The Israeli military on Wednesday published pictures of joint aerial exercises with the US that were held this week and simulated attacks on Iran.
The drills were held over Israel and the Mediterranean Sea. According to the Times of Israel, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said the exercises involved four Israeli F-35 fighter jets that joined four US F-15s and a US KC-135 tanker aircraft that refueled two Israeli F-16s.

While Israel often threatens to bomb Iranian nuclear facilities, it’s not clear if they have the capabilities to pull off the operation on its own. Israel currently relies on aging tankers for mid-air refueling, which aren’t expected to be capable of supporting the strikes on Iran.
The drills came after the head of the IDF, Aviv Kohavi, was in Washington and urged US officials to step up planning for joint attacks on Iran. Upon his return to Israel, Kohavi said that the US and Israel agreed to “significantly expand” joint military activity.
The IDF said that during this week’s drills, Israel’s Intelligence Directorate “conducted an extensive simulation that replicated a campaign against distant countries,” referencing Iran.
“These exercises are a key component of the two militaries’ increasing strategic cooperation in response to shared concerns in the Middle East, particularly those posed by Iran,” the IDF said.
Israeli officials have been hyping up the threat of Iran’s nuclear program, but the US recently acknowledged in its Nuclear Posture Review that Tehran is not making a nuclear weapon. That conclusion hasn’t stopped the threats from Israel or the US as Robert Malley, President Biden’s special envoy for Iran, warned in October the US would use a “military option” against Iran as a “last resort” to prevent it from acquiring a nuclear bomb.
“Simulating attacks against Iran”! WTF?! WTF?!
Okay Iran, it’s okay if WE do it but not you???!!!
I’m more afraid of Israel than I am of Iran…..
You are uninformed Donna
I`m more afraid of the US / Israel than i am of Iran , Israel without the US is a dead duck.
i was there 13 years ago as a CPT. It is a apartheid state of occupation,repression,entitlement and utter insanity…
Right. And that is why there is an Arab Supreme Court Justice. That is why the previous government was a coalition that involved an Islamist party. That is why so many of Israel’s medical professionals who work in Israeli hospitals and treat Jews are Arabs. That is why gay Palestinians flee Gaza to the shelter of Israel. I don’t know where you spent your time but you did not walk the streets of Israel.
The big problem here is, there are 50 million so-called Christian Zionists in the USA who think that a catastrophic war with Iran and Russia will be a good thing. They are why Trump killed the the Iran nuclear agreement, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). They are why he moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. They are why he murdered General Solemani.
It was pressure from Israel that killed JCOPA. It was pushback from the Zionist working in and out of the US governments that killed JCOPA. But it’s the evangelicals stupid who get the blame . Yes evangelicals want a lot of stupid things and they talk about it .But they dont have any power . If they any power,we would see a lot of things not happening – abortion, LGBT rights, gay marriage, HIV ’s free treatments , school prayers and many more other cultural issues dear two their hearts .
They don’t mind being blamed because any kind of publicity is still publicity offering few of minutes fame to those stupid morons on TV.
You have to remember that 80% of these evangelicals voted for Trump in 2020. They are the heart and soul of the Republican Party, No Republican in Congress will ever vote to ratify a nuclear treaty with Iran for the very same reason.
Biden was not voted by them but Biden has not reversed any of the illegal Trump’s decision.
Both Biden and Trump are beholden to the same evil cabal that gave us 9/11 and all the wars of this century.
Because the Zionists of the non-Christian variety won’t let him, like Victoria “f-uck the EU Nuland for instance.
Biden was not voted by them but Biden has not reversed any of the illegal Trump’s decision. Before Trump ,there was Obama .We know how viscerally he was attacked by Israel and its supporters here in USA .
Trump is more popular in israel than he is here . Evangelicals draw their hope for imminent End time from information from what Israel supplies-
But their path to end time is being facilitated by false assertions and information from Israel. Israel is on record for saying -“ When end times that proclaims slaughter of Jewish people en masse , we will see ,until them we will work with the Evangelicals”– Begin PM of Israel who gave a Jet to the evangelicals or they gave him one.
Evangelicals did not reach those conclusion on Saddam nor on Iran on their own . To them, these Arab figures were or are tools . Once also , they conjured Soviet up in the same mold based on CIA and other intelligence findings . Yes ,thats why I call the evangelicals clown and morons .
Evangelicals did not vote for Biden and did not for Clinton . But we know what Biden is doing —normalizing the Trump’ era ME disasters and reneging on JCOPA .
I wasn’t talking about Biden. Chris Hedges claims that the so-called Christian Right is the largest voting block in the USA.
Yes I get that . Why couldn’t they enact domestic laws and polices? Why are they ridiculed for beliefs they hold on abortion to school prayers ? Why they can’t cancel those ridiculing them or ridiculing the public displays of Christian religion?
These folks don’t see democracy, or Democrats, as their way to power. They are the rapture-me-outa-here crazies that long for a catastrophic war with Russia and Iran that will be the end of the USA as we know it and the beginning of God only knows what. I’m sure Israel is more that willing to provide another horrible false-flag event that will be blamed on Russia, or Iran. Zionism is a suicidal death cult, simple as that.
Yes,I also have belief .I want to turn the entire world into Buddhism . Lot of nuts believe into lot of things . It doesn’t make them powerful .It just turns them into tools for abuse .
Problem is, Zionists have nukes, lots of them.
Biden was not voted by them but Biden has not reversed any of the illegal Trump’s decision. Before Trump ,there was Obama .We know how viscerally he was attacked by Israel and its supporters here in USA .
Evangelicals draw their hope for imminent End time from information from what Israel supplies-
Their path to end time is being facilitated by false assertions and information from Israel.
The US and Israel, what a combo! The World’s two nuclear dictators?! I hope to hell that Iran does have nuclear weapons, that’s about the only way to save their bacon. At this rate, we’d probably bomb the Iranians just for thinking about it…
The US and Israel are on the verge of starting WW3, Iran has many friends The war mongering Governments will lose a huge conflict that they can’t control. Oil prices will triple. In the long run the planet will die.
Does Iran need any more incentive other than what we have already provided???!!!
You totally ignore Iran’s brutal torment of its own people, its attacks against the Israeli embassy in Argentina,its attack of a civilian,peaceful Jewish center in Argentina,its threats to burn Israel,and its marching its terrorist hordes around a mockup of Jerusalem.
Iran did not attack Argentinian embassy of Israel. Israel manufactured it out fo the same factory from where it had churned out a lot of other lies to instigate Western attack on Arab nations.
puff the magic dragon
Maybe we should be practicing attacking Israel in retaliation for their involvement in 9/11.
Israel carried out the attack , the evidence is there to prove it , but like the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty the American Establishment covered it up .
Even if Israel didn’t carry out the planning and execution of the attack, there is evidence that Israel knew of the time of execution, hence the “dancing Arabs” (which was reported on by Fox News’ Britt Hume) videoing the affair, and Bibi saying the attack was “good for Israel”. The attack on the U.S.S. Liberty was a vile attempt to sink that ship. tthe treatment of the survivors by their own country was criminal. They were threatened with all kinds of h*ll if they talked about it. Israel threw a little money our way. Bid deal. Israel is NOT our friend. We should not have commuted Jonathan Pollard’s sentence. We should have taken that case to trial, not allow him to plead on a couple of issues. The trial would have demonstrated the damage the man did. The SOB is a martyr in Israel, with a street named after him and a statue with his likeness. D*mn our government all to H*ll!!!!
Pollard paid for his crime with a very long prison sentence under particularly harsh conditions. Case closed.
prove it
Just don’t mention 9/11, mini-nukes, and Israel in the same sentence. The real powers that be will be very unhappy with you.
9/11 was perpetrated by the axis of evil: CIA, MOSSAD, and Saudi IS, and with planning and blanket support by the Deep State, its minions and toadies. These folks are heroes at killing their own people, and mercilessly sanctioning the world over those with the temerity to resist; but, I think, the IDF by itself better stick to murdering journalists and unarmed Palestinians.
Prove your allegations. Who flew the planes on 911?-only a fool would commit suicide in this faction.
Off your meds again I see
“Iran simulates attacks on Amerikkka and Israhell.”
Hey, I can wish, can’t I?
The drills came after the head of the IDF, Aviv Kohavi, was in Washington and DEMANDED US officials to step up planning for joint attacks on Iran. Upon his return to Israel, Kohavi said that the US and Israel agreed to “significantly expand” joint military activity.
One day, a simulated attack on Iran, North Korea, China, Russia, or some other country that has caught the attention of the troublemakers in D.C. will be mistaken for the real thing.
All of the people reading AntiWar know that war is coming. Million,Billions and Trillions for death and destruction of humanity but not one red cent for Climate Control,Food for the hungry or medicine for the sick. Housing for the homeless or clean water for the thirsty and education for the young are not on the agenda.Nothing will ever stop the killing.
Real democracy will stop the killing because it grosses out normal people.
The irony of all this is that 50 million so-called Christian Zionists are all for a catastrophic war with Iran and Russia. Pastor John Hagee, founder of Christians United For Israel (CUFI), said in 2018, “Jerusalem is the preordained capital of Christ’s 1,000-year empire, during which Christians and Jews (or at least some of them) shall live in peace after the unsaved (Democrats mostly) have endured seven years of unspeakable horrors.” What a glorious end-times scenario that will be.
Remember the USS Liberty.
Bullies have a good time together. This is ‘Christmas Story’.
Bullies have the “right to protect themselves” too– protect themselves from peace. It’s peace and love they hate the most.
It is quite profitable for Israel. How much do we send to Israel each year? Is it $38 Billion? That we know of?
4 billion.
“During a Senate briefing last week, Sec. of State John Kerry effectively called the Israelis liars: After Illinois Republican Sen. Mark Kirk observed that Jerusalem had produced intelligence explaining that the proposed U.S.-Iran deal would set Tehran’s march toward a bomb back by only 24 days, Kerry advised him to “disbelieve everything that the Israelis had just told [us].-
The Israeli liars and their enablers from Senator to the free -speech non -canceling lying media tout lies . Cancel culture should prevent Israel from supplying any intelligence to US and the media echoing the intelligence should be cancelled.
Iran Holds Aerial Drills Simulating Attacks on Israel