Australia on Thursday announced a restructuring of its army that’s part of a military overhaul aimed at countering China, Australia’s largest trading partner.
The restructuring includes creating a long-range missile brigade in the southern city of Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, far from any potential theater for war with China. The effort also involves moving about 800 troops from Adelaide north to the cities of Brisbane, Townsville, and Darwin to help create three more specialized combat brigades.
In Darwin, a light combat brigade that’s easy to deploy will be formed. Townsville will see the formation of an armored combat brigade, and a brigade mixing both elements will be based in Brisbane, what the Australian Defense Ministry has described as a “motorized combat brigade.”

The Defense Ministry said the missile brigade in Adelaide will “become future-focused, with key future long-range strike capabilities.” The only weapons systems mentioned by the ministry are the NASAMS air defense systems and HIMARS rocket systems. HIMARS are a multiple rocket launch system designed by Lockheed Martin with a maximum range of about 190 miles.
Australia announced last month that it was purchasing 200 Tomahawk missiles from the US, which have a range of about 1,000 miles. If based in Adelaide, the Tomahawks would be nowhere near striking distance from the potential flashpoints for a war between the US and China, the South China Sea, and Taiwan.
Australian media have described the restructuring as the “biggest army overhaul in more than a decade” that’s designed to “prepare the nation’s military for a possible conflict in nearby Indo-Pacific islands.”
The military review that spurred the restructuring named China as Australia’s biggest threat despite the strong economic ties between the two nations. The review claimed China’s “assertion of sovereignty over the South China Sea threatens the global rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific in a way that adversely impacts Australia’s national interests.”
It’s so obvious the West is trying to start WWIII to eliminate any competition, and won’t stop until it secures the worlds trade, resources, people and currency for it evil agenda of total control: The Great Reset.
No, the West is not trying to start WWIII. The Owners and Bosses of the West know that World War Three would result in everyone losing and perhaps most everyone dying.
Through arrogance, recklessness and stupidity, however, the West might actually start WWIII.
Its hubris & lost “all reason, for WHAT…????
Profit is a helluva drug for the merchants of death.
If every business has no workers or customers because they are dead, what then? Planet of the Apes? The second Planet of the Apes with the survivors worshiping a nuke, as they remove their fake faces, revealing horrid scars?
It’s the Neocons and their Fools Errand of
“Full Spectrum Dominance” over the entire planet. It is failing in Ukraine and Afrika, after its fiasco in Afghanistan. Why pick the fools who seek to do the impossible. Their hubris is more dangerous than any of their weapons, but not 2 their chosen emenies but to THEM!!
Not thinking that ALL competition would be wiped out. Result: no business, nothing. Just nothing.
They used to do it with gun boats and invasions ,
Be careful what you aim for, you just might hit it…
What a crock of sh-t…
This is not a damn hegemonic game.
We need to build a world that is safe and secure as possible for ALL of US.
“This is not a damn hegemonic game.”
Unfortunately, dangerously, it is a game for the crazies in charge who think of themselves as players.
Apparently, the “minds” who are coming up with this sh*t think it is one big board game. Risk.
I remember Kramer on “Seinfeld” saying “Ukraine is weak”.
I appreciate your loving and caring nature but you are outside the tent of the ruling classes proclivities.I don’t believe that a peaceful world is ant longer possible. The seeds of destruction have been sown and will be reaped.
So sad to see Austraila get onboard these hostilities against China. It is a masterstroke of idiocy for the . Unarmed Auzies. They should try to get along with their Chinese Neighbors as best they can, & not be not. Be endangering Austraila by being hostile and siding with American hegemony!!!
When I was still working, one of my co-workers was Australian. He complained that the Chinese were buying up lands with resources. I asked him, “why are the lands being sold”? Boy, did he get p*ssed. He did not see the logic in my question. If you don’t want to see resources purchased, then, don’t sell. The blame lies with those who are cashing in. Selling.
and there it is old man = no matter how much you might hate your new neighbors, the seller is the bastard, not the buyer
China is an expansile power.As the author stated,these missiles cannot begin to threaten China. Part of the reason that Germany did not seize Switzerland during WW2 was that the Swiss were well prepared.
Schmuck,the reason the Nazis did not attack the Swiss was not military you idiot it was entirely financial
The more likely reason is that the Nazi invasion plan initially called for 21 divisions of the Wehrmacht. That was reduced to 11 divisions (with 15 Italian divisions coming from the south), but would have still been a significant commitment and could seemingly wait until Hitler was done frying bigger fish (especially the Soviet Union). Once the Soviets didn’t collapse and the US entered the war, it was never going to be moved off the back burner.
By the time the US / UK got involved very late i might add the war was all but over the Red Army and kicked the shit out of the German Army , after Stalingrad the Nazis where in full retreat , D.Day was nothing more than a land grab before the Red Army over ran Europe so the Yanks and the Brits thought .
The US got involved (other than e.g. Lend-Lease) in time to have combat forces fighting in North Africa during the Stalingrad campaign, and in Italy, etc. between then and D-Day. The war was far from “all but over” even by D-Day. The Soviets were always going to beat Hitler. The question was whether they’d exhaust themselves doing so, or whether western support would allow them to expand their empire across much of Europe.
Yep the swiss financed the NAZI war machine and got a free pass at the end of the war .
Those crazy Aussies know not who they are fucking with. Perhaps the Aboringes will survive.
Australia is a US BITCH they have been in every US war illegal or other wise , you never hear them brag about Vietnam do you or all the other was the US has lost .
aimed at countering China, Australia’s largest trading partner
we are going to aim missiles at you but by all means, lets continue to be largest trading partners
Carlin would have a field day today.
I miss his wit,humor and way of looking at things very much.
you couldn’t make that sh*t up
edit = “hey is that your war-ship in our bay or is that your cargo-ship in our bay? if i squint my eyes enough then it doesn’t really make a difference, does it.”
The world is preparing for war at breakneck pace.
100%. But, I still chuckle every time I read the name of the Australian city where the US base is located. It’s named after Darwin! …Okay. It may not be funny to you but it’s hilarious to me. (Sarcasm)
Yes, almost oracular, but only funny to an ironist. I hope the Aussies are wise enough to only affect and posture.
Please. LOL. They are so nice and cute, they would drone Assange themselves if Killary asked. (Sarcasm)
Yeh, I guess, like Canada and Scandanavia, life is too good and they’re bored. What better than a big time blood sport 5 thousand miles away.
It is rather funny.
Are you saying the human species has not advanced. I would agree. Some of us have become much more sophisticated in how we kill each other.
They never specify whose “Rules” these are, who “made” them, and who decided the “order”. We know, of course. But, they make it sound like there was some kind of a vote among the “democracies” of the world to determine it. And not some gigantic Mafiaesque Gang enforced dictum, like it really is.
Placing HIMARS in Adelaide is a brilliant move. They’ll be able to target Chinese forces occupying Midura, Victoria. 🙄
To counter what? If memory serves me, Australia was the last continent to have its citizens die of radiation poisoning in the book, “On the Beach”. The country does not have to sustain a direct hit, just the accumulated fall out from many hits in other countries would do the trick.
So Oz, with a population of 26 million people is willing to have its country used by the US as a proxy against a country of 1.4 billion people. China is no longer populated with starving peasants. Time the citizens of Oz turf you out and elect people with brains instead of US brainwashed idiot neocons.
Yeah right , Australians don`t fart unless they get permission from the yanks .