It may seem strange with the US parking warships off the Iranian coast as a matter of course, but US national security officials are watching with serious concern as a pair of Iranian warships have neared the African coast, sparking speculation that they conceivably might wind up in the Western Hemisphere.
The two ships – a frigate and an old oil tanker that was converted to a staging base, are still off Africa’s east coast. The supposition of them going south is that they’ll eventually loop around Africa and then maybe cross the Atlantic. From there, it’s possible they’d show up in Venezuela.
This leads to intense US monitoring of the two otherwise insignificant ships, and a formal warning to Venezuela that they’d better not welcome the Iranian ships that are currently nowhere near Venezuela, if at some point they come by.
The warning likely means little to Venezuela, as years of US hostility to Venezuela and Iran has led the two nations to have something of a working relationship. It isn’t clear why Iran would send two ships to Venezuela, but if they did it’s likely they’ll be allowed to dock.
US warning is sheer arrogance, Venezuela doesnt need US approval for anything.
Gotta love it. Probably think it is a good.idea to make trouble for no discernable reason. “Look how tough we are”…. NOT…..!!!!!!
To: All Pentagonians;
Ye shall cower in fear of fictions until Hollywood sets you free.
What would Che say?
Interesting point. Sail up and down our East coast in international waters and use Havana as a base.
We have sent two Coast Guard cutters to Iran’s coast. I have not the slightest doubt that these ships are loaded with spy gear. That is what intelligence departments of all big countries do all of the time.
Are the Iranian ships spy ships or merely make-believe spy ships to rile the Biden administration?
If these are make-believe or else real spy ships they can just as well fake-patrol along our East Coast as along our West Coast hence it is not certain that they will sail for Venezuela.
However they need enough marine fuel and food which could be stored in he former tanker.
Will they call port in Cape Town?
It is astonishing that two relatively small Iranian war ships have the Biden administration and the Pentagon all atwitter.
Finally, if Venezuela is the destination why risk going around the Southern tip of Argentina (I presume that the Panama canal will be closed for them) when immediately sailing Eastward from Iran is less complicated?
it’s not just the hypocrisy of parking our navy along their coast, it’s the failure to acknowledge that both Iran and Venezuela have been pirated and attacked multiple times by the U.S., U.K. and Israel. It’s a perfectly rational response to our past actions.
How dare them do what the US navy has always done !
That’s certainly the Donald Trump affect….The Delusional Pentagon…! That will remain the theme for US foreign and domestic policies and specially the RetardiQAns for the years to come…!
It’s not like any US president has been Venezuela friendly in comparison to Trump. And his “affect” could be reversed if the current administration wanted to reverse it.
More of the “Rules Based Order??” Or American imposed disorder??? Does one of the Biden’s sideshow crew seek to revive the Monroe doctrine, or just rattle the sabre to act tough with with some 1? that can’t risk fighting back. Sick!!!!
….or what? Exactly what is the US going to do if Venezuela conducts perfectly legal international relations actions? Let me guess… “All options are on the table”… like attacking Venezuela or Iran for doing business with each others? While we’re at it, why isn’t anyone concerned about Israeli-Iranian business connections? When Israel buys Iranian products (and they do) aren’t they (according to the neocon wags) ‘supporting Terrorismâ„¢’?
The Monroe Doctrine is not law nor has the “force” of international law.
More like a farce of international law. Just another delusion of the same folks pedaling the “Rules Based Order” and other such pap. Their brand is “Do What We Say, not what we DO”