Over the weekend, a US military patrol in northeastern Syria was blocked by the Russian military and forced to turn back to where they came from. The US reportedly violated existing security deals with Russia.
The US and Russia both have troops in reasonably close proximity in Syria, and the US tends to hype confrontations heavily. To try to reduce the number of issues, they’ve made several deals to coordinate their patrols and avoid running into one another.
That works well, as far as it goes, but in this case the US didn’t inform Russia ahead of time, so when the Russian forces ran into them, they complained about the US ignoring protocol on prior notice.
The US has not commented on why they ignored the protocol, but it’s not clear why they bother to patrol anyhow, since the US presence is very limited, a hold-over from President Trump’s plan to take Syria’s oil.
Patrolling into adjoining Kurdish areas means the US retains some ties to the Kurds, but with Russia and Turkey also in the area, it’s a potentially complicated matter, especially if the US considers previous deals to be optional.
American “Diplomat:” “We are exceptional. International rules and agreements are optional.”
MSM: “Is it time to remind you that Assad is a ‘dictator?’ What’s that? Well, yes, killing 500,000 Syrians was certainly worth it! Or, do you want us to show you another false flag ‘WMD atrocity?’ No? Okay then. Let’s keep quietly starving Syrians to death with our exceptional sanctions.”
“The US has not commented on why they ignored the protocol”
That is so funny. Wow.
“Protocols are for the peasants”.