Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday doubled down on his vow to attack the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah despite growing criticism of the plan.
It’s estimated that about 1.5 million Palestinians are packed into Rafah, which has a pre-war population of 275,000. Most of the people sheltering in the city are living on the streets in tents, and many have been displaced multiple times since Israel unleashed its onslaught.
On Friday, Netanyahu ordered the Israeli military to draw up an evacuation plan for Rafah, but it’s unclear where the Palestinians sheltering there will go. A few hours after Netanyahu said he ordered the plan, Israeli airstrikes hit residential buildings in Rafah, killing 28.
Heavy Israeli airstrikes were also reported in Rafah late Sunday into Monday morning, with Al Jazeera reporting at least 50 have been killed so far.
Aid groups are warning a full-scale Israeli assault on Rafah would be a “blood bath” due to the concentration of Palestinians. Egypt, which borders Rafah, is threatening to scrap its 1979 peace treaty with Israel if it attacks the city. Cairo strongly opposes anything that could lead to an influx of Palestinian refugees entering its territory.

Responding to the criticism, Netanyahu claimed to ABC News that he had no choice. “Those who say that under no circumstances should we enter Rafah are basically saying lose the war, keep Hamas there,” he said.
The Israeli leader suggested that Palestinians in Rafah could go to areas to the north that have been “cleared” by the Israeli military, though throughout the past few months, Israel has regularly attacked so-called “safe zones.”
Also, on Sunday, President Biden spoke with Netanyahu and said the US would support an attack on Rafah if Israel had a plan to evacuate civilians. The Biden administration has paid lip service to the idea of protecting civilians in Gaza but continues to provide unconditional military aid despite the massive civilian death toll.
The latest number from Gaza’s Health Ministry put the deal toll in the Strip since October 7 at 28,176, including over 12,000 children.
2 hostages were rescued on a nightly raid of Rafah.
Good for Israel
Yep, looks like they’ve figured out how to rescue hostages instead of killing them. Who says warfare doesn’t drive innovation ?
Serendipity says so?
wholeheartedly agree uncle.
101 more rescues and the Gaza war is over..
But the ethnic cleansing is not yet completed … that’s when the “war” will be over …
I would place my bet on the hostages thing.
After that, the Israeli public opinion will not allow Bibi to continue.
Unlike most western armies, the IDF is mandatory at 18. all the casualties are distributed among all facets of the Israeli society and once in a while, they vote..
No time for the next election. Now, while the iron is still hot, while EU and US are still onside, Nettyyahoo will:
– Push as many Gazans as possible into Rafah (done)
– Bomb and starve Rafah (in progress)
– Create a humanitarian stampede of Gazans into Sinai (coming very soon)
– Have US pay off Sisi as needed (guaranteed)
Voila, Gaza problem solved … “peace in our time” … or so they think.
That’s the great thing about ethnic cleansings. 1, only the first one is difficult (the rest are just rote repetition) and 2, they never end ’cause there’s always another ethnicity to make a useful target.
I’m sure Israeli leadership has signified that this will be the case. Right???
Or its a sham. The hostages were probably actors. Does anyone actual believe what bibi the butcher actually says? Has he ever spoken anything but righteous lies?
So, Ethan, do you think the equation balances? How many Israeli hostages is Israel responsible for killing, one way or another, in comparison to the number rescued or exchanged?
“How many Israeli hostages is Israel responsible for killing” Zero. If Gaza did not attack Israel on Oct 7 and kidnap Israelis they all would be alive to day. And so would thousands of children killed in the cross fire.
I swear Israel could kill every human being in Gaza and you would say it was the fault of the Hamas attack on Oct 7th. There just isn’t a number in your mind that puts this slaughter over the top.
Remember the scene in the original Terminator film when Arnold Schwarzenegger, portraying a robot, is arguing with some guy? The internal workings of the robot’s mind was portrayed as three selections with a slide bar. The robot finally makes a selection and responds.
The apologists for Israeli crimes are a lot like that robot, only they have only one mental choice – blame Hamas.
You are a vile creature, Tim.
Sometimes you’re right, Diss. The other times, you’re extremely accurate.
If I were only right once a year, this would probably be it for ’24.
Two hostages at the cost of how many dead babies?
They could have had all of them with a political deal that stops the killing. But Israelis do not want to stop killing. They are intent on ethnic cleansing via genocide. Thus, two hostages just clears their way a tiny bit more.
I have to see it to believe it…!
It might be easier to scrap a peace treaty than to let Palestinians through the south or soutwestern borders or help them in any other way. Also, each mention of the joint borders between Gaza and Egypt puts another dent on the “world’s largest prison” meme.
Also, each mention of the joint borders between Gaza and Egypt puts another dent on the “world’s largest prison” meme.
Well, the claim works if one ignores that everything entering Gaza via the Rafah crossing since 2007 requires Israeli approval rather than just Egyptian/Palestinian approval.
Since 1978, the United States has provided Egypt with over $50 billion in military and $30 billion in economic assistance. Hard to believe that Egypt will give up that aid.
If the Egyptian regime believes its survival depends on giving up that aid, the Egyptian regime will probably give up that aid. Probably, not certainly. And with unknown results.
Biden: That’s a nice little country you have there. It would be a shame if something happened to it.”
Exactly. They don’t want to be cut off. Their
bribeaid package was already reduced earlier because of human rights violations. So, scrapping a peace deal with Israel would certainly put the rest of thebribeaid package in mortal danger. The US can put up with human rights abuses, but they’ll be god damned if they will allow Egypt to not play nice with Israel.but they’ll be god damned if they will allow ______ to______.
Fill in blanks.
When will this slaughter end? When will the Western countries supporting Israel and supplying them with weapons, realise that they are party to genocide?
They realize.
Yes. They just haven’t realized, yet, that many of them are actually subject to consequences.
Impunity has been the norm.
It would seem they won’t stop until every home is razed and all the Palestinians are either resettled or dead. The genocide is moving much faster than any political will to stop it. The countries that support this genocide, will live with consequences for many years to come. The middle east will be a no go zone for america and her allies, there will never be peace without justice. As palestine burns, the world fiddles.
That`s the plan is to kill as many Palestinians as possible before the world community gets some guts and calls for a halt that will be backed by sanctions if they continue .
the world of politicians is waiting until it’s over, then they will condemn netanyahu. Bibi will retire on a spectacular beach and live a hero’s life. The palestinians will keep suffering under occupation, in a much smaller area, as gaza will be seeing settlers take over. the corruption and conspiracy that allows this genocide is happily
running the show.
They know they are party to genocide , they just don`t have the guts to tell the Americans they don`t agree with what the Israelis are doing and calling for sanctions .
Or when Hamas surrenders. Which will come first?
Why should Hamas surrender to the Israeli government who is guilty of apartheid, mass murder, land theft and mass destruction of property. Its not a good things to be a cheerleader of child killers Tim..
Is better to be a cheerleader of mass rapists and kidnappers, of racists?
Jake you love seeing mass murder being committed by your beloved IDF…you are in the minority thankfully. Prove there were any rapes or beheadings???? Go!…all Israeli lies and fiction…By way of deception..the code that Mossad and Israel live by.
Resistance movements don’t surrender.
Andy understands that Western supporters have to realize that they are in danger of being found guilty of complicity. Also be aware that they are in danger of being found guilty of other war crimes. And they are in such danger.
Watch this space, Tim. We’ll keep you up to date on the increasing risk your gang is facing.
One line of this article ran a bit long. Corrected, it should read :
“Also, on Sunday, President Biden spoke with Netanyahu and said the US would support an attack on Rafah.”
Absolutely f*cking crazy. Who is the terrorist? In other news. Austin has been taken to the hospital again. Must be nice to be taken to a hospital that is standing and not under fire as the hospitals in Gaza have been and continue to be.
slaughter is a God given right to the Western World ( Europe and the US). We have been at it now for centuries and that’s what NATO was created for. If You look at History, all of the Worldwide Wars came out of conflicts from Europe. We aren’t a force for good, Our Wars have killed Millions and destroyed Countries all over the Globe as God ordained. What a crock of s—.
Israel rescues two hostages in Rafah
Just heard on the news that Israel believes the hostages are being held in Rafah. How convenient. Which means, of course, that the upcoming slaughter will now be justified.
Hamas should let the kidnapped victims go. That will take away the “justification” to attack Rafah. As long as Hamas hold hostages Israel will continue to attack and people of Gaza will die in the cross fire. It is time for Hamas to end this war that they started on 10/7. Of course the leaders of Hamas will not because if Israel does not take them our, others will.
This is not a war, Gaza is not a state, it is an illegally occupied enclave. Furthermore Israel instigated October 7th with its constant terror and murder campaign in the illegally occupied West Bank with illegal settlers. The IDF via the Hannibal Directive murdered countless Israeli’s on October 7th, and have murdered Israelis raising white flags. I am afraid you do not get it…
Gaza is part of what one may hope to be a future Palestinian state,if its leaders become sane.There were no Israeli troops in Gaza on Oct 7.Hamas intermittently fired rockets into Israel-people should not have to live under rocket fire.
Jake..pull yourself away from CNN and the propaganda. Israeli troops with regularity invade Gaza, and have bombed Gaza since 2006 and before. Hamas will win this, they have already beaten Israel all over the world. Israel is now just another psychotic child killer state whose right to exist diminishes by the day…
“people should not have to live under rocket fire.”
Unless of course you be the people of Gaza. Then it’s “righteous” and “just”.
So, if Hamas doesn’t do what they should do, then Israel should be justified in whatever slaughter that might ensue? And one can’t possibly see anything catastrophic happening by an attack on a city packed with 1.5 million people, mostly those who fled from Israeli bombardments in the North. And they have no safe place left to flee. But when it happens, you can blame Hamas once again for Israel’s justified barbarism.
“As long as (Palestinians remain in Gaza) Israel will continue to attack and people of Gaza will die in the (targeted) fire.”
A real concerted effort must be made by the world to completely banish Israel from all trade, sports and isolate they until them come to their senses. This is very doubtful sadly. If not their removal from the UN and all world bodies must take place.
Oh-but no one dares speak of China and its occupation of Tibet, Russian missiles pounding Ukrainian cities,the murderous attacks on Turkey’s Kurds-Holding the one small country in the world to a higher standards is…..
Who is China mass murdering in Tibet?? Who are the Chinese sharpshooters deliberately targeting woman and children in Tibet?? What Chinsese planes are demolishing everything in site??You are sad, because you come here being a brazen supporter of terrorism, mass murder, and apartheid but are too chicken to admit it…cluck cluck!
80 Percent of Global Famine Is Currently in Gaza, UN Expert Warns
“In my life, I’ve never seen anything like this in terms of severity, in terms of scale, and then in terms of speed.”
A reminder for responsible officials of the US, UK, EU and other governments supporting and enabling the genocide in Gaza:
I understand that legal advisors to the UK foreign ministry have already begun to warn officials there.
It will take a long time, probably a year or two, but it is extremely likely that the ICJ is going to ultimately issue a final ruling finding Israel responsible for genocide.
The definition of genocide in the Genocide Convention has been adopted in the 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Perhaps none of the world leaders making this massive slaughter possible will be hauled into the dock in the Hague and end up serving the long terms of imprisonment they richly deserve, but I wouldn’t be too confident if I were one of them (except for Biden, who is judgment-proof, if for no other reason than that he’s unlikely to be fit to stand trial, if he lives long enough to face the possibility). And I expect that more than a few of those too-clever thugs will be very careful about choosing travel destinations in future years.
There will be no world leaders in the court. It will be hard to prove the Israel has intentionally committed genocide. Civilians losses in urban combat are a fact of war. The fact that Hamas built their forts under civilians structures and that Hamas started this battle, makes Hamas just as responsible for civilians losses as Israel.
The combination of the above information with that fact the powerful nations can and will influence the out come of this court means that leaders are not going to be on trial.
So your defense can be summarized as:
The US and Israel are definitely intentionally genociding Palestinians, we are proud of it, and there is nothing you can do about it.
“The fact that Hamas built their forts under civilians structures and that Hamas started this battle, makes Hamas just as responsible for civilians losses as Israel.”
An improvement. You actually gave Israel at least some responsibility for their decision to inflict collective punishment on the people of Gaza. Hamas made the decision to attack on their own. Just like Israel decided to wantonly kill civilians on their own.
“It will be hard to prove the Israel has intentionally committed genocide.”
Either you didn’t read the filing in the case so far, and the preliminary ruling, or you didn’t understand them. This proceeding is much more likely than not to end in a genocide conviction for Israel.
“The fact that Hamas built their forts under civilians structures and that Hamas started this battle, makes Hamas just as responsible for civilians losses as Israel.”
You don’t understand even the most basic principles of criminal liability.
“Yeah, but that’s for African countries, not close allies we actually care about.”
Don’t be too sure. Read the ICJ interim ruling.
Netanyahoo has already made it plain that they own the US Congress. It’s like a running joke.
I fail to find the humor in that joke.
Well they own the White House as well. Biden is holding his nose until the end of the election cycle, at which point we might have managed to kill and/or mutilate 50-100,000 or more Palestinian civilians. If he wins, he’ll I’m sure take a strong stand against the Israelis.
Biden has made where he really stands completely clear with his endorsement of this atrocity.
Tragically, the president is a coward…. Am I surprised?
because nobody, and i mean nobody out PIZZAs the HUT
Apropos of nothing in particular:
The warnings are piling up:
Ha Ha … Good one.
Wanna tell us why you sneer?
Growing criticism??? What a fucking pathetic joke.