Mexican TV has reported that a militant affiliated with Mexico’s Gulf Cartel was spotted carrying an advanced rocket launcher, the same type that the US has shipped thousands of to Ukraine.
Azucena Uresti, a news anchor for Milenio TV, identified the rocket launcher as a Raytheon-made Javelin anti-tank missile system, which the US has been providing Ukraine since 2018. Over 10,000 Javelins have been poured into Ukraine since Russia launched its invasion last year.
Some online observers have said that the launcher shown in the TV report looks more like a Swedish-made AT-4 anti-armor system, which the US has also shipped to Ukraine. The main difference between the two anti-tank weapons is that the Javelin fires a guided missile while an AT-4 munition is unguided, and the AT-4 is meant for just one use.

Since the US and its allies began flooding Ukraine with weapons, there have been multiple reports of arms winding up in other countries. Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari said last year that “terrorists” in the Lake Chad region of Africa were armed with weapons from Ukraine.
“Regrettably, the situation in the Sahel and the raging war in Ukraine serve as major sources of weapons and fighters that bolster the ranks of the terrorists in the Lake Chad region,” Buhari said in November 2022.
In October 2022, Finland’s national law enforcement agency, the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), warned in October that arms meant for Ukraine had wound up in the hands of criminal gangs in Finland. The NBI also said that weapons meant for Ukraine were found in Sweden, Denmark, and the Netherlands.
“Oh, what a wonderful world”…
And It’s the end of it 🤷🏽♂️
Good news for manufacturers.
Yes. Expanded markets. Biznesss………………
Before speculation begins, you should know the Mexican Army buys weapons from the US and has Anti tank items within their arsenal.
Mexican military operating under the radar wearing camouflage to escape detection.
Great, so when we invade Mexico to take on the Cartels we can fight against our own weapons, that’s pretty much par for the course now though isn’t it?
And it looks like an AT4 to me, I fired enough of them and carried them in Panama, I didn’t fire any down there but I saw what they can do to a car, it’s not pretty.
They are a “medium anti-tank weapon” the round travels faster and has a longer range than the Light anti-tank weapons, they also come with different rounds, some are strictly anti-tank rounds, some are for blasting through walls some of just high explosives or like a big grenade. I’m not even sure how many different variants they have now.
One shot disposable, just like the light anti-tank weapon, they cost about 7 grand each back in the 80’s. In training they have a nine millimeter tracer round that is used to save money. Super easy to fire and accurate enough at short ranges that just about anyone can hit what they are aiming at.
To have a chance at taking out a modern tank you have to fire in a team and you both have to hit a weak spot so it’s not primarily an anti-tank weapon, especially considering they don’t have that much range, not compared with the heavier anti-tank weapons like the TOW and they would only disable the tank, so the tank will still get your ass most likely. In other words it’s basically suicide to try to take out a T72 with one.
Thanks for the great info, hang around my friend. 🙂
“” they cost about 7 grand each back in the 80’s””
AT4 missile = $1,480 US
javelin missile = $78,000 US
stinger missile = $120,000 US
U just KNOW this was gonna happen,,PURGE all DC Ghouls!!
Here’s what the MIC thought about the debt ceiling deal:
Lockheed Martin’s James Taiclet called the bill ‘as good an outcome our industry or our company could ask for’.
So, I would assume a cold hearted bastard like that really doesn’t care who ends up with their weapons. In fact, he was probably hoping it was American made since it will need to be replaced.
A couple of serial numbers would answer the burning question very quickly, but I have a feeling we’ll just never be able to get our hands on one, for some strange reason.
How did Antiwar suddenly become prowar?
It didn’t.
Next question?
Please furnish a link to a recent article on antiwar purely and entirely dedicated to educate and inform Antiwar readers on how to end these senseless illogical lie based wars instead of this never ending glossing about US wars.
What can Antiwar readers do to end war!
Next question?
You have questions?
You never answered my last one my friend.
1) You’re in the news section, not the commentary section.
2) Anti-war content that doesn’t happen to be the content you want isn’t pro-war content. It’s just anti-war content that doesn’t happen to be the content you want.
Kindly furnish a link to the relevant section with articles that are truly dedicated to stopping war.
Well, there’s the commentary side of the site, and the blog side of the site.
But I suspect that what you mean by “truly dedicated to stopping war” is “happens to agree with Southern on every issue, in every respect,” so you may find them disappointing.
Interesting and bookmarked.
In the context of things – perhaps you’d be willing to post this interesting article by Brad Wolf linked below – Antiwar readers be interested to read and place comment.
War for Profit: A Short(ish) History [Originally posted on Peacevoice]
That one appeared at about a month ago.
I’m not among the people who posts content to, but we do have a submissions/suggestions page.
And just how does your tribunal plan to “hold United States weapons manufacturers accountable”?
A consumer boycott? Public shaming? Force the corporation to hire some HR staff to lead re-education sessions against weapon manufacturing? Stand on the sidewalk outside the building and yell monotonous peace chants?
Get a clue, Southern. The MIMAGOC (Military-Industrial-Media-Academia-Government Complex) is comfortably in control of the opinions and attitudes of about 95% of the American public.
Now, that is down a bit from the 99.44% who believed what was spewing from the New York Times/Washington Post/Guardian sewer pipe in the first year of the Ukraine war. And I attribute that improvement to the existence of and similar websites (Consortium News, ScheerPost, Moon of Alabama, Gilbert Doctorow, Indian Punchline, et alia). And AntiWar is particularly good at providing news links.
Because, the first step toward solving a problem is to properly identify and describe it.
Ranting and complaining is fruitless and childish.
No surprise here. Ukraine has a history of extreme corruption, and the allegations that some percent of aid was being siphoned off by Ukrainians have been going around for well over a year, but that’s besides the point; we (the US) are just as capable of mishandling and losing (or stealing) hundreds of thousands of weapons all on our own without any help – just see general Betrayus Petraeus’ record while “arming” the Iraqi Security forces; well over 100,000 weapons went “missing” on his watch, and that wasn’t the only loss. When it comes to “the stupid and incompetent award”, the Pentagon vies with the State Department and the CIA for the gold medal.
New Markets, Exactly the plan. Let’s get guns in Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, oh and as always Mexico and start building the death cycle of guns needed to stop the amount of guns coming in…