The US is purposely blocking a Yemen peace deal that was negotiated between the Houthis and Saudi Arabia, The New York Times reported on Tuesday.
The US decision to re-designate the Houthis as “Specially Designated Global Terrorists” will block the payment of public sector workers living in Houthi-controlled Yemen, who have gone without pay for years.
The payment of civil workers has been a key demand of the Houthis and is part of the first phase of the peace deal. The Houthis had asked for the salaries to be paid for using oil revenue that goes to the Saudi-backed Yemeni government, whose leaders are mainly based in Saudi Arabia. It’s unclear if the Saudi side agreed to the Houthi demand or if they decided to pay the salaries using other means.
The first phase of the peace deal would also fully open Yemen’s airports and sea ports that have been under blockade since 2015, another aspect of the deal that will be complicated by the new US sanctions, which will go into effect later this month.
A US official told the Times that the US would only allow the payment of Yemeni civil salaries if the Houthis choose the path of “peace” and stop attacking shipping in the Red Sea. But the Houthis, who govern the most populated area of Yemen, have been clear the operations will only stop once the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza ends.
Instead of pressuring Israel to stop its onslaught, President Biden launched a new war against the Houthis, which has dramatically escalated the situation. The Houthis are now targeting American and British commercial shipping, and there’s no sign they will back down.
Since January 12, the US has launched at least 18 rounds of missile strikes on Houthi-controlled Yemen. President Biden has acknowledged the strikes are not “working” since they haven’t stopped Houthi attacks. But he vowed to continue bombing Yemen anyway.
The US supported a Saudi/UAE-led coalition in Yemen in a brutal war that killed at least 377,000 people between 2015 and 2022. More than half of those killed died of starvation and disease caused by the bombing campaign and blockade.
A truce between the Saudis and Houthis has been held since April 2022, but a formal peace deal hasn’t been signed. Despite the new US bombing campaign, the Saudis and Houthis appear determined not to restart the war. When President Biden launched his bombing campaign in Yemen, Saudi Arabia urged the US to “avoid escalation.”
This week, a Houthi official said the Yemeni group was ready to formally make peace with the Saudis. “Sanaa is prepared for peace with Riyadh despite the challenges posed by the US and its associated Yemeni groups,” said Hussein al-Ezzi, the Houthi deputy foreign minister.
Some members of the US and Saudi-backed Yemeni presidential council are calling for a ground campaign against the Houthis. But the council does not have much influence and is known in Yemen as the “government of hotels” since many of its members are in exile.
This is beyond sad.
Yes … but the emperor’s naked evil has never been more obviously on display … end of an era, either way.
And apparently has dementia. The other day, Mr. Biden confused Mitterand with Macron while making a speech. Mitterand has been dead since 1996.
This sounds more like Alzheimers than dementia. The affliction seems to result in past events being remembered vividly.
What a pity Joe did not die in infancy. NOT ONE aspect of his life has benefited humanity.
Since Vietnam we had a chain of CRIME SYNDICATS in government. The current crime family is the worst, the Bush administrations compete with genocide Biden to be the worst.
We had? Lol.
Another “American” in the blog.
since Nov of ’63 …
Indeed, it is the end.
Where the US goes they leave scorched earth behind, they destroyed most of the ME. They are a wrecking crew, any nation not succumbing to them is toast.
“The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.”
-Princess Leia Organa
Who was going to pay these civil workers?
Are the Saudis US vassals too?
Of course they are, it may change soon.
To bring peace to the ME Zionist Israel has to be demilitarized or expelled from the ME, they are the trouble.
We have no business blocking an agreement between two sovereign nations.
The Houthis are not a sovereign nation. In any case, Houthis knowing full well that their decision to fire on international shipping would result in US classifying them as terrorists. The Houthis chose firing on ships over a peace agreement with the Saudis.
Is that like the Russia you so much support that has been classifying Ukrainians as Nazis and Terrorists for wanting to be free and independent?
It’s the Ukrainians that are self identifying as Nazis and them being terrorists is self evident.
The US are trouble where ever they go, they leave scorched earth behind,
But don’t you claim to live in America and take money from that trouble? If it was that bad, you could move out.
Must be nice to criticize the US government and wish for Death to America while taking their free chicken.
The Houthis did NOT. They were ready to sign and the usual suspects of Genocide Joe refused to stop the genocide which iw the reason for the shipping targets ONLY of Israel-aiding ship.
The Houthis chose to try to stop a genocide. When the genocide took a break, the Houthis stopped their attacks. You can ignore that fact like Biden, Kirby and our MSM, but it has been their stated goal from day one.
The Houthis are not a sovereign nation.
It’s not the Houthis that are ruling from luxury hotels in Riyadh.
Yemen is a sovereign nation, a UN member since 1947.
Have the Houthis been connected to the hivemind of the west’s amorphous “rules based international order?” In any case the Houthis chose firing on ships over ignoring Genocide.
Ukraine is a sovereign nation too and that didn’t stop your Russian emperor from invading and annexing them.
And You obviously don’t have a problem with that one.
The Houthis chose violence so now they are being met with more violence in reciprocity.
It was all cool until they woke the dragon.
I absolutely have a problem with the US government’s insane Russophobia, unbounded greed and corruption and misplaced megalomaniac quest for world domination. At world history’s singular moment when the greatest power it had ever seen had no competitor and held in it’s hands the greatest of opportunities to choose Peace over War the US ignored all the wise council and dire pleas and chose instead, War.
John Quincy Adam’s predicted the great tragedy that would befall America’s founding values and principles were it to “go abroad in search of monsters to destroy” but America became worse than even he imagined – it became a Monster, the greatest of powers – the greatest of Monsters.
You can tell yourself whatever convenient or inventive lies you need, believe unquestioningly all the fantastic mendacity this government constructs to deny reality but it can not change it nor alter the history already written. Genocide, the Crime of Crimes, called so because it is the most heinous and barbaric act of inhumanity of which man can conceive, the act of which only Monsters are capable.
Actually, the Houthis ARE a soverign nation. They won the civil war. What the US pretends is sovereign is a powerless government in exile, located in Saudi Arabia.
Says Very Low Potential 1730 after been supporting Russia who has been blocking agreements between neighboring countries for decades.
Your grammar is atrocious. I suggest you request better ESL training.
I’m not sure that the US has the ability to block the agreement. Saudi Arabia has plenty of options to respond to US sanctions.
This is terribly disappointing and frankly disgusting.
Houthis chose war over peace. What are you going to do?
Houthis won the war at home against the American supported Yemenis.
They won the war in your Russian home, maybe.
Stop enabling a genocide and the attacks stop. Seems pretty simple. And even if the Houthis did choose war, how exactly does that make them terrorists? If choosing war was the prerequisite for being labeled as terrorists, the US would have no peers. But as usual, you’re good with innocents facing famine.
And the Saudis chose Yemen over the Empire..
What are you going to do?..
Fall, that’s what you’re going to do.
And the Saudis chose Yemen over the Empire?
Where’s that?
They are just trying broker a peace deal.
Don’t fall, we don’t need sh!t all over the floor.
Actually China brokered the peace deal last year, the Saudis are just attempting to implement it.
Where’s that?
Not in the Red Sea.
No, the US chose genocide over peace.
The Houthis are fulfilling their obligation under the ICJ ruling obliging member states to act to prevent genocide. Washington criminality here is patent, flaunting the court and directly assisting the genocide.
And all so that Israel can continue to wipe out people.
On Paper Only…!
I agree.
Still enough to starve plenty of people.
FJB the genocidal warmonger: FGJ!
This about sums it up; the criminal enterprise that is the us govt is not even trying to hide its evil policies; I think the one of “classic absurdity” is what caitlin detailed on another article herein, “we do not seek a wider war but send in the bombers.” That says it all without further comment.
It’s so sad that the country that controls the Petrodollar, doesn’t get to have a say on this matter.
Actually, their “say” has been to move from the Petrodollar to the chinese currency for a significant part of their oil sales, and they have cut back on T-Bills for their soverign wealth fund too, so they are making their vote.
The demented old man in the White House simply chooses not to notice as the entire Dollar system re-created by Nixon and Treasury Secretary Connally in August 1971 at Camp David (the “Nixon Shock”) simply falls apart.
The damage is getting worse, and with it the foundations of the power that Biden is misusing and wasting away.
They say alot of things. But in the end, they still have to stick to Petrodollar to some extend so they don’t turn into another Iraq or Libya.
This peace deal between Saudi Arabia and North Yemen was signed before Hamas attack on Israel, and Saudi Arabia took it to UN Security Ciuncil for consideration. The Agreement carries the name of Yemen (Sana’a), the near equivalent of former state of North Yemen. Not Houthis (one Yemen clan).
The Agreement was accepted by the Southern Secessionists. The role of the Government in the city of Aden has not been clear for a while. Saudi Arabia and UAE have not included its officials in any negotiations.
After US started bombing Yemen, many officisls and what was left of their military have been publicly abandoning it. This hapoened after this government issued a support for US and Israel. An instant death for its already questionsble existence. It is not clear why this orovisional givernment in Aden is still called “Saudi supported”. Saudi Arabia for years has been begotiating with Sana’a government as well as Southern Secessionists. There is no information on funding of this entity, but indications are that Saudis are still funding the zombie entity simply to prevent US from getting ensconced in Aden.
US would have never approved of any peace deal that woukd leave it out of Arabia. side of Bab Al-Mandeb.
The peace deal has become pissible and will remain solud due to Iranian-Saudi coordination.
It is still unclear if all the Southern secessiinists are on board with the deal. But with the specter of Gaza haunting the region. It appears less and less likely that US support of Israel will resukt in any party clamoring for US participation in the final peace accord.
Micronesia mignt and who else is the US’s paid UNGA vote?
US will block the peace deals until China and Russia, with help of the local population, clean Asia and Africa from Anglo-Saxon influence.
I loathe the asses in this administration. Hoping for a big upset in November.
Well past time to throw out the trash.
Honest statement: I hope no one wins.
The people can break free of representative democracy by collectively accomplishing your hope that no one wins the next election. Make a stalemate in the next federal election; write in None of the Above.
Herd all the federal and state elected positions into a stalemate, it would be a grand victory over totalitarian corporatism and we the people would gain the freedom to evolve and grow into a modern culture able to address real problems that actually are existential security issues.
My hope is that at least one of the old and obviously failing men will be medically unable to run by November. A forced replacement.
It is not at all clear who might suddenly emerge from such events, but “dark horse candidates” have won before. It would be one more time. Lincoln is often on the list of winning dark horse candidates.
Why can the USA get away with this new lot of ILLEGAL sanctions???? Why does the world allow the toxic plans of the USA, ALWAYS destructive and one-sided, to be followed? Blackmail is NOT to be tolerated.
The only way to beat US is through economic means… And that is happening as we speak through BRICS+…! 37 countries are in queue…!
We the people can be victorious over corporatism by cutting back spending where possible and paying down credit card debt. Spring is nigh; Plan, prepare and plant as big a garden as possible. Create community gardens on unused lots near public transportation routes.
Corporate capitalism is very weak, Discuss a new form of government while organizing cooperative gardens.
I assume you don’t live in the US. Anyone living in the US and wishing that country to fail and be defeated is sell out and a giant POS Hypocrite.
As we speak, the BRICS is walking on a tight rope and it’s struggling to avoid becoming a sh!t stain in the world. It’s a real joke and I laugh at your statement.
Our Country succeeds when our Empire fails.
Bric’s nations have competent governments, all we have are killers, in the process to kill the hegemon empire.
We have chik-ken shit government, no statesman with any integrity as far as the eyes can see.
This is the second comment on this thread in which you claim someone else is not really an American. In each case, checking their history, they are.
You however appear to be an Israel genocidal extremist who is mining US politics for the funds to kill helpless children.
That is a foreign interference is US politics that is illegal when any other nation does it.
No, it is not illegal for someone from another country to say something you don’t like.
Original 5 nations of BRICS – 33% of world GDP
7 nations of the G7 – 31%
G7 -31% and sinking fast.
Biden is killing the EU and NATO, Putin can lean back and enjoy watching the slaughter by the US of the it’s own allies.
Who would have thought they would throw their own allies under the bus?
It never occurred to me that they wouldn’t. Of course I’ve read a lot more history than most people, and from a lot more viewpoints than most.
Let us hope you are right!
You don’t need the BRICS to beat the Yankee Empire. The Yankee Empire is destined to sink in a ocean of debt.
did not realize we were committing wage theft in addition to war against the people of Yemen.
LOL. Dude! Where have you been? We put the word “starving” in “starving people.” We put the word “genocide” in “genocide.”
The criminal Biden gang leaves me speechless. They are extremely sadistic people. We know Biden is senile, but he was brutal and sadistic before that.
Politicians are liars, but this gang beats all, they have been at it for decades.
Houthis want Peace now?
Well, it’s very simple. They need to drop their Death wishes BS to America and stop behaving like Hamas or else, there will be more Death to Houthis, in the name of Peace and Allah, of course.
You’re very simple.
Are you as sadistic as you sound?
Sadistic? I suspect Israeli, which means criminal, and genocidal.
Another article from NYT blowing smoke up my a$$. This reminds me of the debacle of setting a price ceiling on Russian oil. Total absurd shiny turdy BS. NYT, Stop blowing smoke up my a$$! …Wait, sorry. Disregard. I don’t read your articles anyway.