Russia’s ambassador to the US said on Thursday that NATO leaders are not taking the threat of nuclear war seriously enough.
“The current generation of NATO politicians clearly does not take the nuclear threat seriously,” ambassador Anatoly Antonov told Newsweek.
While it’s widely believed that a direct war between NATO and Russia would quickly turn nuclear, the danger doesn’t appear to be factored into the Western approach to the war in Ukraine.
Since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, the US and its NATO allies have been pouring weapons into the country and are openly sharing intelligence with the Ukrainians that is being used to kill Russian troops. On top of the strong support for Ukraine, the US and many other NATO countries have abandoned diplomacy with Moscow.
The Western campaign clearly risks sparking a direct war with Moscow, prompting Russian officials to warn of the danger of nuclear war. But the US has denounced the Russian warning as saber-rattling and continues to escalate its support for Kyiv. Antonov criticized what he called “a flurry of blatant misrepresentation of Russian officials’ statements on our country’s nuclear policy.”
Antonov reiterated Russia’s stance on the potential scenarios where it would use nuclear weapons. He said they “can be used in response to the use of WMD against Russia and its allies, or in the event of aggression against our country when the very existence of the state is jeopardized.”
The US and Russia possess about 90% of the world’s nuclear weapons, but today, there is only one major arms control treaty between the two nations, the New START, which limits the number of missiles, bombers, and nuclear warheads each power can have deployed. Early on in Biden’s presidency, he and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed to extend New START for five years, but progress on arms control has stalled since.
At a summit in Geneva last June, Biden and Putin agreed that the US and Russia would hold arms control talks, but Antonov said the dialogue has been “frozen” by Washington. “Regrettably, Washington has unilaterally ‘frozen’ the bilateral strategic stability dialogue that was launched at the Geneva summit, thus jeopardizing the prospects of keeping the foundation of arms control in place,” he said. “Russia is ready to resume the consultations as soon as the United States is ready.”
US is not taking WAR seriously because it has never happened to them. To US its a game. They have never suffered the consequences of war since they only attack defenceless third world countries, and only after they’ve been sanctioned to death and terrorized for a couple of years first. What a bravery, isn’t it.
By Karma is a b*tch and US has tons of bad karma.
Yes, though most importantly a game where you get to make a ton of my money … so, no risk, no consequences, fabulous wealth; what’s not to like?
Nikki, the chickens will inevitably come home to roost, and they’re gonna sh*t all over us.
Nuclear war is, of course, disastrous, but if it is unavoidable, the best scenario if it happens between NATO and Russia. At least, some of Chinese people will survive and carry on with the human evolution. It looks, China is better prepared for such a war than the others.
Nuclear War. IF it happens it will not happen between NATO and Russia. It will HAPPEN between USA and Russia. It seems Biden’s handlers are demanding it
No one in USA nor NATO is demanding a nuclear war. The only party talking nuclear is Russia.
USA is demanding nuclear war. Or else why the lap dog of neocons and Zionists , the U S of A , bark at the doors of Russia
In case of war between any member of NATO and Russia, all the other members of NATO are automatically involved in this war. Most likely scenario: they would poke Russia until Russia hit some targets in Poland or Rumania. More probable in Poland. It doesn’t mean that Americans and Russians would immediately start use nukes against each other, but the escalation is inevitable and how far it go, depends upon USA leaders.
Not Poland or Romania . .The first target will USA.
That is the logical perspective. Don’t have any illusion that USA is safe.all these years it perpetrated atrocities on others while isolated and looting and plundering others. This time it will be different
I don’t know if anyone’s ready for several years of winter and no cereal crops maturing … Though I agree that China’s central response ability will aid them in crisis mode.
History is littered with the ruins of empires that were convinced they would always win. Every empire eventually faces the conflict it seeks to avoid, deceiving itself the most ruinous war possible will not come.
Those thinking Rusia’s threats are empty won’t have to be worried about explaining how wrong they were. Once the nukes start flying, we’re all dead.
Wars, and the planet will be better off without us. Mother Earth will recover: She can handle anything we throw at her, but I feel great sorrow for all the beautiful species we’ll take down with us…tigers, elephants, whales, our beloved cats, dogs and horses.
Ah, we’re like roaches, there’s no getting rid of us for the planet. A remnant will survive and rebuild and we’ll be back killing nature and ourselves before you know it.
Who do you think you are; speaking for all of humanity?!?!!!!!
Humans are every bit as much a part of nature as any other specie! If what I have said is not true: then please tell me where humans came from.
Humans lived in harmony with nature for well over 100,000 years, but regretfully became agriculturalists and governed for about the last 10,000 years.
We never should have allowed psychopaths and sociopaths reach ruler-ship positions! I say ruler-ship because actual leadership is not something one inherits or wins popularity contests/elections for political office!
Humans are the ONLY specie that can purposefully modify the landscape for the betterment or detriment of all other living beings including plants!
We need to eliminate or at least dis-empower the power-hungry control freaks among us, and to revamp true education! The masses including yourself do not see the very high value our specie has in nature!
Sure, my friend, feel free to live in harmony with nature and its bounteous gifts like water bacteria, dangerous animals, uncertain food and no health care.
Me and I feel safe to say most of us will wish you well from the security of our rebuilt civilization.
Diversionary tactics much?
You clearly have no idea what living in harmony with nature would look like! You imagine the continuation of fighting nature to be superior to living with nature, and you cannot visualize living a life free from being dominated by criminal forceful governments.
What makes you think we would be living the same way as people did 10,000 years ago absent agriculture and parasitic forceful government?
Humans are fully capable of organizing voluntary communities of like-minded people, complete with local doctors/healthcare. Humans are natural horticulturists, therefore we can decentralize food production by adopting permaculture practices. Our ancestors thrived and were in better physical condition prior to the dawn of agriculture. We have traded living among dangerous animals with driving dangerous cars, living under dangerous governments, and consuming unnatural foods which causes negative health issues.
… he says typing away to someone potentially on the other side of the world on the WWW …
My friend, nothing is stopping you and like minded fellows from living the great back to nature life right now. In fact, I imagine you are building your decentralized horticultural society already. Good luck to you and you definitely have a leg up if the crazies in charge lead us into a nuclear war, that’s for sure.
See my reply to Caliman.
Yep, we’re a ‘sepshunal species, all right, contributing to the mass extinction of other species, initiating climate change, and, wait for it!—-soon to be contaminating the planet with nuclear fallout!
Let’s hope that doesn’t happen…!
Exactly. They NEVER paid price for being wrong — somebody else paid. The list of failures and its victims is long. But for as long as power structure favors those that profit from the foreign wars, we will also have the societal infrastructure — from politics to media — enabling and glorifying “our” sacred, righteous causes.
It is harder and harder to hide this. This is why itvwas necessary to block any sources of informarmation that will bring to public attention facts that mainstream will supress. This is the reason for banning foreign media. And having confeol of then narrative, they can classivy slightly divergent informstiin as “exrtreme” but right or left.
They are arrogant and believe dangers do not apply to them. They are immortal. They have no country, except to use for politicking.
How can take anyrhing seriously.
Russia’s leadership should consider dispensing with mild public threats or warnings toward a nuclear engagement.
I consider myself a growing Russiaphile. I realize the window is closing toward a visit and fully recognize where Moscow’s priorities should be if global peace is to gain a foothold after the reset.
Both sides may consider US hyperinflation as the answer or precursor to a nuclear exchange.
I hope you are able to visit at some point. While I’ve never been there, my brother went years ago with a group of other doctors to tour the Soviet Union’s newest medical facilities. He said that Red Square is a sight to behold.
The Soviet youth were desperate to acquire American blue jeans and would stop you on the street and offer to buy the pants right off you!
I have to disagree with the Russians here. I think they are the ones not taking their own nuclear threat seriously.
I’ve never understood the way people look at the threat of nuclear war as anachronistic. Maybe it’s because it dates back to the 1950s, maybe they’ve been deliberately desensitized to it or its been sent down the memory hole, maybe it’s simply because they want it to be, but I point out to them the warheads are still in the missiles and the missiles are still in the silos and submarines, the bombers are still operational and ready. The common attitude that nuclear war is a thing of the past isn’t just wrong, it’s baffling.
Russia’s claim that he US is not taking the threat of nuclear war seriously is true but utterly hypocritical.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine shows a complete disregard for the threat of nuclear war.
What do you think they shoul have done?
Russia’s mistake was launching the initial nationwide invasion.
Occupying the separatist regions would have been a better move, far less risky in terms of nuclear war and far more defensible from a moral POV.
Except for the fact that the majority of people in the Donbas are Ukrainians who don’t want to secede. Donetsk and Luhansk secessionists are having great difficulty conscripting soldiers because the people don’t support secession..
Russia should withdraw to the February 2022 borders. A UN Peacekeeping force should move into Donbas. After the refugees return there should be a plebiscite that the secessionists won’t win. Donbas is not Crimea where the people want to be with Russia.
I don’t know if your assessment of support for Russia in the separatist regions is accurate.
Other than that, I have no issue with your comment.
Do you think US/NATO would support your proposed solution? Russia?
US wants to keep the war going as long as possible. EU needs Russian gas so they will eventually want a settlement. Ukraine will fight for the Donas but despite Zelenskyy’s bluster, there is no realistic possibility of Crimea rejoining Ukraine. The problem is the US and Russia. Or more specifically, Biden and Putin. They both need the war to continue. Biden hopes he can balme Russia for inflation and Putin would lose his credibility and possibly his power if he admits the war was a failure and Donbas votes to stay with Ukraine. The US can be marginalized if Ukraine and Russia decide to make peace. US/NATO can’t fight this war without Ukrainian troops. As for Russia, it remains to be seen if Putin has the wisdom to admit his mistake or if the oligarch have the courage to force a change in policy.
Biden and Putin? Who or what is Biden.I don’t think he himself is aware what he is doing. His handlers, there are probably fifth columnists among them, will decide what America should do.That is the case with American presidents for many many years
As for Putin, he is a patriotic Russia His actions driven by the interest of his nation. Don’t judge or asses him. He is beyond that
Beyond that?
What? Do you think he’s a god?
the US-backed attacks on Russian generals, on the Moskva, and attacks on Russian territory are designed to be maximally provocative, while remaining, in the words of the Times, “deniable.” The goal of the United States is exactly to “provoke President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia into a wider war.”
As the United States expands the goals and scope of the war, it is seeking to goad Russia into a response that would allow the propagandists of US imperialism to claim the United States’ offensive actions are defensive in nature.
IDK about them but I just polished off a Carl’s Junior and I am fully sated.
They have the best buns there, fluffy gooey high gluten almost sweet bread.
So we just let Russia invade whomever because the have nukes? It is irresponsible of Russia to threaten to destroy the planet because a special military operation isn’t going as smoothly as they had hoped. They aren’t even at war for gods sake. No Russian territory has been lost, no Russians have been killed by NATO soldiers. Cranking up these tensions to these levels is very dangerous, the Russians shouldn’t do that.
So what do you think they should have done?
I am a tremendous fan of inaction. I issue calls to inaction all the time. Nothing is what they should have done. They need to work on their economy, their infrastructure, their environment… they have plenty of stuff to mind at home without having to mind other peoples business.
So you would have just let NATO put the hyper-sonic rockets on your border and allowed the mass killing of Russians in Donbas and Lugansk?
Well as many here note NATO doesn’t have hypersonic rockets. The odds prior to this of Ukraine joining NATO were extremely low. If this was Pootins reason, then he is an idiot.
Putin idiot? He is his won man.Not caged by any lobby as Biden is by Zionists
The killings such as they were were of Ukrainians who had as their primary language, Russian. Russians live in Russia, Ukrainians live in Ukraine. If you are a Russian speaking Ukrainian and unhappy maybe you should move. I don’t think it is that difficult to emmigrate to Russia.
thanks for advise
And I guess if you’re a Palestinian suffering from IsraHell’s brutal regime, you should “just move” instead of fighting to reclaim your country?
You know John, not everyone’s a total wimp like you.
As a result of this genius strategic move by Pootin he has gained 1000 km of NATO borders with Sweden and Finland. So good move Vlad! Worse than a crime, a blunder.
1000 0r 10000 make no difference. That is his problem. He will handle it. No fifth columnist handlers around him
You should make the call of inaction to your own U S of A and Israel.USA should work to get rid of its 35 trillion debt and other unsecured debts instead trying to grab other nations’ wealth. Israel should vacate occupation. How it looks?
I support the official US position of many years which is 1967 borders, except for mutually agreed land swaps, failing that call it one country with equal rights for all. I support really really dialing back the $$ support we give Israel. I view Israel as the aggressor in that situation ( explains maybe why they didn’t exactly rush to condemn Russian actions) in Ukraine Russia is the aggressor. Great powers have always used pockets of minorities to stir up trouble. Within any minority pocket you can surely find and fund some who prefer to use violence. I am a big fan of everybody staying within their borders. The Ugandan ambassador to the UN said it very nicely when he spoke a few months ago.
Who cares for your support That is personal only if at all honest. You play both sides.I will not dismiss whatever Lavrov said
Well yup I am insignificant, just a rando on the internet. I just tell it like I think it should be. I think before you pick up a weapon with an idea to kill somebody else you better think more than twice about what you are doing.
Your attitude is pathetic and irresponsible. Without the voices for change, how do you expect to keep human freedom and dignity alive?
My pet cause is the slow genocide being committed against the Palestinian people. I write; I call; I contribute. I’d fight along side them if I were physically able. My conscience would NEVER allow “inaction” to be an option!
Truth is—- you’re just lazy.
Putin should have talked to Xi first and taken his advice. For 50 years China could have invaded Taiwan at any time. China chose to wait. And they will wait another 50 years if they have to. The Chinese are confident that eventually the Taiwanese people and the citizens of Hong Kong will voluntarily join China. In the meantime, China confines its protests of US military aid to Taiwan to diplomatic channels. Like Taiwan, Ukraine poses no strategic threat to Russia. The existential threat is in Putin’s mind.
The ascendency of NATO and the EU in Europe will only be slightly affected if Ukraine becomes the 33rd NATO member. Putin’s attempt to restore the strategic balance of the 1970’s is doomed to fail.
Which territory America lost when you invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yugoslavia and plundered and stole their wealth and killed their leaders.What was your business in doing so?In your drawing rooms you were enjoying,while eating popcorn, bombing and destruction of those countries Those countries had no nukes..All these years America had never had to suffer consequences of wars. You only inflicted it on others . This time it is going to be a different ball game all together.Pushed to the corner you expect mushroom cloud over you. If it reaches that stage. Be sure.There will be no escape
Russia has already lost the war in Ukraine. Their army has been humiliated, their brutal tactics have united the Ukrainians, including the Russian speakers, against them, the secessionists can’t get soldiers to fight for them, the expected “liberation” of Kyiv and Mariupol turned into humiliating brutal fiascoes that made the right wing Azov Brigade into national heroes and are giving the Ukrainians their Alamo myth. Putin’s war expanded NATO and isolated Russia. The stalled Russian offensive in the Donbas suggests a demoralized and unmotivated army no longer certain of their mission or confident of victory. Russia was better off before they invaded Ukraine.
Russia has nothing left except threats of escallation, including a nuclear first strike. But no matter what Putin does now, Russia will be in a worse economic, political and strategic situation when they finally withdraw than they were on February 24th. Russia is like a dinosaur shot in the head thrashing about for a few days until it realizes that it is dead.
Putin’s dilemma is similar to Nixon’s debacle in Vietnam when, faced with the prospect of a humiliating defeat by the Vietnamese communists Nixon considered using nuclear weapons. Nixon’s advisers effectively pushed back. I hope there are people in the Kremlin who will convince Putin or, in the worst case scenario, stop him from initiating a nuclear conflict.
Nuclear Chicken? The Game?
If Russia feels that way about NATO then it is time for some Chicken Al Carbon Kiev.
sell the steak not the sizzle.
England needs to be ready to call for a moment of clarity before NATO RESPONDS. NATO NEEDS TO SAFE THEIR WARHEADS NOW.
This pissant sockpuppet in Ukraine is in able to negotiate a resolve, find a new Ukrainian who can broker No Nazi Peace…
Non combatants should leave Ukraine now.