The White House started its military operations against Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force and Shia militias in Iraq and Syria on Friday. The Biden administration pledged to strike Iranian targets in the Middle East after three US soldiers were killed by a drone attack in Jordan last week. The White House signaled that the campaign against Iran and Shia militias will involve several rounds of strikes.
US Central Command (CENTCOM) reported its forces dropped over 100 bombs on 85 targets. “CENTCOM forces conducted airstrikes in Iraq and Syria against Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force and affiliated militia groups,” according to the statement posted on X. “US military forces struck more than 85 targets, with numerous aircraft to include long-range bombers flown from United States. The airstrikes employed more than 125 precision munitions.”
Earlier this week, the Biden administration leaked to the media that it planned to conduct strikes on Iranian military targets outside of Iran and that the operations would take place in several waves of strikes.
CENTCOM claims the targets were hit in response to attacks on US soldiers in Iraq and Syria. “The facilities that were struck included command and control operations centers, intelligence centers, rockets, and missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicle storages, and logistics and munition supply chain facilities of militia groups and their IRGC sponsors who facilitated attacks against US and Coalition forces,” the statement added.
However, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin admitted that the US could not directly link Iran to the drone attack on US soldiers in Jordan. When asked by a reporter how much Iran knew about the Jordan drone attack or if it was operationally involved, Austin said, “You know, we believe that this was done by an element of what is known as the Axis of Resistance, and these are Iranian proxy groups. And how much Iran knew or didn’t know, we — we don’t know, but it really doesn’t matter because Iran sponsors these groups.”
US forces in the Middle East have been attacked over 150 times by a group known as the Islamic Resistance of Iraq. The militants say they are targeting American soldiers over Washington’s support for the Israeli genocide in Gaza.
Iran says it is not directing the attacks against American forces in the Middle East. On Monday, Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh admitted Washington had no evidence that Iran directed the attack.
Earlier this week, Iran and Iraq worked to de-escalate the situation. Kataib Hezbollah, a core member of the Islamic Resistance of Iraq, announced it would cease attacks on Americans in the region at the request of Tehran and Baghdad. Additionally, Reuters reported that the IRGC was working to remove its forces from Iraq and Syria to reduce tensions.
Still, the Biden administration pressed ahead with strikes that could lead to a wider war in the Middle East. In January, the New York Times spoke with American officials who were concerned that it was only “a matter of time” before a US soldier was killed in the Middle East. The official feared that Biden would not “let such attacks go without a response” and that “the conflict in the region might be getting worse, not better.”
The White House has not sought approval from Congress for its bombing campaigns in the Middle East. Israel’s brutal war in Gaza has provoked a rash of retaliation against Israeli and American assets in the region.
In Yemen, CENTCOM has conducted 11 waves of bombing attempting to break the Houthis blockade of Israeli-linked shipping. A growing number of Congressmen on both sides of the aisle have called on the Biden administration to seek authorization before conducting further strikes. Before Biden bombed Iraq and Syria, Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) threatened to introduce articles of impeachment against the president if he bombed Iran.
Kyle Anzalone is the opinion editor of, news editor of the Libertarian Institute, and co-host of Conflicts of Interest.
Note that any Iranian soldiers in those nations are there at the request of those governments. Iraq ran ISIS out of Iraq only with the help of the Iranian army. Iranian troops are in Syria after responding to an official UN member request for help to repel foreign invaders known as ISIS.
Any American troops in those countries may come home in body bags. Biden & Co. took the bait. No mention of “colateral damage”,aka, dead civilians. Also, we used a B-1 bomber??????????
“Any American troops in those countries may come home in body bags” And that will make you happy.
I don’t think that many of the mostly Americans here commenting if any wish or want to see dead Americans. What we would like to see is a more honest foreign policy based more on mutual respect than military domination and less confrontations that produce shooting & warfare. How is it possible that a genocide rages almost before our eyes and no one or state steps in and says ENOUGH!!!!!!!!! Can you hear me China? Time 2be a hero who ends the Gazacide! If China & Russia tell Israel stop, its over.
Umm, many of the mostly Americans here commenting if any….?
There is probably 4 to 6… tops.
Umm, many of the mostly Americans here commenting if any….?
There is probably 4 to 6… tops.
“If China & Russia tell Israel stop, its over”
Tell is not enough
All of this would end if the US stops giving Israel money and guns.
Clearly trolling you to get an emotional response. The Notorious T.I.M
“I don’t think that many of the mostly Americans here commenting if any wish or want to see dead Americans” There are a few and vip1730 is one of them.
This is mean spirited . Everyone is expressing FEAR of what might happen to our young men and women. They are not there to protect our nation, but to protect the interests of arrogant men obsessed with greed and power.
But it all went wrong a while ago. Risking our future, our peace and prosperity. Let us remember who put them in harm’s way, and the same ones are now piously bombing away to avoid any talk of accountability.
American imperialism made America poorer, not richer. Unlike British imperialists who were financed by private companies, American imperialists are financed from US budget. Ordinary taxpayers are paying for US imperialism while all the profit is going to the private companies and to corrupted politicians.
Not mean spirited by me.
Hypocrite. You support Russia in Ukraine.
Not everybody can pick losers to squander billions on. Some states avoid picking fights with stronger militaries. Dont worry we will give you what it takes to WIN!!!!
Sure man, I’m not worried.
Yeah, standing by.
Sure man, I’m not worried.
Yeah, standing by.
Hard to believe that the Iraqis cant down that old junk. Kinda makes one wonder why they would not use more up to date aircraft
That “old junk” has the same radar signature as an F-16 and carries 70,000 pounds of bombs.
For three dead Americans (who should not have been there in the first place), an overwhelming military reaction that will undoubtably leave many magnitudes more dead. This will solve nothing. Expect some serious pushback. Duck, run for cover, here comes WWIII.
If not WWIII, there will be h*ll on earth for the remaining troops. Iran and Hezbollah have been trying hard not to escalate. At some point……………….
Hezbollah has been trying hard not to escalate by attacking Israel?
You are a clueless blogger. Wow
Of course Iran and Hezbollah are not very much enthusiastic in their support of Hamas. They still remember how Hamas together with Israel and ISIS helped US to topple Assad.
“an overwhelming military reaction”? That counter strike was on the light side.
Russia bombing and placing Russian troops on Ukrainian territory: BAD!
America bombing and putting American troops on Iraqi and Syrian territory:
Maybe that’s because Ukraine and Russia most of their history were one state while USA either didn’t existed or existed only within their current borders.
About some 30 years ago, the leaders of USA decided it is their time to colonize the world.
The US has been a terrorist nation bombing people with less technology from its beginning.
Colonization always worked this way: nations with higher technology were taking under their control lands populated by people who had lower technology.
Many people north of the Mexican border are figuring this out.
Russia was annexing much of Ukraine (i.e. the Cossack Hetmanate and the Zaporozhian Sich) over pretty much the same time period that Great Britain was losing control over its colonies in North America.
Ukrainians had nothing to do with Cossacks. Ukrainian ethnos appeared as a result of Polish occupation of the lands which are now central and western Ukraine. Poland never had under their rule Cossacks.
Rand Paul
Without question, any president — Republican or Democrat — that wants to take us to war or commit significant acts of war has to come to Congress.
To deaf ears. These Constitutionalists are 100 years behind their time.
Do Biden and the Democrats have to come B4 congress to be legally able to contribute American bombs to Israel for their genocide in Gaza???? And if U.S. bombs are used, is the U.S. & it’s leaders guilty of genocide???
The answer to your questions are no and no.
Actually, the answers are:
“Yes, and it is illegal, in any case, to provide US weapons for other than defensive purposes.”
“We shall see, and no one should be confident that the answer doesn’t turn out to be yes.”
Which exactly how the US weapons are being used. Did you forget who started the current battle between Hamas and Israel? Thus the weapons are being used to defend Israel.
As for US leaders being convict of genocide, put your smoking pipe away. It is just not going to happen. It is just your pipe dream.
The Republicans are just as much supporters of the
Gaza slaughter as the Dems, if not more so.
Is giving bombs to a state knee deep in acts of genocidal conduct, is it & it’s leaders of genocide??? Or is the state only responsible for war crimes
100 bombs … but let’s see if there are any verifiable casualties (I sure hope none or very few). If they are aiming for an election year show, then bombing empty buildings will serve as well. I sure hope so anyway.
As of about noon ET on 2/3, reports are that “dozens of militants” have been killed.
The US media, of course publishes this sort of thing stenographically, never considering that these claims routinely turn out to be untrue and many of the dead and injured are often innocent civilians.
We are starting yet another elective war in the Middle East against countries that have never attacked us!
No, we are not.
Move on.
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
Déjà vu all over again.
But I don’t think they really want to start a wider war. At least, the Pentagon doesn’t, because those guys understand that it would be a very costly and risky war that we probably couldn’t win.
What we’re seeing now is, I think, a show of force considered necessary to prevent loss of face and to maintain “American credibility.” The bad guys killed some of our people (who shouldn’t have been anywhere near where they were killed), so we have to be seen as responding in a big way.
They are probably being quite careful not to hit anyone or anything that would force Iran to respond in a big way itself. Of course, they aren’t all that good at being careful and they have repeatedly demonstrated a remarkable ability to fuck up wet dreams, so . . . fingers crossed.
How true this news is, depends on the strength of the Iranian retaliation. I still remember their “revenge” attack that costed zero deaths.
Have to wonder how many shepherds, weddings, and funerals we’re gonna blow up to avenge the three squatters we had stationed in Jordan.
Looks like Biden wants to take a dump on the entire Middle East. Talk about intercontinental incontinence.
Way to go, ‘Merica!!!!
I’m sure these strikes have been de conflicted with Iran.
Iran threw their backed militias under the bus for acting independently and risking regional war, now the US bombs the said militia locations and then we all move on.
You b!tches get to blame the US for everything as usual and your WWIII wishes vanish. That’s it.
Cheering war on antiwar?
Your credibility pitched a tent on Mount Hypocrite.
LOL. You’re so polite. If I were looking for credibility, I would find more in my own bowel movements, which I flush down my toilet as soon as I can.
I find polite words are far more effective than all CAPS shouting.