mean.
I’m free to not participate in the pretending.
It’s all good.
I prefer definitions that do not require or imply stereotypes about a group of people.
("Jewish" = adherent of Judaism) is succinct and accurate.
("Jewish" = a race of people), leads to "oh, what defines the characteristics, actions, and appearance of these people?" and the outcomes of THAT line of Q&A are obvious, and best excised from civil discourse.
That's what I'm trying to DO here, Thomas. Be among those working to end ACTUAL antisemitism, cliches and stereotypes created by considering Jewish a "race".
Well, at least we agree that “Jewish” is not a “race.”
But like I said, you’re free to make up meanings for it. I’ll stick with the actual meaning. You don’t have to like that; I’ll do it whether you like it or not.
Well, at least we agree that “Jewish” is not a “race.”
But like I said, you’re free to make up meanings for it. I’ll stick with the actual meaning. You don’t have to like that; I’ll do it whether you like it or not.
@Uncle Sapien – You know baptism doesn't alter DNA. Ideologies and nonsensically-assumed interests do change.
Oh, I do know that. I'm just questioning an irrational assertion made on a different thread that insisted that someone who is Jewish is BOTH someone who DOES and someone who DOES NOT follow Judaism as their religion.
So I am pointing out that prior to the 1800's when "Jewish" took on a racial meaning in addition to the traditional "adherent of Judaism" meaning, it was absolutely the case, for 1000+ years, that any Jew that converted to Islam or Christianity by either one under threat of death or torture, was NO LONGER CONSIDERED a "Jew" or "Jewish" and was thus no longer under threat of persecution.
I point this out to show that if "Jewish" really is a legitimate "race" or "ethnicity", this "convert or else" policy never could have made logical sense to anyone promoting it at the time.
First we have to define what is God. People have different ideas about that.
"The Satanic Temple does exist" – they can give any name to anything. It proves nothing.
Indeed, defining which god in question is the first step.
That the organization called "The Satanic Temple" exists proves that The Satanic Temple is an organization that exists. That was the extent of my claim about the TST; that, and it (TST) does not believe or claim that Satan, ha-satan, Baphomet actually exists. Rather, TST promotes free thinking, freedom of choice, rebellion against authoritarianism, justice, equality, and peace.
Not everything you may claim to be "Satanic", actually is in the way you seem to define it.
God is the creator or Universe. Satan, the father of the lies, is working in the opposite direction.
According to Christian teaching, the thirst for power over other people is Satanic. It is directed against the main Christian rule: always treat others as you would like them to treat you.
Satan offered Christ the power over the whole world. It coincides with the idea of neocons who proclaimed Full Spectrum Dominance over the world as their main goal. It makes neocons Satanists. Full spectrum dominance over other people means depriving other people of freedom.
So, Satanists are against equality and freedom. They are leading the world to destruction which is the goal of Satan.
God is the creator of the world, Satan is the destructor of the world. That's how it works.
"Satanists are against equality and freedom."
TST's Seven Fundamental Tenets :
One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.
Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.
People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.
Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.
Please point out where war, "destruction", inequality, or anti-freedom (like Exodus 21) statements occur in the above.
Thirdly, it first needs to be conclusively demonstrated that god(s) and/or Satan(s) exist before we need go worrying about any of that in a serious fashion.
And finally – I'm more inclined toward the "fan theory" that there are TWO near-maximally powerful entities (no, not Enki and Enlil). The Evil one duped the Good one; he inspired a book (the Bible) in which he calls himself the good one ("God") and propagandises the actual Good one as the evil guy ("Satan").
Explains why "God" does do much evil stuff early on & tries to clean up his act in the sequel (New Testament) before anyone figures out the switcheroo.
Lots to unpack.
I'm going to start with this assertion, as it's the most absurd :
"Satan offered Christ the power over the whole world."
That makes NO sense. Does the bible suggest that Satan (ha-satan, The Accuser, God's consigliari in the situation with Job) doesn't know EXACTLY who Jesus is, and how worthless such a petty offer like that is to someone who is also God ?
That'd be like me tempting Bill Gates to forgo all his wealth & influence for CDN$75 in rolled dimes and quarters.
It's a f**king stupid plot device that makes zero sense.
"…Israeli military insisted it carried out the strike on its own."
With a US welfare check using borrow and spend deficit dollars.
The same claim that they repelled the Iranian air attack on their own…!
There must be a name for such claims.
Great new word! Egopendent. Does it include a self-centered childish tantrum?
Yemenis are bad. They don't like Palestinian genocide. We good. We like Palestinian genocide. Sorry. It meets all the points on the definition of genocide but I still insist it is not. Be on the side of good. Agree with me or I will nuke you.
Healthily cynical NA and quite typical for you, thankfully.
Genocide = mowing the lawn. Always use this euphemism or you are an antisemite.
Waaay more semitic people have been killed than Jews…!!!!!! To label our and my agony as antisemitic only shows the terrible wrongful stupidity & fraudlent labeling the GENOCIDERS EMPLOY to obsfuscate their inhumanity. What words can possibly convey the callousness $ cruelty of these Zionist murderers on the native people of the Holy Land!!!!! That WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE BEEN DRAGOONED INTO DOING!!!!! SENDING TWO and FIVE THOUSAND POUND BOMBS FOR the ZIONIST USURPERS TO ROB THE NATIVE INHABITANTS OF THEIR HOMES AND LAND!!!!!
It's the Russians that have the veto nukes , perhaps the Chinese too!!!!!!!!!!!! The ones 4000 times the blast & destructive power of the ones the
The hyU.S & NATO have. Think of it in dollars. The U.S. and NATO nukes have 750,000)6 tons of TNT Equivallent one, the Russians have 200 million tons of TNT equillavent ones!!!!! $750, ooo dollars barely buys a a nice middle class house!!! $200 million will buy the whole neighborhood!!!!!
Leaders squabble, civilians die.
"Israeli media has portrayed the attack as a major victory for Israel since it struck targets that were further away than the Iranian capital of Tehran"
In that case I would assume the US was providing air-refueling, as lack of such support was what stayed ASI plans to attack IRI nuclear facilities years ago. Unless IDF planes attacking Yemeniese targets weren't carrying the heavy bomb loadout that IRI strikes would have required ?
The Israelis have their own aerial refueling craft (14 of them with an additional eight on order).
The problem with Iran is whether those aircraft can loiter over the airspace between Israel and Iran. Attacking Yemen, they could station tankers over the Red Sea.
The ultimate question is why did they wait for nine months until this attack on Yemen…!?
Seems like the IDF is only good at hitting defenseless women and children, and domestic infrastructures that supports them.
I dare them to actually try for a military target.
Israel should expect a counter attack while the crime minister visiting US…!
Thanks for making me smile Netman, however cynically but, life is what it is and so is death apparently!…..
The Zionist Israel is the only regime in the world that makes me cynical… and they earned it…!
As tragic as the slaughter is in Gaza on the civilian population, the longer this goes on the quicker Israel ceases to exist. Yemen is by far one of the poorest countries in the world, and one of the farthest in the region from Israel. Yet, it has come out militarily in defense of Gaza. This is just the tip of the iceberg as the Arab world is seething in anger.
I have a prediction for you all. There will be another "Arab Spring" type uprising. However, this time 1) it will be permanent 2) it will result in the overthrow of the corrupt Arab regimes 3) its rallying cry will be a jihad to free Palestine and 4) it will bring in Islamist rule.
Take this to the bank.
Honesty is always the best policy, Ashraf. Do they cash any checks at your bank?…..;-}
Based on the facts Ma'am, just the facts.
No matter how it goes, if it goes against Israel, Wash. is there to bail them out and continue the policy of 'Greater Israel' as their borders expand into other countries to satisfy the Zionist hoodlums in Tel Aviv.
Well said Lily, well said!
Not this time. We got our a**** kicked in Iraq and Afghanistan. And even now we couldn't stop the Yemenis. Unless we're sending our boys out to die in the thousands, we're not bailing out the Israelis this time.
Even if there are US casualties, it won’t make a difference in the majority of the population. The evil Djinn are dancing in Wash. and Tel Aviv because they have had so much influence in the politicians there.
The Yemeni people are not "pleased to be in direct confrontation" with Israel. The Yemeni people, just like the Palestinian people, the Israeli people, the Iraqi people, and most other people around the world, are sick and tired of bombs and bullets flying around where they live. It's the militant groups that are "pleased to be in direct confrontation" with anybody.
Gotta love Ansarallah! I just wish they'd up the target package to more than one drone or missile at a time. They need to drop a couple on the ammonia tanks in Haifa. Supposedly they would go up like a nuke. I don't know if that's true or not. I know! Let's find out! 🙂
That was most likely a new prototype drone used as a testing platform coming in from the Mediterranean sea…! You also have to consider Yemen is one of the poorest country in the world versus Israel that swims in US dollars…! thanks to DC idiots and the generous US taxpayers…!
Since with the 500,000 NATO troops on high alert today, what may happen is when WWIII starts, all attention will go there and Israel will use that opportunity to enact their final solution on the Palestinians, kill the red heifer, rebuild their temple and go after the countries in the way of expanding their borders for their policy of a 'greater Israel.' Hope I'm wrong!
Just Unbelieveable, the weakest kid on the block stands up against one of the most powerful on the planet & their genocidal welfare case. Apparently mass slaughter of women & CHILDREN DOES NOT ALLOW INACTION AS A WAY TO SHOW their own
DISDAIN. When the Russians & China have seen enough we will get to see what the the most powerful will allow to go unlcknowledged !!!