A new poll from Gallup has found that the majority of Americans disapprove of Israel’s military actions in Gaza, which have killed over 32,000 Palestinians, including over 13,000 children, and has put the entire population of the Strip on the brink of famine.
Asked if they approve or disapprove of Israel’s military actions, 55% of respondents said they disapproved, while only 36% said they approved of the onslaught.
Disapproval of Israel has risen as Gallup asked the same question in a poll that was released in November 2023, which found 50% of respondents approved of Israel’s military campaign while 45% disapproved.

Favorability for Israel is strongest among Republicans, with 64% approving Israel’s assault on Gaza in the latest poll. Only 29% of Independents and 18% of Democrats said they approved Israel’s campaign.
Since October 7, polling has consistently shown the majority of American voters favor a ceasefire in Gaza. A poll released by Data for Progress in February found 67% of Americans favored the US pushing for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, including 77% of Democrats, 69% of Independents, and 56% of Republicans.
The Biden administration has consistently opposed the idea of a ceasefire in Gaza unless it’s linked to a hostage deal. But even in that case, both the US and Israel say any truce would be temporary and have rejected Hamas’s offer to negotiate a permanent ceasefire.
Amazing, when you consider the level, reach and persistence of propaganda. But it should be 100%.
Since when did the majority of Americans determine anything? We’d have national health care, a reduction in military spending after the so-called Cold War, and we’d be a “normal” nation that works for a living and pays its bills.
I don’t know about military spending Thomas. I took one of those informal polls on my homepage about military spending. 62% wanted MORE and only 6% wanted less. The rest wanted it to stay the same. I know it’s informal but there were over 30,000 respondents and only 6% wanted less!!! Very depressing. Propaganda works.
I would love to buy you a cup of coffee wars, cause you rock it!
Thanks again Donna but I don’t do coffee. Tastes like shit.
Starbucks does… But Peet’s is something else…!
How about a good cup of tea?
Never acquired a taste for that either. But I’d be honored to sit with both you and Donna and discuss peace over a bowl of the good herb with a little Powerade Zero to cool the pipes.
We would have a great civilized conversation.
May I join you?
Very sophisticated manipulation of PR makes it possible.
Goebbels and Leni Riefenstahl could not beat that. They must be spinning in their graves.
I remember how public opinion could be a fickle barometer. In August of 2001 hardly anyone in the USA thought it would be a good idea to invade Afghanistan. By the end of September 80% of Americans thought it was a grand idea.
The PR for the Iraq invasion was even calibrated get public support for a spring invasion, avoiding hot summer combat.
We certainly wouldn’t have an Open borders policy regarding migrants and refugees if they gave a toss about what Americans wanted.
But we would if we gave a toss about what America supposedly means, rather than wanting to Make America East Germany Again.
Enlighten me. What does America supposedly mean?
Well, if you really want to know, you might read the Declaration of Independence (which lists the absence of open borders as one of the reasons for the revolution), or the Constitution (which clearly and unambiguously forbids the US government to regulate immigration) for starters.
I notice you don’t actually quote the words from the Declaration or Constitution. It would be helpful if you could give the exact wording from those documents. I don’t remember ever reading that.
They’re publicly available documents. If you can’t read, just have someone else read them to you.
You can’t produce any actual quotes from those documents to support your argument for Open borders or you would do so. I figured as much, that’s why I asked.
I can do so, and have done so.
Not doing so on command from someone who’s already established he doesn’t give a tinker’s damn what those documents say because he hates the American way isn’t a matter of inability.
But, since there are other readers here who might actually be interested in fact, truth, etc.:
“The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. … has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither …” — Declaration of Independence
“The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight” — US Constitution, Article I, Section 9
“no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article” — US Constitution, Article V
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” — US Constitution, 10th Amendment
“an act of the legislature, repugnant to the constitution, is void” — SCOTUS ruling in Marbury v. Madison
OK, so where’s the part that says the US must have an Open borders immigration policy in the 21st century? There are 8 billion people in the World. Should we have any limits at all in how many billions are allowed to live in the United States?
“OK, so where’s the part that says the US must have an Open borders immigration policy in the 21st century?”
I just gave you the direct quotes, although your question is kind of odd. The Constitution doesn’t change by century, it changes by amendment. At any time, 2/3 of both houses of Congress could propose, and 3/4 of the state legislatures could ratify, a constitutional amendment giving the federal government a power to regulate immigration. But that hasn’t happened yet.
It’s yet another tell that Regimist Media is ignored. Independent media dominates mind share these days. Apparently only 27% of young Americans support the Likud’s gebicidal campaign
As if it matters what the public supports. This runaway train, the vampire ball, will lead us off a cliff.
I think genocide Joe is about to go over the cliff or hit the concrete wall.
The young people are computer wise, they do not need MSM. MHO and I am a senior avoiding MSM like the
Devil’s advocate: Given The Great American Sap has been so comprehensively brainwashed since the Ayatollah and “Sod’m” (Bush I), to hate “rag-heads” this poll, while admittedly irrellevent to power, is surprisingly affirming.
Are 36% of Americans zionists??
Apparently, and most of them are Christian fundamentalists.
Protestant evangelicals apparently support Israel’s slaughter of the innocents in Gaza. They justify it somehow because of “the Bible” which admittedly can be quite bloody in the Old Testament.
But remember, most “Christians” are Roman Catholic.
You’re partly correct. Protestant evangelicals support Israel’s slaughter of the innocents in Gaza, except for the Protestant evangelicals who oppose Israel’s slaughter of the innocents in Gaza.
I certainly hope so.
Read the poll. No one said anything about Zionists. One need not be a Zionist to support a peoples right to self defense.
Genocide isn’t self defense
Destroying terrorists is self defense.
Just calling the people Israel kills “terrorists” does not make it so.
The biggest terrorists in Palestine are the IDF.
Jake – advocating and supporting genocide isn’t helpijng your credibility.
The Likud is openly engaging in Genocide. The entire international community agrees.
Yes, they could just be sick motherfuckers like yourself that condones genocide.
and YOU have seen the light.
What light? I don’t condone genocide. It’s not like I’m climbing out on a limb by saying that. Most humans don’t condone genocide. What does that make YOU?
I’m guessing that Jake gets a shekel for every stupid comment he makes.
It goes without saying, people know what Zionists stand for, even uninformed people know that by now.
Jake, do you feel any pity and shame for starving and amputated children?
What does it take for you to demand Genocide Joe stop the brutal slaughter of women and children and do what any civilized man/woman with the power to stop the slaughter, the butchery of a defenseless nation would do?
What will it take for you to be ashamed for your shyster president? Have you no pity for the tortured infants?
WAH WAH WAH-don’t you feel any anger that Hamas caused this mess,entered a neighboring country,raped,castrated and tortured unarmed civilians?
You didn’t answer the question. You just went back to debunked exaggerations. Israel has made the decision to respond to an attack by Hamas by conducting a genocidal attack on Gaza. That is just a plain fact.
Wah Wah Wah? that’s your answer to “do you feel any pity and shame for starving and amputated children?’
You’re a horrible monster Jake, IOW a Zionist.
jake, you can do better, I want to believe you are a better man. Hamas did NOT cause that mess, it started a long time ago at the turn of the 20th century. The Irgun were Zionist terrorists who expelled 700 000 Palestinians in 1948 from Israel, and ever since they have done all they could to expel the Palestinians. It has been a slow motion genocide ever since, they now have almost all the WB and Gaza. My bet, the Zionists expect the US and Europeans to fund the rebuilding of Gaza for them too. Sabra and Shatila tell you something? There was no Hamas, who was responsible for the brutal genocidal massacre of some 3 500 Palestinian people, including women and children in 1982? The investigation’s Mr. MacBride found the IDF responsible for the massacre.
Do the long suffering and stateless Palestinians have a right to self-defense and Resistance?
Yes, they are from the outside of the US perspective…! But they think they are pro Israel because of things like it is the only democracy in middle east, that they are fighting terrorists as self defense and shit like that, all because of what the US main stream media has fed them for decades…!
Do you approve of starving people to death while bombing all of their homes, hospitals, and buildings?
from the gallup poll =
“”those paying less attention are more likely than their counterparts to have no opinion on the matter, resulting in lower approval than seen among people paying greater attention””
and that’s why gallup makes the big bucks
“You reap what you sew.”
Polls? Polls to me are nothing more than a litmus test for ignorance!
Having worked on a study (I crunched numbers, had nothing to do with the questions presented) when I was in college, the construct of the questions, their sequence, as well as what audience the information is coming from are crucial. I do not trust polls.
Occupied Palestine: https://occupiedpalestine.wordpress.com/2010/12/26/hashoah-vs-al-nakba/
This might mean something if the US federal government was a republic that served its citizens. But seeing that it’s an oligarchy that serves the interests of a handful of wealthy donors, don’t expect anything to change.
The United States said Tuesday it would continue airdrops of aid to besieged Gaza, despite pleas from Hamas to stop the practice after it said 18 people had died trying to reach food packages.
Hamas demanded that Israel, which is besieging and relentlessly bombing Gaza, instead allow more aid trucks to enter the devastated territory, which the United Nations has warned is on the brink of a “man-made famine” after nearly six months of war.
Genocide Biden serves whom, the American people or the interests of AIPAC and Netanyahu?
Genocide Joe Biden is not an honorable man.
There’s a deep pit in hell waiting to be filled with Genocide Joe.
I should be 100% . This, from Occupied Palestine:https://occupiedpalestine.wordpress.com/2010/12/26/hashoah-vs-al-nakba/ I am sorry for the brutal content, but it must be presented.
Thanks for the warning. I keep seeing things that I can’t keep out of my mind. Like that poor starving soul today. I find myself trying not to scroll down too far so I don’t see it. So, I’ll have to pass. But those pictures should be plastered everywhere on the MSM. Those polls above would look markedly different.
The Israel Lobby is a direct threat to freedom & democracy in the US.
The Israel lobby is the DimoRat party!
There is no Dimorat party.
The Israeli Lobby is bipartisan.
I have to agree with what Andrew Napolitano said in exasperation on one of his YouTube podcasts: “What other country could get away with this” ? I can’t think of any.
I wonder whether Napolitano was referring to Israel, or the US?
The definition of Majority is anything above 50%…! So, 51% is majority…! This is Not the true meaning of the word… The majority should represent 75% or more…!
No that’s the meaning of the word.
75% is a 3 to 1 majority.
Most Americans oppose raping the taxpayers to fund Israel, Ukraine and giving illegal aliens $2200 every month!
FJB and POS obama!