Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has confirmed that Ukrainian forces have started their long-awaited counteroffensive.
Throughout last week, Russia reported large Ukrainian attacks in the eastern Donbas region and in the southern Zaporizhzhia Oblast, but Ukrainian officials stayed quiet about the assaults. On Saturday, Zelensky said that “relevant counteroffensive defensive actions are taking place in Ukraine.”
Zelensky didn’t offer any details about the operations, which are being carried out with NATO equipment by NATO-trained troops. On Sunday, Russia said that it destroyed several German-made Leopard tanks and US-made Bradley Fighting Vehicles over the past 48 hours.

The Russian Defense Ministry claimed it has continued to repel Ukrainian attacks. “During the past day, the armed forces of Ukraine continued unsuccessful attempts of offensive actions in the Donetsk, southern Donetsk, and Zaporizhzhia directions,” the ministry said.
Ukrainian officials on Sunday claimed that their forces made gains in Donetsk. Neither the Russian or Ukrainian claims have been confirmed, but it’s clear there has been steady fighting both in the Donbas and in Zaporizhzhia, and US officials have acknowledged to CNN that Ukraine is taking heavy casualties.
The US has been pushing for a counteroffensive instead of peace talks as the Biden administration is against the idea of a ceasefire in Ukraine. US officials told POLITICO that they believe President Biden’s reputation and continued US support for Ukraine hinges on the success of the counteroffensive.
“Ukrainian officials stayed quiet about the assault” – every time when Ukrainian/NATO militaries captured any village, they flooded internet with the selfies of their soldiers at the administrative buildings of those villages or with their selfies in some other recognizable places. This time they have so far nothing to show, that’s why they are quiet.
“Biden’s reputation and continued US support for Ukraine hinges on the success of the counteroffensive.” – definitely Biden’s reputation depends on the success of Ukrainian/NATO militaries, but hardly US support for Ukraine hinges on that.
They destroyed a dam. That’s something that should get ‘attaboy’ from Pentagon terrorist filth.
Of course, the destruction of the dam is a terrorist act.
1 – Crimea deprived of Dnepr water.
2 – Huge agricultural territories are badly damaged.
3 – The water reservoir for many years will be replaced by a breeding ground for mosquitos.
4 – The biggest in Europe nuclear power station lost the access to the cooling water.
Though they removed the fuel from 4 nuclear reactors, the fifth reactor, which was recently switched from Russian nuclear fuel to American one, is still full of nuclear fuel. It is remarkable that IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), which is controlled by American oligarchy, doesn’t allow the removal of American nuclear fuel from the reactor.
None of the four elements you list have anything to do with whether or not the bombing was a “terrorist act.”
Terrorism consists of 1) attacks on civilians/non-combatants, 2) for the purpose of creating terror, that 3) is intended to result in political pressure on the regime ruling those who are terrorized to change its behavior.
You are correct. But I would imagine people feel “intense fear”, the definition of terror, even though the act that caused that fear isn’t defined as terrorism.
It is not only the fear but also a huge ecological disaster and a possible destruction of many human lives. The export of wheat will be substantially reduced and millions of people go hungry because the price for the bread go up.
I agree but I was talking in general terms and not about any particular incident. People often dismiss something as being an act of terrorism even though it causes terror. Dropping bombs comes to mind.
Yes, there is a certain classification. If the bomb falls from the sky, it is not an act of terrorism, but if they put the same bomb in a vehicle, park it near the same house and explode, it is definitely a terrorist act, though for people who are living in that house, there is no difference.
“Terrorism” is a matter of intent — the purpose of the act being to terrorize a population for political purposes.
It’s reasonable, for example, to classify the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings as terrorism. The targets were civilians, not military installations, and the purpose seems to have been (in addition to scaring Stalin) to have used the terror the bombings created to get an “unconditional” surrender rather than the previously offered “conditional” (upon not deposing the emperor) surrender.
The US really damaged the utility of the word by applying it to attacks on US military bases and personnel. That habit started before 9/11, but accelerated dramatically afterward.
If the Japanese were really ready to surrender? why did it take two bombs? And, don’t forget the role of the Soviets in defeating the Japanese:
The Japanese had been trying to negotiate a surrender since at least as early as March of 1944. Their one condition: That the emperor not be removed from the throne, tried for crimes, etc. The US insisted on unconditional surrender (and then didn’t remove the emperor).
Hiroshima and Nagasaki had no value as actual military targets. The purpose of bombing them was partly to murder lots and lots of civilians, creating terror and moving the Japanese regime to unconditional surrender. The other part was to show off the new weapon to Stalin and make him more cautious in occupying eastern Europe and the Korean peninsula, or getting too frisky with Japan itself (there were a number of disputed islands that he took anyway).
A little revisionist history there, and still, why did it take TWO bombs to get them to surrender? Read the link I gave re. Stalin’s part.
In an act of such scale, affecting millions in many ways for years into the future, some part of it is certainly terror. There may also be a military purpose.
Was the Tokyo Firebombing really all for military purposes, or was it in part sheer terror? Dresden? We know the answer when the other guys dropped the bombs.
Same here. I imagine it would be more freely labeled as terror if those using the label were more sure it was the Russians who did it. (Not likely)
Tokyo and the rest of the Japan bombing was total war, just as Japan did to China. I have no empathy for the Japanese at that time. They cry now about what happened to them without understanding cause and effect. The cause was their imperial ambitions which included Pearl Harbor, and the effect was their eventual destruction. War is bad, and WWIII is coming faster than we think, unless things turn around quickly.
Maybe, flooding the civilian population with more than 10 cubic km of water and creating a risk of nuclear disaster, according to your standards, is the promotion of the democracy but in reality it is not only a terrorist act but also the greatest ecological disaster in this century. 11.09.2001 terrorist attack, comparing to this one, is a minor joke.
Terrorism, fascism, racism are just the new slurs used against people you don’t agree with; and that’s true especially in Wash. as the institutions and gov. continues to crumble into a collective psychosis.
You should blame Putin for that.
The Dam was blown up from within. There are Russian soldiers on record talking about doing it. Russian troops had control of the dam since they left Kherson city.
And what a coincidence that Russia changed a law regarding attacks on Hydroelectric Plants with a new provision that if such hydroelectric plant was destroyed by a terrorist act, no investigation is needed. Hmm.
And to top it off, Russia destroyed another dam yesterday to stop one of Ukraine’s vectors of attack.
What do you mean “doesn’t allow”? They have as much say in operations of a Russian NPP as Pentagon-fed trolls here. It shouldn’t have been allowed to put American rods in there in the first place.
Yesterday one Russian expert talked about that situation on Russian TV. He said, Russia, so far, has no intention to ignore the demands of IAEA. Probably the situation is not so bad yet.
I wouldn’t pay much attention to talking heads on TV. They are all the same both in Eurasia and America.
Even in NATO countries the decent people have sometimes the access to TV. In Russia it is not a problem at all.
That’s not my point. It isn’t about individuals but about overall spin.
What do you question exactly? The fact that the fuel in one reactor is still not removed?
I question everything. I even doubt that Soviet reactor was converted to accept American rods. Unless they planned to make a dirty bomb of some sort.
It was not safe to use American fuel in Soviet reactor but Kiev regime did it.
They talked a lot on this issue.
Ok, yeah, I remember hearing something on this matter.
Unless there are idiots in Kremlin, disabling this reactor would have been the first task after securing the NPP. And I don’t think there are idiots in Russian nuclear industry even if there are some in Kremlin.
Russia is building a lot of nuclear reactors in different countries. Probably, this business will go much worse if Russia starts to ignore the demands of IAEA.
Well, this is up to jurisdiction of host countries. They will likely get more business if they care more about safety that some morons from IAEA
If the cooperation with IAEA is unprofitable, Russia would abandon it.
Safety is profitable, and it is especially profitable in nuclear industry.
That means the Anglo-American imperial filth will do everything to sabotage it since these degenerates never try to become better. They just try to drag everyone else down to their level.
And that means Kremlin would do everything humanly possible to ensure safety of ZNPP, regardless of whatever UNs nuke leg have to say about it. There is a reason why ZNPP was one of the first things they’ve secured.
Well, it’s very offensive to Ukrainians and Pentagon mercs. Russians are annihilating everything they send.
President Biden’s reputation and continued US support for Ukraine hinges on the success of the counteroffensive.
We can only hope! Since the Russians are certain to grind the Ukrainians to bits.
Currently it’s the Ukrainians who appear to be doing the grinding.
Keep sucking from the propaganda hose and you will lose.
You too, buddy.
Ouch. It’s painful to swallow all that and you would need a deeper throat than Deep Throat himself.
yes it appears that the Ukrainians are grinding – under the wheels
Ukrainians advancing on all fronts. Faster in some areas, slower in others. Making significant advances around Bakhmut. How many Russians died to secure that “victory”?
Better question would be how many enlisted Pentagon grunts they’ve killed and burned their bodies to prevent Russians from identifying them.
They had entire crematorium in Mariupol.
Yep. That definitely happened.
You must have missed the videos since the start of this clean up operation. Just because your propaganda doesn’t mention it, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Enlisted Pentagon grunts getting popped and burned is a fairly common occurrence in Donbass.
Here’s the newest one
And here’s one from a year ago
Volunteers have come from all over to defend Ukraine. Russia started this illegal war. I really don’t care who’s killing them to protect Ukraine.
Ukrainians are killing them mostly since your filthy grunts started the civil war in Ukraine 9 years ago. I have video evidence for that as well.
Of course you do. “Bitchute” seems like a legit news organization. I can produce plenty of videos of Russians being eliminated too. Facts on the ground are what matters but your in denial. You’ll sit and watch videos like you’re playing a game. (The cowards approach to life.)
You’re an idiot. You think your “legitimate” propaganda network is showing you facts on the ground in Donbass? They’ve ignored the war and murder of Ukrainians for 9 years.
Yes. I should get my information from “bitchute”. Hahaha
You should but you wont because you like censorship and propaganda. It obscures your delicate feel-feels from objective reality. Kinda like a safe space for Anglo-American slaves.
And yet the number of parents, children, or spouses of these supposed enlisted Pentagon grunts who have made any public noise at all on the subject is zero.
It MIGHT be possible to hide a VERY small number of “enlisted Pentagon grunt” deaths by telling their families that they died in training accidents in Utah. Once it got beyond single digits, the probability of families publicly asking pointed questions would quickly rise to “inevitable.”
They died in Iraq defending American Freedom and Democracy from thems terrorists. If you don’t believe the Pentagon, you’re with the terrorists and will be sent to GITMO.
“US officials have acknowledged to CNN that Ukraine is taking heavy casualties.”
So now CNN is reliable to you?
Is it reliable when they say Russia is taking heavy casualties?
Maybe they can’t lie anymore. But, both sides lie so don’t believe either.
Don, if even Ukraine’s cheerleaders are admitting that Ukraine is taking heavy casualties then that’s a pretty good indicator that Ukraine really is taking heavy casualties.
I copied johnnyo’s comment since it is exactly what I would have said.
“Don, if even Ukraine’s cheerleaders are admitting that Ukraine is taking heavy casualties then that’s a pretty good indicator that Ukraine really is taking heavy casualties.”
I wish the Ukrainians well in their counter offensive. But the reality is in an asymmetric war of national resistance, the fact that the Ukrainians are able to mount a counter offensive fifteen months after Putin’s invasion is proof that Russia has lost the war and will eventually have to withdraw.
15 months ago I expected the Russians to be in Kyiv by mid March 2022 and for the Ukrainian army to be driven underground by April. The Ukrainians have performed above everyone’s expectations. And if this counter offensive is successful, the war will end a lot quicker.
But even if the Ukrainian army fails, Russia’s opponent is the Ukrainian people who are making it clear that they would rather fight for their independence than go back to being a dependency of Russia. No matter what the outcome of the offensive, Russia will never be able to pacify any part of Ukraine, except possibly Crimea. Eventually Russians will stop supporting the war and get a pragmatic leadership willing to withdraw.
Sky, I know what you’re saying and ordinarily I’d agree. The problem is you continue to not realize the difference between Ukraine and any other place in Russia’s heart.
Simply, Russians don’t think of the eastern areas of Ukraine as a foreign country … for good reason, as the south and the east have BEEN Russia for several hundred years. Most of the people speak Russian, act Russian, are Russian. This should have been addressed in 1991 but was stupidly not. Well, the Russians were ok with the next best thing: a client state and they warned us that that’s the least they would take. But we did not listen.
There won’t be much counter insurgency (and there hasn’t been) … this ain’t Afghanistan, this ain’t Iraq and Vietnam for us, this is their own land. They can’t leave and they will not allow themselves to lose. It is not an option.
You are right that most Russians believe Eastern Ukraine and maybe all of Ukraine is part of Russia. But the Ukrainians, including most of the Russian speakers and many of the Russian ethnics don’t see it that way. As with all indigenous people, the Ukrainians will determine their own national identity. .
you are (deliberately?) missing his point = that if the people of eastern ukraine speak russian and think of themselves as russian, then by all counts they ARE russian. do you really somehow believe that they will rise up and overthrow their new russian overlords? or doesn’t it occur to you that they might actually welcome the protection of moscow from kiev.
Many people in Eastern Ukraine speak Russian. But they don’t think of themselves as Russian.
Most Irish speak English. Very few Irish people speak Gaelic. But that does not make them pro-British. Like Ireland, Ukrainians needed to learn the language of their oppressor and it became their native language. But most Russian speaking Ukrainians are Ukrainian patriots who are fighting against Russia for their independence. Even Zelensky is a Russian speaker who is still learning to speak Ukrainian.
There is a tremendous amount of ignorance about Ukrainian history and culture among most of the commenters on this site.
“”Most Irish speak English…. But that does not make them pro-British””
are you suggesting that the Russian-speaking peoples including Crimea should be left alone to decide for themselves?
because that already happened and they did ask Russia to protect them from what amounted to actual menace from Kiev.
Yes, but many do speak Russian and identify as Russians. So back to square one. You’re talking as if these folks just have to learn the Ukrainian language first and they will all turn on Russia. A civil war should be proof that there were/are some very strong loyalties towards Russia by a good many people in Eastern Ukraine.
Ukrainians who speak Russian do not generally identify with Russia.
We were talking about a specific area where obviously many do.
Unless his “Trident Subs” is some sort of elaborate ploy to feign ignorance, no. Deliberate intent is out of the question.
He is an idiot. Russians don’t think of Ukraine as foreign country period. Majority of Ukrainian population are also pro-Russian or at least pro-Slavic. The tiny percentage who support Anglo-American empire and imperial occupation are entirely insignificant but this gang of terrorists hold the power in Ukraine.
“Russia’s opponent is the Ukrainian people who are making it clear that they would rather fight for their independence than go back to being a dependency of Russia.”
I’m pretty sure Russia’s opponents are the DC Neoperialists who would rather bleed Ukraine to “weaken Russia” than seek a peace settlement like the one they scuttled last spring
I think you should consider that Russia may feel just as strongly as Ukraine about winning this war. I see a lot of evidence, in action as well as speech, that Russia views this as a struggle for existence against the combined forces of the US and NATO. In which case, Russia will not compromise.
John Mearsheimer has addressed this question from a realist geopolitical viewpoint and he is worth listening to as he is not at all pro-Russia.
Here is a good talk that he gave back in 2018, well before the present conflict erupted:
Russian chauvinists see Ukraine a lot like the way France nationalists saw Algeria. But in a war of national resistance, the indigenous defender inevitably wins.
i recommend that you just accept that despite what uncle sam says, Russia is not actually behaving like an evil invader.
if they were then Ukraine would already be done for.
Sounds like you are coping. Ukrainians are doing a counteroffensive because the president of the US demanded to win an election.
Imagine conducting a war on behest of another country. Ukraine has been conquered. Now the conquerers are just figuring how out to divide the territory.
Is this another send 100,000 people to their deaths and gain 3 villages operation? I don’t understand why these people are so adverse to a negotiated peace? PEACE is always better than forever war over some mostly worthless territory.
Tell that to the Viet Cong, or the Afghans. People get funny when you invade their territory.
Dont you mean people get funny when you overthrow their government and put violent racist thugs in power who start a civil war?
Well, well, well… Someone turned an antiwar humanitarian and just admitted they were on the side of Ukrainians, “Viet Cong, or the Afghans?” That’s probably crossing the line even for a Deep$hitState operative trying to argue their pro-war views in an upside-down world after we, ourselves, were killing Viet Cong or Afghans for decades. Was it an unintentional foul? …Nah. I have a “funny” feeling he doesn’t like them as much as he hates the Russians. (Sarcasm alert)
“gain 3 villages”?
They went out into the security zone in front of the Russian lines, where they were meant to be, in order to be blasted with “ranged fires” of artillery, rockets, drones, airstrikes, and masses of mines including laid behind them with rockets. The longer they sit there in those villages, the happier the Russians will be.
At least they moved a bit forward. There are some selfies with Ukrainian soldiers in those villages. In other place, nearer to Donetsk, Ukrainians moved even further forward, celebrated their success, got bashing and went back with a lot of casualties.
War is good business, PEACE isn’t. It’s all about MONEY, Marx was right about that one.
Only problem,is that people won’t work without getting the money
People will work if the state coerces them to work. Remember “Arbeit Macht Frei”?
Times of peace are far more profitable for the citizenry since public funds are not being diverted towards the privately owned MIC. [And then there’s the funds created as debt aspect]
If you are referring to “these people” as being the US organized and led campaign, then it’s quite understandable. Why should the US want peace? LNG being sold to the EU at 4x market value, MIC record profits, and incredible profits to come in rebuilding Ukraine.
If you are referring to “these people” as the Ukrainians, well, they wanted to engage in peace talks, but were ordered not to by the US/UK.
The real despicable part is the “no peace talks” until after the counteroffensive.
I really, really, hope all of Europe open their collective eyes, grow an actual set of balls and learn to say, “NO!” to collective US/UK pressure.
Gas derived from fracking isn’t exactly natural – It’s begging for a proper description like shale gas.
Those were always more propaganda than real. Whatever their virtues, they never had the numbers to shift a war involving millions of soldiers and hundreds of battalions, scores of brigades for Ukraine and even more for Russia.
In that mass, what could 60 tanks do?
Even fancy Leopard 2 tanks are in the end just tanks, not magic wands. Good tanks, yes, but they did lose out in the original US competition with the M-1, so we said a long time ago they were not the best tanks, just good ones.
So now called on to perform, they tried. We got what 60 tanks can do, on a front of many divisions facing hundreds of opponents, those opponents behind minefields with air superiority and 10 times more artillery support.
It was bravely done, but what happened ought not to surprise anyone except those who believed their own tall tales. Fly that Ghost of Kyiv, but don’t expect reality to support that.
You just reminded me of the Ghost of Kyiv fantasy. So, we now have three tourist attractions/rides: The Bradley, the Ghost of Kyiv, and Patriot Meets Russian Shovels. Disney cannot compete. …Sorry. That’s morbid. I’m losing my moral superiority. Okay, anyone wants to join my charitable foundation to abolish all nuclear weapons just as we’re getting ready to annihilate each other like in about 10 minutes? (Really bad sarcasm)
They lose out a rigged competition and Pentagon cowards are terrified to put up their M1 garbage against Russian tanks. They were scared of fair competition with the Russians in SA because they know M1 Ara-bums wont make half the distance Leopards did.
He should confirm counteroffensive has ended…!
Let them fight it out without the US taxpayer and American lives in the mix. Just all about war industry profits which is the total reason for the interventions all over the world.
Those German Leopard Tanks are getting destroyed, and what gets me is they went into battle with the German Iron Cross painted on them. Is Berlin as nutty as Wash. is now? Looks that way.
Your confusion comes from this silly propaganda assumption that there is a sovereign government in Germany. It’s an occupied territory. It was under Anglo-American imperial occupation since WWII and remains as a vassal state today. Nothing that comes from Washington puppets in Berlin represents Germany or her people.
I just learned a new acronym for the Anglo-American empire: USUK or You Suck. Get it?
“Zelensky Confirms Ukrainian Counteroffensive Has Started Russia said Sunday that it had destroyed German-made Leopard tanks and US-made Bradley fighting Vehicles”
Yep, hundreds of armored vehicles destroyed and over 8,000 Ukrainians KIA.
So what will the clown Zelensky do for ran encore?
“Bradley Square” sounds like a lovely tourist attraction–doesn’t it? Don’t feel bad. Don’t you want to see our tax dollars at work? (Sarcasm alert)
♪♫ remember me to Bradley Square … ♪♫
For all that I dislike what Ukraine is doing, Zelensky seems less the author than another victim. He’s not in control. He’s doing a tour of the West, begging. He may be tool and fool, but not the author of the evil.
Her name is Nuland, behind her Hillary and her DNC control. Biden is himself more their fool. Blinken is too incompetent to rank with those two women.
But a willing victim.
The best term for Z is ‘willing puppet patsy’.
Circus ring mistresses and their monkey. “Not my circus, not my monkey.”–Smart quote.
More of the same?
More of the same. Kill all the locals so it can be repopulated with those disgusted with Tel Aviv policy. Then the Israelis can go back to where they came from last century.
Why don’t you go back to where your ancestors came from?
I will if and when Wash. gets as crazy (won’t be long now) as Tel Aviv is right now.
I have to come clean. As a “patriot,” not the same “patriot” actor in the “Patriot Act,” I am conflicted between sacrificing “President Biden’s reputation,” and my own children/grandchildren in a nuclear war. …Okay, you’re either more patriotic or have no children. …I have to admit. I was less conflicted when Aragorn (Lord of the Ring) asked me, “What say you?” (Sarcasm alert)
Biden’s blundering is sacrificing American national interests too, just as it does those of Ukraine, and all of NATO, and the world economy.
I worry for the country, even more because of the truly lame alternatives to Biden now on offer. In this tunnel, the onrushing train has its lights out.
They say Robert Kennedy launched his presidential campaign. Some respectable people talk very much positively about him.
He won’t be allowed to be an “alternative”. He doesn’t talk much like a “D” or “R”.
The oligarchs decide who can be the president and who can’t. Even Trump wasn’t good enough for them though he did everything to please MIC.
“The oligarchs decide who can be the president and who can’t.”
Yep. And they do so in every country more significant than Andorra.
“In this tunnel, the onrushing train has its lights out,” travels into the Twilight Zone.
Ukraine is a tyrannical state run on thought control trained by US and UK social engineering psychological warfare experts.
Ukraine’s propaganda machine is vital for Zelensky: Here is how it works.
Kiev is waging an extensive information war against Russia and it began long before the military conflict and well before America overthrew the government of Ukraine in 2014.
The US ran the first overt planned propaganda war in WW1, with the pioneering efforts of the chairman of the Committee on Public Information, George Creel. He brought Madison Ave advertising methods to the War.
He was closely studied by Joseph Goebbels, who actually based his own doctoral studies on that man’s efforts.
More recently, careful study of and strategy for “color revolutions” advanced this use of media control.
What Ukraine is doing today has grown from long study and perfection of such efforts. It started well before this war, because it was already a part of the first and second color revolutions done in Ukraine, the original Orange Revolution of 2004, and then again the Maidan Revolution of 2014.
They just kept going. It is closely tied into US efforts run from DC.
Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses Paperback – September 22, 2015
The real story behind the Tavistock Institute and its network, from a popular conspiracy expert
The Tavistock Institute, in Sussex, England, describes itself as a nonprofit charity that applies social science to contemporary issues and problems. But this book posits that it is the world’s center for mass brainwashing and social engineering activities. It grew from a somewhat crude beginning at Wellington House into a sophisticated organization that was to shape the destiny of the entire planet, and in the process, change the paradigm of modern society. In this eye-opening work, both the Tavistock network and the methods of brainwashing and psychological warfare are uncovered. With connections to U.S. research institutes, think tanks, and the drug industry, the Tavistock has a large reach, and Tavistock Institute attempts to show that the conspiracy is real, who is behind it, what its final long term objectives are, and how we the people can stop them.
Elensky should just declare victory, and sue for peace. the western press could proclaim a great victory for Ukraine, and the Russians would get what they want. Win – win.
Zelensky is not running a Sovereign State. The US control all levers of Power in Kiev. Nothing happens in Kiev without US orders.
Russia has their work cut out for them. With all of NATO behind Ukraine, and Russians doesn’t want to carpet bomb the whole country to the Stone Age, they have to do some fancy maneuvering here.
However they will quite happily carpet bomb Poland into the stone age if the situation dictates it. Remember that a stated aim of the SMO is Denazification.
I see little point in bombing England or US to stone age, much less with any occupied European country. Why make people suffer when you can simply exterminate the parasites? Easier, cheaper and good for the environment.
Build guillotines, not bombs.
Poland are the parasites, they willingly will kill ethnic Russians in their tens of thousands. Poland knows only to well who Stepan Bandera is but they send mercenaries and weapons to fight shoulder to shoulder with Nazi’s and murder civilians in large numbers.
Carpet bombing them into the stone age is the least they deserve.
Brainwashed slaves can’t make sovereign decisions. The bio-bots or “human resources” as they are called by the state are simply incapable of rational choices. They are programed to follow and obey. Nothing else.
The polish people know exactly who Stepan Bandera is…..i will not excuse the Polish people for their ethnic cleansing campaign. They will pay the price in their own blood. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Well, that’s your path. You walk it.
Do you even care for those who cant walk any path because Polish/US/EU mercenaries have murdered them?
Justice needs to be done. The International Court wont so who will? Russia will, the Russian people demand it.
Justice is preventing crime from occurring again. Can’t do justice by repeating the crime. That’s revenge and continuation of the cycle. Break the chain.
When you dont have Justice all you have left is revenge.
The reason Law Courts were introduced in the first place was to take the responsibility of revenge from the victims.
If the law courts wont represent the victims then revenge is again the responsibility of the victims.
So it’s basic troubleshooting. Find who rig the courts and sabotage the justice.
The world is lawless. Hence the guilty go unpunished. And if the guilty go unpunished then their crimes escalate.
Without revenge to punish them it will only get worse. As i stated the responsibility for revenge is again placed squarely on the victim.
The world would be a great place if it was lawless. That isn’t the case.
You cant honestly believe that?
Yes I do. The organized mafia or the state create laws to control the slaves.
Nobody needs you to excuse them for anything. You won’t be extracting any prices from your mom’s basement.
Why would you feel the need to be nasty to posters here? Or do you just have issues with me?
So if we say anything you disagree with then you will abuse people on this site? This is beneath you.
The only “issue” I have with you is that you’re a murderous warmonger troll who mostly just copies and pastes Russian MoD propaganda here. You’re free to do it, and I’m free to treat it as what it is.
I’d be just as “nasty” with someone who breathlessly posted every Kyiv regime claim, or every Pentagon press release on how many Iraqi resistance AK-47s had been seized, IEDs blown in place, and “terrorists” murdered, circa 2003.
The truth hurts i guess. I can only imagine how hurt you will be when Russia defeats the combined Western Powers in Ukraine.
By your own admission you say you are nasty to me, but i am the problem right?
Fascism, blame the victims for the crimes committed against them.
Why would I be “hurt” by the outcome of a war in which I have neither any stake nor any victor/vanquished preference?
Don’t worry folks!
Fox’s resident war monger Gen Jack Kean shares the reason why they are not going full bore and taking territory is because they are “probing” to determine the best spot for their big push.
If our intelligence gathering is such low quality you have to probe to determine the best route we really are wasting a lot of money on tech.
The spin is getting ridiculous; I can’t wait for next week’s.
I’m just waiting for this:
Election is coming up for the old fella.
Zelensky Confirms Ukrainian Capitulation Has Started