On Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Moscow will push Ukrainian forces further back from the Russian border in response to Western nations giving Kyiv longer-range weapons.
“The longer the range of the systems that will be delivered, the further we will move back the Nazis from that line from which threats to Russian speakers and the Russian Federation may come,” Lavrov said.
Lavrov’s comments came after the US and Britain announced they are giving Ukraine rocket systems that have a longer range than any other weapon the West has provided Kyiv. The US is sending High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, known as HIMARS, and the UK is sending M270 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS).
Both the HIMARS and the MLRS could hit targets close to 200 miles away if outfitted with long-range munitions, but Washington and London insist they are only sending rockets capable of reaching about 50 miles.
A 50 miles range is still longer than any weapons the US has sent Kyiv and marks a significant escalation in military aid. Both the US and Britain said they received assurances from Ukraine that the weapons won’t be used to hit Russian territory.
On Sunday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the delivery of such weapons would result in Russia hitting more targets in Ukraine. On the same day, Russia launched strikes in Kyiv for the first time in over a month.
The -anti- keeps getting upped…
But the goal seems to be the same: “The West” thinks it can outspend Russia if the war can be made to last long enough.
A mistake. Like so many this far. Russia can outlast this grind. Starting with the Western most experienced NATO leaderx, military experts and politicians — they made a beginner’s mistake by deciding what Russian goals are. And thus — Russia not performing up to THEIR goals, its operation was a failure,
Ban ee say it finally? They were made fools off. Over and over again. Perhaps they learned something by now. The very openinng gambit was a classic, it will be studied, West decided that Russia will go Shock and Awe over Kiev. And then having achieved isolation of the ruling commanders in Kiev from the troups. settle in bases around Ukraine, and patrol the areas US style, as seen in Iraq. Therefore. Ukrainian army is trained more as special ops, commando type operations against Russian forces. The rest of Army are recruits and territorial defense.
Russia obliged by a faint. Drama seeing Rusdian tanks – 40 mles (or was it kilometerx).
And how did it happen that nobody was watching the most critical geography — Azov coast and Kherson? Before anyone knew or paid attention, these two regions were under Rusdian control! Then Russia said thank you, we are moving to Donbas front where eight years of fortifications are. Sure enough, Ukraine could not now counter attack Kherson or Azov coast — but rush forces to Donbas.
Since they did not plan on slow artillery slogfest through countryside — strong units are sent into fortifications and in betwern them Ukraine brought the Tertitorial defense from all
over the country.
This is what is causing high Ukrainian casualties.
Again and again — misinterpretations abound. Why is Russian strategy foocusing on minutiae of Donbas every village, every farm, factory, mine? Because they are forcing Ukraine to merp on bringing personnel and equipment close to front — making demilitarization more convenient. But more importantly -/ these are Russian speakers, and these tertitories must be not just “kind of liberate, but thoroughly removed from Ukrainian control administratively. There will be no Ukrainian special ops being left behind the front. They are combing with a fine tooth comb every forest, grove or river estuaries.
It is finally dawning on “experts” that Russia will not be an ocvupying afmy ssubject to insurvency. They intend to stay only in areas of Rusdian speakers.
By intend to stay — means actually stay. Ukraine after NATO infiltration under Zelenski regime stopped even pretending to be a unified country. It outlawed not just Russians. but Russian speakers as well.
Russia will protect those — and keep that part of Ukraine. All the sdministrative moves point to that.
What will happen next? Do not count on Western experts to guess.
But if one looks at it from Rusdia’s security perspective, Russia will eventually have to remove Zelenski from power, as Lviv based militanrs that control him cannot stay there — the longer they stay — the more Ukraine Russia will take. But will never touch West Ukraine, in my view. Those regions belong to the West, they want to be part of West. West does not care about their Nazi ideology, snd Russia will not be medfling in European affairs.
The issue is Kiev. If Kiev gets pro-Russian government, Oddessa stsys with Kiev, while Western Ukraine goes independent or in union with Poland. If Kiev does not change, Rusdia will have to take Odessa and eventually separate Kiev from Western Ukraine. By which time, Kiev will fall into Russian control one way or snother.
Whichever way it happens – and it may be long and torturous route -. I cannot imagine Kiev staying under Westdrn control. Neutrality is over -.except as a talking point.
Some of the T-62 tanks Russia pulled from mothballs and sent to Ukraine have been spotted on the battlefield sporting improvised armor ‘cages’ on top of their turrets. This suggests that Russian forces are well aware of how vulnerable these ancient armored vehicles are to Ukrainian anti-tank weapons.
Hilarious, their little “cages” won’t stop their turrets from popping like fireworks, haha!💥
“The UK sanctioned Polina Kovaleva, stepdaughter of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who owns a luxury £4 million ($5 million) property in London.”
Lavrov is a demented old fool, apparently not even his daughter wants to live in Russia!
Russia needs to take all of Ukraine to the Western Boarder with Poland.
Also Russia should use a fuel air explosive on Zelensky’s headquarters, Just To Be Sure the RAT is eliminated!
It’s not looking good, comrades.
It might well be true, he’s only human and might not have long left. Russia’s future is uncertain when he falls.
Nevertheless –
1/ That probably won’t change Ukraine’s fortunes. Waiting for your opponent to die of cancer isn’t a great military strategy
2/ As Mr Kissinger has pointed out, antagonising Russia goes profoundly against Western strategic interests when doing so strengthens the relationship between Russia and China
3/ In terms of ‘comrades’, things have switched round since the 1980s. Russia now represents conservative traditionalism, whilst the West is pushing godless cultural marxism.
Yes, and I think midgets have shorter life expectancy too.
And you are absolutely right that there is a group of Marxists in the West that are struggling to adapt to society, many of them are present on this forum.
5’7″ not exactly a midget! Most of the cultural Marxists are Neocons now, they’ve been captured by the pro Israel lobby who see it as an opportunity to destroy not only Russia but Arab Muslim adversaries who they can paint as anti LGBT.
Don Bacon ignores the fact that the Russian army has captured Ukraine’s major Black-Sea (actually on the Sea of Azov) port Mariupol. Biden and Zelenski are now begging Putin to establish a war-free corridor for the export of Ukrainian grain. Mariupol has always been the principal port for Ukraine’s grain export.
States do not beg when they are winning. It is therefore obvious that Biden-Zelenski do not expect to retake Mariupol soon.
Taking land from smaller, poorer neighbors is a very profitable business. Putin learned well from Hitler. Going Nazi on Ukraine will get him billions in imports/exports.
But Calling Ukrainians Neo Nazis then go Full Nazi on Ukraine is very hard to understand.
Putin is 5’4”.
5’4″ isn’t a midget either, but Google says 5’7″.
I assume you refer to Wikipedia.
His real height is 5’4.
There’s a few media sites saying 5’7″. Where’s 5’4″ from?
Sites that measure people’s real length by comparing them with other people in photos and various public appearances.
Poor Putin, he’s been forced to look up to people his whole life!
Sure, that’s lots of peoples experience. He’s been incredibly successful though.
That I can’t argue against.
He had a good run up until he decided to invade Ukraine.
“Cultural Marxism”? Lenin is getting hiccups from laughing at your boundless ignorance.
Moreover, since God ordains everything that happens on Earth, Marxism is also a product of God hence cannot be “Godless”. God must have directed Marx’s pen when he wrote “Das Kapital”.
God ordains everything, but that doesn’t mean everything is the same. Living things represent a higher threshold of ordered complexity in their nature’s compared with non living things. Animals with brains more so than vegetational life. The fact that Marx is God’s creature does not mean that his theories were of benefit to human life and human society. I consider the extreme reductionist nature of theories of dialectical materialism that underpin Marxism, and what has become cultural marxism, to be godless in the sense that not only do they attack traditional institutions associated with religion, but they also philosophically view humanity from a materialist and thus soulless point of view that makes them very authoritarian and anti freedom.
More hilarious laughter, this time from Marx himself.
The word materialist was used by Marx to set his economic and political views apart from the then dominant “idealist” school.
Reckon yourself just another know-nothing on Marx.
And Marx lived at a time when religions still blessed armed forces before these went on “thou shalt kill for our God” rampages. You make my day. Keep it up please.
I’ve read Communist manifesto and some chapters of das kapital in my studies of political theory and philosophy of economics. Historical/dialectical materialism is a lot more than a label to separate his theories from others. It relates to his arguments that the basis of production in society determines everything else – all social and cultural institutions, including marriage and the family, are determined and controlled by it. That’s a huge degree of philosophical reductionism. It’s fundamental materialism – money/production/material is everything. And it’s fundamentally anti any kind of theistic world view.
US tries desperately to trow in yet another ridiculous “game changer”, Russia destroys it and move its positions further forward.
By now Russia has destroyed the best Nato trained army there is and some of its best weapons, although most of the best US has was developed in the 70’s. Good target practice, US won’t try its luck for the foreseeable future.
US has also realized its time to (try) to walk it’s backfired gamble back. Russia and the free world is not going to suffer, US and it’s European lapdogs is. Apart from pushing Nato back to their 1997 borders, Russia will get half of the ukraine and will gladly let Poland have the most troublesome backward Nazi infested part it claims while Hungary will get their share. EU will have to pay for it dearly. The rest will finally get what they voted for: Better relations with Russia and will become a prosperous buffer zone.
TV news analysts such as Rachel Maddows hear what they want to hear and do not hear what they do not want to hear when they do interviews. Last night when she interviewed our new ambassador to Ukraine Rachel ignored a classic Freudian slip by the ambassador.
They were discussing the shift of fighting towards the eastern region of Ukraine. At one point our ambassador spoke the following three words (inside a sentence) “we are fighting”. Rachel, of course, did not react.
Whaaaat? We? Our ambassador represents our nation, not Zelensky. Hence she spoke the truth: we, our nation, is actively engaged in Zelenski’s war. Of course that has been obvious for quite some time but ambassadors are not supposed to blab it out on TV. She is a doozy. Big mistake by Biden.
I saw that too!
Just to be clear. “Pushing them back” is not the same thing as “Taking more of Ukraine”. I think Russia is really saying that it intends to destroy any equipment capable of striking Russia as soon as it is moved within range.
You read disappointed?
You don’t need to translate into what you want them to mean. The statement is clear. Take/steal more land. Those are your real Nazi boys talking.
Ritter has an article about Russia’s need for a Phase 3. IMHO, the long range MLRS can provide a pillar on which to build the legal justification for continuing.
He is missing the little Hitler mustache Lol
Haha, so true. Hitler was also a bit taller.
I have news for everyone. The “line” that Lavrov means is the Polish border.
Well good luck with that.
Ukraine started the war with 80 of the BM-30 systems with 300mm rockets that range over 50 miles. It also had about 70 of the BM-27 systems that were designed to use shorter range 220mm rockets, but later were made able to use the larger rockets of the BM-30 when it was developed.
Ukraine also made its own Vilka system that uses longer range rockets and claimed to have enough for 98 missiles of 70 km (42 miles) range when the war started.
So Ukraine already had rockets of the range than now being supplied.
Ukraine did not have a large supply of ammo — spare rockets. The West does not make the 300mm Russian rockets, nor can it supply rockets of Ukraine’s design. So these new systems are important because the West has the rockets for them and can re-supply them.
They are also important because there have no doubt been some losses since the war started, and these would be equivalent replacements.
However, unless the much larger rockets are supplied, this is not an escalation.
Note the Russians have much longer range systems too, and Ukraine had some of them. OTR-21 Tochka has 120 km range, and they said they started with 90 of them. So without Western supply, Ukraine already had longer range systems.
There is a lot of hype here by partisans and people pushing their own projects.
A great deal of noise and chest thumping has gone on, for example that Russia is using some very old T-62 tanks.
Much of this is painfully ignorant. Unfortunately, since it is what people want to hear, they love it and repeat it.
BTW, the T-62 uses unique ammo, a 115mm cartridge. The Russians have a lot of it, vast amounts in store. Like the US did in the Korean War, the Russians are using old tanks as additional artillery — they’ve got the ammo, they mean to fire it off at the other side, and the only other weapon that could use it is an antitank gun long out of service that would draw the same laughter. Also, they did the same thing in their earlier artillery wars, even going back to old 85mm guns from late WW2.