Taiwanese Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng confirmed on Thursday the presence of US Army Special Forces soldiers in Kinmen, a group of islands that are controlled by Taiwan but located just off the coast of mainland China.
Some parts of the Kinmen islands are just 2.5 miles away from the mainland Chinese city of Xiamen. The presence of US troops on the islands was first reported by Taiwanese media last month.
Chiu confirmed the highly provocative deployment when asked about a new report from the US outlet SOFREP that said US Green Berets have taken up “permanent positions” as military advisors in Kinmen. The US soldiers are also deployed in Penghu, a Taiwanese-controlled archipelago about 30 miles west of the main island of Taiwan and 70 miles east of mainland China.

The SOFREP report said the US Green Berets were stationed at the Taiwanese Army’s amphibious command centers. The deployment was carried out under provisions in the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, which called for the US to create a comprehensive training program for the Taiwanese military.
The new collaboration includes the US troops training Taiwanese forces on the Black Hornet Nano, a compact military drone. Chiu said the presence of the US Green Berets was a “learning opportunity” for Taiwan’s military.
The US has significantly increased its military and diplomatic support for Taiwan in recent years, ratcheting up tensions with China. Last year, the US deployed around 200 troops to Taiwan, marking the largest known US military presence on the island since the US pulled its troops out after Washington severed diplomatic relations with Taipei in 1979.
The US also recently began providing Taiwan with unprecedented military aid. Since 1979, the US has always sold weapons to Taiwan but never financed the purchases or provided arms free of charge until last year.
Chinese call these special forces, paper tiger.
No, no, the article is talking about US Special Operations, not the Russian’s’
Those are the paper tiger.
And BTW, they are All dead now. 🤷🏽♂️
They succeeded in poking a bear out of hibernation. Now it is a time to poke a dragon.
After driving the bear and the dragon into an alliance that is likely to remain strong for some time to come.
They succeeded in that too.
What`s needed to put the Yanks and it`s LACKEYS back in their boxes is for the Russians / Chinese to announce they are now in a military allience and attack on either one will be a attack on both , America and it`s NATO LACKEYS would soon wind their nicks in.
Neither the US nor its Eurominions or Asian Acolytes are going to attack Russia or China*. They know that they’d just look really bad and then lose, unless they are willing to start WWIII, and then everyone loses. For Russia and/or China to turn up the heat with a declared military alliance would just justify/provide an excuse for the US-West to engage in more hostile behavior. These conflicts are going to go on for a long time. It’s better for everyone if the key belligerents are a bit cautious.
* Well, we can’t be sure that the Poles won’t do something incredibly stupid. If they do, though, they probably shouldn’t count on Article 5 to save them.
That bear was far from being hibernating.
That bear was actively trying to expand its territory as shown since 2008.
Don, take the blinders off. 🙂
By that you mean, hate the US and West?
Nah, im not a hypocrite.
And your evidence for that idiotic comment is ? .
The chinese had it coming.
Typical imperialist response…!
Another idiot who knows nothing of Chinese History and how Colonial Powers like the US /UK forced their way into China to Rape it , the British trafficked opium into China from India making the so called Great Britain a NAROC STATE .
Provocations? No, don’t be ridiculous. Americans wouldn’t mind permanently stationed Chinese special forces on Galvestone island either, so why should they? If only the Chinese wouldn’t be up to something nefarious that is of course. Lets not be completely unrealistic. They are the baddies after all.
Clearly the US tying a couple of their sacrifical lambs on the altar of US hegemony and shoving them as near as possible under the nose of the Chinese is just necessary and well intentend. Goes without saying. White knights of the powers of light and all that. Or dutiful maintenance of the rules based order on a more mundane level. If just these Chinese weren’t so stupefyingly distrustful and so goddamn easily provoked those green berets could be stationed in Beijing instead. And the world would be much safer.
Taiwan is now the Neocon proxy du jour, … destined like its predecessors to the same FUBAR fate. This one, however, may prove the final.
Yes, Taiwan! What are you waiting for? Aren’t you jealous of Ukraine? Keep unprovoking and unjustifying war!
Genocide Joe out to make more World War III as if we do not have enough already. I suppose Genocide Joe knows at his age he will be checking out soon, and wants to take everybody in the world with him.
Spot on HD! Spot ON! I ain’t getting my flipping ass destroyed for anyone, including JB!
Peace or everyone can kiss my flipping backside!
The Emperor is not only wearing no clothes. The Emperor is MAD.
Uncle Sam keeps sticking it in everywhere he finds an opening. He better watch out, somebody might bite it off.
The US will never give up its illusions of superiority. Eventually fate will sweep those illusions away, as fate has throughout history when it comes to the idiots who harbor those illusions.
We can all hope that fate acts before the world is turned into a cinder.
No Empire Lasts Forever…!
If Uncle Sam had a ten foot pole, I’d call it rape.
I doubt the veracity of this story.. The people of the beautiful city of Xiamen take a ferry for day-trips to their nearby islands,, No way is Taiwan allowed anywhere near there..
Notwithstanding your doubts, Taiwan (ROC) has been there and running the show there since the end of WWII.
If you’re old enough to remember, or if you’ve read the relevant history, you may have heard the islands/county referred to as “Quemoy.” It was a subject of much discussion when Nixon and Kennedy ran against each other for the presidency.
There were periods of great unpleasantness, and stationing US special forces could trigger new ones. But there has indeed been ferry service from and to Xiamen for quite a long time.
The Sun never sets on the American Empire!
Because God wouldn’t trust it in the dark?
That was actually said about the British Empire back in the day and how true .
“What’s the point of having this superb military that you’re always talking about if we can’t use it?”
—-US secretary of State Madeline Albright
The DemonRats and RetardiQAns vote on these so called “Acts” against China & other competitive countries unilaterally by themselves and then later call them international law to justify their atrocities…!
This is how the Vietnam war started , when the Americans started the war with a false flag in the bay of Tonkin there were 25,000 so called advisers in Vietnam , the yanks have all ready stated they are preparing for war with China this looks like they are planning a first strike .
The Tonkin Gulf Incident wasn’t a false flag. It was (1) an actual initial confrontation provoked by covert US patrols, followed by (2) a second claimed confrontation that didn’t actually take place. That second claim was either (a) the result of confused communications or (b) straightforward bullshit by American intelligence operatives. Not many well-informed analysts would bet on (a).
The US is not going to launch a first strike against China from anywhere anytime soon and probably not from Kinmen ever. The “not anytime soon” part is because there would be no reason to start a hot war with China now that wouldn’t be outweighed by the risks and because the US is way too bogged down in Ukraine and the Middle East to make a move like that now even if it were otherwise a good idea. The “never from Kinmen” part is because the only thing a an attack launched from Kinmen could achieve is a bunch of dead Americans and Taiwanese, along with, probably, a China committed to full mobilization.
Ukrainian bodies aren’t even cold yet and the belligerent US is moving on to China. Keep voting for warmongers folks. This is on you.
Americans can vote for any candidates they choose, but the only candidates with a chance to win are those selected and endorsed by the Owners and their managers and agents.