Israeli military officials continued their threats against Iran Tuesday, warning that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are “accelerating” plans to attack the Islamic Republic since the new budget was passed.
Last month, the Israeli government reportedly approved a $1.5 billion boost to the military budget that will go towards preparing to attack Iran. Last week, Israel’s parliament approved a national budget, the first one passed in over three years, securing the election victory of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.
IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi said Tuesday that the IDF is “accelerating operational planning and preparedness to deal with Iran” and its nuclear program. “Thankfully, the budget that was approved makes it possible to contend with a variety of threats,” he said.
In January, Kohavi said he ordered the IDF to draw up fresh plans to attack Iran’s nuclear program and has been threatening to attack throughout the year. The Israeli Air Force reportedly resumed practicing bombing Iran’s nuclear sites at the end of October. Israel has frequently carried out covert attacks inside Iran, but the preparations being made by the IDF are for more overt operations.
Also on Tuesday, Defense Minister Benny Gantz touted the IDF’s new preparations during an inauguration for a new factory opened by the Israeli weapons-maker Rafael. Gantz said if a war breaks out in the region, Israel will carry out operations that “haven’t been seen in the past.”
Americans, be ready to se your boys and girls being sent to Middle East once more to fight and die for Israel
Israelis risking their own lives? Unlikely, it’s bluster.
They are not risking their lives. They will send Americans to fight and die for them. As usual.
I can’t see a feasible way for them to manage that
A bipartisan resolution in both houses of Congress demanding U S bomb Iran or do whatever else Israel demands will be passed. That will give cover for Biden,willing tool of Israel to do Israel’s bidding.
Got the picture?America lost its sovereignty, surrendered to Israel many decades ago
Isreal will do nothing without US military support , Iran would beat the hell out of Isreal in a stand up fight .
U S support? It is not an issue at all. It is taken foe granted.Vassal has no choice but to submit to masters
Remember, Israel has a mil/ind complex too … need to justify their billions with that “other” just like ours does.
One thing we do know from history: Israel never warns before actually attacking. So all this is theater, though it’s still dangerous because mistakes can be made.
What is Gant talking about, nukes? We have seen what they have done in Gaza. What more do they have other than nukes?
So the undeniable unprovoked attack by a nuclear power on its neighbour is not in the US∕Israel “rules-based order” a completely illegal war.
Read the UN Charter– Israel is stating its intent to commit the war crime of aggression without Security Council approval. Yes, the US has done it too, but its time SOMEONE got theirselves kicked OUT of the UN for talking this way.
Kicking out Israel out of UN? Are you kidding? So long as its tributary, U S of A holds veto power it is impossible.
Does anyone think after this many years that Israel’s focus is about the JCPOA?
With fossil fuels a top focus for Washington and Tel Aviv, I suggest Iran has traitors within the legislative and executive hierarchy about to expose themselves as collaborators. Many are likely to have MEK-linkages.
The guillotine awaits them.
So, Israhell has designated 1.5 billion of Amerikkkan taxpayer dollars towards a war on Iran in order to start WWIII.
At least there’s a good chance that this shitty little country will be wiped off the face of the earth. I will mourn only the Palestinian casualties.
Just more bluster and saber rattling. Israel knows the consequences of an overt war. Iron Dome can easily handle the firecrackers of Hamas. It will be completely overwhelmed by the Iranian ballistic missile force and Hezbollah’s own missiles and rockets.
Israel will stick with sabotage and assassinations.