Turkish military operations on Iraqi soil have been a long-standing issue for Iraq’s government, which neither gives permission, nor generally approves of, such operations.
Monday, Turkish troops entered northern Iraq and seized a Kurdish military base. Turkey’s Defense Ministry reported 12 PKK members were “neutralized,” but didn’t clarify if that catch-all term meant captured or killed.
Turkey has been attacking PKK targets in Iraq throughout the US invasion and occupation. The Iraqi government has often complained, but Turkey has made it clear that they aren’t going to stop.
More recently, Iraqi officials have not commented at all on Turkish incursions, and have gotten snippy at media outlets that ask about them. The appearance is that the Iraqi government is comfortable enough with the status quo, and generally doesn’t want to cross Turkey for the sake of a Kurdish faction.
“… The appearance is that the Iraqi government is comfortable enough with the status quo, and generally doesn’t want to cross Turkey for the sake of a Kurdish faction.“ this unsigned and unattributed verbiage is the result of a lack of knowledge, understanding or of unintended (?) propaganda.
Iraq is an occupied nation, whose air, ground and sea is controlled by the United States military and subject to the United States’ authorization for movement.
Iraq has no more the ability to confront, challenge or contest the Turkish military presence in Iraq than the author(s) of this unsigned and unattributed verbiage.
dennis hanna