After two drones targeted Moscow early Monday, a Ukrainian military intelligence spokesman warned such attacks on the Russian capital city will “continue and increase in scale” in a rare Ukrainian admission of responsibility for attacks inside Russia.
“The strikes on the key facilities of Russia’s security sector located in Moscow testify to the fact that the Putin regime is unable to fully control the sky even for the protection of the most important facilities,” spokesman Andriy Yusov told the Kyiv Post. “Obviously, this situation will continue and increase in scale.”
Russian authorities said the drones were downed with electronic warfare systems, but one struck a business center in Moscow, shattering the high-rise building’s windows. Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin said there were no casualties in the attack. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called the drone attack an “act of international terrorism.”

A larger Ukrainian drone attack was also launched on Crimea early Monday, with the Russian Defense Ministry saying 17 Ukrainian drones were downed. The head of Crimea said an ammunition depot on the peninsula was hit, and a private residence was damaged.
The Biden administration maintains that it does not enable Ukrainian attacks inside Russia, but the restriction doesn’t apply to Crimea, as Washington and Kyiv don’t recognize the peninsula as Russian territory.
The operations risk a major escalation, especially if Russia believes the US and NATO are backing the attacks. Russia has previously said that Ukrainian attacks on Moscow are “not possible” without US support. The New York Times reported last month that the Biden administration is no longer concerned that Ukrainian attacks inside Russia might escalate the war.
I’ve discovered something that Biden and Zelensky have in common: neither can see his reflection in a mirror.
Vampires are not that evil.
“Vampires are not that evil.”
and yet it is ingrained into most of us from an early age that vampires are indeed evil incarnate, and it falls upon us feeble-dees that we are on our own because every time that a Vampire actually shows up the government is nowhere to be found.
edit = wait, what? yes, you heard me, vampires are the devil .and because uncle sam does not actually protect us from the devil then uncle sam must also be the devil.
son of bitch WTF is actually going on in this New American Century
Vampires aren’t real. Does that mean Uncle Sam is not real?!?
Wait. Do tankies believe vampires are real?!? (They do believe a lot of false information.)
I think they are that delusional.
Oh look, Dumb and dumber back to back.
It’s cranky Bill! I see you took a minute to stop watching Fox News and add a very witty comment! (Me and Donnie J are thoroughly dismantled by your sharp takedown!)
Well, we have different opinions about what’s going on over there, but some of my comments have become too personal, that’s not why either one or us came to this site, and for that, I apologize, and will try to avoid making any more personal attacks or remarks, and I’ll say the same to Julio.
OK, Bill. Truce it is with you and I’ll respect that. You take care.
Well, we have different opinions about what’s going on over there, but some of my comments have become too personal, that’s not why either one or us came to this site, and for that, I apologize, and will try to avoid making any more personal attacks or remarks.
Now see, that there would be considered trolling.
OK. Now what?
You know Wars is in bed with all those tankies. I was waiting on him to once prove me wrong but that will never happen. He is invested.
Correct. They can’t reverse course now. They have to double-down and keep going. Their heads would explode of the began to see reality!
You don’t need anyone else to prove you wrong, every time you put one of your asinine comments on here, you reveal that like Biden, you don’t have a clue about reality and truth.
I’m not in bed with anyone. That’s your game. I’ve been consistent.
Stop trolling.
Tankies? You nitwit children and your
new age vocabulary. LOL
Tankies is decades old and fits s**the ads just like you.
Oh oh, brother! It seems that you hit a nerve. Look at who you woke up and dragged out of their coffins! They’ll be after you to defend the honor of vampires and meat-grinders. LOL. Me? I’ll be here in the corner sipping on my coffee and enjoying the carnage! (Sarcasm)
wow those guys actually seem to be taking this personally!
hey i have been eating a whole bunch of garlic – because garlic is the devil as far as devils go.
but my wife does not believe that garlic is the cure so i have to slip it into her cheerios for her own good. – i bet that will teach her boy-friend a lesson
Haha, if your wife is like mine, did you mean to say boyfriend(s) with an (s)? Just kidding!!! I sent you another text this morning, congratulating you on the new assignment in China! I hope it lasts longer than the previous spies we sent there! Love you, Spy! LOL.
Never gets old 😉
“(neither Biden nor Zelensky) can see his reflection in a mirror”
really isn’t that just business as usual?
do you think that the Bush family has any mirrors after all these years?
Mirrors don’t work on two exclusive groups: Vampires and meat-eating demons feeding from the meat-grinder of people. Don’t worry if you have human blood on your face or human meat in your teeth. You still probably look more attractive than Victoria Nuland. (Sarcasm)
There is a very long list. A couple of Dicks come to mind.
,,, And Ukraine Area Will Decrease in Scale…!
Except Ukraine is not decreasing. I will exhaust myself by saying this again and again, but you really should follow RYBAR (Russian mil-blogger) who confirms that Ukraine is rolling back the Russian defenses (everywhere but Kupyansk).
No. You’re all too busy playing Bagdad Bob and believing Russia is just about to start their REAL offensive. (Don’t hold your breath tankies!)
“And because we started it a bit later on it can be said and it will be shared truth understood by all of the experts that it provided Russia with time to mine all of our land and build several lines of defense,” he said.
I think you’re getting a little ahead of yourself.
^^ This kind of Dunning-Kruger fool is the reason America’s Neocons / MIC / Corporatocracy have gutted our country. We’re $32 trillion dollars in debt with interest rates soon to be $1 trillion / year. 10 to 1 this irritating little parasite works for or holds stock in Raytheon or Lockheed.
We’re $32 Trillion in debt due to tax breaks for corporations and rich oligarchs (by both parties but more often due to republicans).
I’m for raising taxes on the rich and corporations AND scaling back the military budget. However, the military budget needs to be robust enough to deal with belligerents of all kinds — including Russia and China.
A tankie like you can’t get your head around geopolitical rivalries — as if you were a 3 y/o trying to learn Greek.
LOL And, there it is. This peabrain is a Leftist lunatic. Of course ….
I am a lefty; and the two of you strike me as authoritarian-loving right wingnuts. How many red hats do you guys own?
Quick: Who won the 2020 presidential election? Hahaha.
Of course you are a Leftist lunatic. Your idiotic comments gave it away. Begone child …..
I’m sure I’ll listen to you, boomer, d-bag!
If you’re talking about me, you couldn’t be more far off.
“belligerents of all kinds — including Russia and China.”
Right. First Russia went back on their word about moving the Warsaw Pact one inch closer to our borders and surrounding us with Russian military bases. China too. How dare them surround us with those estimated 300 or 400 bases while their generals openly talk about going to war with us like they’re planning a lunch date. Yes, those belligerents.
NATO/US is now the embodiment of Gavrilo Princip. The trip wire is counting down
Rather, Zelensky, maybe? … trying to set off the bomb that generalizes the conflict.
NATO/US is the Serbian Black Hand organization (Serbia’s CIA covert ops of 1914).
Gavrilo Princip was just one of many unguided weapons they launched in that period, including serveral other assassins who made efforts on that same day.
Wahhabi terrorists were much more successful in their attacks inside Russia than Ukrainian neo-Nazi terrorists. Both are actively supported and financed by NATO countries.
Not more than the Kremlin Nazi terrorist attacks in Ukraine you so much defend. Now expanding to take out Ukrainian Cathedrals.
Will increase…..
Who is running this hapless war?
Why are they waiting?
Is this actually a empty threat that would already be happening if they could?
About f ing time. Russia cannot go scorched earth in Ukraine and expect Ukraine to not retaliate.
I strongly support going after Targets in Moscow. Make the Kremlin Nazi Terrorists feel the very pain they are inflicting on the Ukrainian people.
This war was escalated when dumbass Putin decided to invade so f him. And if Putin gets cowardly desperate enough and tries to go Nukie, he will get Nuked and his wealth given back to the Russians he has been stealing from for decades.
NATO cannot go max expansion, refuse even to talk about it, and expect Russia not to retaliate.
Retaliate how? Finland and Sweden now makes it all of Scandinavia in NATO. Ukraine will be admitted when the war is over.
Do you really think Russia wants any part of messing with NATO? (They can’t even defeat Ukraine alone!)
LOL Ukraine will NEVER be admitted to NATO. How can you be so deluded fella?
When they are admitted, will you cry alone or will you come on this site and do a mea culpa?
Ukraine will never be admitted to NATO. Neocons are evil but they understand the consequences of defying a nuclear power. Even your hero Joe Biden is not that stupid.
“Defying” Russia?!? Hahaha. OK. Putin might not last until 2024 but you keep hanging on to his johnson!
And when Putin is gone the person that replaces him could quite possibly make Putin look like a moderate.
Most likely will.
I think Putin is a moderate and very rational judging by his performance and accomplishments. He picked competent people, Lavrov, his secretary of state, is a great diplomate and look what we have, Blinken, the pits. I think Putin can be ruthless too, he is not a pushover. He has a humanistic streak, his speeches are impressive, he is coherent and always has something to say. He has manners and has never called another head of state names as Biden is known to do.
That is the public persona as far as we know.
Credit where credit is due.
You need to be ignored. You’re too full of bile to raise a cogent argument.
Go right ahead and ignore me. You wouldn’t be able to handle the facts I’m going to give you anyway.
Ignore me like your grandkids ignore you when you wear that stupid MAGA hat! Hahaha
Pathetic, sonny, really. Like I wrote above: prove you can execute an analysis and give us a convincing argument – based on historical fact – in favor of the Russian position. Should be a no-brainer for a smart person like yourself, right?
The admission is really mute, Ukraine has nothing to give to NATO, they are beggars already.
And NATO is imploding most likely there will be no NATO left anyway, the same goes for the EU, when Biden sabotaged the pipeline,willfully destroying the EU economically there will only be an impoverished Europe left, that does not leave much for the hegemon. The most powerful and wealthiest nations are wiped out.
Good job, well done by the Washington scum and cowardly Europeans.
That is what it could look like after the fall.
“They can’t even defeat Ukraine alone.”
And yet NATO expansion was so necessary.
Never fight alone. (Too bad the Russians were too arrogant to follow that dictum.)
And Ukraine is fighting alone too, right? I mean this is the big talking point amongst team Ukraine. Little Ukraine is subduing big bad Russia all by their lonesome.
Sounds more like sound bites than rational thinking to me.
That’s what a dictum is, small man.
I’m 6’7″ tall and mean as hell, little boy.
I’m very scared.
You should be because I’m a lot smarter than you as well.
Yet not smart enough to look up a word before you make a dips**t comment.
I didn’t interpret anything you said, because everything you say here screams of ignorance about recent history in that part of the world.
You’re just like the other victims of brainwashing. You all believe that history starts with a single act.
You don’t get what’s happening here and you never will, because you wall yourself off from the facts present on both sides of the current conflict.
Tell me, big scary guy, who’s winning and who’s losing right now?
(I’m gonna bet you approach most things the same way: Fox News tells you what to think and you embrace it.)
I don’t have a TV, for starters. I’ve only witnessed Fox News in motels because that’s the crap they put on the wall. I don’t vote republican, so there’s that. So I submit you don’t have a friggin’ clue what I’m talking about.
How about this: go back and read every post from this site relevant to the conflict in Ukraine and educate yourself on what people here are actually talking about. Then get back to me and do the following: argue the Russian side of this conflict and be convincing. If you can do that, I might believe you’re capable of thought and analysis.
Beware, the USA/NATO are losing, they are isolating themselves, the biggest nations on the globe, China, India, Russia, and all the BRICS nations are more than half the global population and are on Russia’s side.
What is more, when the Ukrainian disaster ends it is most likely the end of the EU, and NATO, and the US hegemony. It is possible the Hungarians and the Turks will just turn their backs on NATO and walk away like De Gaulle did, they had enough. Turkey, after the US has the second biggest army in NATO. Europe will be in economic ruins too. So what would Biden and the neocons win? Ukraine already lost the war, it is only dying on the command of NATO.
You do realize the such expansion was because countries who still feared and didn’t trust Russia after the break of the SU (and now we understand their concern), asked NATO to admit them.
The country has to request entering NATO.
The only expansion you choose to ignore is Russia. But that doesn’t bother you at all. It doesn’t fit your narrative.
Right. Did those countries already in NATO that made assurances of “not one inch eastward” come in and thwart those requests? And why would they fear Russia way back then? They were much weaker than they are now. And of course “now we understand their concern”. Always love that one. That’ll be used when we instigate China into a war. It’s called self-fulfilling prophesy.
“The only expansion you choose to ignore is Russia. But that doesn’t bother you at all. It doesn’t fit your narrative.”
What exactly is my narrative?
“They can’t even defeat Ukraine alone!”
You poor sap…
Russia invaded and annexed Ukraine. There’s nothing antiwar about that. NATO is just helping Ukraine defend its country. Now Take your sh!t argument to RT news and TASS.
Whoa, if true!
US/NATO pushed Ukraine to provoke Russia and refuse neutrality for Ukraine going back to 2008 W. Bush time. Another big war criminal president.
Stop your nonsense mantra. US/NATO threatend Russia, Ukraine is only cheap cannon fodder, ask Sen. Graham he said it is the cheapest way to kill Russians, he did not say why he wants to kill Russians or what they did to the Americans. He is just another total killer idiot.
You sound like you are losing it. You make no sense at all, but the Biden people make no sense either they are all ripe for an insane asylum.
You don’t even know what this war is about and what business the US has in Ukraine. Why did Obama/Biden fund and support the bloody 2014 bloody regime change in Kiev? Just so Hunter could get a $$$million job? What was the reason for a bloody regime change of a duly elected government in a poor, and corrupt country on another continent thousands of miles away?
I have asked it before and you were never able to provide an answer, all you know is the Biden BS and nothing else. You are really only a little sucker. Biden’s dementia is getting worse by the day, he can’t form a coherent sentence, so who is in charge of the government, Biden most certainly is not.
Counter Revolution: Do You Know What Time It Is?
Alastair Crooke.
It’s too bad that the country really responsible for these terrorist attacks cannot get reciprocity.
It’s Russia and they are feeling the burn.
You say that because you ignore the recent history leading up to this war.
He is only repeating the governments mantra of lies. He says what he is told to say, a true believer.
Escalation, escalation, escalation! No end to this stupid Ukraine war in sight. Belligerencies are being extended not only to Russia proper but over Syrian skies now as well with drone confrontation. Good job guys keep it up. You’ll soon engulf the whole world in this mess you’ve started.
Ask Putin to pull his Army out. Putin invaded. Not Ukraine nor NATO.
Russia invaded and annexed land of a foreign country. You must be stupid or ignorant. Or just a f ing paid troll.
Maybe some people believe Russia isn’t going to pull out. Can you grasp that? What then Don, please tell us. What does Ukraine look like if Ukraine wants to fight until they retake every inch of their territory? Anything besides more nationalistic cheerleading? And are those of us who believe Ukraine will be worse off the longer the war goes on and use that as our reasoning to negotiate wrong?
Biden wants Ukraine to fight until they retake every inch of their territory to serve the Biden interests. Biden wants regime change in Russia and a torn up RF. The gluttonous hegemon wants to own and rule the world. There have never been more power hungry nations than the USA and UK.
Maybe some people believe Ukraine isn’t going to stop defending itself.
Can you grasp that? What then Wars, please tell us.
What does Russia look if Russia wants to fight until they secure every inch of the territory they annexed?
Dont give me that crap. You and your BS negotiations. There’s no negotiation with a country currently killing your people and taking your land. Ukraine will not be worse off. They will if they stop fighting.
Get that. Not everyone is in favor of Putin’s war.
Your fake concern for Ukrainian lives is interesting.
How many more Russia soldiers have to die for Putin for you to start asking Putin to reconsider his failed invasion and pull out.
Oh, I get it. You believe Putin wont pull out but you believe ukraine should stop fighting. Give a f ing break.
I will tell you. I’ve been telling you. Ukraine will be destroyed. The only way that doesn’t happen if with direct involvement from the west. And they’ve already made it perfectly clear they will avoid that at all costs. And Russia isn’t going to look any different. The war is taking place on Ukrainian territory. I know you don’t care about that fact, but that is a fact.
Yes Don, no negotiations. Because the killing will magically stop, and Russia will hand back all annexed territory without the need for negotiations. And somehow Ukraine couldn’t possibly be worse off unless they stopped fighting. Again, the possibility that they are out manned and outgunned doesn’t even come into play with you. And I loved that last sentence “Get that. Not everyone is in favor of Putins war”. That is Don Julio at his finest.
One of us is faking concern for Ukrainian lives and it certainly isn’t me. I want negotiations so people will stop dying. And then once more with asking Putin to pull out.
“How many more Russia soldiers have to die for Putin for you to start asking Putin to reconsider his failed invasion and pull out.”
Ok. I’ll ask Vlad to pull his troops out and reconsider the invasion. I haven’t asked before so that must mean I’m on team Russia. Right Don? It couldn’t possibly mean that I don’t think Russia/Putin ARE going to pull out and I comment accordingly.
And finally, Don tells us the Ukrainians must keep dying once again ignoring the fact that they can’t possibly win. Not without their supporters getting directly involved. But reality doesn’t get in Don’s way. Fight on.
The fact is, the Russians wanted to negotiate Ukrainian neutrality, Jeffrey Sachs called the Biden people at least twice and they said no, they did not put Putin up on the offer, they did not encourage the Ukrainians to implement the Minsk agreements, they simply broke the agreements. Biden/Nuland and the other idiots were sure they could get the regime change and destruction of the RF on the cheap, in any case the others would pay the price including the European NATO allies.
We have f***ed up criminal elements running the government in D.C.
Is defending ruins worth dying for? Look what they got for all the butchery, or maybe you are too blind to see. Russia needs to invade the USA in order to teach people like you a lesson. Maybe it would be easier to chain you and Biden and Zelensky on a pole on the MAIDAN while the artillery shells are coming in.
YOU SHOULD NOT EVEN MENTION THAT, The Anglo-Saxons stole their country from the American Indians, they committed genocide and forced the survivors on barren reservations, and to this day Americans never made good by the Indian people, they broke every treaty they signed with the people.
You better look in the mirror and be quiet, the Anglo-Saxons have a bloody history, they went after the much weaker people who had no guns. Slavery, another issue you can’t get to terms. And not to forget, they annexed the whole S. West and California from the Mexicans, or not? They are greedy bas*ar*s
Ukraine wants to provoke.
The US knows it, which is the main reason it is hesitating on long range missiles.
Russia knows it, which is the main reason it has not yet been provoked to far worse responses.
Everyone involved knows who is acting crazy, and why.
Ukraine has been invaded by imperial Russia. Did you not know that?
Ukraine wants to provoke? GTFOH with your pro putin BS.
Ukraine was encouraged to provoke Russia with the NATO promise protect them. The Obama/Biden regime change in 2014 ended Ukrainian sovereignty, Ukraine became a vassal state. A sucker nation doing the dying for US interests, Zelensky sold the people for cannon fodder to pay for his mansions and his wives’ Paris shopping trips.
As a young boy reading about world war two there was a recurring theme that German bombing of London created English solidarity. The citizens of Nato should rise up and support the UN instead of their national governments.
Russian military intelligence:
Drone attacks on Kiev will increase in scale.
Stavridis Wants Missiles.
Why Putin continues to pussy foot around beggars belief .
The lunatic Uke-Nazis keep sending their men and material to get destroyed by the Russians. It’s bizarre. The Russians are fighting a defensive war meaning they are dug in with over-lapping artillery, dense mine-fields, tank traps, dragons teeth, complete air-superiority, etc. When your enemy is destroying himself …. don’t interfere.
Because he knows he illegally invaded and annexed a sovereign country he thought would welcome him and his army of criminals.
Now he has nothing to justify a nuclear escalation which is his only way to step up any significant gain.
And he knows, if he goes down that road, he won’t enjoy his trillion wealth any longer.
George W Bush & Tony Blair expected the same thing from Iraq when they invaded it. That war was based on lies, Iraq had no plans to threaten world peace with WMD’s & it was not involved in 9/11.
You can’t say to another nation: “We are going to win your hearts & minds, liberate you & make you a democracy whether you like it or not” & expect it to work that way. It won’t work that way.
Great spin. You injected yourself in the conversation to provide nothing relevant.
The demented old man and the clown are like two kids playing with matches inside the barn. and not an adult in sight.
Have you ever said anything negative about the guy who invaded Ukraine?
Is he a clown too? Is he too playing with matches.
Why should I? He had the decency to face the Russian people telling them he will use military force if he has to and, he did not want to do it but he has to protect the Russian people, that is his job and he owes it to the people who elected him. He said it in different words but he said it.
What about Biden? I do judge Biden, it is my right, I voted for the man. He is an outstanding liar and so are his cabinet members. Does he govern or is he just campaigning for the next election?
Coming right up . . . the drones of August?
The humans can be such slow learners.
Once you start taking out hospitals, supermarkets, maternity hospitals, schools, residential areas and the latest, Cathedrals, there’s nothing you can do to reverse your terrorist narrative.
Putin has lost it. But he still has his army of support bloggers.
You just repeat lies. The Ukrainians do that, remember the WMDs? Who lied Bush or Saddam Hussein? The Gulf of Tonkin, who lied Ho Chi Min or LBJ? Nixon and the secret bombing in Cambodia and Laos, you remember? There is much more, in short the US establishment elite can’t be trusted. They break agreements whenever it suits them.
It can only get worse, with the promotion of Nuland not much will change, but Biden showed his incompetent leadership, Putin would have never promoted such a limited and evil person as Nuland.
The difference between a real competent statesman like Putin and a demented man like Biden shows on the people he appoints. Putin has a world class diplomate Lavrov as secretary of state and there is Blinken a failure and Biden promoted a limited and bad person as second in command in the state department. She is worse and much more dangerous than the stupid Baerbock in Germany.