The US is threatening to kill a peace plan for Yemen that was negotiated between the Houthis and the Saudis if the Houthis continue attacking shipping in the Red Sea, which the group has been doing in response to Israel’s assault on Gaza.
The Guardian reported that the Houthis and Saudis have reached a peace deal that could satisfy all the major parties involved, even the Southern Transition Council, a UAE-backed group that wants to see the restoration of North and South Yemen as two separate countries, as they were before Yemen was unified in 1990.
The peace plan has been presented to the UN, but the details have not been disclosed to the public. According to The Guardian, the agreement involves three phases, and a potential US plan to redesignate the Houthis as a “foreign terrorist organization” could prevent the first phase from being implemented.
The first phase involves depositing money into accounts for the payment of civil salaries for workers in Houthi-controlled areas and fully opening airports and sea ports that have been under blockade since 2015. A US terrorist designation would mean any entity that does business with the Houthis would be subject to US sanctions, making both steps impossible to implement without the parties involved facing penalties.
The White House said last month that it was considering redesignating the Houthis as terrorists in response to the attacks in the Red Sea and Houthi missile launches toward Israel. The Trump administration labeled the Houthis as terrorists in January 2021, but the move was quickly reversed by President Biden due to warnings from aid groups that it would doom food-deprived Yemenis living in Houthi-controlled areas.
The Houthis govern Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, and most of the territory that used to be the country of North Yemen, which is where 70-80% of Yemen’s population lives. Civilians in Houthi-controlled territory have faced dire food shortages due to the US-backed Saudi-led war and blockade that started in 2015. According to the UN, the war has killed at least 377,000 people. More than half died due to starvation and disease caused by the siege.
Yemenis have had some relief as a ceasefire reached in April 2022 has held relatively well, and the blockade has been eased somewhat. But according to the UN, about two-thirds of the population is still reliant on aid. Until the Yemen peace deal is implemented, there is always a risk of the war reigniting, especially if the US or Israel bomb the Houthis in response to the attacks in the Red Sea.
The Guardian report said that the US warning to the Houthis demonstrates “the price the US is willing to pay” to continue supporting Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza, which has killed at least 18,000 Palestinians, including over 7,000 children.
US, you are behaving even more psychotic than me…
Way more, Donna. Way, way, way more.
You sound pretty normal to me and I think I am normal, that is why I am so angry and outraged.
Yeah, lets fucking starve some people. That’ll work.
You totally rock MAN.
Wars is our ROCK!
“Killing a PEACE DEAL” is the height of cynicism….
That is demented Joe for you, he is preventing it in Ukraine and Gaza too, that is all the old bag knows. As president is a big fat zero.
I am voting for Alfred E. Newman.
I think by now he might be below zero, into the negative category.
Thank you, I forgot below zero, I thought Zero is about as low as it goes.
Peace is a threat to elites. When a population is at peace they tend to notice who the enemy really is.
Our washing machine almost exploded just now….Everything is so entirely volatile….;-)
The US is a most destructive power. They are acting like a bunch of idiots with a hysterical temper tantrum in an insane asylum.
They build nothing, no great architecture, not even an efficient modern day infrastructure, run down cities, not a hint of high speed trains or outstanding airports, only ware-houses with fake front shopping malls and little rundown shacks along the roads, asphalt and concrete as far as the eye can see, with all the leaning wooden utility poles along the roads even in buildup towns a real second world look.
The US looks like an empire about to go down the sh*thole.
The oligarchs don’t give a damn as long as the money rolls in, wars serve that purpose.
All I know demented Joe must go.
I did not know how evil the demented old man really is, I voted for him, the lesser of two evil. NEVER AGAIN !!!!
Same here.
No matter who you vote for, you always get
John McCainJoe Biden.You are right, that is enough reason not to waste my time, I have decided never to vote again in a democracy that is a façade only, government owned by oligarchs. We are being governed by war-criminals, baby-killers and more.
Reminds me of this guy I found on YouTube. He seems to know what he’s talking about.
Great comedians are truthtellers. He is still current and valid.
That’s why the powers that be try to outlaw comedy.
Always include
John McCain, like you do, as to remind everyone of what a warmongering pig he was.US does not want this deal to start with. War started when US FBI educated Minister of the Interior was pushed through to become Crown Prince, one Mohammed Bin Nayef. The idea was to get the most populous North Yemen region with capital Sana’a to acquiesce to Saudi/US control by keeping the entire territory of Yemen together. Clinton’s product, united Yemen consisting of North Yemen, an ancient cuvilization majority Shia, and South Yemen, a collection of former Southern Sultanates, Emirates and Sheikdoms, majority Sunni.
This was not going to last. But US saw a chance of a weak state, a perfect opportunity to out a base on the Arabian side of Bab Al Mandeb straits. Saudi Crown Prince was on board, and war agaist Zaidi Yemen — called Houthis by the name of the biggest clan. This is deliberste to represent them as itrelevant instead of 1000 year old culture. But the same Prince bet on US seriousness to establish a Sunni stare between Uraq and Syria, but Russian entry ended this. With US now backing off Islamic state idea, Saudis have faced catastrophy. War in Yemen was turning out into control of South and the Straits, and the fear of being blocked in Red Sea.
One palace coup later, Saudis have diversified their policy and geopolitical orientation resulting in final negotiated settlement between Saudis,
Notth Yemen and South secessionists. This deal would prevent US from getting a foothold on Arabian side of Straits, leaving shipping free in international waters and Yemeni exclusive economic zone.
This is nor acceptabke, so UN deal cannot be reached.
Something sounds fishy. Houthis knew of the perils by attacking Israeli interests. So do Saudis, Yet, they are coming out with the deal? Have they been intending to cut USvout of the deal all along? Giving US no other option but to walk out?
With everyone locally being in agreement, what will stop them?
Yemen has oil, you know, 3 billion barrels of oil and 17 tcf of natural gas.
U.S. Threatens … Our Legacy as a nation.
So is using 2 nuclear bombs on 2 Japanese cities. So is 4 millions killed in Korea, 4 millions killed in Vietnam, etc. etc.
Attacks have consequences.
You can ask Russia, US. Israel, Hezbollah, Hamas among many others.
Houthi are the ones who risk destroying the peace deal by their stupid attacks.
Right. The US on the other side of the world doing “self-defense” is never the cause.
They are doing what they can to stop a genocide and ethnic cleansing in action … how weird of them not to put themselves and their own interests first.
Well what is with all the pot shots at local shipping? I am all for peace but that sort of stuff seems to demand a response.
It’s up to Saudis and Houthis… Not US…!
Every time this administration takes some arbitrary action, it risks blowback. I can almost hear the howling from the White House the next time some nation declares OUR troops to be terrorists, or seizes OUR assets.
The value of the US dollar is already being eroded by agreements to trade in other currencies. Other nations are thinking twice about purchasing and retaining US debt. Raising interest rates/return on investment may stem the flow. But it also increases the payments that must come from current spending.
It’s hard to believe that one man could do so much damage to the US economy in such a short amount of time.
A north and south Yemen would screw the Houthis out of most of Yemen’s natural resources. The sparsely populated S. Yemen would control over 90% of Yemen’s oil wealth. The Houthis are not stupid, perhaps it includes a formula for sharing natural resources.
But yeah, the U.S. is a criminal organization.
That’s why whatever the Houthis are doing is lame and unproductive. Iran should step up and do their own dirty work or tell those clowns to cut it out.