The Russian Defense Ministry said on Thursday that its forces downed 19 Ukrainian drones over the Black Sea and Crimea, as Kyiv has stepped up attacks on the peninsula amid its faltering counteroffensive.
“In the night from 20th to 21st September, an attempt by the Kyiv regime to commit a terrorist attack with lethal drones on sites in the Russian Federation was intercepted,” the Russian Defense Ministry said on Telegram, according to Al Jazeera.
On top of the 19 drones downed over Crimea and the Black Sea, the ministry said another three were intercepted over the Russian oblasts of Kursk, Belgorod, and Oryol, according to TASS.

The Ukrainian attacks on Crimea and the Russian mainland risk an escalation of the war as Moscow believes the operations are assisted by the US and NATO. The Economist recently reported that Ukrainian drone attacks on Russian territory often use intelligence gathered by Kyiv’s Western backers.
Recent Ukrainian attacks on Russia’s Black Sea fleet in Crimea were reportedly launched using British-provided Storm Shadow missiles, which have a range of 155 miles. The Telegraph reported that Ukraine used Storm Shadows to hit a command post belonging to Russia’s Black Sea Fleet on Wednesday, but the attack was not confirmed by the Russian side.
Tíc toc, tic toc, where are the hands on the nuclear clock?…. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientsts has it at 90 seconds to midnight. The clock is meant to be.a WARNING to ALL of us. Tempting the fates isn’t very bright…. MIDNIGHT is D-DAY.
“Kill for gain or shoot to maim,
But we don’t need a reason,
The Golden Goose is on the loose And never out of season,
Blackened pride still burns inside,
This shell of bloody treason,
Here’s my gun for a barrel of fun
For the love of living death.”
Oh, if we only stopped Donna Volatile’s nuclear enrichment program sooner.. Cherchez la femme!
The Islamic Republic of Donna is signatory to both the NPT and Additional Protocols, and has the right to peaceful enrichment.
The State of Donnael is believed to already HAVE nuclear weapons, however, and seems beholden to nobody – not with the United States of Donna in lockstep with her.
Ah, yes. Putin is losing so the nuclear threats are coming out again!
Putin doesn’t have anything to do with “The Bulletin of Nuclear Scientists”. Maybe they don’t buy into your stupidity that Russian nukes don’t work.
Possible scenario: Putin pushes button. He explodes.
Good answer. Now onto Fourth grade for you.
(Thanks for proving my point about posting with Putin’s name!)
He amateurish in comparison.
And your point? Does that mean Donna was quoting Putin and not The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists? Are you competing for the “Dumber” persona of “Dumb and Dumber”?
First: I didn’t imply Putin said it. It is a fact that you tankies yell “NUCLEAR WAR” every time the Russians get their a** handed to them.
Second: The “Nuclear Clock” (it’s the Doomsday Clock actually) was mocked in that article — as it should be. Donna brought it up. not me.
Take a deep breath.
I was replying to your reply, not your original comment. You replied with a link that mocked the “Doomsday Clock” which is what Donna was talking about. But like always, you have to squeeze Putin into the discussion.
And I know the article mocked the Doomsday Clock. It’s easy to since you can’t be wrong until it happens so there will be no one around to say “I told you so”. And Donna brought it up because she knows possible nuclear war is very real. Only fools like you would think otherwise.
Aliens landing in the middle of Time’s Square could happen too; and if anyone posted about an “Alien Landing Clock” I’d mock that as well!
And, yes, I always try to add Putin into the conversation because it tweeks the s**t out of you tankies! (Got me!)
Aliens landing in the middle of Time’s Square could happen too; and if anyone posted about an “Alien Landing Clock” I’d mock that as well!
Back to Third grade you go.
And, yes, I always try to add Putin into the conversation because it tweeks the s**t out of you tankies! (Got me!)
You have got to be joking? I thrive on this sh*t. It’s ego boosting. I look smart compared to someone.
1) I thought it onto was fourth grade with me?
2) You say you thrive on this but your anger comes through in your comments. Are you sure you thrive on it?
1. But your stupid comment negated that. Back to Third you go.
2. I can tell people they’re stupid without being angry.
Not my Putin!! . Lol.
It is Putin’s side making the nuke threats and you know it but wont admit it.
Oh no, they are just reminding the world about their nukes doctrine.
Rather be dumb than a fluffer.
She was quoting The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. Not Putin. And you are dumb.
Russia has also downed ALL Ukrainian drones with the exception of like 3.
But they can’t seem to down the missiles!
Dumb and Dumber reassuring each other’s stupidity. How quaint.
Awww…Wars. The peacenik with the Putin fetish!
Not me. But your boy Don had one up until 2014.But he was too busy to notice Putin’s previous years. Like 2008.
Can someone change their position when new developments occur?
Sorry this is a wiki page but it can begin to put us on somewhat even ground for this discussion:
“Analysts have stated that as of February 2014, Russia was able to:[52]
– Control gas shipments to Ukraine, (in the past few years, it has twice turned off the flow of gas to the country to force the hands of Ukrainian leaders)
– Manipulate the price of gas to Ukraine’s fiscal disadvantage
– Arbitrarily impose trade restrictions on Ukrainian exports
– Flood Ukraine with television propaganda highlighting alleged Western interference in Ukraine’s internal affairs and the threat of fascism
– Infiltrate Ukrainian security forces to stage provocations that would discredit the opposition (there have been persistent but unsubstantiated reports of Russian special forces being involved in kidnappings, beatings, and even sniping against the Ukrainian opposition)
– Stir up secessionist sentiment in ethnic Russian areas such as Crimea and Donetsk
– And that by all signs, the Kremlin also maintained a tight hold on Yanukovych.[53]
Following Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity, counter-revolutionary and pro-Russian protests began in parts of the Donbas. A national survey held in March–April 2014 found that 31% of respondents in the Donbas wanted the region to separate from Ukraine, while 58% wanted autonomy within Ukraine.[54]
While the initial protests were largely native expressions of discontent with the new Ukrainian government, Russia took advantage of them to launch a coordinated political and military campaign against Ukraine.[55] Russian citizens led the separatist movement in Donetsk from April until August 2014, and were supported by volunteers and materiel from Russia.[56][57][58] As the conflict escalated in May 2014, Russia employed a “hybrid approach”, deploying a combination of disinformation, irregular fighters, regular Russian troops, and conventional military support to destabilize the Donbas.[59][60][61]
Even if it is true that the US manipulated the Ukrainians into ousting Yanukovych, they didn’t do all of the above!
That doesn’t have anything to do with what I said. Don calls people Putin lovers constantly with no proof other than them disagreeing with him about Ukraine being used by the West (US). Same with you. So I let people know Don was an actual Putin fanboy himself at one time and it was before 2014. So, Putin didn’t do anything nefarious before 2014?
That’s fine cause i like to let people know you support the invasion and annexation of Ukraine. 🤷🏽♂️
I guess you’ll forever be a Putin fan boy since changing positions on a matter is a bad thing.
But yet you can’t prove that with anything I’ve said. Whereas you actually said those things. Quote me supporting the invasion or quote me where I said something that would prove that I have ever been a fan of Putin.
Of course, who else? Not the Russian patriots like you.
Every time you post a comment you prove my point.
C’mon, Wars. You have a “thing” for Putin. I think you like the Strongman. Daddy didn’t hug you enough?
You’d have to search long and hard to find something that I’ve said about Putin that even remotely resembled flattery. This is what Don resorted to long ago and he has yet to bring up anything that can prove that. I called Putin a thug long before Russia invaded Ukraine. He’s like daddy Bush. CIA/KGB, no difference.
As I’ve said before, until you denounce the Russian aggression in Ukraine (and don’t make excuses for it) you will remain a Putin ‘taint smoocher.
Maybe it’s like an abusive spouse situation? You hate them but you won’t leave them?
I denounce all aggression including Russia’s. I can’t say this enough times, obviously, but I don’t have a “team” in this game. I don’t have a clue as to why anyone would think that I “like” either country. Russia isn’t going to go away. I can wish they would but that isn’t going to make it happen. I’m for diplomacy as I have been since preinvasion. Ukraine giving up territory is a very real possibility. Again, I can’t wish that away and saying it doesn’t mean I advocate it. Now, acknowledge history before February of 2022.
From another one of your posts:
“And Iraq was on the other side of the world and didn’t pose one iota of a threat to US security. Ukraine is right next door to Russia and was being courted to join an anti-Russian military alliance.”
That sure reads like excuse-making….
And that was right after I agreed both were war crimes by “overgrown street gangs”. Showing the differences isn’t an excuse if it’s a fact and it isn’t defending anyone. How about next time not quoting me out of context.
Not buying it.
“Not buying it.”
Which means you “bought” what you took out of context but you’re not “buying” my actual words. Good one.
You haven’t denounced anything russian here. You are full of it.
I’ve been reading your sh!t here for over 18 months and it’s all anti US and pro Russia.
And most of your effort here is to counter the few fellas here that support Ukraine fight for their freedom and never ever the Russian supporters.
Deny it all you want. Your posts contradict you.
Translation: You haven’t read his posts, assume no one else has either, and therefore think no one will notice if you just make sh*t up about them.
You’d think you’d have a list to prove your point, but you don’t. Unless you read something into them that isn’t there.
And there are no fellas here supporting Ukraine’s fight for freedom. There are a few fools here who side with the West (US) and are willing to sacrifice Ukrainians and Ukrainian land to meet their goals of weakening Russia. They’ve admitted as much but yet you keep ignoring their very words while wanting more death and defending it with more jingoistic platitudes.
And there is nothing to deny. My posts haven’t changed. Prior or post invasion.
And yet I haven’t seen you denounce Ukrainian aggression in the Donbas without making excuses for it. Whose ‘taint are you smooching?
I won’t call it Ukrainian “aggression” in Donbas any more than I’ll call the American Civil War the “War of Northern Aggression”.
Breakaway regions who were just as bad with their aggression are the very definition of civil war.
Invading seceded republics that are no longer part of your state is aggression.
I’ll say that’s a matter of perspective, no?
Do you believe the South had the right to secede from the union?
Igor Girkin is on record stating he and his militia started the war against Ukraine
Long and hard,? GTFOH.
You defend that daily here.
Again, prove it by quoting me or you get the fuck out.
I was actually being sarcastic. 🤷🏽♂️
I know.
No shit? And somehow you think I didn’t know that? I did. And I still stand by what I said.
It seems like a satellite could eventually map traffic carrying these things around.
Russian satellites probably don’t work either…
“either” right?
everybody’s toys are pieces of sh*t…..
but some people’s toys are more expensive than other people’s toys.
i have a Chevrolet and it is a giant piece of sh*t compared to my Toyota.
Non sequitur…