Israel Hayom reported last week that some members of Congress have reviewed a plan to condition US aid to Arab countries on their willingness to accept refugees from Gaza, which would facilitate the Israeli goal of cleansing the territory of Palestinians.
The proposal was shown to key figures in the House and Senate, but the report did not say who submitted the plan. The proposal calls for conditioning aid to Egypt, Turkey, Yemen, and Iraq and even details how many Palestinians each country should take.
The plan proposes that one million Palestinians go to Egypt, half a million to Turkey, 250,000 to Iraq, and another 250,000 to Yemen. In total, the plan outlines the expulsion of two million Palestinians from Gaza, nearly all of the 2.3 million Palestinians that live there.
In October, a document drafted by Israel’s Intelligence Ministry was leaked to the media and outlined several proposals for a post-war Gaza. The document said the best option for Israel would be to expel all the Palestinians in Gaza to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula and create a “sterile” buffer zone in Egyptian territory.
The biggest impediment to the Israeli desire to push all of the Palestinians into Egypt is the strong opposition from Cairo, which repeatedly stated it would not allow a large influx of refugees into its territory. Egypt’s position has led Israeli officials to look to other countries to accept the Palestinians it wishes to expel.
In a recent op-ed for The Wall Street Journal, two Israeli members of the Knesset called for Western countries to accept Palestinian refugees. Israeli Intelligence Minister Gila Gamliel penned a similar op-ed for The Jerusalem Post that proposed the “voluntary resettlement” of Palestinians in Gaza to other countries around the world.
WAR CRIMES…………………………………………………………..
Human Rights VIOLATIONS….. Anything ringing a damn BELL?…..
why they are being DE humanised of course.
I think that “We THE People” had better get ready to utilize these possibilities….
As a US Citizen, I do hereby submit, the following charges…
Potential HOLOCAUST?
Yes, Rebecca, there really are monsters…. As for the Zionists, ….
Why only them? How about D.C.
How is the US government supposed to talk about “human rights” after this without being laughed at by the rest of the world?
Or, “rules-based” or anything else that Biden vomits up.
They don’t care about legitimacy. The federal government will just use violence against those who resist it as usual.
rights are only for some whites.
“Voluntary resettlement”. Means we (Zionists) will bomb you so far South that you will have to “voluntarily” leave what is left of your homes.
We don’t have the ability to control what the corporate vassals in D.C. do with our money. The conservatives on the bench in SCOTUS really, really f*cked things up with their lame brained decision in the matter of Citizens United. The late Justice John Paul Stevens absolutely ripped that decision to shred. It is a long dissent, but boy, it is a beaut.
If we just stopped “helping” (aiding) all of the brutal regimes in the region including Israel, there wouldn’t be the need or means to ethnically cleanse anyone from their homeland.
It will never happen. Doesn’t matter who will govern US. There is a pro-Zionist consensus in US ruling elite and also in US mass media. Even Antiwar censorship is pro-Zionist.
Pro-Zionist, Pro-Fascist, Pro-1%, Pro-ending the New Deal, Pro-MICC, Pro-kill anything that moves, while helping other brutal nations in their endeavor.
More a case of the traitors occupying the US Capitol getting briefed about their employer’s plans which they are expected to ratify post-haste
Doesn’t matter if 90% of Americans object.
Congress is in the bag.
Yes, all the power institutions have been thoroughly corrupted. So passive popular resistance is all that’s left us. A consumer strike this Xmas would send a message.
Americans are being forced into a political war, one to stop the Israel Lobby and our neocon hawks from committing even more mass war crimes, even worse than attacking Iraq. They want to attack Iran, and to ethnically cleanse Gaza, and to ethnically cleanse the West Bank (that is in progress now, while press is looking at Gaza).
They are turning to censorship and destruction of our political freedoms, in furtherance of their war crimes.
We must confront them, or let then run all over us. We can’t avoid it anymore.
Biden must be shown he will be defeated (no matter who runs against him) if he does this. That is the one and only thing he cares about, which makes it the “center of gravity” of this political war FINALLY to stop our warmongers.
If we lose this too, as we did all the past attempts to stop war crimes, then the next one will be nuclear. In fact, this one might become nuclear. And we would deserve that.
Nats has said Lebanon and Jordan are next. Naturally, Iran too.
Lebanon and Jordan are next for Israel. The US might contribute a few air strikes, a small percentage of a massive total.
For the US, the next real target is Iran. That would be a big war for the US, requiring serious commitment of US forces, to which Israel might or might not bother to add a small %..
The US would lose it too, as it did the Iraq War. Our neocons have led us to defeat after defeat, without even a single victory to show for it.
AIPAC has bribed a critical mass of our representatives to turn traitor. There is no avoiding this
They did bribe, and so far they did get away with it.
I do not accept that there “is no avoiding.”
It will be hard, but we can show enough outrage, as is now happening to Genocide Joe Biden. We must do more of that, make it felt.
Israel is so nice. In time, you will start believing that ethnic cleansing and genocide is the nicest and most humane thing we can do for the Palestinians. I know it doesn’t feel right, but it’s “complicated.” Just remember, Israel is so nice and the Palestinians are human animals. …What? I’m agreeing and saying exactly what they’re saying. (Sarcasm I only want genocide for the Palestinians but if Russians also apply to be genocided, I’ll find it in my heart)
The Soviet Union (Russia) was the best partner we could have had in WWII. It prevented the NAZIs from attaining the oil the Weirmach needed to continue the war in in Western Europe, losing more than 20 million in the process of actually defeating the German war machine. That wasn’t enough. The Soviet Union became the mother of boogeymen, the excuse for the MIC to continue to crank things up. In fact, at the end of WWII, the CEO of General Motors said things were so good, American business should continue as a war economy. And, so it has.
I ain’t got no quarrel with them Russians. None of them ever called me the n-word.
It’s actually a very sad story. It seems evil always wins.
No country will accept Palestinians, and any talk otherwise is pure fantasy. To expel them, Israel must crush Hezbollah in the North, and then march the Palestinians trail of tears style to Lebanon. And this is why Israel needs the war to expand to the northern front.
Expand they can but there are no guarantees they will be successful.
Another Auschwitz Death March, committed by Jews (of the Zio-Fascist kind). The irony……………………..
What a bunch of greedy,spineless,Zionist bastards have gotten elected over and over.It speaks very clearly about the will of the population that constantly gets ignored.
No, no, and NO. If the Palestinians are moved from Gaza, it doesn’t matter where they go- the Israelis get what they want. They don’t care how it’s done; they just want the people of Gaza gone, period. If it can be done by simply passing the buck to another country, fine- but if they have to go in and shoot each Palestinian man, woman, and child in aid of their genocidal plan they will do it in a New York second. Israel must be taught a lesson by the world, that it can’t be above the law or without consequences. I’m against war as any, but I would be overjoyed if larger, more powerful nations landed troops and material and took Israel to task over this. Gaza City lays is ruins now- it would be fitting if a couple of Russian TU-95 bombers visited the same hospitality to Tel Aviv. Sure, give the city 24 hours to evacuate and then yippee-ki-yay. Israel is forcing the civilized world to make a choice, and so far we have failed to make the right one and the Palestinians are paying for our inaction with their lives. If this were happening anywhere in the Western world, you can bet your last rupee we’d be in it up to our necks (see Ukraine) but since it’s ‘those brown people’ in one of those ‘sh*thole countries’ it doesn’t really count, does it? If I could get the distance I’d be throwing my sandal at the heads of each and every national leader who is standing around shedding crocodile tears ‘Oh what shall we do’ while making sure they get their election donations from AIPAC locked in.
Gaza as a Metaphor and the Right to be Human
The plan proposes that one million Palestinians go to Egypt, half a million to Turkey, 250,000 to Iraq, and another 250,000 to Yemen. In total, the plan outlines the expulsion of two million Palestinians from Gaza, nearly all of the 2.3 million Palestinians that live there.
The reason the math comes out to “only” 2 million out of the 2.3 million that live there is because by that time there will be .3 million dead.
A real possibility if the Zionists do continue the “war” another year.
Yeeks – I had not considered that possibility.
All possibilities should be considered, including a big war with Iran involvement.
Indeed – tho I fear the Arab states and Persians may see it necessary to sacrifice the Palestinians rather than risk their own people in a war with the ASI and its US-backed IDF militas.
The USA talks big with NATO but how many Americans would trade nuclear strikes on its cities to defend, say, Montenegro ?
It is not so easy for Muslims of this region to swallow the genocide of Palestinians. So, after all, the justice may prevail.
If Arabs win the war, 3 million Zionists go to Germany, 3 million to Poland and 3 million to Ukraine.
Hopefully Not…!
“”… the best option for Israel …””
of course. was there ever any doubt?
Shows how bad the Israeli government has made Gaza a place to live, that moving people to Iraq or Yemen could be considered an UPGRADE.
Blackmailing/extorting other nations to reward the war criminals in Tel Aviv shows how low and deteriorated our democratic leadership is.
The Butcher of Gaza and the Genocide Joe will go down in infamy.
What happened to statesmen/women? Dying empires have such leadership, all they know how to hold on to power is extortion, sanctions, and military invasions, there are no diplomats deserving the name.
W Bush had his Iraq, and he started the unraveling of international nuclear agreements, Obama had Libya, and Syria and Ukraine, Trump was irrational and has a trail of broken agreements including the Iranian multinational agreement and the beginning of serious trade wars with China and more sanctions, he was and still is unpredictable and irrational, and Biden takes the cake, he is the butcher of the Ukrainian young people, the destruction of Ukraine, if he had any common sense the war in Ukraine would never have started, he annihilated the nation when common sense dictated to negotiate a settlement, then he made sure the butcher of Gaza is financed to cover the cost of the bombing massacre of the Palestinian nation women and children included, bombing of hospitals, schools and churches and everything in sight, bought and paid for by American taxpayers and with American weapons.
All of them left a trail of blood and tears and death and destruction, other than that they accomplished nothing.
Great nations build, like China, this nation destroys, they built the Golden Gate Bridge, the Empire State building, the Hoover Dam, now all they know is to cover the country with asphalt and concrete if at all. These presidents accomplished nothing but war and destruction, decades of infamy, the wealth of the nation wasted to fight never ending wars.
They should be resettled as close to the homes they were evicted from in ‘48 with full monetary compensation.
I wouldn’t mind some coming to the US. They can offset the Zionist voting block and improve the quality of leadership in government. 🇺🇸❤️🇵🇸
Why not propose that the Israelis to the USA? That would make more sense as they would fit right in. They have shared values after all, right? The Palestinians on the other hand if displaced would only continure their fight against Israel from afar. The Israelis could be spread to each state according to their electoral votes, which would spread the burden more equally. Alternatively Israel could propose to debate openly the real meaning of Zionism since hardly anyone in America is familiar with that ideology or its history.
I couldn’t have said it better.
Why should we solve Israel;s problem? They have destroyed our country and should not be welcomed to take what remains of it.
Israel’s problem are costing the USA a heck of a lot in world influence, not to mention billions in funding. I beleive the reasn we are so insistant on helping Israel is because of its strategic location. In other words, it has nothing to do with support for Zionism but with a militarily reliable client.
We can guess who submitted the plan – the usual crowd of Zionists around Biden. The opposite plan must be enacted: the military defeat of Israel and the cleansing of Zionists from the territory of Palestine. As long as the US continues supporting Israel, that is what will happen.
Investors may have had prior knowledge of Hamas attack on Israel
There is no way that Mossad, Sin Bet, listing posts we have in that sector, did not know.
This is going to backfire on these sell out AIPAC agents.
Voting will never fix this problem, their claws are sunk too deep and only brute force will remove them.
Trump will say what we want to hear but only make the problem worse. His sucking up to Israel when he had the chance is all the proof you need.
Instead of above proposal, how about the crime minister and all his cabinet members go to hell…!
What a sh*tty government we have, are they really humans, educated, civilized people? I don’t think so, they are more like trash. They are disgusting to put it mildly.
Maybe we should be thinking about where WE will go because the Zionists plan to make America into the next Palestine.