UPDATE (Sunday, 1/21 7:30 am): Iranian and Syria media reported that five members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard were killed in Saturday’s attack by Israel on Damascus.
Four members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard serving in an advisory capacity were killed today in the Syrian capital of Damascus when Israeli warplanes struck a residential building they were staying in. Iran confirmed the deaths of the Guard members.
Syrian state media reported that the attack was carried out against the Mazzeh neighborhood by planes operating in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Israel has yet to comment on the incident.
The slain reportedly included a Quds force general, and the Revolutionary Guard identified the slain, but did not include their ranks or duties within Syria. Notably, the Guard’s names did not include the Quds force general, though it also did not deny he was killed. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported five Iranians and an unidentified Syrian were amongst the slain.
Syrian state media identified the killed Iranians simply as advisers, and Iran followed up the incident with a statement condemning Israel for “organized terrorism,” and threatened retaliation at a time and place of their choosing.
A witness reported hearing at least five separate explosions during the attack, and saw bodies being taken away, including three surviving wounded. The media reports said the building was heavily guarded at the time.
Iran has had advisory forces in Syria since 2011, and played a big role in trying to help them organize the fight during the protracted civil war. Israel presented this as a threat along their border, and has regularly attacked Iranian targets within Syria when it has identified them.
Without knowing more about the victims, it is impossible to know how much of an impact this will have on the Iranian mission within Syria, though if history is any indicator, it will not mean any kind of ending to it. With Israel escalating fighting in several border regions already and tensions soaring, Syria will no doubt hope for advice to continue apace.
Israel is so nice. Always makes time to bomb and kill people. I mean some days, I just want to drink and chill. Israel is like RAHHH, RAHHH, RAHHH all the time. It must be exhausting to be that nice.
Better to smoke weed. 🙂
Yes! Fire that baby up!!!! Israel is the spark that starts WWIII, so, be cool, mellow out……………………..nothing you or I can do about it. Be cool.
Hamas started WWIII on Oct 7.
And they were behind WWII
And how was that? Enlighten us.
You are insane and need to be committed.
If you don’t want to see the truth,that is not my problem.
What truth is that my genocidal friend?
Italy locked their Jews up in the Ghetto at night,Mussolini killed plenty more.Those days are over.
The truth is that there are many options, killing innocent women and children in extraordinarily large numbers is not one of them. There are other ways, you just refuse to see them.
So fi you were an Israeli,how would you respond to the sadistic Hamas massacre?
They one that was known about beforehand and helped along by the IDF?
“Known about before”-quite probably.Helped along-BS
By going after hamas, not by inciting mass civilian deaths and terrorism
Let us speak of the fine Pope who kept a kidnapped Jewish boy and refused to return him to his parents.
Lets point and accuse someone else for something else and see if that resolves our sin.
Get help. You need it
The good old days when a pogrom was not met with retaliation are over .We will not take it.
Do not render evil for evil, It just makes you evil
Jake, . Blugonia actually started all this ww3 on jan 14, 2007
– Aesop Rock
In any and all circumstances.
Israel are quite justly weakening the enemy forces send to kill them.
They are shedding innocent blood. Do you not think that God does not jear the prayer of a thousand mothers and grandmothers whos children are now dead and maimed?
God hears the prayers of the rightous, He is not a respector of isolated religous fanatic groups and their self justifications.
Neither god nor man heard the pain of the people murdered at Auschwitz. I have seen the sociology books of the time,discussing hatred in the good old USA.
God heard the pain in Auschwitz, not just of the innocent jewish, but of all the innocents peoples oppressed by the nazis, that would be jahova witnesses, handicapped children, russians, etc.
Side note, I actually visited Auschwitz in th 1990s
I believe God hears the prayers of all inncent people alikw who are totured and oppressed like an incense rising up from the earth and is saving those prayers in totality for a day of judgement soon to come.
Whereas, those who do not change their ways are not welcome.
One should not destroy Gods creation, nor covet the souls of men/women. If they do such things they have no future.
Even if one is an athiest, one shouls at least see the cowardess and ethical wrongdoing in bombing , maiming and killing thousands of chlidren
Netanyahu and his current gang of loonies have really screwed this up, and they probably know it. In classic double-down-on-dumb style, they have apparently decided that their best bet, now, is to go for a wider regional war that the US, and hopefully some of its lapdogs, is obligated to join.
Can sorta see and feel it getting closer as the escalation will get to the point where it won’t be possible to pullback. I don’t know about sleepwalking into war but it does seem like there is no diplomacy in this whole picture.
If it goes regional the next step which will be quick, is Global. From there we cease to exist
Tom Friedman’s Davos interview with Blinken provides a pretty clear example of the disgustingly-poor quality of what pass for US diplomacy:
An especially disgusting exchange starts at about 15:00. (Ray McGovern, watching this, said Friedman qualifies as a bobblehead.)
Crossing fingers to see Iran respond in kind… again!
no crossing fingers for peace. not hoping for tit for tat escalations
peace… What the fuck is that?!
From which Plantation are you fellow MMS?
Lying sacks of shit.
The important takeaway is that Israel would not be doing this if it hadn’t been given a green light to widen the war by the neocons – and that includes Biden. None of this BS reported about “the administration wants to avoid a wider war” is true – that’s pure CYA to avoid being blamed for starting it. This is why the US is using Israel to bait Iran and Hezbollah and Syria – the US needs Israel to avoid blame on the US and needs the Axis of Resistance to respond so they can blame it for the war. The Israelis don’t care if they get blamed as long as they can get the US to deal with their enemies; besides they can, as usual, hide behind “anti-Semitism” to escape blame.
If you haven’t watched this video, you need to:
Then as farce – The Grayzone live
Frankly, I find Ansar Allah (the Houthis) much more honest and refreshing. They want war and don’t give a shit what anyone else thinks. True warriors.
Yes, 100% this. Neocons are the greatest threat to human survival. They need to be dealt with sooner rather than later or we are all (as in the human species) going to end up in a nuclear war.
The globalists, the Chinese militarists, and, the so called progressives, are doing a very good job of leading to peridition
Actually it would seem the US both politically amd miliraily is leading everyone into perdition way ahead of any chinese military actions
Hate to dissapoint,but the pogromists are being sent a harsh message.
Do not render evil for evil
It is not evil to secure one’s survival.
It is evil to mass shed innocent women and childrens blood, by any side
Yeh, Jake, the dirty pogromists … tell us about the 40 babies they beheaded, … how they burned beautiful little Liel Hetzroni so bad it required a forensic archaelolgist to identify her remains, … tell us how the dirty pogromists roasted alive the innocent kibbutzim families in their homes with hellfire missiles and tank rounds … the mass rapes & mutilated genitals, … we know how much love picturing it in your mind’s eye, … do it again, your lurid litany, … and the mitzvah dance for righteous wrath to slaughter all the Amalekites, their women and children, sheep, and camels and asses
The horrible truth is self evident. No one should revel and mock it.
I’m sorry? do you still think anyone believes you?
totally on-brand for you to admire the Houthis dude. you’re a clown.
obviously Israel has a magic mirror so they can tell which residential building or hospital or school bus has 4 Iranian advisors holed-up inside
Yes, it is called good intel.
Its called bomb the shit out of anything and let the press deal with it.
Back home we call it terrorism.
Someone painted a gigantic Iranian flag on the roof.
Israeli operatives are sitting pretty in Azerbaijan. Maybe Iran doesn’t have to reach far to tag back?
the sale of Israeli tech and weapons to enable the Azeri slaughter and displacement of Armenians – no not 100+ years ago – but right now in our own time witnessed by the world. war pigs getting rich off of war and weapon sales. really disgusting yet what do American evangelical zionist idiots think about it? (hah if they think at all?)
Israel feels the need to commit great crimes: genocide and ethnic cleansing.
It knows it will need a great war to provide the required distraction.
Facing the an existential threat from its great enemy,has drawn Israel to the right.
Utilize Peace!
Israelis. Under assholes, it says see them.
The Holocaust Card, Don’t leave your air base without it.
Serves Iran right for being a giant eyesore in the desert. Also, how do you promise to defend Syria but you can’t defend your own generals and guards?