On Sunday, a senior Ukrainian official outlined his vision for what Kyiv would do if it retakes the Crimean peninsula from Russia.
Russia annexed Crimea following the 2014 US-backed coup in Kyiv that ousted former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. Polling has shown since then that the majority of people living in Crimea are happy they’re part of the Russian Federation.
Oleksiy Danilov, the secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, said people who have worked for the post-2014 administration in Crimea should be prosecuted. He said some should face criminal charges and be banned from holding public positions.
Danilov also wants any Russians who moved to Crimea after 2014 to be expelled and called for the dismantling of the Kerch Bridge, which connects the peninsula to the Russian mainland. The bridge was attacked in a truck bombing in October 2022.
While Danilov and other Ukrainian officials maintain that retaking Crimea is one of its war goals, the Pentagon has said the prospect is unlikely. Russia controls territory to the north of the peninsula that Ukrainian forces would need to push through first before threatening to take Crimea, and it’s not clear if Kyiv has the capability to launch a counteroffensive.

Even though the US doesn’t think Ukraine can retake Crimea, the Biden administration has said it supports attacks on the peninsula despite the risk of escalation. “Russia has turned Crimea into a massive military installation … those are legitimate targets, Ukraine is hitting them, and we are supporting that,” Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland said in February.
This is how it starts………………………………..
And by “it” you must mean the big one. Or the big 3 in this instance. As in WW3.
I doubt it. The Anglo-American empire is incapable of initiating a conflict of such magnitude. Not from military perspective and not from economic perspective. It was capable back in 2014 and these rats tried very hard to provoke Russia but they failed.
Today it’s pure suicide because both Russia and China will simply annihilate all imperial command and control centers with little or no damage to mainland Eurasia. It will not be a war. It will be slaughter.
Why would it be a slaughter? We should be able to surrender after they take out all our command and control centers along with all our vassal’s command and control centers before either of us can launch. I mean if you believe in fairy tales you might as well go all in.
Yeah surrender is always an option and probably will be the best option in case imperial pests actually start something. I don’t believe Americans or English will fight. I’m completely sure about the English since they can’t even overthrow their monarchy but only about 80% sure about Americans. It’s possible that the spirit of freedom has not been completely extinguished yet.
ukraine wants crimea back so badly that they are literally bombing them.
yeah that’ll make them come running back.
The U.S. wants Crimea taken away from Russia so badly because it is the way to cripple Russia’s economy so Russia can’t compete in world trade.
These are the sorts of times I wish our president would just shut up.
Victoria Nuland is the person most responsible for Ukraine losing Crimea. The Russian annexation was conducted openly, in plain sight while Victoria was still giddy with her success at Maidan. She took her eye off the ball and struck out in Crimea. But why should she care?
You folks need to stop spreading this disinformation. Crimea wasn’t annexed in 2014, it returned to Russia. Crimea was annexed from Ottoman empire before US annexed Texas and California from Mexico.
At least Russia allowed the people there to vote on who to go with. Wash. didn’t allow the Mexicans or Indians that right.
Nor did Washington allow the people in the Golan Heights to vote on whether or not they wanted to be annexed by Israel.
Yes, Crimea “returned to Russia.” It did so via referendum, followed by The Treaty on Accession of the Republic of Crimea to Russia, which was the instrument of annexation.
“Annexation” isn’t a dirty word. It just means “the addition of an area or region to a country, state, etc.”
It’s inappropriate word. Word ‘annexation’ implies forceful takeover of territory contrary to the will of the people.
In your imagination, perhaps. In the real world, voluntary annexations by referendum happen all the time in e.g. the US.
Voluntary annexation. LOL
There is a reason the imperial propaganda use that particular term. That reason is to imply it wasn’t will of the population to reunite with Russia.
I’m still laughing. Voluntary annexation!
North American Terrorist Occupation just voluntary annexed Finland! LOL
Apparently to the will of the people who Ukraine seeks to ban, imprison and expel.
Yep. “Anglo-American puppet regime in Kiev seeks to annex and occupy Russian Crimea.” would be more befitting terminology but you will never hear that from imperial propaganda machine.
The Louisiana Purchase was annexation. You lack English comprehension of terms. Crimea had a referendum and the vast majority of Russians wanted to go with Russia.
“Ukrainian Official Outlines Vision for a Russia-Free Crimea The US doesn’t think Ukraine can retake Crimea, but still says it supports attacks on the peninsula”
How do you say Ukrainian abuses cocaine use in Russian?
Oh yes; Украинцы злоупотребляют кокаином!
One of the world’s top scholars on Ukraine-related issues, Ivan Katchanovski a Ukrainian-Canadian political scientist at the University of Ottawa, had tabled overwhelming evidence to show that the Maidan protesters were killed by pro-coup snipers. operatives firing from protester-occupied buildings. This of course was suppressed in all MSM.
Sensational confessions of two Georgians:
Alexander Revazishvili: “We had an assignment to shoot both the Berkut police and the protesters, which shocked me”. “We were paid a thousand dollars, and promised another 5 thousand later”.
Koba Nergadze: “We went to Maidan on Mikhail Saakashvili’s personal order.”, “We were met by Andrei Parubiy.”, “We had to provoke chaos to make people fight against the Berkut.”, “I’m a soldier, I can’t disobey the order”.
Once at Maidan the Georgians met Brian Christopher Boyenger, an American military instructor. Brian Christopher Boyenger a US sniper in the US 101st Airborne Division ran a NATO covert operation out of the the third floor of the Ukraina Hotel, which at the time was locked down by the Right Sector (a Nazi Paramilitary). This NATO covert operation was responsible for the sniper fire mass murder of Maidan protesters and Berkut Police.
Brian Christopher Boyenger: “There’s always been a long tradition of American volunteers taking part in the settlement of conflicts in other countries”.
After the Maidan the leaders of two right wing Nazi organisations were rewarded with control of four ministries. For example, Andriy Parubiy, co-founder of the fascist Social National Party (SNPU), which later changed its name to Svoboda, became the new top commander of the National Defense and Security Council. (covering the military, police, courts and intelligence apparatus). The CIA renamed the organisation to “Svoboda,” meaning “Freedom,” to make it more acceptable to the American people.
Dmytro Yarosh, Right Sector commander, was second-in-command of the National Defense and Security Council. This is the man who organized and ran Ukraine’s February 22nd Coup in Kiev, and the May 2nd Massacre of Its Opponents in Odessa, for Barack Obama. Yarosh’s teams carried out the most violent operations for the CIA in Ukraine. They were responsible for the atrocities committed in the Donbass, for the crimes against humanity.
Oleh Tyahnybok, co founder of the SNPU and currently the party leader of Svoboda, A self confessed Nazi. He opposed the introduction of the Russian language as the second official state language; called for the lustration of former communist officials. He also proposed recognition of the fighting role of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and Ukrainian Insurgent Army during World War II.
Barack Obama had chosen to spearhead Nazi’s into positions of authority in Kiev. They took their orders on crucial military and foreign policy issues including the deployment of troops directed against the Russian federation, from the the US State Department, the Pentagon and NATO.
From fabricating an “invasion,” to the claims of “threatened” lives, to the labeling of Russians as “subhuman, ”Yatsenyuk the US assigned Prime Minister after the coup recited fully the script of Nazism used to justify its various historical crimes against humanity. Barack Obama’s forces in eastern Ukraine were not fighting an “invasion,” but constituted an invading force themselves, making incursions into eastern Ukraine and holding territory only through unmitigated brutality against local populations clearly collaborating with armed self-defense forces intent on resisting Barack Obama’s Nazism.
Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Victoria Nuland must be arrested and stand trial for their many many crimes against humanity of which the Maidan mass murder was one example of a huge number of war crimes.
He’s a piece of $hit, no matter how you look at it, and life goes on, without them.
The old man is having problems with reality, He supports continued war, and we pay, pay and pay. Interest rates have to go up because dollar trade globslly is goingvdown, so we have to attract capital into dolkar deposits to ease the pressure on deficit. The debt ceiling raising has been postponed.
Yet, we are spending in military like drunken sailirs just as orders for weapons has slowed down. Ukraine is a bizzareland. Zelenski still claims he controld Bakhmut even though Russia is just conducting mop up operations as he did not want to save soldiers from total destruction. So he can say he still holds Bakhmut,
Any map clearly shows what Russia is doing. Went way past Bakhmut on either side of the town, kesving it behind in a dead end corridor.
But that is all Zelenski need. Talk. And that is all our politicians want to her, so money can flow to military industril complex.
But in the world of politics — the same plutocracy determines which candidate auditions best for the role of President. Biden is perfect. Surtound him with handlers and he is good to go.
Biden snubs the Royals by not attending the coronation claiming he’s too old, but he did go to Ukraine, didn’t he? Not too old to keep wars going, I guess.
Nuland whoring for WWIII. Nothing new here.
I’ll vote for you, that is if you don’t turn around like the rest of the gov. who campaigns for one thing, then does another to keep their donors happy.
“On Sunday, a senior Ukrainian official outlined his vision for what Kyiv would do if it retakes the Crimean peninsula from Russia.”
What Kiev would do? If it gets to the point that Russia is on the verge of losing Crimea, I would imagine Kiev would be lucky to be anything but a smoldering heap of ash. Pretty much like the rest of the planet. They can say want they want about Putin and his shitty army but if Russia’s back is that far up against the wall because they can no longer hold Crimea, shit will be seriously hitting the fan.
I think the whole purpose of the Maidan Coup was to have Ukraine renig on the long term lease that Russia had of Sevastopol, and give it to the U.S./NATO and turn the Black Sea into a NATO lake. Taking away Russia’s only warm water port would have a devastating effect on Russia’s ability to get her products to market and her economy which is the main goal of the U.S. and NATO.
Dreams are just what they are, dreams. Dream on Mr. Z. and Danilov. I really don’t think Ukraine could take it back. Anyway, this whole issue over there isn’t any business of the American people. Regardless of who wins the war, it won’t affect the people here; but it will affect campaign donations if the US stops funding the slaughter.