Israeli Strikes in Syria Kill at Least Six Pro-Iranian Fighters

Two strikes reported in Homs Province

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a pair of Israeli airstrikes against Qusayr, in the area of Homs, were carried out on Monday, killing at least six pro-Iranian fighters and wounding a number of others. A headquarters building and a vehicle were targeted in the two missile strikes.

The casualties were identified as non-Syrians, but Hezbollah reported only one of their fighters killed. This, despite Qusayr being seen as a Hezbollah stronghold and both targets being termed Hezbollah sites. Israel has not confirmed this information, however; it does not comment on foreign media reports.

Hezbollah uses western Syria as a route for smuggling weapons into neighboring Lebanon and Israel. Israel regularly goes after sites in Syria, hitting Hezbollah targets in an attempt to limit the flow of weapons across the border.

Initial reports were that four were killed and four were wounded in the strikes on the Hezbollah base of operations. A vehicle speculated to be carrying weapons and possibly a Hezbollah commander was also attacked. It’s not known if this person was among the casualties.

The strikes were reported at two areas in Homs, and the number of casualties still not known.

An Israeli attack earlier this month took place near Damascus, wounding eight soldiers. The strike occurred near a gathering of Hezbollah and other pro-Iranian fighters but did not target those fighters specifically.

Author: Jason Ditz

Jason Ditz is Senior Editor for He has 20 years of experience in foreign policy research and his work has appeared in The American Conservative, Responsible Statecraft, Forbes, Toronto Star, Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Providence Journal, Washington Times, and the Detroit Free Press.