US Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer said Thursday that the Biden administration has not set a deadline on Israel’s war in Gaza and reiterated US opposition to a ceasefire.
“We have not given a firm deadline to Israel, not really our role. This is their conflict. That said, we do have influence, even if we don’t have ultimate control over what happens on the ground in Gaza,” Finer told the Aspen Security Forum.
Financial Times reported last week that the Israeli onslaught is expected to last over a year. US officials told CNN that they expect the current phase of the war, which involves constant airstrikes and a ground operation, would continue into 2024, and then Israel would narrow down its targeting to specific Hamas members, possibly by January.
Finer said the US supports Israel’s goal of ensuring that “Hamas can no longer govern,” although Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly stated his objective is the elimination of Hamas altogether. Finer said the US is “not in place yet of asking Israel to stop or for a ceasefire.”
There’s no indication that Israel is successfully taking out Hamas fighters, as its bombardment has incurred a massive civilian death toll. Gaza’s Health Ministry said Thursday that 17,177 Palestinians have been killed since Israel unleashed its campaign on October 7, and about 70% of the dead are women and children.
The Financial Times report cited a source who said Israel was not “near halfway to achieving our objectives.” The report also quoted an Israeli military source who estimated 5,000 Hamas members had been killed so far, while other reports put the toll at 1,000-2,000. But it’s unclear if the Israeli estimates are accurate.
The White House is insisting that Israel does not intentionally target civilians, but a report from +972 Magazine, citing Israeli intelligence sources, revealed the Israeli military is purposefully destroying civilian areas in an effort to put “civil pressure” on Hamas. One source told the magazine: “Nothing happens by accident. When a 3-year-old girl is killed in a home in Gaza, it’s because someone in the army decided it wasn’t a big deal for her to be killed — that it was a price worth paying in order to hit [another] target. We are not Hamas. These are not random rockets. Everything is intentional. We know exactly how much collateral damage there is in every home.”
“But it’s unclear if the Israeli estimates are accurate” But some how Hamas 17177 count is accurate. Interesting.
The Israelis are known liars.
Every progressive has a template against which it analyzes everything. US bbbbad,Israel Baaad.russia,China gooood.
As does every moron.
Go look in a mirror.
I did. And you were there.
Better than being a callous moron.
Maybe it has something to do with this:
The report also quoted an Israeli military source who estimated 5,000 Hamas members had been killed so far, while other reports put the toll at 1,000-2,000. But it’s unclear if the Israeli estimates are accurate.
Israel is still not talking about the Israelis who were gunned down by their own army on 7Oct, including the poster girl who was killed by a tank shell hitting the house she was in.
Even giving them credit for 5,000 Hamas killed, that means they’ve killed about 11,000 civilians including 7,000 children.
But I would expect the nothing less from the most moral Army in the World since the Waffen SS
After an invasion and pogrom,expect righteous self defense.
Yep, because we all know the IDF can’t beat a junior high paintball team without massive air support so they massacre civilians instead. Guess the way Hamas wasted them on October 7th has them quaking in their boots.
Many times,IDF took on and squashed multiple enemy armies. 194791948,1967,1973.
This ain’t 1973
This is where having a weak, pliable stooge as the figurehead president comes in handy.
Biden’s strong actions revived his electability,which is the goal of every politician.
It made Biden look decisive.
Well, yes, but Joe Biden has been a committed Zionist throughout his long public life. He has always been an active and eager defender and enabler of Israeli ethnic cleansing, settler colonialism and the apartheid state.
An interesting view of the actual ground fighting from Al Jazeera:
Nothing in this article should be a surprise, since urban warfare is a great equalizer.
But it also means all the more misery for the citizens of Gaza, since the IDF couldn’t beat a JV paintball team without massive air support.
Many brave men are dying on both sides. Israel has whupped massive,well equiped Arab Armies-1947-48-,1067,1973.
Maybe they can draft the 1973 veterans into this current war. They might be old but they’re still probably more capable than the IDF of 2023
So now you are a now an expert on military preparedness. Urban warfare is a well known mess,especially when there is an attempt to minimize civilian casualties.
Israel isn’t exactly doing that so they don’t have an excuse on that front
especially when there is an attempt to minimize civilian casualties.
You should be bitchslapped. Seriously, as in seriously bitchslapped.
Fuck you too.
The big pacifist advocates violence-HAHAHAHAHA
What does that even mean? Do you think I’m afraid to use my real name because I fear you might come kick my ass “jake”? Are you like one of those with a single name?
Yes it is an interesting view. Not sure how accurate it is, but what is shows is that the people of Gaza value killing of IDF soldiers over the lives of their own people.
Why would the US Federal Government put any restrictions on their Masters? AIPAC bought and paid for the traitors infesting DC and they are definitely getting their money’s worth
President Joe Biden got something like $3,500,000 dollars in AIPAC’s campaign contributions.
Israel is so nice. When it kills Palestinians, only “about 70% of the dead are women and children.”
Palestinian terrorists have never differentiated between civilian and soldier,between young and old,between men and women-they just kill.
As compared to who? Israel terrorists? Look at the number of deaths numbnuts.
Israel: army, navy, air force, weapons galore.
Palestinians: small arms, rocks, no army, no navy, no air force, no radar installations, no satellites, no Big Brother to assist them, no economy. And some ask who the terrorists are. Like Lowkey, complements of youtube:
Palestine,armed by the beast from the East,sacrificing its people for pie in the sky,instead of negotiating.
You’re such an A$$HOLE. Let me ask you a question: How can you find it in your heart to interrupt your best friend while he’s defending himself by killing innocent civilians? Apologize!
Hamas killed innocent civilians in Israel,and now is sacrificing its own troops and Gazans civilians to look tough.
He’s only serving his masters
Joe: It’s not really my role to interrupt Israel while they’re busy killing Palestinians with “about 70% of the dead are women and children.” Besides, can’t you see I’m busy in my role of using Ukrainians as cannon fodders?
And sending aircraft to patrol Guyana during the bickering between Guyana and Venezuela over some oil. Exxon/Mobile may have something to do with it…………….
“Bickering”? really?Venezuela would like to invade and seize 2/3 of Guyana. First they destroyed their own country,then they will destroy another,given the chance. Why are so many Venezuelan citizens coming here? To escape oppression.
When Exxon/Mobile is involved, Venezuela has a right to be concerned. Mr. “climate change” President Biden ordered the flights. The same guy signed more oil drilling,capture leases than Trump did. Isn’t that amazing?
Guyana is an independent country. t should be respected.Venezuela will happily sell fossil fuel,just as any other oil power does.
Hamas hides among civilians-civilians die. Ukranians fight bravely.
I would think that Russia would not have intervened had the Kiev/Azov murderers not bombarded Donbas for 8 years, killing around 14,000 Russian speaking UKRAINE CITIZENS. It triggered the Russian Responsibility To Protect those citizens. We, the “indispensable nation” knew full well what the consequence might be. We know what was going on, but the only thing on the pea brains in D.C. was “bleeding Russia”, after we drew other nations into NATO to encircle Russia. I don’t know why I am wasting keystrokes. You know. Oh, yes, you know.
The Ukrainians, the the separatists , and the Russians bombarded the Donbas for eight years, killing around 14,000 people (most of them Ukrainian, separatist, and Russian troops).
Putin only decided he had to “protect” civilians there once the death count got down to low double digits per year and peace seemed to be breaking out without the political outcome he preferred.
Man! I give up! There’s so much material in this article, it’s not my role to keep writing sarcastic posts against Joe Biden all day long.
Bowing before the Israel Defense Minister earlier this year
If there is one picture to summarize all what Biden is about, it is this one.
Bowing to his Master
Zionists brutally assaulted a gathering of anti-Zionist Jews celebrating a member of their group who refused Israeli occupation forces conscription being released from prison.
JFC. Hard to upvote
WOW. Clockwork Orange in Israel…………..
Every country has some people who would like to live as deadbeats.
You really try hard to be an asshole. And you are successful.
I see you in the same way,only worse.
I’m not the one condoning the deaths of innocents. Asshole.
Foreign Minister Eli Cohen announced on 5 December Israel’s decision to revoke the resident visa of UN humanitarian coordinator Lynn Hastings. The Israeli foreign minister’s remarks came on the heels of comments made by Hastings, in which she voiced concern for the Palestinian people after Israel resumed indiscriminate attacks on residential neighborhoods, hospitals, and UN shelters.
Apparently when the UN speaks to protect the civilians of Gaza in residential neighborhoods, hospitals, and UN shelters, the UN is being Anti-Semitic.
According to Israel’s Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant, Palestinian Semites are just Subhuman Animals. For the Palestinian people the “Star of David” is no better than the “Swastika”.
Israeli military surveillance video from the Gaza border from 7 October has disappeared. The UN must hold an investigation of the events on 7th October. Benjamin Netanyahu has been proven to be lying to us. Evidence now suggests that the IDF purposely murdered hundreds of Israeli’s that day and then blamed Hamas for their deaths.
Doom good post! The “Hamas invasion” was probably just one that sought to grab hostages to bargain for the release of some of the THOUSANDS of Palestinians being held without charge in Israeli jails. Israel set this operation up by allowing it to grab hostages before it opened fire on EVERYONE. The purpose of this was to blame Hamas for ALL the bloodshed, much like the Democrats/Deep State initially blamed President Trump for the deaths on January 6, which were proven to be the work of the DC Police! All the lies that came out on the heels of October 7 should be an indication that every facet of this episode is accompanied by a gigantic US/Israeli LIE!
Hamas assasination gangs committed every sort of atrocity imaginable,and now Gazans are paying a serious price.Are Palestinians better off,or worse off ? Hamas all along refused to negotiate,refused any sort of deal that would help Palestinians lives.
Israeli military surveillance video from the Gaza border from 7 October have disappeared. The UN must hold an investigation of the events on 7th October. Benjamin Netanyahu has been proven to be lying to us. Evidence now suggests that the IDF purposely murdered hundreds of Israeli’s that day and then blamed Hamas for their deaths.
This “evidence” is on Jupiter,no doubt.
If you stick your head up your backside far enough i think you can see Jupiter?
Kiss it
Only if you use a bidet
Only to encounter Tim Burns or Don Julio. All are the same person. The dialog is similar.
“All are the same person. The dialog is similar.”
Non sequitur.
I doubt that they are a single person. Apologists for Israel tend to read from and parrot the same talking points and excuses.
Truly wise conversation on your part. You must be at least 80 years old.
Jake, Tim, Julio, the trifecta of nonsense, you know better. You conveniently ignore what the IDF and the settlers have been doing, as well as evidence of the Hannibal Directive being utilized.
You were doing good until second part of you post. None of the deaths on J6 would have occurred had Mr. Trump not whipped up things. Yes, he said “be there, its going to be wild”. It was wild all right.
Its just stupid to accuse Trump of inciting an insurrection that never happened.
He incited a riot.
Which had as its goal an insurrection to stop the process of the formality of certifying the election, leading to the transfer of the presidency. A riot that let to millions of dollars ($2,881,360.20)
of damage to the capitol the deaths of 5 individuals, injuries to more than 100 capitol police officers. The images of the mob crawling all over the capitol building gave the appearance of insects, cockroaches, if you may.
OMG, We agree on something. Will wonders never cease.
That’s terrible logic. It’s perfectly possible, and not all that unusual, for people to incite insurrections that fizzle out.
Yes-“they did it to themselves,they had it coming anyway”
Accusations of Anti-Semitism in 2023 are about as convincing as the wolf who cried “boy.”
Use some sense.There are bad people in every group.That does not justify abuse of every person in that group. When someone approaches a Jewish/Christian/Moslem person, and threatens them for their ethnicity-it is wrong
Except the folks cry “anti-Semitism” in 2023 use it to refer to any criticism of Israel.
Which leads to the curious case of non-Jews accusing Jewish Americans of Anti-Semitism because of their political views.
Correct. Jewish Voice for Peace members are being called anti-Semitic, among things, for being honest and good. Religious Jews. Zionism is not Judaism. youtube:
The label, for many years, was “self-hating Jews.” My guess is that it has been dropped because the hasbarists prefer to have the world think that all Jews support “Israel’s right to defend itself.”
You would think that it would be difficult for the world to miss all the American Jews protesting the slaughter in Gaza, but people tend to see what they want to see, which is often the sames as what they are told to see.
“Evidence now suggests that the IDF purposely murdered hundreds of Israeli’s that day and then blamed Hamas for their deaths.” – It is very much possible. Similar tricks happened many times. German Nazis did it. Ukrainian Nazis did it. Sure, Zionists are capable of it as well. We heard already some fairy tales about beheaded babies. Those lies were repeated many times in order to justify the massacre of Palestinian children.
There is no evidence to support you claim.
Suspicious Israeli Stock Market Activity Hints at Foreknowledge of October 7 Attack
Hearkening back to the days preceding the 9/11 “attacks”, suspicious stock market activity suggests that someone with prior knowledge of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood sought to capitalize on the events on October 7.
maybe they can blame this on Iranian stock-market guys.
Malice of forethought!…
Robert J. Jackson Jr. of New York University School of Law and Joshua Mitts of New York University School of Law, concludes that based on a “significant spike” in short selling of listed Israeli companies, persons unknown were aware of the operation was impending, and sought to profit illicitly. Short selling – or shorting – allows traders to bet a stock will perform poorly and reap rewards if they’re correct.
Read that last night. From what I read, there was shoring of the stocks of Israeli companies.
right now,no one knows ho was doing this.
Kit Klarenberg goes indepth comparing it to 9/11:
“We have not given a firm deadline to Israel, not really our role. This is their conflict.”
If this is their conflict, how come we are paying tens of billions of dollars for it and blocking UN ceasefires on their behalf? It sure looks like it’s actually our conflict.
Not to mention all the military hardware we have sent over there. So, in essence the U.S. is saying it’s Israeli’s call, we’ll provide anything they need but we have no say in what they do.
“as long as it is profitable for us.”
Translation: “The billionaire donors we work for told us we’re going to fund this genocide. Voters and Tax Payers be damned.”
In other words the US Federal Government operating as per usual
Blinken explained yesterday how profitable for American economy those investments are.
He is right, the war profiteers, the MICC could not ask for more.
You hit the Bulls Eye.
Palestinians detained by Israel in Gaza blindfolded, stripped to underwear
Remember abu Ghraib abuses.
At least,they are alive,more than can be said for Hamas victims.
Except for around 20,000, including 7,000 children, thus far.
Hamas to blame for sacrificing their own people on the altar of hate and rejectionism. the days when a pogrom will not go unpunished are over.
Hi Jake:
There are always two victims in war; human life and truth.
and animals, and the environment.
Speaking of he environment, Joe, the Climate Change solution man, has signed more leases than Trump did. His latest orders in that regard are to do flybys over Guyana, to make sure nothing happens to the Exxon/Mobile stake. Our government, no matter which party is in the WH, has had it in for Venezuela.
Still does not give Venezuela the right to takeover Guyana.
Based on what right does the US sanction Venezuela, denies the legal election of Maduro and the attempted regime change against him which infamous Bolton botched? There were multiple attempts to assassinate and regime change against Chavez the previous elected president? All because they refuse to privatize their oil resources. The same goes for Libya and Iraq and Iran.
Don’t try the moral song, the US is pariah state, morality not included. Nowhere did they bring freedom and democracy to people where they did regime change, they always replaced left leaning governments with rightwing fascist dictators, without exceptions.
That includes Ukraine BTW.
And there are people who willingly do not want to know the truth. Looks like Jake is one of them.
Once more:
Netanyahu: “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” Netanyahu told a meeting of his Likud party in 2019. “This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”
“Bezalel Smotrich, leader of Israel’s Religious Zionist Party and the current finance minister: The PA is a liability and Hamas is an asset. On the international playing field in this game of delegitimization, think about for a second, the PA is a liability and Hamas is an asset. It’s a terrorist organization. Nobody will recognize it, nobody will give it status at the ICC [International Criminal Court] and nobody will let them push resolutions at the UN [causing us to] need an American veto,” Smotrich said in 2015.
The concentration camp remained. IDF incursions kept up. Settler incursions kept up in the West Bank (there are now 700,00 settlers in the West Bank.
There are horrible photos about death camps, concentration camps, but what I have seen of the conditions Palestinians live in in Gaza, is even worse than that.
The moment a Zionist Israeli opens his/her mouth they lie, the Zionists are haters, Hamas is reacting, the only defense the Palestinians have, they are resistance, face it. The brutal, young snot-nosed IDF soldiers are the real terrorists.
Not counting the dead Palestinians, killed by Israel since 1948.
and before, by Irgun the Zionist terrorists.
Hamas does not bomb and kill babies and small children and letting them die a slow, lonely, painful death beneath the rubble. I have seen the photos of mothers and fathers holding the wrapped in cloth dead bodies of their children close the their bodies. They are Palestinian fathers/mothers, not Israeli parents, and yes it does make me cry and I would cry if they were Israeli parents.
I would like to see you tied to a pole in or outside a building and living through a night of relentless bombing without being able to hide or run away, maybe you get an idea of the horror, terror the children experience before your bombs kill them.
“This is their conflict” = We let them murder as they wish
And we provide weapons. And money. And we send carrier battle groups to make sure no one else interferes with the slaughter.
Yup. If we just let them do it, it wouldn’t be great, but it would be way better than reality. But then again the Traitors of DC need to serve their masters
Joe: How could you put a time limit on killing Palestinians? It’s like the price for killing 20,000 Palestinians. If that price was nothing, then killing 2.2 million Palestinians is priceless!
Most gruesome MasterCard commercial ever.
Once the Palestinians are herded into the area the size of an airport, the death toll will increase. It means the concentration camp has shrunk from 25 miles x 5 miles. For those who do not go to the Rafah crossing to Sinai, it will be a killing field.
So blame Hamas,and their masterss.
Or we could blame those who preferred Hamas and encouraged supporting them.
Netanyahu: “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” Netanyahu told a meeting of his Likud party in 2019. “This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”
“Bezalel Smotrich, leader of Israel’s Religious Zionist Party and the current finance minister: The PA is a liability and Hamas is an asset. On the international playing field in this game of delegitimization, think about for a second, the PA is a liability and Hamas is an asset. It’s a terrorist organization. Nobody will recognize it, nobody will give it status at the ICC [International Criminal Court] and nobody will let them push resolutions at the UN [causing us to] need an American veto,” Smotrich said in 2015.
Hamas is a hateful cancer that must be eliminated.
It’s too bad that Netanyahu was a big backer of HAMAS and gave them funding.
The only cancer around here is the US Federal Government
So then reject any social security payments and any subsidized student loans any family members might receive.
Sure, as soon as the State of Israel returns the billions of federal funds they got from the feds
How would doing that hurt the federal government?
If you hate the Federal gov.,then don’t take its money-very simple-fixed -feel better now?
Russia in 24 months kills 10,000 Ukraine civilians, that’s 417 in one month.
Zionist in 2 months kill 17,000 Palestinians, that’s 8,500 civilians in one month.
USA tax dollars at work.
Joe Biden, the friend of the Ukrainians, massacred more Ukrainians than the Russian enemy did, that is what Kissinger meant when he said: to be a friend of the US is deadly. That includes the EU and NATO. And Genocide Joe, the killer has not enough yet, he set his eyes on China and Taiwan too even if the ME goes up in flames.
And that’s in a real war, with an opponent that has (had) something like a real military, armed and supported by some of the richest and most powerful nations on the planet. Hamas amounts to a few thousand lightly armed irregulars.
The civilian casualties, once the victims buried in rubble are counted, may very well exceed the total number of Hamas fighters who ever existed.
Genocide Joe, what an evil man he is and what evil people he picked for his administration, so sickening. Insane, evil, and incompetent what a bad brew it makes. They are on course to bypass even Hitler and put him to the back. They make no effort to hide the crimes they commit.
So sickening.
Where did you come from, where did you go
Where did you come from Genocide Joe?
You may not believe it, but it is based on reports from MSM. Genocide Joe has nothing to show after 3 years in office but a trail of blood and tears, death and destruction and his continues demand for more of the same. He supports war crimes, the unlimited bombing of unarmed civilians and is opposed to a ceasefire and diplomatic peace negotiations. He VETOED in the UN any CEASE FIRE. He tells the Israelis to not kill so many people and than proceeds to fund the slaughter of more people, more than half women and children. What a nice guy he is or not? He is a very Christian killer. It was all in our controlled MSM.
He will go down in INFAMY, the worst president ever.
It is a pretty tough contest.
A journalist used the word asking what the speaker thought or knows about it. I don’t remember the answer. I think “Genocide Joe” fits so does Joe must go.
This kid is not a member of Hamas!
This is a Crime Against Humanity!
This is a War Crime!
Terrorists come in all shapes and sizes. You can see the hate and anti-semitism in this 7 year olds face. We must nip terrorism in the bud.
‘We must nip terrorism in the bud’. -By being the epitome of terrorism
The pregnant women are also very dangerous. They will give life to a new generation of terrorists. “Nip in the bud” is a great idea.
This from 2005. This is an israeli soldier [modeling] one the t-shirts
I see terror in his face, shock and disorientation not knowing what happened to him.
But he will become a member of Hamas, and why not?
Cause killing a few Jews before he is killed won’t make anything better-thats why not.
What a hateful person you are. What has that child done to you that you can respond as heartless as you did?
We don’t know, other then Israelis did that to him and maybe they killed his parents and siblings too, which is common and he may not yet know.
What exactly have the Palestinians done to Israelis, who took who’s land, who cut water, food, energy, and medicine and shelter from unarmed civilians, most of them women, including pregnant women infants and toddlers and small preschool children? When I see the parents, men and women holding the dead bodies of their young children wrapped in a cloth close to their own bodies, to their hearts, my heart breaks for them and I hate the people who do this to them and then go on TV and say it is all Hamas’ faults. Can they get more ugly and disgusting? Yes, they can.
Sarcasm aside-HAMAS TEACHES HATE. Makes a bad situation worse.
Palestinians have a “deadline”, don’t they?
My country is officially in favor of destroying civilian infrastructure and slaughtering innocents in Gaza.
Congratulations on becoming the twenty-first century icon for the Nazi SS, Mr. president. Time magazine needs a Nazi SS Butcher of the year award.
He’s no different than any of the other cells that compose the cancer that is the US Federal Government
From President Wilson forward. Eisenhower may be the exception, but for his giving the green light to the coup in Iran in 1953.
That’s a big “but”.
He also overthrew the government of Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala the following year. Eisenhower was a typical presidential scumbag, IMO.
But even Time Magazine skipped him, even Zelensky made it, not so Genocide Joe. He lost his reelection already, no need to butcher more people now.
“We have not given a firm deadline to Israel, not really our role. This is their conflict.”
If there were a god, a devil, a heaven and hell, this vile, transparently-obvious lying by a government that is an indispensable enabler of the genocide, and could end it with a phone call, would justify eternal damnation for every one of the cretins who serve it so cravenly.
The shameful US veto at the UN today will bring us lasting infamy and terrible consequences.
Over many years, the US has vetoed, and otherwise blocked, many attempts in the Security Council to bring small measures of peace, sanity, just simple decency to the ongoing horror of Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. This one, two months into what the whole world recognizes as a campaign of genocide, is the most shameful yet.
The anger and revulsion of people everywhere will persist for a very long time, and that’s exactly what should happen.
True. Sadly, the cycle of violence is likely to pull us in again: We should expect reprisal, and resist conditioned reflex into War on Terror 2 / WW3.
YOU ROCK! Rocking it for PEACE!
WHEN THE ENEMY IS POETS, IS IDEA’S, IS TRUTH it is time for you to leave. This is a US lead war on humanity, and humanity wants peace.
America must be requested to leave the UN, to leave in shame and to leave peacefully. America has abandoned all decency all humanity. America you have overstayed your welcome.
No,the UN deadbeat should move somewhere else.
Jake, we got a word for you, in Yiddish or some such thing, I believe… PUTZ…. BUT, I LOVE YOU.
In other words,you are soooo wise that only you have the answers. anyone who offers an alternative to your world view is BAAAAD.
You are bloody brilliant Jake!
The UN is a great idea, it needs to be reformed, no veto rights for anyone and located in a neutral country would be a start. The US should be kept out, maybe after some real reeducation and maybe if they can pass the test they could join.
To think about all the US destructions of international agreements, the broken treaties and the broken UN and we can add the NATO and EU and the ICC, organizations they undermined and misused to serve American interests.
America has a long history of outstaying its welcome.
The Arab world is not amused by that action. The veto may have been pointed at Gaza, the Palestinians, but it was also pointed at the Arab world. Iran better get the bomb. Quickly. I believe we are going to allow Israel to nuke Iran, and we will help with the coordinates.
Always respect the person who Heralds the CALL!
I think before we get that crazy, first we’ll see too many dead US Sailors and Soldiers. If that’s not bad enough then (gods forbid) some Gaza scenes in The Homeland.
Like Zionists(some even as zionists) our overlords have a habit of provoking escalation subtly enough for mainstreamers of infotainment to freak out about predictably.
Once again you are pushing for a bigger war.
Even money.
I hope so but I have doubts.
Israel killed Prof. Refaat al-Areer, one of Gaza’s most prominent writers, poets & activists who spent his life trying to get Gaza’s voice to the outside world.
He was killed in a targeted airstrike on his sister’s home that also killed his brother, sister & her 4 kids…
Poignant poem left…
If I must die,
you must live to tell my story
to sell my things
to buy a piece of cloth
and some strings,
(make it white with a long tail)
so that a child, somewhere in Gaza
while looking heaven in the eye
awaiting his dad who left in a blaze-
and bid no one farewell
not even to his flesh
not even to himself-
sees the kite, my kite you made, flying up above
and thinks for a moment an angel is there bringing back love
If I must die
let it bring hope let it be a tale
~Refaat Alareer
That poem literally made me shiver.
More info:
Israel’s murder of Palestinian author Dr. Refaat al-Ar’eer sparks global outrage
The assassination of al-Ar’eer is one of the more heinous atrocities carried out by the Israeli government as part of its sinister campaign to suppress all those who speak out against the genocide. According to human rights group Euro-Med Monitor, al-Ar’eer along with his brother, sister and four of their children were killed on Wednesday when an Israeli airstrike “surgically targeted the apartment” in Gaza where he was staying. A gifted and beloved academic, “the voice of Gaza” inspired thousands of Palestinians to learn English, read Shakespeare and see the humanity in Jewish people, in spite of the occupation. Prior to his killing, al-Ar’eer edited two books, Gaza Writes Back and Gaza Unsilenced, and contributed to several others, including 2022’s Light in Gaza: Writing Born of Fire. A regular contributor to Palestinian and left-wing news sites, including Electronic Intifada, al-Ar’eer also co-founded the organization We Are Not Numbers, following Israel’s 2014 military campaign “Operation Protective Edge” in order to help young Palestinians who survived not only cope but explain to the world the story of military occupation. “Refaat in Gaza” was one of many Palestinians, including photojournalist Motaz Azaiza and filmmaker Bisan Owda, who have become known to workers and youth all over the world for posting on-the-ground updates from Gaza that not only cut through the lies of the capitalist press but also expose the reality of Israel’s war crimes. Refaat’s final posts on X/Twitter include a poem written last month and a post condemning the role of the Biden administration and the Democratic Party in the slaughter….
It has become clear that the IDF is deliberately killing Palestinian journalists and academics as part of its genocidal operations.
Four days before Dr. al-Ar’eer was killed, Professor Sufian Tayeh, a leading researcher in physical and applied mathematics and the president of the Islamic University of Gaza, where al-Ar’eer taught, was killed, along with his family in an Israeli airstrike…
While millions of people around the world are mourning the killing of al-Ar’eer, “the Voice of Gaza,” the mainstream Western press, including the New York Times, Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times—more than 36 hours after his death was made public—have yet to write an article. Their silence on his assassination and the targeted killing of Palestinian journalists, healthcare workers and academics over the last two months exposes them as nothing more than stenographers for the US government and its policy of genocide against the Palestinians.
stenographers for the US government
Justin Raimondo called them “stenographers for the war party”. But, I must admit, that’s a distinction without a difference.
On December 8, the Russian Ministry of Defense summed up the preliminary result of the ongoing military operations in Ukraine.
In the Kupyansk region, the Ukrainian army lost more than 480 soldiers in a week. Losses in equipment included 3 tanks, 13 armored vehicles, 12 cars, and 7 artillery units. Our troops managed to improve the situation on the front line and repel 19 attacks launched by Ukrainian forces.
10 attacks of the Ukrainian assault groups were repelled in the Krasny Liman region. More than 1,445 soldiers, 11 armored vehicles, 17 cars, 5 artillery pieces were illuminated in the area.
During the battles in the Donetsk direction, the total losses of the Ukrainian army amounted to more than 1,560 servicemen, 12 armored vehicles, 17 vehicles and 22 field artillery units.
In the South Donetsk direction, Russian forces eliminated more than 845 Ukrainian servicemen, 3 tanks, 13 armored vehicles, 17 cars, 12 field artillery guns and 1 Grad multiple rocket launcher system.
In the Zaporozhye region, the Russian military repelled 5 Ukrainian attacks. Only 260 AFU servicemen, 6 armored vehicles, 15 cars and 5 artillery pieces were eliminated there over the past week.
In the Kherson region, Russian forces continue intense fire on the Ukrainian military on both eastern and western banks of the Dnieper River, preventing it from expanding their foothold near Krynki. Over the past week, the Ukrainian army lost up to 350 servicemen, 13 artillery units, 17 cars and 21 boats in military operations near the Dnieper.
Over the past week, five Ukrainian aircraft, including three Mig-29s and two Su-25s, and one Mi-8 helicopter, were destroyed by Russian air defense forces.
The bloodthirsty killer could have stopped all of it in Dec. 2021.
It looks to me like the most horrible, bloody president and administration in American history. He makes Hitler look like a boy scout.
Once again you post about Russian war aggression on the Gaza news feed. Feeling lonely that people have lost interests in your war?
We should all collectively weep over this sad news:
Israel killed Prof. Refaat al-Areer, one of Gaza’s most prominent writers, poets & activists who spent his life trying to get Gaza’s voice to the outside world. He was killed in a targeted airstrike on his sister’s home that also killed his brother, sister & her 4 kids.
If I must die, let it be a tale.
If i must die, you must live to tell my story
to sell my things, to buy a piece of cloth
and some strings, make it with a long tail
so that a child, somewhere in Gaza
while looking heaven in the eye
awaiting his dad who left in a blaze
and bid no farewell, not even to his flesh, not even to himself
sees the kite, my kite you made, flying up above
and thinks for a moment an angel is there
bringing back love
If i must die, let it bring love, let it be a tale.
WHEN THE ENEMY IS POETS, IS IDEA’S, IS TRUTH it is time for you to leave. This is a US lead war on humanity, and humanity wants peace. ISRAEL/AMERICA you have over stayed your welcome, humanity insists you leave peacefully. Let HUMANITY be the kite that the children of Gaza eye and let us all bring love back to Gaza.
Dr. Doom:
YOU ARE THE MAN! I love ya man, I do truly, truly do!
YOU are something of a poet…
Just two small comments. Don’t hold your breath and no fucking chance. just one small but major step,on the path to destruction.
We used to have Quakers, opposed to wars, what ever happened to them? They were honorable and real Christians.
The Quakers are still here and still active. The American Friends Service Committee has been dedicated to peace action since World War One.
But there is no time and space for them in MSM. ( Maybe some sex and money scandals could take care of that./s)
Do you mean that Quakers have sex?
Since 2014 the Donbass has been defending itself from global elite ethnic cleansing and genocide. Its not that the global elite wanted to kill them all if they fled to Russia it achieved the same goal.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) and NATO lost over 125 thousand servicemen and 16 thousand units of various military equipment in six months of the global elites so-called counteroffensive.
Ukraine has now burnt through three NATO provided armies in 2 years with significant losses in men and machinery. NATO has the following losses in Ukraine; 550 Aircraft, 257 helicopters, 9588 UAV’s, 442 Anti Aircraft systems, 13924 tanks inc. APC’s, 1188 multiple rocket launchers, 7284 field artillery and 16096 military automotive equipment. Approx. $1 Trillion of NATO hardware.
They are now asking for a fourth NATO army to be provided, the problem is that Ukraine has run out of men to throw into the meat grinder. The 20-30 male age group has collapsed. The proposal now is to draft woman and children, presumably at gunpoint like the males.
I know that no American boys are going to fight for Ukraine and Israel. despite our failing educational standards and collapsing economy no one is dumb enough to join the military which is running out of recruits.
US, get some eye glasses?……………………………………………………….
Donna: When I was a kid we used to say Blind in one eye and can’t see out ofb the other. that accurately describes US foreign policy and the morality of the rapacious Capitalists running this country and perhaps the world into destruction.
I give up on this country. No one is in a position to stop a bunch of war criminals from satisfying their blood lust.
I feel very sorry for the innocents dying all over the planet to satisfy the West’s endless appetite for more power and control.
You all have heard this phrase before “Me Too”
The League of Nations died because the ‘big’ states did not have a veto power. The UN will die because the big powers have a veto power. For the UN to prevent its death the General Assembly needs to get the power to override the SC. Say with at least 66% of the members.
Listen to this man US, everybody!!!
Volodymyr Zelensky is Jewish. He supports the Nazi Azov Battalion, the two Nazi parties, which have committed countless atrocities against the Jewish community in Ukraine.
He was groomed by covert CIA operatives in Ukraine since his student life while he was studying law at the Kryvyi Rih National University.
“He was groomed by covert CIA operatives in Ukraine since his student life while he was studying law at the Kryvyi Rih National University.”
Do you have a citation for that other than the website realshit, from which you apparently* copied the text of this post?
*You could, of course, have copied it from somewhere else. Stuff like this is repeated without attribution all over the net. Including here.
Western security agencies not only lavishly funded his obscure media organization Kvartal 95 but also introduced him to a clandestine cabal of illustrious Hollywood producers and directors adept in psychological warfare and public relations.
The media success of “Servant of the People” is attributed as much to the efforts of the employees of Kvartal 95 as to the skill of international media organizations specializing in global opinion-making.
Despite his Jewish background, he didn’t hesitate in collaborating with Ukraine’s infamous Azov Battalion, officially part of the National Guard of Ukraine, that has been widely acknowledged as a Nazi volunteer paramilitary force connected with foreign white supremacist organizations.
Azov Battalion was initially formed as a volunteer group in May 2014 out of the ultra-nationalist Patriot of Ukraine, and the Nazi Social National Assembly (SNA). As a battalion, the group fought on the front lines against anti Nazi separatists in Donbas, they were given the responsibility of ethnically cleansing eastern region of Ukraine.
So, no evidence for the claim that “[h]e was groomed by covert CIA operatives in Ukraine since his student life while he was studying law at the Kryvyi Rih National University?” Just more unattributed cutting and pasting from random websites.
Seriously, you can do better than this. You should try.
The CIA is a western security agency if there ever was one.
Guess what, it is all plausible, after all, for money he and his neo-Nazis sold the nation to the US wiping out the lives of the Ukrainian young people so he and his friends could buy some mansions and stuff their bank accounts, same as Navalny did in Russia, making Ukraine another failed state.
Of course the CIA is a Western security agency. Certainly it’s plausible (although, I think, not terribly likely) that the CIA groomed Zelensky as a student. But “plausible” and “evidence” aren’t the same. They aren’t even particularly closely related.
I’m really tired of the unsupported claims that are tossed around in these comment threads. They are indicative (indeed, they are evidence) of lame-ass sloppy thinking. Wanting to believe something doesn’t make it true. More than a few posters around here need to learn that if they want to be taken seriously in serious discussions.
The figures don’t include all the people who’s bodies are buried under the rubble, the many children we don’t know about who died painfully and lonely under the rubble.
How could we end up with the government we have? Joe Biden is a killer, he is responsible for the death of Ukrainians in a war that was avoidable. They brag about their democracy and how Christian and civilized they are. The good Christians are silent but go all the way to the SC to stop an emergency abortion, see TX. Biden has stopped any attempt to end the slaughter when simple common sense and decency requires an immediate end of the slaughter.
I believe the same criminal oligarchs who control the USA also control the European governments, how else could they march in unison and playing the same music?
Elections and Democracy is just BS the Oligarchs decide.
Seyed Mohammad Marandi
The only thing left for the West to do is to give the genocidal Israeli regime the Nobel Peace Prize.
Why the fuck not? Obama and Kissinger got the prize and no one knows how mny people they killed to achieve US objectives.
Horrible record here:
“We do have influence, even if we don’t have ultimate control over what happens on the ground in Gaza,”
You have neither influence nor control. US executive, and congress all have been compromised.
The leaders of the federal executive branch have both influence and ultimate control. One phone call, by Biden, Blinken or Austin, to Tel Aviv would end the genocide. Israel could not possibly continue if the US withdrew support and diplomatic cover.
They are, indeed, all utterly compromised, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have influence and control. It means they are willing to aid and abet genocide rather than exercise their power. That’s much worse than not having it.
And one phone call from AIPAC to anyone above, will result in public scandal or worse, the “Antisemite” card.
Yes. And our craven slimebag “leaders” are content to enable genocide rather than risk AIPAC opposition. That’s a special level of despicable.
Absolutely correct and it has been so even as far back as MacCarthy and Viet Nam.
By Ralph Nader /
The humiliation of the U.S. government, which is actively complicit in providing the weaponry, funding, and UN vetoes backing the Israeli government’s attack on the civilian Palestinians/Arabs in tiny Gaza, is in plain view daily. All in the name of the unasked American people and taxpayers.
Earlier this week, at a House of Representatives’ hearing, Trump toady Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) repeatedly assailed three University presidents with the question of would they discipline students calling for the genocide of Jews, without any evidence that this hateful speech is prevalent on campus.
Pursuing her fulminations, Stefanik was cruelly oblivious to the real ongoing genocide in Gaza with her support of unconditional shipment of American F-16s, 155mm. missiles and other weapons of mass destruction used to kill children, women and the elderly who had nothing to do with the preventable October 7th Hamas violence.
Meanwhile, a State Department spokesman continues to say that the Israeli government does not intentionally target civilians. With U.S. drones over Gaza daily, Secretary of State Antony Blinken has visual proof that the overwhelming bombing on civilian structures is killing innocent civilians.
The evidence is in the rubble of hospitals, health clinics, ambulances, schools, libraries, places of worship, marketplaces, water mains, homes, apartment buildings, and piles of unburied corpses being eaten by stray dogs. All this information is in the possession of bomber Biden’s regime.
The Bidenites and their bloodthirsty cohorts in Congress were forewarned when the Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant and other Israeli officials on October 8th shouted these chilling genocidal orders to their army: “No electricity, no food, no fuel, no water.… We are fighting human animals and will act accordingly.” (See, Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide). Add an already illegal 16-year Israeli blockade of 2.3 Palestinians suffering from dire poverty, with 40% of their children down with anemia.
Now, about half of Gaza’s population are children, 85% of the entire population is homeless, wandering helplessly into nowhere, afflicted with pending starvation, sickened by spreading infectious diseases and dirty drinking water. There is little or no medicines for diabetics and cancer patients. No surgery, no anesthesia, no emergency transport, no shelter from cold weather, only American-made bombs and missiles blowing up Palestinians into bits with Israeli snipers everywhere.
The Palestinians cannot flee from their open-air prison. They cannot surrender – the Israeli government wants them gone. Bear in mind, the population that is not yet blown up is sick and dying, denied needed outside humanitarian aid. Defying feeble Biden’s wishes, Netanyahu only allows a trickle of aid trucks to enter Gaza, and those that do enter can scarcely reach their destinations.
All this raises the issue of the gross undercount of casualties. The Hamas Health Authority has restricted its count to the names of the deceased and injured supplied by hospitals and morgues. These locations are now largely rubble or inoperative. Bodies under the rubble, many of them children, can’t be counted. Thousands of missing people cannot be counted. The Ministry’s suspended count is over 17,000 fatalities, plus 45,000 injuries. With the far larger carnage unable to be tabulated, the actual fatality toll may reach 100,000 soon.
Nonetheless, about two weeks ago, the New York Times reported the death undercount of children in Gaza in two months was ten times greater than the deaths of Ukrainian children in nearly two years of Russian bombings. One of its headlines – “Smoldering Gaza Becomes a Graveyard for Children.”
There are about 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza and about 5,500 of them are due to give birth. Where are they going to do that? How can they be cared for and be nurtured? These mothers are sick and starving. Add the babies to the terrorists toll.
Gaza’s area is about the size of Philadelphia. How many dead, injured, and dying people would there be if 20,000 bombs were dropped on civilians and civilian structures in Philadelphia? Philadelphians trapped without food, water, medicine or any escape route. Imagine 85% of 1.5 million residents homeless, wandering in the streets and alleys. And with virtually no humanitarian aid coming from outside the city. There wouldn’t be any fire trucks or water to extinguish spreading fires.
Over a nine-week period there would have to be over 200,000 deaths and many more permanently disabled for life.
There are courageous Jewish groups (e.g., Jewish Voice for Peace and If Not Now) and rabbis calling for an end to the slaughter, demanding a ceasefire. There are protestors at all of Biden’s public events/trips reminding him of next November.
Veterans for Peace and other veteran groups are engaged in non-violent civil disobedience in front of the Scranton, Pennsylvania factory producing 155mm missiles for Israel. (Scranton is Biden’s hometown.) Public opinion is turning against the Biden/Israel war without limits on the Palestinians.
Biden wouldn’t want to poll the American people about his $14.3 billion genocide tax, charging American taxpayers to further prosperous Israel’s war of extermination in Gaza. They’ll likely tell Biden that poor children, unaffordable health facilities and other necessities in America need that money first.
There are some 30 Democratic Senators demanding that this Biden bill contain conditions and safeguards so that the money is not used to blow up more Palestinian children and women. But what else are these funds for other than to expand Israel’s military budget? The Israeli extremist ruling coalition under Netanyahu has made no secret of wanting to take over all of remaining Palestine as part of their “Greater Israel” mission to include what they call Judea and Samaria. As Israel’s Founder, David Ben-Gurion, frankly declared referring to the Palestinians, “We have taken their country.” (As quoted in The Jewish Paradox(1978) by Nahum Goldmann.)
It is a cruel irony of history that Israeli state terrorism is producing a Palestinian Holocaust. Netanyahu’s regime has killed over 60 journalists—three of them Israelis—120 United Nations relief workers and instituted total blackouts to keep the grisly events in Gaza out of the news in real time. Netanyahu, to shield his colossal failure to defend Israel on October 7thand to keep his job, is making sure that his country joins the world community of savage, slaughtering regimes, exemplified by the Bush/Cheney unlawful criminal destruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, followed by Hillary Clinton toppling Libya into permanent violence and chaos since 2011. (Obama later called his conceding to Hillary’s demands as his worst foreign policy decision).
Capitol Hill and the White House don’t wait for any blood-guilt to be recognized. That will surely come later with the judgment of history and the nightmarish visions of innocents being vaporized because of Washington’s unconditional backing of the Israeli blitzkrieg against what the Israeli newspaper Haaretz has repeatedly called the “totally defenseless people” of Gaza.
It is impossible in these modern times with the internet and reporters everywhere to conceal anything of the scale of Israels genocide and massacre of civilians in an effort to create Greater Israel,a place with no Arabs. I am just waiting tom see what the Blowback will be and who will get hit the hardest. I believe that 911 will look like a mosquito bite.
There might not be a military deadline for the end of support for Israel. But there certainly is a moral and financial end for the US. I expect a huge amount of Blowback shortly among nations who we used to call friends and allies. As the nations of Islam and other civilized countries call in their markers in terms of trade and boycotts it could get ugly for the MASTERS OF MANKIND,if these countries cut off trade and head for China so to speak the US will be in more of a financial pickle then at present. i would not count on Sleepy Joe to ride in on a White Horse to save the day.Trump will be worse.Basically speaking there is no way out for the Zionists and their faithful supporters.
Not even his own party will support Biden after this.