Israeli media outlet Haaretz offered a troubling look at the treatment of Palestinian civilians, children no less, by the Israeli military in the occupied West Bank.
They tell the story of a 12-year-old boy from the village of Zawiya, and his 11-year-old friend. Israeli troops raided the village at 10 pm over reports of rock throwing.
Troops warned 12-year-old Yasser that if he didn’t confess they would “take” him. He confessed, they took him anyway. They went to his friend Yazen’s house and took him too, along with his father.
They were all taken, without a warrant to a police station, and made to wait outside in the cold for hours. At 2:30 AM the detainees were taken to a military base, and put in a trailer.
That’s where they spent the night, and the next afternoon, at 2:30 PM, they were ordered to go home. No charges were filed, and its not clear if they consider the matter resolved.
Israel still treats the West Bank as under military occupation, and capturing children in warrant-less raids is an all-too-common matter.
And we Amerikkkans send nearly $4 billion a year to the perpetrators in order that they continue perpetrating.
Amerikkka condemns every country that employs torture except for Israhell ( and ourselves, of course).
Every single member of Congress should be beyond enraged at Israhell’s treatment of the Palestinian people. But with a very few exceptions, they’re interested only in getting re-elected by extracting huge campaign contributions from the likes of AIPAC. They have not one iota of shame for supporting a quasi-nation committing slow, methodical genocide against the indigenous people; they care only for their fat paychecks and pensions, and their lust for power.
Amerikkaa = Israel. What you call
America or Amerikkaa or is a geographical mass only. With no identity of its own other than its name.Operated by Zionists and Israel with robots in the White House, administration wings and in Congress. Those hapless human beings living there are destined live, work, fight wars and die for Israel
Duh-THe Jewish peoples are also indigenous!
. “We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.” Israel Koenig, “The Koenig Memorandum”
“It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism,colonialization or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands.” Yoram Bar Porath, Yediot Aahronot, of 14 July 1972.
I see no angels,only tragedy. The situation is as i tis, and both sides must strive to,bit by bit,make things better for everyone.
When Palestians slaughter Jewish children, you folks are silent, at best.
And where is the concern when Palestinians murder Israeli children-none.
Could you post some similar atrocities the Palestinians have done to Israeli children? Or tell us how so many Israeli children end up in Palestinian jails? And tell us what the response might have been if the Palestinians had indeed done similar things to Israeli children.
Maalot massacre-105 children taken hostage,22 killed.
Tell us about the Palestinian snipers shooting Jewish children and medics for coming to close to the fence, all while Palestinian families picnic as they gleefully watch the “sport”.
C-heck out the wiki article-children in the Israeli -Palestinian conflict
Anyone can edit Wikipedia, and Israel works hard to make sure that its interests are presented.
If you don’t like the truth, then the truth must be wrong.
Quit trying to change the subject.
accept reality-it will be good for you.
You can’t handle the truth
I handle the truth fine. Nowhere is it written that wikipedia is “truth” and you present no evidence to counter my assertion that anyone can edit wikipedia to make it say whatever they want.
For your part, you are unable to construct a responsive retort.
Article showed that children suffer on both sides-a reasonable idea-but that requires a reasonable man to accept it.
Even if that were true, that must totally justify shooting the other kids at the border fence!
Anyway, since you’re so reasonable, google “modified limited hangout”.
Equivalency is not an excuse.
We are tired of your lies and BS.
It doesn’t work anymore.
When you are the “Most Moral” then talk until then STFU.
Typical libbie-wants free speech for himself only-I will speak what like and you can gobble. “war” asked for a posting of similar atrocities, and thats what I gave him.
Except that it was not ‘similar’.
The “Terrorists” killed 4 people in trying to find shelter in Maalot.
They then found that the school had people sleeping in it.
It started with 90 (not 105) some of whom escaped and eventually 85 students were held plus a few teachers.
No hostages were hurt before the Israelis attacked to ‘save’ the hostages.
“twenty-two high school students were killed in the attack” but there was never a count between how many were killed by “Terrorists” and how many in ‘friendly fire’.
For all we know, nearly 50 years later they could ALL have been killed by Israeli ‘cowboy style’ errors.
In retaliation Israel attacked 7 refugee camps killing 27 and injuring 138.
As I said “We are tired of your lies and BS.
It doesn’t work anymore.”
So by your own admission at least ,kids were taken hostage. By the way,were you there?
Yes but they did not tie them to the bonnet of their jeeps as hostages and human shields.
The facts were well published but you lied.
You cannot answer the questions and there is no equivalency.
Thousands of Palestinian children have been shot, tortured and killed by the Israelis, accept it, admit it and for maybe the first time in your life be honest.