Throughout months and months of nuclear talks, the US has brought up the idea of time running out. President Biden added to that position today, suggesting the US won’t wait forever.
Iran has long rejected the idea of the US setting artificial deadlines, and doubly so since the US seems to be pushing the process back every time there is a meeting, and lamenting the lack of progress.
Biden’s comments come during his Israel visit, and stay on brand in that they give the impression that the US is about to walk away from the talks.
At the same time, Biden is keeping up his policy of taking contradicting stances, talking about not waiting but also refusing to say if he actually intends to set a deadline or just keep talking about it.
This is something the administration styles as “flexibility,” where they make statements perceived as forceful as a negotiating tactic, but also indicating that they’re not really committed to anything. That’s seen months of US statements where they seem close to declaring the talks over, but never actually do so.
Liar! He has broken a campaign promise to right the wrong of Trump pulling out of the JCPOA. Liar!
Iran to ByeDone: “We won’t wait forever on nuclear deal”
This and eventual scrapping of the deal may materialize when Putin visits Iran next week.
Supporting a Russian-Iran mutual protection treaty.
Bye-Done needs to come up with something more original… This is, at the very least, tiresome and consistently inconsistent…
After all, there are only so many hours in a day…
Forgive my crudity but it seems to me that Bye-Done’s tongue is stuck in between the cracks of Israel’s a–…
Staying “on brand”?… Oy vey!
“Flexibility” is something I want from my pantyhose, not the President of the United States.
Try firmness, commitment and consistency…
Lol Donna…sometimes “crude” is the only way to describe ByeDone’s policies
Iran Won’t Wait Forever on Nuclear Deal